Page 187 Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:46 AM
Condition X
distant from the Jama‘at, he will die in ignorance.’ (Sahih AlBukhari, Kitabul-Fitan, Babu Qaulin-Nabiyyi Sa-tarauna Ba‘di Umuran tunkirunaha) Hadrat ‘Arfajahra states that, ‘I heard the Holy Prophetsa saying that when you are gathered together on one hand and have one leader, if someone comes and tries to break your unity so that he may create divisions among you, you ought to kill him. That is, you should cut your ties with him and not listen to him, (i.e., totally ignore his instructions). (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Imarah, Babu Hukmi man Farraqa Amral-Muslimina wa huwa Mujtami‘un) It is reported from Hadrat ‘Ubadahra Bin As-Samit that we took the covenant with the Holy Prophetsa on the point that we will listen and we will obey whether we like it or dislike it. And that wherever we are, we will not dispute with the incumbent of rightful authority, we will stay firm on the truth or that we will only speak the truth and that we will not be afraid of the rebuke of anyone in matters concerning Allah the Almighty. (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Imarah, Babu wujubi Ta‘atil-Umara’i fi ghairi ma‘siyatin wa tahrimoha fil-ma‘siyah, Hadith No. 4768) Hadrat Ibn-e-‘Umarra states that the Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Whoever holds back from obedience to Allah will meet Allah the Almighty on the Day of Judgement in a condition that he would have no valid argument or excuse. And he who dies in a condition that he has not taken a pledge of allegiance with the Imam of the time would die the death of ignorance and