Your Health Hub

Page 36

in focus

why is pure

drinking water

so important for us?

For good health, we need safe, healthy and supportive environments. The environment we live in determines our wellbeing. Factors such as water contaminants, air quality, food and many more affect our health. Pure drinking water is one of the most important factors. Did you know that contaminated water can impose serious health risks to the human body as well as marine life? Contaminants like heavy metals, chlorine, hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides, bacteria etc. in your drinking water are harmful for all of us and affect our health but also the entire eco system. When water leaves the treatment plants it travels for hundreds of miles through pipes that have been underground since Victorian times. By the time it reaches our homes, it has picked up more contaminants through those pipes that are all affecting our health in negative ways. Plastic water bottles are also no better solution as this is equally impacting the environment and air as well as human beings due to plastic leaching into the water. The 36

impact of this, a new study suggests that globally we are ingesting an average of 5 grams of plastic every week, the equivalent of a credit card. This contamination comes from micro plastics which are making their way into our food, drinking water and even the air which long term effects on our mind, body and overall health.

What’s the solution?

Investing in a high quality under the sink filtration system means healthy drinking water straight from your tap at home, completely contaminant free, no more waste from plastic bottles and saves money. The body consists of more than 70% of water and hence clean, filtered water is the best beverage to hydrate our cells to live a long, healthy life.

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