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Condition VI
bar thinking that: ‘he would drink alcohol but I will drink coffee or some other beverage.’ Great caution is required. One day, you may be influenced by him to try just one sip and then God forbid, it becomes your habit to drink. Keep the following hadith of the Holy Prophetsa in mind: Hadrat Abu Barzahra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘I fear that you may be tempted by the lusts of the flesh and sexual cravings, and I am afraid of the evil consequences of sensual temptations.’ (Musnadu Ahmadabni Hanbal, vol. 4. p. 423, printed in Beirut)
The Promised Messiahas says: Until a man truly endeavours and works hard, he cannot attain the treasure of divine understanding which Islam contains and which brings a death upon the life tainted by sin. Allah the Almighty says very clearly:66
It is easy for someone to boast that he believes in God, and despite this claim, to lack altogether the impact caused by real belief. Such a claim would be utter nonsense. Such people have no regard for God, and God cares for them not. (AlHakam, vol. 9, No. 29, August 17, 1905, p. 6)
66. But as for him who fears to stand before his Lord, and restrains his soul from evil desires, the Garden shall surely be his home. (al-Nazi‘at, 79:41–42) 109