zek HYDRO 2021

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zek HYDRO 2021




ANDRITZ Hydro is the world’s leading provider on the small hydropower plant market and provides a full spectrum of electro-mechanical equipment based on pre-defined modular components supporting the entire lifecycle

of a hydropower plant – “from waterto-wire”. We offer optimized solutions for the electro-mechanical equipment of all types of small hydropower plant, up to an output of 30 MW per unit. In more than 30 years, ANDRITZ Hydro

has supplied more than 3,000 generating units with a total installed capacity of about 10,000 MW. Every year ANDRITZ Hydro is commissioning about 100 renewable and sustainable generating units worldwide.

photo credits: Juan Enrique del Barrio


The Renaissance of Rotating Machines More Power for Swedish Hydropower Plant Innovative Isolation-Mode Power Station in Iceland StreamDiver: Minimise Complexity – Minimise Breakdowns Visualisation Systems as the Prerequisite for Modern Hydropower

ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH ⁄ www.andritz.com/hydro

Umschlag zek International 2021.indd 1 Ad_Image_CH_216x297_en_04-2021.indd 1

23.04.2021 09:57:50


07.05.2021 12:11:00


THE PASSION FOR HYDROPOWER IS IN OUR DNA GLOBAL Hydro is the primary contact worldwide for innovative hydropower technologies and a reliable partner throughout the entire lifecycle of your power plant.

Turn Key Solutions




Troyer offers high-quality construction of water turbines and hydroelectric power plants. For generations, our tailor-made solutions have helped our customers optimizing energy generation from waterpower in a safe, efficient, eco-friendly and Tel. +39 0472 765 195 troyer.it sustainable way.

Reliability beyond tomorrow.

GLOBAL Hydro Energy GmbH . 4085 Niederranna 41 . Austria . +43 7285 514 10 . info@global-hydro.eu Umschlag zek International 2021.indd 2

07.05.2021 12:11:01




n March last year, the WHO officially announced the COVID-19 situation had become a pandemic. Since then, we’ve experienced a year of upheaval, most of it for the worse. To a greater or lesser degree there have been consequences for many businesses in the hydroelectric sector, too. The virtues of stamina, persistence and composure have been of great value in the face of the extreme restrictions on travel and mobility, problems with subcontractors, complex testing programmes and the omnipresent necessity of preventing infection. In fact, more than ever we’ve depended on – and continue to depend on – our creativity and flexibility. Only those capable of adapting, and of providing the best ideas and solutions, are best-equipped to thrive in adversity. It’s not easy to identify the positives in a crisis, although there’s no doubt they exist. The realisation that team meetings don’t have to involve flying to Munich, Oslo or Lisbon will surely endure. Almost everything can be just as easily discussed in an online conference, as reflected by the astronomical growth in the market values of tech companies offering video conference services. Similarly, the option to control certain functions and facilities remotely is also here to stay, although the capacities of such systems are still limited. Despite the general atmosphere of pandemic fatigue, there have certainly been two sides to the Corona coin. The reality we knew is making way for a ‘new normal’ – a reality in which vaccination programmes are promising to return our familiar freedoms. The first warmer days of spring and the ever more comprehensive vaccination campaigns are encouraging us to look forward to a time when personal contact is the norm again. The previous Covid year has made clear to us that personal contact is something we can’t replace. Kick-starting the economy, while aiming to create a sustainable future, will require us to remain active, resolute and responsible in investing in the energy transition. Cost-cutting in the field of renewable resource development simply equates to the incineration of the natural wealth of tomorrow’s generations. IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, very recently published a new study showing that public investment in the energy transition is a direct creator of employment and, thus, a GDP growth catalyst. Consequently, raising the overall annual volume of investment in renewables to 4.5 trillion US dollars would expand the global economy by 1.3% and more or less triple employment in the sector to 30 million people. This would allow progress toward economic recovery and the achievement of climate goals to be realised harmoniously. The role of hydropower in tomorrow’s energy mix is becoming increasingly clear. It’s capacity to guarantee dispatchable generation, and to deliver reserve power and compensatory energy, will ensure it remains a central pillar of Europe’s energy supply. A prime example of its importance for Europe’s power grids occurred on the 8th January this year, when the European power grid almost collapsed. The emergency mechanisms intervened within seconds. Just an hour after the alarm had sounded, the situation had been ironed out and the grid had returned to its usual ‘cruising altitude’ of 50 Hz. Regardless of the reasons for this perilous power-out, one thing became clear very quickly: This response would not have been possible without hydropower. Within a few seconds Austria’s hydropower plants, and a number of gas power stations, managed to provide the extra energy required to prop up the grid and eradicate the threat of a general power cut – a capability none of the other renewables can guarantee. Should there ever be an actual blackout, it will again be our hydroelectric power plants that repower the electricity grid, a fact that highlights the unique status of hydropower among the renewable energies. I wish all our valued readers an enjoyable and informative time reading the latest edition of zek HYDRO.

Best regards,

Roland Gruber

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May 2021


06.05.2021 17:09:19







Short Cuts 06 Short news out of the world of hydropower SHORT CUTS

03 Editorial 04 Table of content 06 Masthead


13 The impact of climate change on hydropower production [ STUDY ]

25 VOITH StreamDiver: Perfect for the low-head segment [ TECHNOLOGY ]

14 System strength: The renais sance of rotating machines [ TECHNOLOGY ]

30 Renexpo Interhydro 2021 is gaining momentum [ EVENT ]

18 Kelag commissions new showcase power plant [ MONTENEGRO ]

31 Austrians raise efficiency of Swedish hydropower plant [ SWEDEN ]

22 New & innovative isolation-mode power station in Iceland [ ICELAND ]

34 Quantum leap for AUMA CDT software [ TECHNOLOGY ]

May 2021

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35 Human-machine interface is a pre requisite for modern hydropower [ TECHNOLOGY ]

48 Digitalisation set to play a central role in hydropower utilisation [ INTERVIEW ]

38 Hydropower technology to turn process water into energy [ TURKEY ]

51 Ductile iron pipes prove their worth in hydropower projects [ TECHNOLOGY ]

42 A century of excellence, innovati on and uncompromising quality [ JUBILEE ]

54 Flexibility, technologies and scenarios for hydropower [ TECHNOLOGY ]

44 Braun‘s trash rack cleaners in demand around the world [ TECHNOLOGY ]

58 VERBUND puts Europe‘s highest fish ladder into operation [ ECOLOGY ]

46 Tischbach HPP supplies 120 households with green energy [ SWITZERLAND ]

60 Hydropower 4.0 – implementing imagination [ TECHNOLOGY ]




zek HYDRO 2021

Global Hydro U2 Troyer U3 Andritz U4

Auma 07 BHM Ingenieure 09 Braun Maschinenfabrik 45 Gugler Waterturbines 33 Hitzinger 41 Koncar 43 Ossberger 47 Renexpo 30 TRM 53 Voith 11 Wild Metal 19 WWS Wasserkraft 40

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May 2021


10.05.2021 12:03:29


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Mag. Roland Gruber e.U. zek Verlag Brunnenstraße 1, A-5450 Werfen Tel. +43 (0)664-115 05 70 office@zekmagazin.at www.zek.at EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Mag. Roland Gruber, rg@zekmagazin.at Mobile +43 (0)664-115 05 70 EDITOR

photo credits: zek Archive

Mag. Andreas Pointinger, ap@zekmagazin.at Mobile +43 (0)664-22 82 323

Almost all of Norway’s domestic generation comes from hydroelectric power. In 2020, the country had more rainfall than average and eventually the country’s reservoirs reached their highest point since 2015.


Mario Kogler, BA, mk@zekmagazin.at Mobile +43 (0)664- 240 67 74 PRODUCTION

Mag. Roland Gruber e.U. zek Verlag Brunnenstraße 1, A-5450 Werfen Tel. +43 (0)664-115 05 70 office@zekmagazin.at www.zek.at TRANSLATION

Crossing Paths Communication Mag. Andreas Florian andreas@crossing-paths.net

graphics: ANDRITZ

ANDRITZ TO SUPPLY TWO MOTORGENERATORS FOR PSPP KÜHTAI 2 International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG) to supply two mo­ tor-generators for the new Kühtai 2 pumped storage power plant in Austria. Commissio­ ning is scheduled for 2026. The scope of sup­ ply for ANDRITZ includes two variable-speed motor-generators, each with a rated output of 95 MVA, including auxiliary equipment. The variable-speed generators will be connected to the grid via full-size converters and enable effi­ cient and optimized operation within the de­ fined head variations. Speed control is used both for controlling output in pumping mode and for extending the operating range in turbi­ ne mode. The Kühtai 2 pumped storage power plant is an extension of the existing Sell­ rain-Silz power plant group in the Längen Val­ ley of the Tyrolean Stubai Alps and will be built completely underground in a cavern. Kühtai 2 and the new Kühtai reservoir will in­ crease the generating capacity of the entire po­ wer plant group by 50 %. The power plant group serves as a sustainable energy storage facility to cover peak loads and thus contribu­ tes significantly towards stabilizing the power grids and increasing security of energy supply. ANDRITZ is one of the world's leading sup­ pliers of pumped storage technology, which is playing a vital role in the energy transition.

Figures by energy data analysts EnAppSys show that Norway exported the largest net amount of power in Europa in 2020.

3D-artwork of the new underground pumped storage power plant Kühtai 2

Roger Lord Sprachdienstleistungen www.roger-lord.at Übersetzungsdienst Dialogticket.com www.dialogticket.com PRINTING

Druckerei Roser Mayrwiesstraße 23, A-5300 Hallwang Tel.: +43 (0)662-6617 37 POST OFFICE


zek HYDRO is a non-partisan trade publication focussing on hydropower PRICE INC. POSTAGE

€ 16,- / copy inc. VAT zek HYDRO is published annually Circulation: 5,400 copies

photo credits: ANDRITZ

HYDROPOWER MAKES NORWAY EUROPE'S LARGEST ELECTRICITY EXPORTER In 2020 Norway became Europe’s largest ex­ porter of electricity. The unusually wet wea­ ther in the second half of the year heralded magnificently productive conditions for Nor­ way’s hydropower industry. Around one fifth of the electricity they generated was exported. The energy industry consultants at Enappsys Ltd. explained to Bloomberg that in the se­ cond half of the year Norway’s hydroelectric power producers had to raise the flow vol­ umes to prevent a number of dams breaking under the pressure caused by the uncommon­ ly wet weather. Norway’s prices for electricity remained low, making their offering attrac­ tive for other countries and encouraging them to cover energy requirements with the Norwegian surplus. Neighbouring countries like Denmark depend on Norwegian electri­ city. Since December NordLink cable, one of the world’s longest sub-sea power cables, has been transporting power between Norway and Germany. It's officially in operation now since end of March. The technology will en­ sure an efficient exchange of power between the countries for the next 40 years. Nord­ Link has a capacity of up to 1,400 MW.

photo credits: zek Archive



Planned Kühtai reservoir and dam in the Tyrolean Stubai Alps.

May 2021

10.05.2021 11:57:41

photo credits: GUGLER


La Yeguada hydroelectric power plant in the Veraguas province of Panama was radically modernised between April and September 2019.

HYDROPOWER PLANT ENSURES STABLE GRID SUPPLY IN PANAMA Just over a year ago the internationally renowned GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH successfully completed its most recent Latin Ameri­ can project – in Panama. On behalf of the operating company, Natur­ gy, the Upper Austrian turbine specialists fundamentally renovated the La Yeguada hydropower plant, originally built in the 1960s. The pro­ ject requirements encompassed the provision of a complete package of electro-mechanical and control technology, including two horizon­ tal-axis 3-nozzle Pelton turbines with two directly coupled synchro­ nous generators. The machines were constructed for a net head of 283.5 m and each can process a maximum discharge volume of 1,550 l/s for a nominal capacity in excess of 7.3 megawatts. GUGLER’s latest reference plant has already been commissioned in Panama and is ful­ filling its main function of achieving a significant improvement in grid stability in the immediate area. ANDRITZ and Mercedes-Benz Energy are joining forces for hybrid battery solutions.







Over more than 300 pages, Claus Zander, retired AUMA sales engineer, shares his knowledge on valve automation in hydraulic steel structures. graphics: ANDRITZ

The manual gives the basics of planning and sizing of works for hydraulic steel structures.

HYDROPOWER PLANTS GIVE OLD BATTERIES A NEW LEASE OF LIFE The question of energy storage remains a key issue for all forms of renew­able energy. Andritz AG and Mercedes-Benz Energy GmbH are now cooperating on the development of a new approach to this prob­ lem, bringing together many years of hydropower know-how and a wealth of battery expertise. Consequently Lithium-Ion batteries are now being repurposed as stationary power storage units. A minimal fall-off in performance makes them unviable for usage in electric cars, but as energy storage media they can be used for up to 10 years. More­ over, this secondary use of Lithium-Ion modules doubles their com­ mercial utilisation. Energy stored in the batteries can be made available very quickly and opens up new opportunities for power plant owners and managers. Now it’s possible to compensate the effects of volatile electrical grid feed from power plants using renewable energy sources.

Due to cease of printing, the German book is now available for free PDF download together with the recently published English translation.




