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the fountainhead of nearness to God. There is neither fear nor grief on such people. Whoever devotes all his faculties to the path of God, and whoever is active doing truly righteous deeds with his words, conduct, movements, standing, and his entire life is purely for the sake of God, will have a special reward. God will deliver him from fear and grief. (Siraj-udDin ‘Isa’i ke Char Swalon ka Jawab, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 12, p. 344)
It is narrated in a tradition: Hadrat Mu‘awiyah Bin Haidah al-Qushairira says while narrating the story of his acceptance of Islam, ‘I reached the Holy Prophetsa and I asked him, “What message has our Lord given you for us, and what religion have you brought?” He said, “God has sent me with the religion of Islam.” I asked, “What is the religion of Islam?” Hudursa replied, “Islam is that you surrender your entire being to Allah, abandon all other deities, establish Salat, and give Zakat.”’ (1: Kanzul-‘Ummal Li ‘Alaiddin al-Muttaqi al-Hindi,Kitab-ul-Imani wal-Islami min Qismil-Af‘al. Wa fihi Arba‘atu Abwabin, Albabul awwalu, alfasluth-thani fi Haqiqatil-Islam. 2: Shu‘aabul-Imani LilBaihaqi, As-Sadis was-Sittuna min shu‘aabil-Imani wa huwa Babun fi Muba‘adatil-kuffari wal-Mufsidina wal-ghilzati ‘Alaihim)
There is another tradition: Hadrat Sufyanra says that once I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, tell me something of Islam after which I will not have to ask anyone else and I should be fully satisfied.’ Hudursa replied, ‘You should say: “I believe in Allah the Almighty, then 142