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carnal desires—we turn to our Beloved Allah and praise Him, He gives us the glad tiding of Paradise. As Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:65
But as for him who fears the station of his Lord, and restrains his soul from evil desires, the Paradise shall surely be his home.
I will present a few ahadith pertaining to the topic of rituals and customs. Hadrat ‘Aishahra has related that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘An innovation in religion which has nothing to do with matters of faith is to be rejected and is unacceptable.’ (Sahih AlBukhari, Kitab-us-Sulhi, Babu Izastalahu ‘ala sulhin jaurin) Hadrat Jabirra relates that the Holy Prophetsa addressed us and his eyes were showing redness, his voice became louder, and he was very excited as if he was warning us of an invading army. He said, ‘The enemy is about to attack you any time during the day or night.’ He also said, ‘I and the Hour have been sent in close proximity.’ (He joined his two fingers to demonstrate the closeness while he said this.) Then he added, ‘Now I tell you that the best discourse is the Book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance given by Muhammadsa. The most evil thing is to introduce innovations in religion; and every innovation leads to error.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ulJumu‘ati, Babu Takhfifis-Salati wal-Khutbah) 65. (al-Nazi‘at, 79:41–42) 106