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04.05.2021 May 2021



07.05.2021 11:48:02

In the future hydropower can play a major role in Uzbekistan’s energy mix.

photo credits: Wikipedia

photo credits: Tractebel


The new hydropower plant saves 770 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

photo credits: EW Höfe

photo credits: AUMA

This free guide to automating weirs, dams and sluices provides expert guidance on choosing and specifying actuators and gearboxes.

The operators of the Sihl-Höfe hydroelectric plant, EW Höfe AG, have invested around 3 million Swiss francs in the comprehensive renewal of the power plant originally commissioned in 1961.


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UZBEKISTAN PLANS TO EXPLOIT HYDROPOWER CAPACITIES Uzbekistan, a landlocked country in Central Asia, plans infrastructure to tap into unexploited water power capacity Uzbekistan’s economy is growing, as is its energy consumption. Hence, the government there is interested in investing in reliable and sustainable power generation. There are several hydropower plants already in operation – with more to follow. The master plan was compiled by the hydropower experts at Tractebel, as the company reported in an online publication at the beginning of October. On 18th June 2020 representatives of Tractebel Germany signed the contract to compile the master plan, as did the Asian Development Bank (ADB) responsible for funding the project. Hydroelectric production of around 1,85 MW has been installed so far, meaning roughly 70 of Uzbekistan’s potential is yet to be exploited. Plants of various sizes could play an key role in the country’s future energy mix. TMK HYDROENERGY BUILDS BREAZOVA 2 POWER PLANT The Czech energy producers CEZ operate TMK Hydroenergy Power in Romania and are constructing a new small-scale hydropower plant, Breazova 2, on the River Bârzava, around three kilometres downstream from Văliug (German: Franzdorf ). The new plant will aid the utilisation of the power potential available as the water flows down from the Breazova reservoir. The dam was built in 1909, during the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and originally held around 1.3 million cubic metres of water. Today, between 35 and 50 million cubic metres flow through the reservoir. The new Breazova 2 plant will harness this potential and is expected to guarantee a nominal capacity of around 367 kW, providing the grid with approximately 2.5 GWh of clean energy in an average year. This perspective is also an important support for Romania's energy policy. EXPERT GUIDE FOR HYDRAULIC STEEL STRUCTURES For many plant designers and contractors, the specialist book “Actuator technology for hydraulic steel structures” has established itself as a standard reference for the automation of weirs, dams and sluices. Originally written in German and published by Vulkan Verlag in 2012, the 300page book is now also available in English as a free PDF version. The author Claus Zander, now retired, was formerly a sales engineer at electric actuator manufacturer AUMA and is an expert on hydraulic steel structures. In the book he gives a comprehensive overview of the various automation solutions. The book supplies sound basics for the selection and sizing of actuators and gearboxes. It also offers valuable support for writing engineering specifications for tenders. PDF versions of the book are now available in German and English for free download on the AUMA website www.auma.com under Solutions > Market segments > Water. MODERNISATION OF THE SIHL-HÖFE POWER STATION The comprehensively renovated Sihl-Höfe hydropower plant in the canton of Schwyz was inaugurated in September after approx. 16 months of construction activity. The ceremonial handover to the operators was conducted by the head of the district of Höfe, Mrs. Yolanda Fumagalli. The investment of approximately 3 mio. Swiss francs ensured the operators, EW Höfe AG, can rely on the plant operating for several decades to come, and on being able to provide regionally-produced electricity from renewable energy sources for 2,000 homes. The plant officially went online in 1961, and over the course of its almost 60-year working life has produced around half a billion kilowatt-hours of green electricity. Revitalisation work involved replacing infrastructure such as the Francis turbine, the generator, machine control infrastructure and water regulation automation. Furthermore, the old, open-access 16 kV switchgear was exchanged for a modern, multiple-isolation, airtight set-up.

May 2021

07.05.2021 11:34:42




Power Plants photo credits: Orbital

Transportation Special Topics Public Sector

The Ffestiniog power station in North Wales was the first major pumped storage plant to be built in the UK.

ORBITAL MARINE POWER LAUNCHES O2 – WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL TIDAL TURBINE Orbital Marine Power Ltd (Orbital), Scottish-based developers of the world’s leading floating tidal turbine technology, successfully launched its 2 MW tidal turbine, the Orbital O2, from the Port of Dundee on 22nd April. The operation was managed by Osprey Shipping Ltd. and saw the 680-tonne tidal turbine transferred from the Forth Ports quayside facility in Dundee into the River Tay using a submersible barge. The launch marks the completion of the turbine build, managed by TEXO Fabrication, and the O2 will now be towed to the Orkney Islands where it will undergo commissioning before being connected to the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) where it will become the world’s most powerful operational tidal turbine. Speaking of the launch, Orbital’s CEO, Andrew Scott, said: “This is a huge milestone for Orbital; the O2 is a remarkable example of British cleantech innovation and the build we have completed here is an inspiring display of what a UK supply chain can achieve if given the opportunity – even under the extraordinary pressures of a pandemic.” O2 has the ability to generate enough clean, predictable electricity to meet the demand of around 2,000 UK homes and offset approximately 2,200 tonnes of CO2 production per year.

Hydro Power Thermal Power photo credits: VOITH

Biomass Special services

Future Manara pumped storage scheme with a difference in height of 700 m between upper and lower basin.

VOITH WINS MAJOR ORDERS FOR PUMPED STORAGE PLANTS IN ISRAEL With a view to expanding renewable energies and stabilizing its grid, the Israeli government had decided to expand their pumped storage capacity some years ago. Following a long and intensive project development phase, Voith Hydro was awarded the order for the Manara pumped storage plant at the beginning of February. The scope of supply includes the delivery and installation of the electrical and mechanical equipment for the complete power unit comprising pump turbine, motor-generator and control equipment including sub-systems. With an electrical output of 156 MW and an impressive head of almost 700 m, the system is distinguished in particular by its fast response times to changing grid requirements. The Manara pumped storage power plant will be located in the north of Israel. It will have two artificial reservoirs and the machine hall will be designed as an underground cavern. Following the construction of the facility, Voith Hydro together with other partners will also be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the plant for the first three years. Voith Hydro is yet again underscoring its technological and market leadership in large-scale pumped storage facilities.

BHM INGENIEURE Engineering & Consulting GmbH Europaplatz 4, 4020 Linz, Austria Telephone +43 732 34 55 44-0 office.linz@bhm-ing.com Follow us on LinkedIn!


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May 2021


27.04.2020 11:21:32

07.05.2021 11:34:43


photo credits: pixabay

Steel production in Sweden is moving away from fossil fuels.

photo credits: EKW

Engadiner Kraftwerke AG (EKW) is operating one of Switzerland’s largest hydropower plants, which is about to be fully rehabilitated and optimised.

photo credits: Ennskraft

Completion of the total refurbishment of the St Pantaleon power plant is scheduled for spring 2023. The picture shows the large generator stator being lifted out.

photo credits: VERBUND

Both storage reservoirs are linked hydraulically, with the Kleiner Mühldorfer See located around 80 m above the Großer Mühldorfer See. The difference in elevation is now utilised for hydropower generation.


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HYDROPOWER ENABLES "GREEN" STEEL PRODUCTION IN SWEDEN A new steel plant has recently opened in the Northern Swedish city of Luleå, according to a report in the Salzburger Nachrichten. The facility might set new trends for the entire steel industry. This is because unlike traditional steelworks, which run mainly on fossil fuels and emit enormous amounts of CO2, this new facility of tradition-steeped Swedish steelmaker SSAB will be operated on a climate neutral basis. Practically speaking, this means that the coal that used to be required as a reducing agent will be replaced by hydrogen. The time of smoking chimneys looks like it is coming an end. Moreover, all the other processes at the facility are energised in climate neutral fashion, primarily by means of hydropower. Energy provider Vattenfall will deliver this electricity mainly from its own hydropower plants. SSAB plans to market its climate neutral ‘eco steel’ starting in 2026. This is an example that may well catch on. EUR 26M PROJECT FOR HYDROPOWER PLANT PRADELLA Based on comprehensive research, EKW has decided to carry out extensive electromechanical refurbishment work on hydropower station Pradella in the Swiss canton of Grisons. In particular, the four machine combinations are to be refurbished. The project comprises the rehabilitation of the generator and turbines, and the replacement of the turbine rotor. Together with these, the existing generator transformers will be removed and replaced with up-to-date models. Thanks to these rehabilitation measures, EKW will be able to ensure the reliability of the Pradella facility for years to come. A particularly beneficial result is the one to two percent increase in overall output that the refurbishment is expected to achieve. It will allow an additional 3,000 households to be supplied with renewable hydropower from the Engadin region. EKW’s is investing SFR 26 million in this project. POWER STATION ON THE ENNS RIVER TO BE FULLY REFURBISHED Since 1995 hydropower plant St Pantaleon on the Enns river in Austria has been generating 239 mio. kWh of energy p.a.. This makes it one of the most powerful facilities operated by Ennskraft. The two installed hydropower machines have their water supplied via a 6 km headrace channel. One of the two machines is equipped with a single-phase generator that is dedicated exclusively to providing energy for the ÖBB (Austrian Railways). After more than 55 years it is now time to replace both machines. The complete rehabilitation includes the refurbishment of the generators along with the refurbishment of the entire control and automation equipment and the energy output system. The runners will also be replaced. The runners are designed by Voith Hydro and cast by Voestalpine Traisen. Taken together, these measures will increase the energy output enough to supply an additional 1,200 households. VERBUND PLEDGES LARGE INVESTMENT IN FUTURE OF ENERGY VERBUND recently announced its decision to invest more than half a billion euros in the construction of Austrian pumped-storage projects Limberg III (in Kaprun in the province of Salzburg) and Reißeck II+ (in the province of Carinthia). These are landmark projects in terms of energy efficiency and sustainable power supply, and they will also provide a significant boost to Austria’s national economy. As VERBUND’s CEO, Michael Strugl, comments, “Having large, flexible pumped-storage power plants available is essential if we are going to achieve the envisioned energy turnaround on the path to a CO2-free energy supply. It’s facilities like these that make the integration of energy from volatile sources like wind and sunlight possible in the first place. By reinforcing our existing green batteries in the Alps we at VERBUND are doing our bit to make that possible.” Two-thirds of the energy industry’s investment volume will remain in Austria to create added value.

May 2021

07.05.2021 12:59:18


Keep your energy flowing Small Hydro HyService Small Hydro HyService from Voith is the partner of choice throughout the entire life cycle of your hydropower plant. With our proactive services and customized service agreements, your hydropower plant will run at maximum profitability. In Austria and worldwide our experts will

help you get the most out of your plant: smooth interaction of all components, maximum availability and optimized productivity.

A Voith and Siemens Company


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06.05.2021 17:16:03

For one thing, the floating solar cells are kept cool and more efficient. There is less dust to soil the cells on the water. As an additional benefit, covering the water surfaces with floatovoltaics would reduce vaporisation and curb the growth of algae.

photo credits: Global Hydro

photo credits: pixabay


In addition to the stay vane and throat rings, as well as the draft tube cone and bearings, the refurbishment specialists from the Austrian Mühlviertel region also remanufactured the entire turbine runner.

photo credits: illwerke vkw

photo credits: RADAG

Operator RADAG invested around EUR 43 million in the comprehensive refurbishment and modernisation of marginal power plant Albbruck-Dogem, which was initially inaugurated in 1930.

illwerke vkw’s Rodund I facility in Vandans is to be completely refurbished in 2021.


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"FLOATOVOLTAICS" IN HYDROPOWER RESERVOIRS HAVE BENEFITS They are called “floatovoltaics” – photovoltaic cells that are mounted on buoys that are set afloat on a water surface. When linked to a reservoir, this concept offers several advantages. There is no need to purchase premises to operate them on, and installation is easy. The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory has issued a study that shows the potential behind the concept. Up to 10,600 TWh of energy could be generated if floatovoltaics were to be implemented world­wide on existing hydropower reservoirs. Compare this to the global annual energy consumption in 2018, which was 24,700 TWh. By combining on-site hydro and solar power, any excess solar energy generated this way could be utilised for pumping water from lower levels up to higher elevated reservoirs. Overnight the water could then be discharged again to drive turbines for energy production. Best of all, the entire infrastructure for feeding the solar energy to the grid exists already. SUCCESSFUL REFURBISHMENT OF FINNISH SMALL-SCALE PP Last summer internationally renowned hydropower specialist Global Hydro Energy successfully completed its first project in the Finnish market. Hydropower station Puhos in the south-eastern part of the country was completely refurbished and had its electrical equipment as well as its control and automation system brought up to current standards. Central to this project was the full revitalisation of an almost 50-year-old Kaplan turbine in a horizontal pit, which was designed for a design flow rate of 20 m³/s. Additionally, Global Hydro delivered a synchronous generator with direct turbine shaft coupling. Now that it is back in operation, the completely refurbished and updated machine combination achieves a bottleneck capacity of around 800 kW. This amounts to an increase in output power of more than 10 percent, with the head and design flow rate remaining unchanged. REFURBISHMENT COMPLETED AFTER FIVE YEARS Operator RADAG, which is owned by RWE Group by 77 percent, has successfully completed the revitalisation of its marginal power plant Albbruck-Dogern on the High Rhine this summer, business online portal econo.de reports. The extensive refurbishment was finalised with the installation of a third Kaplan turbine, which has a bottleneck capacity of 28 MW. RADAG’s investment in this large-scale project amounted to EUR 43 million. The refurbished turbines and related systems have enabled a remarkable increase of 13 % in the plant’s output capacity, which translated into electrical energy for a further 13,000 households per normal year. Located at the border between Germany and Switzerland, the facility has been in constant operation from its inauguration in 1930 until its refurbishment, which commenced in 2015 and was completed in several stages. ILLWERKE VKW INVESTS EUR 194 MILLION IN HYDROPOWER With its construction budget for 2021 illwerke vkw’s supervisory board has given the go-ahead for new projects to the tune of EUR 282 million. Projects in the company’s hydropower segment will focus on bringing existing facilities up to current technical standards and improving their efficiency. A budget of EUR 194 million has been allocated to these undertakings, which are set to increase the amount of self-produced energy from clean hydropower. Of all the projects on the agenda, the largest ones are the complete refurbishment of hydropower facilities Vermunt (EUR 71 m) and Rodund (EUR 41 m). Further projects include new generators for hydropower plant Langenegg and a full refurbish­ ment of hydropower plant Klösterle. Both will enable the utilisation of additional renewable energy from domestic sources. Around EUR 57 m of the approved budget are earmarked for the Energy Networks segment and will contribute to sustaining a highly reliable energy supply.

