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is also given. Allah says, ‘I shall save you from the torment of Fire if you have the slightest degree of faith,’ as is mentioned in a hadith: Hadrat ‘Abdullahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘One whose heart has arrogance only equal to a grain will not enter Paradise and one whose heart has faith only equal to a grain will not enter Fire.’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, AlMuqaddimah, Babu Fil-Iman, Hadith No. 59)
The Promised Messiahas says: I tell you truly that on the Day of Judgement after ‘shirk’— associating partners with Allah—there will be no evil like arrogance. It is an evil that disgraces man in both the worlds. Divine mercy redresses everyone who believes in the Unity of God, but not the arrogant. Satan, too, claimed to believe in One God; however, he was arrogant and contemptuous towards Adam whom God loved. Satan criticised him and was ruined, and the yoke of curse hung around his neck. So, the first sin for which a person was eternally ruined was indeed arrogance. (A’inah-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 5, p. 598)
He goes on to say: If you have any element of arrogance, hypocrisy, conceit, or indolence, then you are not worthy of acceptance. Do not deceive yourselves over a few things, in that you have achieved what you could, because God wishes that your entire being should go through a complete revolution. He demands a death