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committed by hand, legs, tongue, nose, or eyes. These days the prayer of Hadrat Adamas should especially be recited:48
This prayer has already been accepted. Do not spend your life in heedlessness. Anyone who eschews heedless life will hopefully never be afflicted with any great misfortune because such misfortune does not befall without divine permission. I was revealed the following prayer in this regard:49
(Malfuzat, new edition, vol. 2. p. 577)
Istighfar and Repentance The Promised Messiahas says:50
Remember, the Muslims have been bestowed two thing—one for obtaining strength and the other for the practical demonstration of the strength that has been obtained. Istighfar is for obtaining strength. It is also called seeking help. The sufis have said that as physical strength and power are fostered through 48. …‘Our Lord we have wronged ourselves; and if Thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, we shall surely be of the lost.’ (al-A‘raf, 7:24) 49. O my Lord, everything is in your service. O My Lord, protect me, and help me, and have mercy on me. 50. And that you seek forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn to Him.… (Hud, 11:4) 68