May 2021

07.05.2021 11:49:26


photo credits: pixabay

Global warming is threatening the world’s water supplies, posing a significant threat to hydropower generation.

EXPLORING THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON HYDROPOWER PRODUCTION A new study by researchers from IIASA and China investigated the impacts of different levels of global warming on hydro­ power potential and found that this type of electricity generation benefits more from a 1.5°C than a 2°C climate scenario. The scientists are convinced that the study could significantly contribute to establishing a basis for decision making on energy ­security under 1.5°C and 2°C global warming scenarios.


n a sustainable and less carbon-intensive future, hydropower will play an increasingly crucial role as an important source of renewable and clean energy in the world’s overall energy supply. In fact, hydropower generation has doubled over the last three decades and is projected to double again from the present level by 2050. Global warming is how­ever threatening the world’s water supplies, posing a significant threat to hydropower generation, which is a problem in light of the continuous increase in energy demand due to global population growth and socio­ economic development. The study, undertaken by researchers from IIASA in collaboration with colleagues at several Chinese institutions and published in the journal Water Resources Research, employ­ed a coupled hydrological and techno-economic model framework to identify optimal locations for hydropower plants under global warming levels of 1.5°C and 2°C, while also considering gross hydropower potential, power consumption, and economic factors. According to the authors, while determining the effects of different levels of global warming has become a hot topic in water resources research, there are still relatively few

studies on the impacts of different global warming levels on hydropower potential. The researchers specifically looked at the potential for hydropower production under the two different levels of warming in Sumatra, one of the Sunda Islands of western Indonesia. Sumatra was chosen as it is vulnerable to global warming because of sea level rise, and the island’s environmental conditions make it an ideal location for developing and utilizing hydropower resources. They also modeled and visualized optimal locations of hydropow­ er plants using the IIASA BeWhere model, and discussed hydropower production based on selected hydropower plants and the reduction in carbon emissions that would result from using hydropower instead of fossil fuels. The results show that global warming levels of both 1.5°C and 2°C will have a positive impact on the hydropower production of Sumatra relative to the historical period. The ratio of hydropower production to power demand provided by 1.5°C of global warming is how­ ever greater than that provided by 2°C of global warming under a scenario that assumes stabilization without overshooting the target after 2100. This is due to a decrease in precipitation and the fact that the south east of

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Indonesia observes the highest discharge decrease under this scenario. In addition, the reduction in CO2 emissions under global warming of 1.5°C is greater than that achieved under global warming of 2°C, which reveals that global warming decreases the benefits necessary to relieve global warming levels. The findings also illustrate the tension be­ tween greenhouse gas-related goals and ecosystem conservation-related goals by considering the trade-off between the protected areas and hydropower plant expansion. “Our study could significantly contribute to establishing a basis for decision making on energy security under 1.5°C and 2°C global warming scenarios. Our findings can also potentially be an important basis for a large range of follow-up studies to, for instance, investigate the trade-off between forest conservancy and hydropower development, to contribute to the achievement of countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement,” concludes study lead author Ying Meng, who started work on this project as a participant of the 2018 IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP). She is currently affiliated with the School of Environment at the Harbin Institute of Technology in China. May 2021


06.05.2021 17:20:57


photo credits: Adobe Stock

The smart solution for modern grids


THE RENAISSANCE OF ROTATING MACHINES A changing generation portfolio is profoundly impacting the ability of Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to maintain the stability of the transmission network. Synchronous condensers are the optimum solution for this purpose, both now and in the future.


hough the clean energy transition offers economic and environmental benefits, it also presents a number of challenges. One of the key mechanisms to reduce climate-changing carbon emissions is through the deployment of renewable electricity generation such as wind and solar. However, the variability of such energy sources can significantly affect the power transmission and distribution grid as well as the quality of the electricity supplied. For the TSOs tasked with maintaining the stability of the grid, the massive introduction of clean energy to an existing and limited transmission infrastructure is a difficult issue to resolve.


PV and wind parks must therefore be inte­ grated into the grid while considering the conditions and limitations of today’s power system. In fact, the requirements for adaptation, expansion and interconnection of the transmission system to better balance the supply and demand of power are going to take years or even decades to realize. The synchronous condenser is the perfect tool to cope with these challenges. Any imbalance between the supply and demand of energy can affect the grid frequency, which can then drift from the desired nominal frequency (e.g. 50 Hz or 60 Hz). For example, when there is an excess of generation the frequency tends to rise as generators acce-

lerate. Gross changes in load and reactive ­power can also affect the voltage. THE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CHALLENGE Rapid changes in either power supply or demand can be particularly challenging, for example when a large generator trips off line. Where an electricity system is dominated by renewables, similar effects are seen when the wind drops suddenly, or cloud cover affects a large solar power plant. The Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) indicates the robustness of a power system to withstand sudden system imbalances after such events and grid codes typically specify the ride-through limits for RoCoF events, such as 0.5 Hz per second.

May 2021

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For more than 120 years, ANDRITZ has supplied numerous synchronous and non-synchronous machines, mainly for generation purposes. About 5,000 units are in service all over the world relying on decades of extensive experience in plant and system integration in the renewable energy business.

Foto: PI Mitterfellner

photo credits: Andritz

photo credits: Andritz


For TSOs synchronous condensers are able to provide stabilization capabilities that are being lost from the grid due to the the transformation of the generation mix.

deployed when required. Today, TSOs worldTraditionally, grid stability is maintained by HVDC connections. These are connected via wide are seeking out new methods to add inthe large rotating generators that are found in power electronics and do not provide signifiertia to the grid. conventional thermal or nuclear power plants. cant system inertia. In addition, renewable These huge machines might weigh several energy typically benefits from dispatch prioriTHE SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSER SOLUTION hundreds of tonnes and when rotating at, perty when it is available. Correspondingly, conOne technology that offers considerable behaps 3,600 rpm, possess considerable physical ventional rotating generation units are renefits to the grid is the synchronous condeninertia. This inertia is invaluable when absorquested to reduce their output and ser, a synchronous rotating machine operabing potential shocks to the transmission sysconsequently further reducing system inertia. ting as a motor with no tem and any variability between supmechanical load. As a massive ply and demand. It is very hard to rotating machine, the synchrorapidly accelerate or decelerate such “ANDRITZ’ top-tier synchronous condenser technology nous condenser is able to provilarge machines, which provides an improves the performance of power generation facilities and de grid inertia with excellent inherent stability and therefore suffigrid stability and increases revenue for the customers.” availability. As synchronous macient time for other reserves to be chines are electro-magnetically put in place. coupled to the power system, However, the energy transition has they are a source of system strength. seen large volumes of conventional thermal As a result of these changes, TSOs need to both monitor system inertia and take appro­ Indeed, synchronous condensers have been generation decommissioned to be replaced by priate action to ensure enough inertia can be used within the transmission network since non-synchronous renewable sources or

Relationship between system inertia and Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) in a changing world with increased penetration of non-synchronous renewable energy power generation (wind and solar PV)

System inertia (GVA.s)

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photo credits: granted by the customer

the beginning of the last century where they ver sufficiently large amounts of system inertia which contribute only up to their rated capacihave provided various grid services, like vol­ to attenuate or avoid any high Rate of Change ty (110 %) to the available short circuit power. tage regulation and reactive power services. of Frequency events. They also support TSOs After a steady decline in the use of synchro- by injecting dynamic reactive currents into the ANDRITZ Synchronous Condensers, for exnous condensers due to the introduction of grid during and after faults, therefore they are ample, can provide up to five times more (500 solid-state compensation devices – such as the able to prevent voltage collapse and have been %) short-circuit power than their rated capaciStatic VAR Compensator (SVC) that provides used to provide this function for many deca- ty and can also provide a time-limited overload reactive power when needed – today, the de- des. capability, sustaining 200 % for 30 seconds for mand of synchronous condensers is now expe- Short-circuit power also plays a vital role in the instance, when responding to reactive power riencing a strong resurgence. Synchronous proper functioning of the protection system of demands. condensers not only provide Short circuit power capacity is so inertia and variable reactive important that some PV project power to support the transdevelopers have even proposed “Demanding new regulatory requirements and a cleaner, mission system voltage duadding synchronous condensers more diversified energy mix are giving rise to new issues for ring events, but they are also in order to secure a TSO connecable to deliver a range of tion approval for their PV parks. electricity grid operators tasked with maintaining a stable additional ancillary services Last but not least, it is important energy supply. The synchronous condenser is a reliable, for grid operators that into note that synchronous conproven, and cost-effective solution.” crease the robustness of the densers can also absorb harmosystem. nics caused by inverter-based generation such as solar. NOT JUST INERTIA FOR GRID STABILITY the transmission grid. It is typically mandatory Considering all the benefits that a synchronous Synchronous condensers are rotating compen- that enough shortcircuit power is available at condenser can provide with an extensive range sators that provide a number of critical services the connection point for power generators. of ancillary services to the grid in addition to to grid operators. To stabilize the grid during This is particularly important for non-synchro- inertia, synchronous condensers represent an imbalances, synchronous condensers can deli- nous power generators such as wind or solar, attractive investment with elevated levels of return.


NEW BUILD VS EXISTING ASSETS The global trend to retire fossil-fuelled generation plants is a significant factor in the loss of system inertia, but such facilities may be repurposed to act as synchronous condensers. The conversion process is beneficial as it allows asset owners to retain residual asset value while securing the grid benefits of a large rotating machine. In addition, such facilities are located at appropriate locations with good grid connections. HVDC substations also require precisely those qualities that can be supplied by synchronous condensers and are often co-located with existing generation assets. ANDRITZ offers conversion services to ensure these benefits are retained, increasing the return on investment. They can also supplement existing facilities with the addition of rotating flywheels or by increasing the rotating mass of the machine.

May 2021

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07.05.2021 11:59:21

photo credits: Andritz


Weihnachten 2022 soll das Sanierungsprojekt an den Wehrfeldern abgeschlossen sein.

Marmeleiro and Livramento 3, Brazil; supply of three synchronous condenser systems for grid services.

With well over a century of experience designing, manufacturing, supplying, installing, integrating, operating and maintaining a vast range of rotating electrical machines, ANDRITZ has a comprehensive reference list. Indeed, more than 5,000 synchronous generating units are in service today. For all kinds of synchronous condenser solutions, from greenfield projects to modernization and uprating, ANDRITZ always delivers top-tier solutions. In Brazil, for example, ANDRITZ is currently

supplying three synchronous condenser systems for grid services, three new long-distance transmission lines. One system is being installed at the existing 525-kV Marmeleiro 3 sub­ station with another two systems at the new Livramento 230 kV substation. The scope of supply also comprises the step-up transformer, circuit breaker, automation, control and protection systems, as well as monitoring systems for the synchronous condenser and qualities such as vibration, air gap and partial discharge.

THE SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSER Roland Kistner,RENAISSANCE Projektleiter bei Energiedienst ANDRITZ’ advanced designs offer a range of technical features such as reduced friction flywheels based on vacuum technology, direct air-cooling systems, sophisticated hydrogen/ water cooling systems, and Totally Enclosed Water to Air Cooling (TEWAC), as well as salient pole and cylindrical rotor solutions with static and rotating high efficiency excitation systems. The ANDRITZ portfolio covers a range of standardized and tailor-made synchronous condenser solutions. In addition, advanced monitoring systems and sophisticated analysis of power flow, transients, grounding, insulation Thomas Kohlbrenner, coordination, Verantwortlicher fürprotection Stauanlacoordination, and dynamic im performance allow gen und Maschinentechnik Asset Management the selection or design of the optimum synchronous condenser solution to meet the requirements of any specific project. Synchronous condensers are a cost-effective and reliable solution and are able to address issues affecting grid stability when faced with increasing volumes of variable renewable energy and a corresponding loss of system inertia. Furthermore, synchronous condensers are able to supply a host of additional ancillary services. These services are increasingly required by grid operators if they are to maintain system security and stability of supply during the clean energy transition. As a well-established and proven technology in many global markets, the synchronous condenser is experiencing a renaissance.

