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The Spiritual Revolution
have never experienced before. He was our joy and leader. He departed from us after a very short time. As long as we live, we shall not forget our grief that we suffered at his death. On remembering his friendship, we feel very sad, and there is an agony of grief in our heart, and our eyes are tearful. He was full of love and devotion, and was bold enough to express it. (Fat-he-Islam, pp. 65–66, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 39)
Hadrat Qadi Dia’-ud-Dinra wrote that once he said the following to the Promised Messiahas: O my master, I find opposing wishes surging in my heart. On the one hand, I sincerely wish that the world may soon know the truth and the spiritual light of Hudur and people of all nations and faiths should come and be irrigated by this spiritual fountain which Allah the Almighty has started. But on the other hand, along with this desire, I become worried thinking that when other people may come to know you and they begin to come here in large numbers, and Hudur would visit their homes as well, then I might lose the nearness of your company and the great pleasure it gives me. Hudur, then I shall lose the opportunity and honour to sit in your company and talk with you as I do now. Such opposing wishes arise in my mind. Qadi Sahib says that the Promised Messiahas smiled on hearing these words. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 6, p. 10)
Then there is another example of Qadi Dia’-ud-Dinra. [His son] Qadi Abdur Rahim used to say that once his father mentioned an incident with relish. He said, Once I was performing the ablution (wudu) before Prayer when Hadrat Hafiz Hamid ‘Alira, an employee of the Promised Messiahas, 267