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you should implement it without any delay. I have no reservation in serving under your command, and I will continue to work as hard under you as I did when I was the commander.’ This is the high standard of obedience. Some foolish person can say that it was ‘not a good decision’ of Hadrat ‘Umarra. This is also a wrong notion. We do not know the circumstances as to why Hadrat ‘Umarra made that decision. He knew it better. There was nothing obvious in this decision that would be against the shari‘ah. Note that Allah the Almighty upheld the honour of this decision of Hadrat ‘Umarra and the battle was won. During the battle, some occasions were such that there were a hundred enemy soldiers against a single Muslim soldier, yet the battle was won. The Promised Messiahas also received the distinction to be an arbitrator and a judge in the service of his Master—a service that is unparalleled. Therefore, in this age, the claim of obedience and love for the Holy Prophetsa and the claim for love for Allah can be justified by true obedience to the Promised Messiahas, just as Allah the Almighty says:95
Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you and forgive you your faults. And Allah is most Forgiving, Merciful.’
95. (Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32) 180