AUTHORS Leonardo Sepulveda Serdar Kadam hydronews@andritz.com

BENEFITS • Reliable proven technology • Cost-effective • Increased revenue • Providing inertia – improving stability • Short circuit power – essential for system protection • Dynamic voltage support – overload capability • Implemented in already existing graphics: Andritz

infrastructure • Reactive power • Ancillary services

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May 2021


07.05.2021 11:59:22


Foto: zek


Foto: zek photo credits: Interenergo

Mithilfe von Bruchsteinen undpower Schüttungen die Wasserfassung The Vrbnica plant in wurde far north-west Montenegro für das neue Kraftwerk Alvierbach Vorarlberger Brandnertal has been in operation sinceimNovember last year. The new naturnah Diewith Anlage, die seit capacity Februar of letzten Jahres small gestaltet. power plant an installed 6 megawatts in Betrieb ist, erzeugt Stromsubsidiary für rund 1.700 Haushalte. was builtgrünen by Kelag's Interenergo d.o.o.

In autumn 2020, KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft commissioned a new small hydropower plant in northwest Montenegro. The energy service provider carried out the project over a period of three years with its Slovenia-based sub­ sidiary Interenergo d.o.o. Kelag did not just pay special attention to the technical design of the 6 MW power plant, it mainly paid attention to winning over the Montenegrin population. Numerous discussions were held in the run-up to the project, local residents were included in the plans and the benefits of the project as well as the unavoidable impact on surrounding nature were communicated in a clear and transparent way. The operators used modern Coanda systems from Wild Metal GmbH, the South Tyrolean hydraulic steelwork specialist, in order to operate the power plant with as little maintenance as possible.


by piece and later reconstructed at its new location from the original pieces. A NEW SINGLE-STAGE POWER PLANT CONCEPT Plans were simultaneously pored over during the implementation of the project, such as how to get the best possible use out of the

photo credits: Interenergo


ontenegro is seen, quite rightly, as a hydropower country. The hydropower plants in this small Balkan state produce around 5.4 billion kWh per year (Source: Laenderdate.info). This means that hydropower provides the lion's share of around 69 % of the country's total electricity generation. One of its hydropower plants stands out from the rest and is known beyond the county's local borders: It is the Piva power plant which has a total installed capacity of 360 MW. This is a megaproject dating from the Yugoslavian era which was realized in the first half of the 1970s. Mratinje dam's specially built 220 m high concrete arch dam was one of the highest in the whole of Europe for a long time. The damming led to the formation of the Piva Lake, which is Montenegro's second large lake covering 12.5 km2. The small town of Plužine, which was lost in the process, was rebuilt on the shores of the dam. All that was preserved was the famous Piva Kloster, which was previously removed piece

body of water in the upper reaches. Taking the Vrbnica River as an example, engineers from Titos had envisaged a three-stage project with a small dam wall. However nothing was to come of it, as Sebastjan Rozman, engineer at Interenergo and proven expert in all questions relating to hydropower in the Bal­

The energy transmission through the wooded hills had to be specifically built for this.

May 2021

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UPHILL STRUGGLE FOR BACKING However, the challenges of the technical realization caused the team fewer headaches than the social aspect of the project. "You can have approval by the State in Montenegro, but if you don't have the support of the Montenegrin population and each of the affected municipalities and residents, you don't build. This causes so many projects to fail”, explains project manager Sebastjan Rozman, adding: “It was therefore part of our strategy to involve the local population and all those affected as much as possible in the project. That was very time-consuming and roughly took a year but was ultimately the reason for the project's success. Some of things that we endeavoured to do was to create a synergy effect so that the municipalities, the local residents and the population also benefited. Evidence of this was the construction of a penstock whose route followed a

A Coanda system of the type Grizzly Protec Vibro Bars 2500 from Wild Metal was installed for water catchment. The 10 Coanda modules are designed with a suction capacity of altogether 3,000 l/s.

Aufgrund des äußerst starken Grundwasserdrangs wurde die Baustelle komplett umspundet.

photo credits: Interenergo

Foto: zek

kans, confirms: “Such a project would come nowhere close to being approved today". It was therefore obvious to us that we required a completely new concept at this site. The question that we'd been asking ourselves for a long time was: Should we build two stages, or will it work with one?" Interenergo subsequently carried out preliminary investigations at the site and developed the first project designs with the Kelag planning team in 2015. It became apparent that the optimal solution would be a single-stage high pressure power plant with a 6-jet pelton turbine. This would also determine the winner of the 2017 internal concession tender. Mountains scatter the region close to the border with Bosnia-Herzegovina, reaching 2,000 m above sea level, along with woodland. An area where questions of accessibility were raised, and energy transport do not play an insignificant role.

Foto: illwerke vkw


country road where a drinking water pipeline had been built covering long stretches of land. The old drinking water supply network had already reached the end of its technical service life, therefore a decision was made to replace it when laying the new pipes. Another example was a small tunnel through which the mountain road leads: "The rockfall gallery had to be urgently restored. Therefore we came to a compromise with the community in which we would restore the tunnel from top to bottom. In return we were allowed to lay the pressure pipeline here," says Rozman. A win-win situation for both parties. MAINTENANCE-FREE SOLUTIONS The small power plant is a high-pressure sys-

tem that uses water from the Vrbnica. A Tyrolean weir with an installed Coanda system was built at 980 m above sea level for this purpose, downstream from a small desanding structure. The operators opted for the Grizzly Protec Vibro Bars 2500 System by Southtyrol-based Wild Metal, a company well-known in the industry. This type of rake is a further development of the well-known Grizzly Protec. Like its classic predecessor, it consists of a coarse screen and an underlying fine screen. The special placement of the protection bars prevents material i.e. bed load or floating debris from settling or causing jams. This reduces the already minimal maintenance costs and increases the operating reliability even in winter.

Wild Metal GmbH • Hydraulic steelwork • Patented Coanda-system GRIZZLY • Trash rack cleaning machines • Different type of gates • Safety valves • Different fine and course screens • Entire water intake system made of steel Wild Metal GmbH Handwerkerzone Mareit Nr. 6 • I-39040 Ratschings (BZ)

Tel. +39 0472 759023 Fax +39 0472 759263

www.wild-metal.com info@wild-metal.com

KW_Vrbnica_e.indd 19

We clean water May 2021


07.05.2021 12:31:02

Foto: MUHR photo credits: Interenergo

Foto: zek

Foto: MUHR


GRP pipes of the type Superlit DN1400 type (picture on the left) were laid over a total distance of around 3 kilometers. The pipe route largely followed an existing country road.

quite narrow in many areas of the narrow mountain road, since around 2.5 m was required along with bedding." ELABORATE CONSTRUCTION: CONSTRUCTION OF THE HIGH-VOLTAGE LINE The power house, where the mechanical heart of the system is located, was built at around 718 m above sea level: a 6-jet, vertical-axis Pelton turbine, designed for an expected 30 to 40 days full load. The turbine has a power rating of 6.4 MW, with a suction capacity of 3 m3/s. It drives a brushless, directly coupled synchronous generator at 600 rpm. A powerful, robust machine that guarantees a reliable power supply for centuries. The new Vrbnica power plant will generate around 18.5 GWh of clean electricity in a normal year, which meets the needs of around 8,000 households. The energy is transported via an 8 km long 35

photo credits: Interenergo

photo credits: Interenergo

CONSTRAINTS OF SPACE WHEN INSTALLING PIPES The work water is then fed from the desanding structure into a penstock which was built using GRP pipes manufactured by Superlit. The route extends over around 3000 m from the water catchment to the power house and overcomes a natural gradient of around 263 m. Most of the pipeline was laid in the existing country road. The plastic pipes, reinforced with glass fibre, proved not only to be the most economical solution for the penstock, but also a very practical one. Last but not least, the low weight eases handling and installation. In specific terms, the pipes that were used had a pressure class of PN16 to PN32 with a diameter of DN1400. Rozman mentions the confined space as the main constructural challenge: "Since the drinking water pipe had been laid in the road over a large distance, the space for the pressure pipes was

kV line, which had to be specially built for this purpose. "The energy transmission from the dam was quite clearly one of the key challenges of the project. The terrain through which it leads is rugged, steep in areas, densely wooded and difficult to access. It therefore took around a year to erect the high-voltage line, including a substation", remembers Rozman. The high-voltage equipment, the sub­ stations and the transformers were realized by Siemers, as well as the entire control and pneumatical machinery of the power plant. FLOODING AND CORONA PULL THE BRAKES The course of the construction work in the remote mountainous region of north-west Montenegro would ultimately prove to be very challenging, as civil engineer Rozman confirms: "We were confronted with several smaller and larger challenges". This con-

Technical Data • Flow Rate: 3.0 m3/s • Head: 263 m • Turbine: 6-nozzle Pelton Turbine • Nominal Output: 6.4 MW • Generator: Synchronous Generator • Runner Speed: 600 rpm • Desanding: Coanda-System • Manufacturer: Wild Metal • Type: Grizzly Protec Vibro Bars 2500 • Rake Field Width: 11.5 m Modules: 10 pcs. • Clearance Fine Screen: 1.0 mm • Intake Capacity: 3.000 l/s • Coarse Screen: Clear Width: 30 mm • Penstock: DN1400 Length: 3.050 m • Material: GRP Manufacturer: Superlit • PN16 - PN32 SN10.000


• Commissioning: November 2020 • Average Output: 18.5 GWh p.a.

photo: zek

• Electrical Equipment & Control: Siemens Image to the left: Turbine assembly: The volute casing and distribution pipeline were delivered and lifted into position in May last year. It is a 6-jet vertical axis Pelton turbine with 6 MW of power. Image to the right: The construction works for the construction of the 8 kilometre long 35 kV power line took approximately one year.

May 2021

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cerned securing an unstable slope, or also reinforcing one or the other bridges on the access routes. This also presented logistical questions: For instance, the trucks were not allowed to exceed a certain height or weight." Yet it was the torrential nature of the Vrbnica that caused the largest number of headaches, causing some minor floods and two severe floods. "Thankfully, there were no injuries, however a few structures and sheet pile walls were torn away, which led to small delays". Another difficulty which by far caused the greatest loss of time was Corona. The pandemic slowly began to hamper the progress of the work. "Unfortunately not all work can be done via "remote-control." You often need to have specialists on site. We ran into certain obstacles as travelling in particular, but also opportunities for subcontractors, were limi-

ted. Great flexibility was needed to progress the audit in the difficult phase. We likely lost half a year due to Corona" said the project manager. INVESTOR WITH RESPONSIBILITY The final milestone was finally reached in November last year: The Vrbnica power plant fed electricity to the public grid for the first time. Since then the plant is in the first few months of operation and has already proven its operative worth. Nowadays it not only makes an important contribution to the region's supply, but also serves to stabilize a distribution network that is not always entirely secure, as Rozman confirms: "There always used to be power failures in this area during the winter. The new power plant is now helping to reduce these power failures to a minimum."

With almost 19 GWh of standard operational capacity, it is a small hydropower plant, yet one of the largest in the country. "Strictly spea­king it is actually the third largest hydropower plant in Montenegro", according to Rozman. He does see significant potential for further expansion, but a strong headwind for new projects. "NGOs voiced their disapproval for a new power plant. The main reason for this is that it is not only serious investors who tender. We can only distance ourselves from that. After all, we see ourselves a longterm owner who has responsibility towards nature, the environment and the local population; we are not short-term speculators. We decommission a power plant if, for example, too little water flows. Unfortunately, this does not apply to all investors in the Balkans. ­Rozman: There must be more positive examples like that of KW Vrbnica so that new power plants in the Balkans are not categorically refused. This would be twice as regrett­ able especially in the case of Montenegro, but at the same time the country does have the highest hydropower potential per inhabitant in the whole of Europe. The power plant produces around 18.5 GWh of clean electricity during a normal year.

photo credits: Interenergo

The rockfall gallery was renovated at the same time as the pipes were laid.

Foto:Interenergo illwerke vkw photo credits:

Project manager Sebastjan Rozman from Interenergo on the construction site.

An efficient yet extremely low-maintenance solution for water catchment: the Coanda system by Wild Metal.

photo credits: Interenergo

photo credits: Interenergo


Für die Experten steht heute fest: Das sporadische Ausbaggern und Spülen der Sedimente ist kein nachhaltiges Konzept eines modernen Sedimentmanagements.

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May 2021


07.05.2021 12:31:10

Foto: Rittmeyer photo credits: Global Hydro


UPPER AUSTRIAN HYDROPOWER SPECIALIST EQUIPS INNOVATIVE ISOLATION-MODE POWER STATION IN ICELAND Last summer, at the northern end of Iceland, the Holsvirkjun hydroelectric power station, yet another small-scale hydropower plant went online in an island state dominated by hydroelectric production. The plant was equipped to the very latest standards of hydropower technology, most of the infrastructure being provided by the internationally active Upper Austrian hydropower specialists at Global Hydro. As well as the 6-nozzle 6.7-MW Pelton turbine, the turnkey provider also supplied the entire control infrastructure for the power plant, the latter being the central technical pillar of the project. Ultimately, the aim was to guarantee a sophisticated regulation approach to balance out the peaks and troughs in demand on the grid serving the small local town of Akureyri, the frequency deviations, and for the plant to be able to guarantee isolated operation.


ner, at the end of January 2019. The compre­ hensive overall order was for a vertical 6-jet Pelton turbine, a ball inlet valve, hydraulic generator, synchronous generator, and for the plant’s electrical and control infrastructure. The contract was successfully completed over the following 16 months.

