in focus
what’s the
What every health practitioner needs to tell their clients, friends, family and everyone about nnEMF Firstly what is nnEMF? EMF stands for Electro-Magnetic Frequency. You may remember you learnt about this in Physics at school. EMF describes any frequency from very high-frequency gamma rays down through x-rays, ultra-violet, visible light, infrared, microwaves to radio waves. EMF is measured in Hertz (Hz – Frequency), this is the number of cycles (waves) per second. The more cycles per second the higher the power (energy) of the wave depending on Amplitude – how big the wave is. The “nn” bit – this stands for non-native, i.e. man-made. 20
A couple of hundred years ago, there was very little or zero man-made EMF, no light (bar fire or lamps), no electricity, no radio, no microwaves, no TV, satellites, mobile phones, Bluetooth. The only EMFs that existed were natural from the sun, the earth and stars. This is what we evolved with, developed with over millions of years from when the earth held just basic life all the way up to the 18th/19th Century. Is it that risky? Yes and no. We are exposed to all sorts of naturally occurring EMF, most of which is beneficial. Infra-red is becoming a widely popular therapy method for many conditions of the skin and soft tissues, visible light is pretty handy, there are even many positive effects of UVA and UVB for hormone production, sleep, cell health and much more.