POTENTIAL FOR GRID OPTIMISATION Preparations for the Holsvirkjun small-scale hydroelectric power plant had been under­ way since 2011. The goal was to realise a sig­ nificant improvement to the previously unsa­ tisfactory grid power supply to the small town of Akureyri. Until recently the power photo credits: Global Hydro


celand is a country with far more to offer than glaciers, volcanos and geysers. It is also a country of hydroelectric power pro­ duction. No less than three quarters of the island’s energy demands are covered by hy­ dropower plants. Hence, the island in the far north of Europe is one of the continent’s hy­ dropower hotspots. Experienced hydroelec­ tric station managers are increasingly relying on the practical and theoretical expertise of­ fered by businesses from the central alpine regions – businesses like Global Hydro Ener­ gy. The innovative Upper Austrian hydro­ power specialists have already successfully implemented around 30 hydroelectric pro­ jects in Iceland. One of their latest reference projects is the Holsvirkjun hydropower plant in the north of the island – a drive of around 30 minutes from the small town of Akureyri. The order to equip the small-scale hydro­ power plant in the north of the island was submitted to the Upper Austrian water pow­ er experts by Orkuver, a local Icelandic part­

The new plant harnesses the power of rivers from two different valleys.

May 2021

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Foto: Glanzer

The new Holsvirkjun power plant in northern Iceland. Equipped by Global Hydro with the latest technology it contributes significantly to a reliable power supply in the small town of Akureyri.

SPECIAL TURBINE HOUSING The power house was given a compact design that blended well with Iceland’s natural sur­ roundings. A 35-ton indoor crane was instal­ led in order to manoeuvre the heavy machi­ nery and components correctly, and for conducting maintenance tasks. Delivery of the electro-mechanical infrastructure post­ poned until last March due to construction delays caused by extreme weather at the cons­ truction site. The machines were transported from the Global Hydro works in Niederran­

Foto: PI Mitterfellner

The vertical-axis 6-nozzle Pelton turbine drives a directly coupled synchronous generator. It has been set up to produce around 6.7 MW of power.

na to Rotterdam, and from there to Reykja­ vik by ship. The experience, expertise and technical flexi­ bility of the Upper Austrian turbine manu­ facturers were also required to find the best way of arranging and installing the turbine to suit local conditions. Philipp Meindl ex­ plains: “Part of our job is to adapt solutions to the prevailing conditions on site and to the special requirements expressed by the custo­ mer. In this case the customer asked for wel­ ding activity at the plant to be kept to a mi­ nimum. The response of our construction designers was to produce a solution for the turbine housing that involved just one single photo credits: Global Hydro

Foto: Glanzer

supply had been dependent upon several die­ sel generators; an unacceptable situation for a country with such a climate-conscious popu­ lation. Following a comprehensive period of preli­ minary planning, a concept was developed for a plant served by two separate rivers – and was finally ready for implementation in 2018. This required the construction of two transverse structures to produce a certain de­ gree of water volume build-up. Philipp Meindl, Global Hydro’s project manager, outlines the operation of the plant as follows: “The two reservoirs were established in their respective valleys at approximately 315 m above sea level. The penstocks leading down from each reservoir join in a surge tank at around 310 m above sea level, from which the works water is guided down a single pipe­ line to the machine room at just 60 m above sea level.” The penstock down to the power house consists of about 6000 m of glassfibre-reinforced piping (GRP) and transports a maximum water volume of 3.2 m³/s.

photo credits: Global Hydro


screwed joint, although the overall diameter was around 7 metres.” Global Hydro sent two supervisors to Iceland to ensure all chal­ lenging assembly procedures ran smoothly – one for mechanical and one for the electrical aspects of installation. Obviously, protective Corona rules and restrictions also had to be strictly adhered to, as did the legally-required quarantine measures, all of which was subject to continuous monitoring. COMPENSATION OF LOAD JUMPS The main challenge for the Global Hydro team was to guarantee island mode operabili­ ty; a common requirement in and on Iceland

Technical Data • Flow Rate: 3.2 m3/s • Head: 235 m • Turbine: 6-nozzle Pelton turbine • Manufacturer: Global Hydro • Runner Speed: 600 rpm • Nominal Output: 6,686 kW • Generator: Synchronous • Control & Communication: Global Hydro • System control: HEROS Connect • Water Catchment: Coanda-System Wild Metal • Penstock: Length: approx. 6,000 m • Material: GRP • Ball Inlet Valve: DN800 PN40 • Commissioning: August 2020

Global Hydro is an experienced turnkey hydroelectrics provider and also delivered the DN800 PN40 ball inlet valve.

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photo credits: Global Hydro


Global Hydro supplied the entire control infrastructure, the medium-voltage system (left), the main transformer and the auxiliary transformers.

application. Hooking up to HEROS Connect enables the customer to check the operational status and condition of the turbine, simply and without the installation of software. The broad spectrum of functions offered by the automation solution enables the operators to choose from a variety of operational op­ tions, as project manager Philipp Meindl de­ tails: “The large dimensions of the 60,000 m³ intake reservoir ensure a customer using the HEROS system has great flexibility in terms photo credits: Global Hydro

– in this case to compensate power demand changes of up to 600 kW within a maximum frequency deviation of 2 Hz. “Variations of this scale can account for around 10% of the turbine’s intended output. This would require an immense change of momentum which, in view of the weight involved, would negatively affect the working life of the bearing. That’s why we settled for another, more intelligent solution,” Philipp Meindl stated. The sophis­ ticated hydraulic regulator meant equipping the Pelton turbine’s six jet cut-outs with a spe­ cially devised hydraulic valve, allowing the jet cut-outs to be precisely positioned within 700 to 800 milliseconds, so any power demand ­changes can be detected and compensated for in a fraction of a second. In the engineering phase a CFD simulation of a cut-off device designed especially for the purpose showed that the jet could be cut cleanly without being destroyed, thus avoiding damage to the Pelton wheel. When tested in practice in Iceland, the sophisticated solution was an immediate suc­ cess. Meindl: “In cooperation with RARIK, the local Icelandic energy corporation, the sys­ tem was put through a late-night test, and the plant easily coped with power consumption variations of 700 kW and frequency deviation of 1.7 Hz.”

of adjusting to grid requirements. Theoretical­ ly, the plant could work at full capacity for over five hours without any additional water. There’s also a pre-programmable calendar function to allow the output to be set in ad­ vance for any part of a day, on any day. Furthermore, HEROS automatically regulates the turbine when works water is lost over the edge of the overflow.” CUSTOMER CONFIRMS SUCCESS The heart of the power plant is a 6-jet Pelton turbine that generates 6,686 kW from a head of 235 m and a capacity flow volume of 3.2 m³/s. This drives a synchronous generator di­ rectly coupled to the vertical shaft at a speed of 600 rpm. The newly-installed machine group guarantees efficient and, most importantly, reliable operation for the coming years and decades. After being successfully installed at the beginning of June 2020, the system com­ menced grid-parallel power generation at the start of August. The new Holsvirkjun power plant is another key building block in Iceland’s strategy of ex­ panding its use of renewable resources. Furthermore, the plant has now taken on the important task of guaranteeing the stability of grid power provision for the town of Akureyri. It is equipped to secure island mode operation and black start capacity. The success of the im­ plementation was convincingly confirmed by the same Icelandic customer, who in the ­meantime awarded a subsequent project to Global Hydro. The generously-sized intake reservoir stores up to 60,000 m3 of works water.

MODERN CONTROL SYSTEM All machines, auxiliary and support generators are also controlled and monitored by the HEROS power plant management system de­ veloped by Global Hydro. Specifically, HEROS Connect was the system chosen, and was enhanced by linking up to an intuitive web


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photo credits: Voith

Higher availability and less technical complexity: the StreamDiver’s compact and modular design and its maintenance-free operation minimizes your project costs.



HORIZONTAL PROPELLER TURBINES FOR LOW HEADS Voith offers five standard modules and two XL modules for heads of 2-8 metres and flow rates of 2-12 cubic metres per second. In order to select the best solution and the ideal number of turbines it is necessary to consider the conditions in which the set-up will be working, the annual flow rate, head range, and the various physical restrictions on site. Ultimately, the overall size of the StreamDiver depends on the module chosen and the minimal water depth below the surface. Voith of-

The unregulated In-Pipe version of the StreamDiver can be combined with a Siphon Arrangement.

fers four predefined installation scenarios: a standard solution with a tapered inlet and a conventional rake system, a compact shaft hydropower plant with upright or horizonphoto credits: Voith


lthough hydroelectric power accounts for the largest single share of world’s renewable energy production, there is still plenty of unexploited potential in the concept of small-scale hydropower plants. Previously, this means of generating electricity was considered commercially unviable. Since the market launch of the StreamDiver, Voith has delivered 31 machines to satisfied customers in eight countries. Where conventional turbines are no longer considered profitable, Voith’s technology can be used in the form of a compact propeller turbine. StreamDiver is an almost silent and invisible power plant that requires a minimum of construction logistics. As well as being environmentally friendly, and easy to install – so it can be retrofitted into existing transverse structures, in contrast to other machines the StreamDiver also offers the benefit of long maintenance intervals of over ten years.

graphics: Voith

In 2009, VOITH cooperated with Verbund, the Austrian energy provider, on the development of the StreamDiver, now a well-established solution for the hydropower market. What has made it so special was the concept of standardised sizing from the very beginning. VOITH’s patented technology was created according to the credo: ‘Minimise complexity – minimise breakdowns’ - keep investment and running costs low.

graphics: Voith

The Voith StreamDiver in vertical, regulated design

Standardised sizes make the StreamDiver affordable and competitive.

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RV is equipped with electrically adjustable guide vanes and a rotation speed regulator, allowing flexibility in adapting to the volume and speed of water available. StreamDiver RVT is designed to be installed vertically with a positive setting. As with the StreamDiver RV, it’s equipped with electrically adjustable guide vanes and a rotation speed regulator. It is mostly used for shaft hydropower plants.

The bearing is lubricated with process water and was optimised on the basis of years of experience.


When everything is housed in a space-saving and easily-affordable e-container, there is no need for a powerhouse or the expense and logistics its construction entails.

StreamDiver iP can be built into a pipe, ­ aking it the ideal solution for syphon-type m applications. 

All of these options were optimised hydraulically for enhanced efficiency and even greater exploitation of sub-max flows. REDUCED COST OF INVESTMENT – SUPERIOR QUALITY The developments of the last few years have led to such an improvement that the StreamDiver can now achieve an annual power output on the scale of a conventional, double-regulated turbine. Furthermore, the StreamDiver offers major benefits in terms of the cost of invest-

photo credits: Voith

 StreamDiver

StreamDiver HP is fitted with adapted hydraulics and fortified water-lubricated bear­ ings. This enables the head – and consequently power generation – to be increased without expanding overall construction size. 

photo credits: Voith

tally-mounted turbines – according to requirements, a completely vertical solution, and an in-pipe variant for integrating StreamDiver into enclosed pipe systems. Over the previous year, the StreamDiver portfolio was expanded to allow full exploitation of the potential of this technology. In addition to the basic version with static guide vanes already established on the market, the following range of turbines is now available:

photo credits: Voith

The requisite control and monitoring electronics can be accommodated in the smallest of spaces.

ment – and particularly regarding related construction costs. When compared to conventional solutions, the StreamDiver enables projects to be implemented significantly more affordably in view of the savings on concrete, construction and excavation work. Comparisons between the StreamDiver and conventional machine layouts show that the installation of the StreamDiver significantly reduces the need for deep foundations and complex concrete geometry. This can lead to savings of more than 50% in terms of volume of concrete required for the power house. Projects can be implemented with simpler excavation tasks and within existing standard layouts. Consequently, planning and adaption of the projects can be completed rapidly. The turbine itself is an underwater propeller turbi-

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Foto: Kelag

Foto: Wikipedia

graphics: Voith

Compared with the Kaplan pit turbine, there are particularly large savings to be made in terms of excavation, concrete – and installation time.

Foto: Wikipedia


ne, so neither the rotor blades or guide vanes move. In turn, this eradicates the necessity­ of a visible or accessible machine room. A space-saving e-container is sufficient to ­ house the electronics infrastructure for operational regulation, and operational data can be monitored via sensors. There are gauges for temperature, water capacity levels and ­vibrations, as well as feedback on the condition of the bearings. The entire control infrastructure was manu-

factured by Voith for completely remotely-controlled operation. Together, these innovations can reduce overall project costs by up to 25%. OIL-FREE BEARINGS – ECOLOGICALLY WISE AND ECONOMICALLY CLEVER Voith’s patented, process water-lubricated, 100% oil-free bearings ensure these machines guarantee zero emissions. The bearings have been optimised to the point where un-

photo credits: Voith

An old irrigation dam on the Serayu river in Indonesia is being transformed into a modern StreamDiver plant.

There was already a radial gate in each of the weir fields. With the integration of the StreamDiver in the two left fields, another two were added.

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ECOLOGICAL DESIGN Primary fish safety is ensured by the fish-friendly shape of the runners and a fine rake with 20 – 35 mm gaps between the bars. The angle of approach has been optimised at 20° for a suitable flow velocity, even for smaller fish, to avoid flushing them through too forcibly. A bypass basin allows fish to access the water below without any further detours. One study showed that the system ensured a wide variety of fish species were prevented from swimming into the turbine. The deeper position of the turbine infrastructure ensure aesthetic and acoustic impairments are minimised. KAPLAN-PIT TURBINE VERSUS STREAMDIVER The drawing on page 13 clearly details the layout differences between the pit turbine and Voith StreamDiver solutions. Twelve StreamDiver units can replace three pit turbines. Moreover, the goal of an uncomplicated and affordable plant is particularly well served as regards circumvention of a powerhouse and the construction work it would entail. Not only is there no necessity to build

graphics: Voith

The Voith StreamDiver can be integrated into existing transverse structures with only minimal changes.

interrupted operation and sustained durability can be guaranteed for several years. After collecting a wide range of data, a wealth of experience from years of operation and numerous in-situ tests, it was possible to optimise the bearing and guarantee many years of uninterrupted operation. Synthetic bearing coatings and cups with high-strength friction surfaces were constructed according to the hard-and-soft pairing principle. The service interval for the highly durable water-lubricated bearings is over 10 years. The main intervals at which the slide bearing modules need to be replaced depend upon the degree of machine stress, discharge head, total operating time, and the quality of the water.

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graphics: Voith

The unit can be installed and removed for maintenance purposes without draining the water.

graphics: Voith

The StreamDiver maintenance plan:

UTILISING EXISTING POTENTIAL – THE SERAYU RIVER PLANT The StreamDiver is far more than just a good choice for new hydropower plants. It was devised to be a retrofit solution for existing river dams. Its versatility makes it easy to integrate into existing transverse structures and offers excellent opportunities to exploit hydropower potential without immense capital outlay. This system application offers the added advantage of cutting out the hazards of machine damage due to failed sealings, and of water pollution. A StreamDiver project is currently being implemented on the Serayu river in Indonesia, and provides an excellent example of how unique and versatile this solution is. The dam was installed to feed an irrigation channel in the mid-1990s. The small-scale hydropower plant is being built as part of the modernisation process. The project planners’ remit was to install a solution that required the least possible change to the current concrete structure and the concomitant maximum flow rate. In fact, the scope of installation and servicing activity was also to adhere to the restrictions of the present infrastructure wherever possible. Each of the two left-hand weirs is being fitted with 3 StreamDivers, requiring just a small change to the present structure and the retrofitting of an additional radial gate. The changes will allow a head of 7.5 metres to be harnessed to generate approximately 770 kilowatts.

The seven StreamDiver units are arranged in a modular design and provide a bottleneck capacity of 5.5 megawatts.

photo credits: Voith

This year in Brazil the Noguaira hydro power plant is to be fitted with seven Voith StreamDivers.

a powerhouse, less excavation volume and depth are required for the installation of infrastructure. In fact, the volume of earth to be excavated is reduced by a whole 50% compared with a Kaplan pit turbine. It is important to bear in mind the significant reduction in the time required to construct and install the plant. In the case of this comparison, there was a time saving of approximately four months – equating to four months of additional operational benefits. A choice of one of the seven standard sizes offered by Voith means turbine delivery times are far shorter than for bespoke solutions.

photo credits: Voith

photo credits: Voith

StreamDiver guarantees service intervals of over ten years.


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Noguaira HPP is playing a pioneering role for future environmentally-friendly hydropower projects in Brazil.

photo credits: Voith

FLEXIBLE AND UNCOMPLICATED ASSEMBLY, INSTALLATION AND SERVICE The StreamDiver enables the requisite building work to be reduced to a minimum. In­ stallation of the unit will take place in the water and only the power cable will remain accessible. The entire power train consists of the turbine, shaft, bearing and the generator in tube turbine housing. The premise is that ‘less complexity equates to greater reliability’ is confirmed in particular by the following concrete observations: The machine operates completely without oil or grease, is purely designed to process works water and is lubricated exclusively by the latter. Consequently, there can be no machine damage due to seal failures, nor can the water be polluted in any way. Actuators for the shut-off valve or rack and pinion can be remove en bloc for servicing at intervals similar to those applicable to the StreamDiver. A handful of optimised sensors constantly monitor the operational status of the machinery and the degree of wear in the bearings, thus eliminating unscheduled downtime breaks. In comparison to conventional turbines, the reduced complexity of the StreamDiver system ensures inspection intervals can be reliably scheduled once every five years, and maintenance expenditure can be cut by more than half. Simple machine mountings and underwater plugs allow machine units to be removed in a matter of minutes. As an option, the plant can be fitted with a lift and recovery system (LARS) enabling the machinery to be un-

installed under water and subsequently lifted out. Voith’s main service visits are scheduled at an interval of ten years. Within three days bearings, sensors and sealings are replaced, and cables and connectors inspected – on request the electric motor, too. The service costs for the StreamDiver are around 55% lower than for a conventional Kaplan bulb turbine. NOGUIERA – AN INNOVATIVE SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER PLANT IN BRAZIL The river in Parana, Brazil naturally drops in Noguaira, and Energias Renováveis MAZP decided to exploit this opportunity for a modern small-scale hydropower plant. The choice was made in favour of the Voith

StreamDiver due to the enhanced cost efficiency in comparison with conventional Kaplan turbines, and due to the excellent level of environmental friendliness that came with the plant concept. The oil-free bearings and fish-friendly design were major reasons for this selection, since they also enhanced the probability of receiving the official authorisation required to proceed. The project was completed three weeks ago and a head of 8.20 metres now enables seven StreamDivers to generate around five megawatts.

For further informations visit: www.voith.com/smallhydro

photo credits: Voith

In the southern Brazilian state of Parana, Brazils first StreamDiver power plant has been built.

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ince its inception RENEXPO INTER­ HYDRO at the Messezentrum Salz­ burg has evolved into Europe’s largest hydropower trade fair and convention. Grow­ ing interest in the further expansion of hydro­ power has boosted the event’s popularity in recent years. Representatives from all over the hydropower industry have come to appreciate it as a unique platform for presentations, knowledge transfer, a lively exchange of ex­ periences, and as a welcome opportunity to network and establish new contacts. After last year’s cancellation due to the coronavirus pandemic, the organisers are looking forward to offering the usual highly attractive pro­ gramme for the event on November 25 – 26 this year.

VARIED EVENT PROGRAMME By now more than 40 companies have already confirmed their intention to attend RENEX­ PO­INTERHYDRO 2021. The Hydro Fo­ rum will be offering a varied supporting pro­ gramme ranging from technical talks to breakout sessions on current industry-related

RENEXPO INTERHYDRO 2021 will be held on November 25 – 26 at the Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Trade Fair Centre).

photo credit: Habring/MZS

At the Messenzentrum Salzburg preparations are in full swing in the run-up to RENEXPO INTERHYDRO 2021 on November 25 – 26. A hub event for visitors from Eastern and Western Europe, this popular industry event will once again highlight the ways in which hydropower contributes to a safe, sustainable, affordable and climate compatible supply of energy. Visitors will be treated to a multi-faceted agenda packed with presentations of technical innovations, expert talks by international hydropower professionals, and an extensive platform for networking and exchanging ideas.

issues. Further discussions will cover aspects like the current legal and political setting, the role of hydropower within the context of the energy turnaround, as well as practical experi­ ences and latest developments. The organisers are especially pleased about the confirmed at­ tendance of high-ranking representatives from politics and the industry, and their par­ ticipation in the subsequent round of discus­ sions. Leonore Gewessler, Austria’s Federal Minister for Climate Protection, the Environ­ ment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, will give the opening speech. In his keynote address, Blackout expert Herbert Saurugg will talk about “(Small) Hydropower – a key ingredient for stable energy cells?” And Federal Minister Gewessler will be joined by Martina Prechtl-Grundnig, the Managing Director of the Austrian Renewable Energy Council, and Member of the Bundestag, Andreas Lenz for an energy-focussed talk and discussion on the topic, “Hydropower as the backbone of the energy turnaround – are our current energy laws up to the challenge?”. This will be followed by in-depth presenta­


A platform for sharing knowledge and experience.

photo credit: Vogl-Perspektive

photo credit: Vogl-Perspektive

RENEXPO INTERHYDRO has evolved into a hub event for the international hydropower industry.

tions of some fascinating projects, such as Hy­ dropower Plant Grossweil in Bavaria, to illus­ trate ways of meeting energy supply requirements with a strongly growing share of fluctuating renewable energy sources. As in previous years, exhibitors and presenters will have the opportunity in the evening to wind down and network at the “Turbine Party”. Established as a platform for industry experts, RENEXPO INTERHYDRO 2021 is addres­ sed to operators, planners, project developers, investors, communities and energy providers to facilitate a mutual exchange of knowledge and experience. As always, the individual ses­ sions are organised under the categories of “Freshwater Ecology” and “Hydropower and Reservoirs”. This year will see the introducti­ on of an additional category: “Hydropower and Sediments – Latest Research Results”, which will be chaired by Alexander Gratzer from the Verein für Ökologie und Umwelt­ forschung (Ecology and Environmental Rese­ arch Association). For latest updates on the event visit: www.renexpo-hydro.eu/en/

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photo credits: Jämtkraft


Last year, the powerhouse at the Duved storage power plant in the Swedish Province of Jämtland was fundamentally modernised. The internationally renowned Austrian hydropower experts at GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH were chosen to design and implement the new Francis turbine.

AUSTRIANS RAISE EFFICIENCY OF SWEDISH DUVED HYDROPOWER PLANT BY 8 PERCENT In the autumn of 2020, after comprehensive refurbishments the Swedish Duved storage hydropower plant run by energy provider Jämtkraft AB was reconnected to the grid. The powerhouse at the plant located around 50 km from the Norwegian border was refitted with state-of-the-art infrastructure as part of the modernisation process. The internationally renowned Austrian hydropower experts in this field, GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH, were chosen to deliver a directly-coupled synchronous generator – and the most powerful Francis turbine available to guarantee an installed capacity of around 6.5 MW. Although the discharge capacity and head remained unchanged, the installation of modern technology raised the efficiency of the Duved plant by a remarkable 8%.


n Sweden, the generation of electrical pow­ er from renewable resources is very impor­ tant. Traditionally, by far the largest share of Sweden’s energy mix is accounted for by hydroelectric power. EU commission stati­ stics compiled in 2017 stated that 65.9% of the country’s electricity production was gene­ rated from renewable sources, highlighting Sweden’s pioneer status in this regard within the EU. Jämtkraft AB is an energy supplier based in Sweden’s second-largest province, Jämtland, and only generates power for hea­ ting and electricity with the environmentally sustainable resources biomass, photovoltaic, wind and water. Overall, Jämtkraft runs 17 different types and power categories of hydro­ power plant across the Province of Jämtland, with an annual total production volume of 940 GWh of green electricity. This accounts for 8% of all the electricity from hydropower produced in Jämtland.

TECHNICAL OVERHAUL FOR AN AGING POWER PLANT In order to maximise the efficiency of its wa­ ter power plants, some of which have already been in operation for over 100 years, Jämt­

kraft is continually investing in the ongoing technical restoration and renovation of the existing infrastructure. In 2020, the Duved storage power plant, just 50 kilometres to the east of the Norwegian border in the famous

After around 60 years in operation the original machines and technology had reached the end of their useful lives.

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The new Francis turbine was delivered to Sweden in June 2020 with a pre-installed guide vane unit.

skiing area of Åre, was considered ready for a general overhaul. In an average year the Du­ ved plant generates 10 GWh of electricity. According to Jämtkraft it is one of 255 stora­ ge power plants in the country that produce the majority of the available operating reser­ ve. After approximately 60 years of service, the original machine group consisting of a Francis turbine and a synchronous generator had, technically, reached the end of its useful life. This necessitated a decision by the opera­ tors in favour of comprehensive renewal. It was also considered essential to fundamental­ ly update all the electrical infrastructure, con­ trol and feedback technology. No renovation work was required on the reservoir dam or the penstock.

The internationally respected hydroelectric experts had already proven their expertise in Sweden four years previously, having worked on the revitalisation of the Fäbodbäcken pow­ er­­plant. Roland Fleischmann, GUGLER’s project manager, explains: “The Duved pro­ ject was already our second contract in Swe­ den. The outbreak of the Corona pandemic in the spring of 2020 meant work had to be carried out under extraordinary circumstan­ ces. Fortunately, when the travel bans and restrictions were lifted in the summer the si­ tuation became more relaxed again. In fact, the overall restrictions caused by the pande­ mic were not as tough in Sweden as in the rest of Europe, which made many tasks a lot easier.”

AUSTRIANS AWARDED ORDER TO PROVIDE NEW CENTREPIECE At the end of 2019, following a European call for bids, the Austrian hydropower industry experts GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH were awarded an order to supply a new Fran­ cis turbine and the accompanying generator.

ALL-NEW POWERHOUSE GUGLER began engineering work on the horizontal-shaft Francis turbine the moment the order had been awarded. The consign­ ment was transported from Denmark to Swe­ den by truck and sea freight half a year later in June 2020. In order to take full advantage

of the voluminous supply of melted water during the thaw, the old plant was kept in operation through the spring. GUGLER me­ chanics finally shut down and deinstalled the old equipment last May. Roland Fleisch­ mann outlined the importance of the chal­ lenge of designing a new machine that would fit into the limited space available in the ­powerhouse. The toughest on-site structural task was extraction of the original suction pipe. The new intake conduit was passed into the original channel which was especially ad­ apted for the purpose. The turbine spiral de­ livered with the pre-installed guide vane component was installed in the place in the powerhouse where the original had been. Space limitations meant the new generator had to be mirror-image positioned on the op­ posite side from the old generator. More or less at the same time as the machinery was being installed, work also commenced on the integration of the electro-technical infra­ structure supplied by a Swedish business. The medium-voltage set-up, the switch cabinets and the control PC were relocated to an adjacent room in the powerhouse. Control infrastructure based on Siemens SIMATIC technology was installed to guarantee ful­ ly-automated plant operation. The transfor­ mer alongside the power plant central office was also renewed and the power conduit now travels underground. OPTIMISED ACROSS THE BOARD Roland Fleischmann detailed the benefits: “In comparison to the original infrastructure, the new machine brought with it numerous improvements. Optimised-flow runner geo­ metry enabled the turbine to work signifi­ cantly more effectively, despite an unchanged head and the same discharge capacity. The new machine set-up is far more compact now the runner is directly coupled with the gene­ rator shaft. The old turbine had its own bear­

Technical Data • Flow rate: 3.45 m³/s • Gross head: 204.4 m • Turbine: Francis • Turbine axis: horizontal • Output: 6,483 kW • Manufacturer: GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH • Generator: synchronous • Voltage: 6,300 V • Manufacturer: Leroy-Somer The flow-optimised runner has a diameter of 670mm. There is a gross head of 204.4 m and discharge capacity of 3.45 m³/s. Working at full capacity the machine can generate a maximum power output of around 6.5 MW.


• Avarage annual production: ca. 10 GWh

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ing and was connected to the generator via a flywheel. The bearing of the new machine is accommodated on the same side as the gene­ rator and is fitted with an automatic lubrica­ tion unit. The solution without an additional turbine bearing, and with ‘no-maintenance’ bearing cages, clearly has a positive effect on the amount of servicing required. What’s more, the new machinery achieves a higher rpm count than the original machines, in turn allowing the structure to be kept more compact. This is also only possible because of the excellent cavitation properties guaranteed by our turbines.” GUGLER’s scope of deli­ very was completed with the provision of a stopcock, a pressure relief valve and a hydrau­ lic power unit to control the guide vane unit. PLANT COMPENSATES GRID SUPPLY FLUCTUATIONS The gross head of 204.4 m and discharge ca­ pacity of 3.45 m³/s now enable the turbine to generate a maximum power output of 6,483 kW. The runner was milled from a single block of stainless steel and has a diameter of 670 mm. The generator was manufactured by the French engineering company Leroy-So­ mer,­set to 6,300 volts and offers nominal apparent power of 7,920 kVA. Mr. Fleisch­ mann added that in response to a request by Jämtkraft the generator with a slide bearing

In October 2020, after a complete electro-mechanical and control technology overhaul, the Duved went back into grid operation. Modernisation achieved a significant increase in efficiency and power generation capacity.

was to be fitted with a heavier flywheel. This enables the performance of the plant to ba­ lance out public grid frequency fluctuations in a matter of seconds. The optimum opera­ ting temperature of air-cooled energy conver­ ter is assured by a large-scale venting conduit leading outside into the fresh air. AN ALL-ROUND SUCCESS The recommissioning process at the Duved plant was initiated at the end of September, once all installation work had been comple­ ted. The first tests of the comprehensively modernised plant were already held at the

beginning of October. The people at Jämt­ kraft were delighted that the performance and power generation capacity of the plant were enhanced by around 8 %. Usually, a re­ vitalisation project results in a 3 – 4 % im­ provement in efficiency. “The entire project went smoothly and was completed without any problems. Cooperation and coordination with the representatives of Jämtkraft was im­ maculate, and good project management among all parties meant that not even the emergence of the Corona crisis managed to break our stride”, summarised Roland Fleischmann.

• Worldwide active • Upgrading and modernization • Financing and AfterSales-Service • Water-to-wire solutions • Highest European quality and efficiency • Operator know-how • Long-time experience

Kaplan Turbines Pelton Turbines Francis Turbines up to 25MW

info@gugler.com www.gugler.com

Liquid Energy - Solid Engineering

Projekt KW Duved zek Hydro Internatinonal 2021 Englisch V2.indd 33

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photo credits: AUMA

The new AUMA CDT version 2020 allows fast and easy setup, commissioning and diagnostics of AUMA actuators.


Electric actuator manufacturer AUMA has launched a new, entirely redesigned version of its proven AUMA Commissioning and Diagnostic Tool (CDT). The new AUMA CDT version 2020 allows fast and easy setup, operation and diagnostics of AUMA actuators using a Windows laptop. AUMA actuators are frequently used in automation solutions for hydropower applications, including turbine control, trash rack cleaning systems, and water level control applications for fish ladders, sluice gates, weirs, dams and locks.


graphics: AUMA


hanks to its modern user interface and comprehensive functions, AUMA CDT helps to save time and cost during commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting. Originally designed for AUMA’s own service experts, the high-performance software tool also offers most of its functions to registered users. These include setting of tripping torques and end positions, modification of actuator parameters and remote actuator control. The new version also allows users to create service requests and to upload snapshot files with actuator data to the AUMA Cloud for detailed analysis. Profibus and Modbus master functions are available for control system integration. Comprehensive diagnostic functions, such as a powerful process data monitor and an I/O interface simulator, reduce service times. The new version benefits from a fully optimised communication protocol for the Bluetooth connection to the actuator, resulting in considerably faster data transmission. A new centralised AUMA user management system improves protection against unauthorised access. AUMA CDT supports SA and SQ actuator series with AC 01.2 actuator controls as well as SGx and SVx actuator series. The new version also supports the new PROFOX actuators. The redesign of the AUMA CDT software underpins once again the company’s continuous commitment to provide users with the best support tools possible for operating AUMA actuators. A new version of the popular AUMA Assistant App for smartphones and tablets is also available. Version 4.0 also provides fast Bluetooth communication and supports AUMA PROFOX actuators. AUMA CDT is available free of charge from www.auma.com. AUMA Assistant App is available free of charge on Google Play and in the Apple App Store.

AUMA actuators are frequently used in automation solutions for hydropower applications, including turbine control, trash rack cleaning systems, and water level control applications for fish ladders, sluice gates, weirs, dams and locks.

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MW. Das Kraftwerk liefert im Jahr rund 2 bis 2,5 GWh. Der gesamte Stahlwasserbau wurde in bewährter Manier vom Südtiroler Branchenspezialisten Wild Metal realisiert.

photo credits: Troyer


Today, the latest visualisation systems give users the benefits of customised and optimised communication with their power plants. Troyer AG works unceasingly on the on-going development of central interfaces between operators and power plants.

THE HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE IS A PREREQUISITE FOR MODERN HYDROPOWER TECHNOLOGY Nowadays, hydropower plant operators generally communicate with their station infrastructure thanks to visualisation systems. Operators observe all the key parameters via a user interface that also facilitates the execution of remote commands. The user-­ friendliness is relative: it is more a question of developing and implementing the optimal visualisation system for the respective requirements of the operator. Troyer AG is a hydropower specialist from South Tyrol with many years of experience and expertise in this field, providing customers with visualisation systems and remote-control systems with personalized software. In order to find out what is particularly important at Troyer, we asked Dipl.-Ing. Philipp March, Head of the Automation Department.


isualisation and remote-control systems are developed to ensure all data and processes can be recorded and controlled. Over the past decades these systems have greatly simplified the task of operating a plant, increased the ease and convenience of operation, and enhanced the safety and reliability of such power stations. A visualisation system is the interface between the plant operator and the plant itself, providing the operator with a real-time ‘experience’ of his/her power station. Nevertheless, Philipp March reiterates the fact that there is not a generally accepted norm regarding what is considered an optimally and intuitively designed inter­ face: “In my opinion there is no universal answer to the question of whether a visualisation system is intuitive and user-friendly, ­since requirements can vary so immensely.

Visualisation that works for commercial electricity providers, and is seen as intuitive and user-friendly by trained and specialised staff, may still confuse the average consumer. Conversely, simple, pared-down visualisation system may provide an experienced operator with too few functional options and be too limited. This circumstance makes it impossible to design a visualisation system that facilitates an optimum solution for every plant and customer.” March points out that, in his experience, this is precisely the aspect of plant automation and process visualisation that requires the greatest amount of discussion with the customer. Requirements here are mostly dominated by operational goals and standardisation measures, so obviously implementation must be guaranteed in line with customer demands.

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UNIFORM ‘LOOK-AND-FEEL’ This is where Troyer's expertise in visualization systems comes in: Troyer is a water-to-wire specialist. In other words, the company is a full-service, single-source supplier, providing turbines and visualisation systems, the accompanying control software, switch cabinets and control panels. It’s how the company ensures compatibility across all components to cut out the risks of interface problems. “One goal we set for the development of our visualisation systems was the creation of a ­seamless concept for graphics and operation, regardless of the other hardware and project software in use. This has enabled us to achieve an uniform ‘look-and-feel’ without the deviations caused by varying plant hardware. Another goal was to allow for a broad range May 2021


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of functions and operations. For this reason, we chose a modular approach, making each module available in a ‘light’ and a ‘full’ version, encompassing differences in the scope of functionality and the degree of influence open to the operator. Depending on the specifics of each facility, and on the preferences expressed by customers, the modules are put together to achieve the best possible result in each case”, added March.

photo credits: Troyer

PROVEN LIBRARY OF MODULES This modularity has since become the basis for the high degree of flexibility on offer in response to the wishes of customers. Solutions can be scaled according to the functionality and complexity required by the plant. March explains: “Basically we are able to fall back on a well-tried and tested library of modules. The customer receives a reliable and trusted solution at a competitive price. Obviously, the development phase never ends. We integrate new ideas, implement suggested enhancements, improve various details and introduce new versions onto the market on a regular basis. The goal is to ensure a seamless, ongoing updating process without a break with the past.” Alongside this modularity, solution developments can also be completely tailored to customer requirements. From the basic to the premium packages, Troyer provides a whole range of solutions – from very simple to sophisticated premium options. One essential point of distinction between the top-level versions and the more basic solutions lies in the capacity to archive immense volumes of data. High-end solutions offer a wide range of depictions as diagrams, graphs or tables which can be exported, made available and utilised for on-going

Troyer aims to guarantee a uniform ‘look-and-feel’ for the user interface, regardless of whether the user is working from a tablet, a mobile phone, or – as in this case – via a touch panel.

analysis and evaluation in suitable environments. PC-based solutions, as with ones devised for the ‘Premium Package’, allow to control the PC remotely by internet link-ups and via relevant software. Today, on top of the PC-based solution, there is often the additional need to deliver a back-up system, as can be the case when an extra operating station is required for the water conservation zone. Touch panels, like those used with the ‘Basic’ and ‘Comfort’ variants, are also suited to this purpose, but only have a very limited capacity for data storage. Similarly, not every model can provide remote-control functionality. March emphasizes the fact that: “Obviously, for the ‘Premium’ version, on top of the PCs

photo credits: Troyer

Sophisticated visualisation systems are an important prerequisite for the improvement of plant availability and safety.


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touch panels can be installed, too.” Previously, instead of touch panels, industrial versions of tablet PCs with docking stations were integrated into control cabinet doors. Now, WLAN internet connectivity provides greater degree of freedom of movement. The ‘WebApp’ is another completely independent back-up solution, since it runs on a dedicated, independent online server. Naturally, the ‘WebApp’ is a fully mobile solution that does not rely on a single location or on actual hardware. BROAD PORTFOLIO OF AVAILABLE HARDWARE Asked about the graphics options available for remote end devices, Troyer AG’s automation specialist replied: “There are numerous possibilities! The wide range of hardware solutions includes a conventional SCADA-PC workstation option, and panel, box or rack PCs. If required, customers can be provided with redundant infrastructure, server-client architecture – and a variety of touch panels that can also be delivered as mobile solutions (mobile panels and WLAN). Although there are many and varied project planning tools, to a large extent we have managed to implement the same graphics and operating layouts.” Philipp March continues by responding to the growth in popularity of web/ HTML-based solutions. “Our WebApp uses a dedicated embedded PC that assumes the role of a web server. Users can operate every kind of web browser-enabled hardware – once again with the built-in benefits of our proprietary ‘look-and-feel’.” Troyer’s ‘WebApp’ offers complete hardware independence, so the user enjoys the benefit

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FAMILIAR CONTROL LAYOUT FOR USERS March is convinced of the great importance of contemporary design. However, he believes the main priorities lie elsewhere: “We place great emphasis on the seamless recognisability of our operating graphics. Adherence to a standardised Troyer ‘look-and-feel’ guarantees fundamental layout similarities across the systems delivered. Operators can work with a familiar, hardware-independent operating arrangement.” Ultimately, Troyer integrates the 3D construction drafts of turbine systems and water collection facilities into the overall process visualisation. This enables display and operating elements to be positioned exactly where the active machinery and devices are located, in turn making system operation significantly more intuitive. Troyer offers a rich array of ‘optionals’ for customers requiring system individualisation and future expansions, such as the integration of surveillance images of the water collection facility, language functions in many languag­ es, including German, Italian, Spanish and – of course – English, the latest meter-reading software: ‘SAX R+C’, alarm options and remote-control functionality, and expanded redundancy capacities that increase system availability. Moreover, one major asset of Troyer’s system is its capacity to archive all operational data and

readings in high temporal definition. This assures the customer the availability of a complete data archive, in turn enabling developments in results and readings to be observed seamlessly over long periods. Should revitalisation or optimisation activities be planned, the collected data forms the basis for determining the precise degree of optimisation potential. ENHANCING OPERATIONAL SAFETY AND RELIABILITY Modern visualisation systems like those produced by Troyer are a key precondition for improvements in power availability and plant safety, as Philipp March confirms: “Yes, they most definitely contribute to the safety and reliability of operations. The clearer the overview and the more intuitive the control interface, the easier it is to avoid operating errors. Clear and logical arrangements of control elements improve operating convenience and enhance safety. A good example is the single-line switch diagram for a transformer station or an electrical sub-station. By placing switches on the respective elements along the line it is almost impossible to confuse switches.”

The Troyer WebApp transforms an everyday smartphone into a userfriendly control tool with clearly-structured graphics.

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Nowadays, when several people want to oper­ ate a power plant on site or remotely, these requirements mean close attention must be paid to safety and security aspects by the company’s automation specialists. The issues address the questions such as: Who has the ultimate, overriding right to control a plant? How best can user access be managed? Who should receive which type of permit? …and for what? An important issue, indeed! “These aspects have grown in significance over time, since plants are increasingly being controlled off-site. This can involve parallel access via different channels. Nevertheless, the prioritisation and ranking can be guaranteed if enough planning goes into the projects”, states Philipp March. Whichever visualisation system plant oper­ ators select, today’s operators and plants can no longer work completely without some form of visual interface. The positive market reaction to Troyer’s sophisticated visualisation system highlights the fact that the South Tyrolean hydropower specialists are doing great work in this field. For more information visit: www.troyer.it graphics: Troyer

of the same level of operational convenience on all end devices, be it a smartphone, laptop or a tablet. There would be a significant difference in system efficacy only if it was just the plant’s SCADA PC being driven remotely via the smartphone. March clarifies thus: “In such cases the icons and elements on the screen would be far too small, and the convenience aspect could no longer be claimed for this operating mode. However, when our WebApp is in use, the layout display adapts to the resolution and orientation offered by the screen of the device for a markedly enhanced result.”

Subsequently, all data gathered can provide the basis for future optimisation.

photo credits: Troyer

photo credits: Troyer

All operative data can be stored in an archive.

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photo credits: WWS

Since the autumn of 2020, all the machine units are in operation at the five newly built hydropower plants in the province of Sakarya in the Turkish Marmara region. Provided by WWS, the turbines of varying design are working smoothly in tandem with proven hydropower generators by Hitzinger. The picture shows hydropower plant Hizirilyas in the municipal area of Adapazarı.

AUSTRIAN HYDROPOWER TECHNOLOGY TO TURN PROCESS WATER INTO ENERGY IN SAKARYA Five new hydropower plants in the Turkish Marmara region have recently been equipped by Upper Austrian-based allround hydropower specialist WWS Wasserkraft GmbH. All five facilities were incorporated into the extensive water supply system of Adapazarı, the capital of the Sakarya province. These water resources had not been utilised for hydropower generation before. In addition to seven powerful turbines, WWS also delivered the corresponding generators by Hitzinger of Linz, Austria, which has a long-standing tradition as a trusted manufacturer. All the facilities have been up and running in the western Anatolian province since October 2020.


dapazarı has a reputation as one of Tur­ key’s fastest growing and economically prosperous cities. Its population has increased almost tenfold over the past 70 ye­ ars. Today the Sakarya province’s capital has around 270,000 inhabitants. Its location is quite favourable, allowing its population to profit from the proximity to Istanbul’s large sales markets and the ports of Izmit. The regi­ on’s principal economic drivers are its textile industry, industrial suppliers, and service pro­ viders. Adapazarı draws its freshwater from the Akçay, a tributary to the Sakarya river, to which the province owes its name. “Quite a few years ago the national organisation


S­ ASKI, together with the provincial public utility operator, decided to construct a dam on the Akçay river to provide freshwater to the local population of Sakarya,” says Gün­ ther Scharrer, Sales Manager at WWS. The dam’s construction was completed in 2016. Today, around 10 million cubic metres of ­water are stored behind the 55 m dam wall. Apart from providing drinking water to the city, the reservoir is also used for irrigating the surrounding farmland. FROM THE DAM TO THE CITY A 27 km pipeline carries the water from the Akçay dam to Adapazarı. Originally, this ar­ rangement was not designed to create renew­

able energy while supplying Sakarya with wa­ ter – a fact that municipal public utility operator Akim Enerji Inc Co. was hoping to change. In implementing their plan the oper­ ators relied primarily on knowledge and tech­ nology ‘made in Austria’: the contract was awarded to Upper Austrian hydropower spe­ cialist WWS Wasserkraft GmbH, which is headquartered in Neufelden in the district of Rohrbach. In total, WWS was to provide 7 turbines for four power houses across five pro­ jects, which Günther Scharrer describes as follows: “The water from the Akçay dam is fed to the turbines in Ikramiye and then flows to Hacimercan, where the next set of machine units are located. Hacimercan is also home to

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another facility: Balikci, which has its water supplied from a different river. From there the water flows straight through the city of Ada­ pazarı and on to the Hizirilyas power house, which also contains two machine combina­ tions. Then there is hydropower plant Kere­ mali, which has its water supplied from an independent source via an existing penstock instead of a pressure reducing valve.” PELTON TECHNOLOGY FOR 78 BARS OF PRESSURE As a result, the five facilities are arranged as follows: Hydropower plant Ikramiye was fit­ ted with a 3-nozzle Pelton turbine at the end of a 9.4 km penstock. The turbine is designed for a net head of 390 m and a design flow rate of 1.2 m3/s, with a generating capacity of 4,140 kW. In Hacimercan two structurally identical vertical 6-nozzle Pelton turbines were installed, each designed for a 260 m head and a design flow rate of 1.25 m3/s. The facility has a maximum bottleneck capacity of 2,868 kW. Hydropower Plant Balikci, which was integrated into the same power house, uses a Francis spiral turbine designed for a head of 49.27 m and a flow capacity of 0.5 m3/s. Its generating capacity amounts to 220 kW. Hydropower plant Hizirilyas houses two Francis spiral turbines, each designed for a nominal head of 84.34 m and a design flow rate of 1.25 m3/s. With water supplied via a 12 km penstock, the twin arrangement achie­ ves a bottleneck capacity of 967 kW. In addi­ tion, hydropower plant Keremali had a single-­jet Pelton turbine installed. Although this was designed for a flow capacity of only 75 l/s, it utilises a net head of 779 m. “Keremali was certainly the most technically challenging powerplant of all units supplied. The combination of 78 bars of pressure and a very low flow rate proved quite a challenge for

photo credits: WWS


Hydropower plant Hacimercan is situated at the end of a 10 km penstock. Two six-nozzle Pelton turbines drive a powerful directly coupled synchronous generator.

our design engineers,” says Scharrer. In the end, these ambient conditions resulted in a rugged, compact turbine design with small Pelton runner buckets. “This turbine is the result of decades of experience provided by our Head of Technology, Josef Wögerbauer

and the expert knowledge contributed by scientists from the University of Technology in Graz.” The operators were instantly im­ pressed with the quality and performance of this turbine and also the six other units.

Foto: photoGlanzer credits: WWS

The turbine house of hydropower plant Hacimercan from the outside. The delivery and installation of the machines went without a hitch.

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CUSTOM-BUILT GENERATORS “Our project references and many recommen­ dations from satisfied customers, as well as the high quality provided by our premium sub­ contractors – especially Hitzinger – fully con­ vinced our customers at Akim Enerji Inc. Co. that our solution was the right choice“, says a happy Günther Scharrer. For the experienced generator manufacturers from Linz, a city fa­ mous for its steel industry, this contract was very special. “We have often delivered turbines to Turkish customers in the past. But WWS’s contract for the seven generators in the Mar­ mara region has opened up a whole new di­ mension,” says Volker Schmid, who works for Hitzinger. To prove his point, he mentions the different capacities and constructional designs of the generators, each of which was precisi­ on-designed to meet the respective require­ ments. Every single order for a Hitzinger tur­ May 2021


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photo credits: WWS Foto: Glanzer


Technical Data • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Hydropower plant Keremali is a high pressure facility with a net head of 779 m. Managing the water pressure turned out to be the main challenge for WWS’s construction engineers.

bine is pre-checked thoroughly to determine which aspect to focus on: overall ruggedness or high-end efficiency. As a result, the machi­ nes provided by the Linz-based high-end ma­ nufacturer are all designed and constructed on an individual basis. Relevant factors range from the design of the magnetic properties to the copper-to-iron ratio, the insulation system and many others. Based on decades of

knowledge and in-house research, Hitzinger is able to provide hydropower generators with highly stable rotational speeds and a powerful performance profile, combined with an extre­ mely long life cycle. For the operators of the new Sakarya hydropower plants these were the decisive factors in choosing the powerful ma­ chine units from Upper Austria. “It was im­ portant for our customers that our overall

Ikramiye Net-Head: 390 m Q =1.2 m3/s Turbine: 3-nozzle Pelton-Turbine Output: 4,140 kW Hacimercan Net-Head: 260 m Q = 2 x 1.25 m3/s Turbine: 2 x 6-nozzle Pelton-Turbine Output: 2 x 2,868 kW Balikci Net-Head: 49.27 m Q =0.5 m3/s Turbine: Francis Spiral turbine Output: 222 kW Hizirilyas Hn: 84.34 m Q = 2 x 1.25 m3/s Turbine: 2 x Francis Spiral turbine Output: 2 x 967 kW Keremali Net-Head: 779 m Q = 0.075 m3/s Turbine: 1-nozzle Pelton-Turbine Output: 507 kW Turbine Manufacturer: WWS Wasserkraft Generator Manufacturer: Hitzinger Average Annual Production: 45 GWh

package should be manufactured in-house as much as possible. Both the turbines and the generators are manufactured in Austria,” says Scharrer. As he points out, the competent, straightforward after-sales support is especially appreciated both by the turbine manufactu­ rers themselves and the plant operators.


WWS WASSERKRAFT GmbH Oberfeuchtenbach 11 4120 Neufelden, Austria office@wws-wasserkraft.at +43 7282 5922


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A DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONE In 2017 the Upper Austrian hydropower spe­ cialist was awarded the contract for supplying the plant equipment. WWS’s engineers were able to commence construction in late 2019. “The transport and installation work carried out by our staff was more or less business as usual. We had been able to clear away possible problems and pitfalls in advance, based on our extensive experience in the Turkish market On top of that, the great collaboration and open communication with our customers allowed us to implement even some extra require­ ments. The construction of the Akçay dam had been delayed, so we had to move our sche­ dule back a little, but that didn’t cause any problems,” says project leader Lukas Wöger­ bauer jr. Even the restrictions and obstacles

The drinking/process water is transported via a 27 km pipeline from the Akçay dam to Adapazarı, the capital of Sakarya.

photo credits: WWS

BY-PASS ENSURES WATER SUPPLY Like drinking water power plants in our parts of the world, each of the hydropower plants is equipped with a by-pass system. This ensures the sustained supply of freshwater even in case of a power failure. Currently 100% of the power generated by the plants is fed into the public grid. Additionally, a stand-alone solution is to be implemented in the near future as a precaution to sustain the water pumping operation in an emergency.

due to the coronavirus pandemic couldn’t de­ lay the project. “Our team had to undergo a lot of PCR testing, but that didn’t affect our workflow at all.” Since the completion of the start-up phase in October 2020 all seven machine units have been up and running perfectly, proving their worth in everyday operation. The significance of the project for the city of Adapazarı and the

entire province of Sakarya can hardly be over­ stated. Also, the hydroelectric utilisation of the water supply system marks an important mile­ stone in the development of the region’s infra­ structures. What is more, the seven machine units provide around 45 GWh of clean energy to the public grid. Best of all, it is proven Aust­ rian hydropower technology that will make sure of that for many years and decades to come.






Maximum flexibility in design and high quality products are our top priority. We guarantee sustainable performance for renewable energy supply. Generators - designed and built for generations.

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The Zakucac hydropower plant in Croatia has four machine sets with a total output of 488 MW. The installed generators come from the Croatian manufacturer KONCAR.

photo credits: KONCAR

Foto: Glanzer


KONCAR GROUP: A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE, INNOVATION, AND UNCOMPROMISING QUALITY On January 24, 1921, a small workshop destined for great achievements began its history. On its hundred-year journey filled with persistence and determination to achieve excellence, this small workshop has become the regional leader in electrical industry and rail solutions, known today as KONČAR Group. In a century of continuous commitment, thousands of successful projects and one unbending value – uncompromising quality, KONČAR has grown into a globally recognized symbol of innovation and development. Today, its products and solutions are present in more than 130 markets worldwide, reaffirming excellence and trust.


ONČAR’s impressive portfolio consists of a multitude of successful projects and top-notch products that have been delivered to all continents. As a result, KONČAR today is one of the largest Croatian exporters and identified as the driver of industrial development in Croatia. Since establishment KONČAR has partially or completely manufactured or revitalized 700 generators, 375 hydropower plants and tens of thousands of substations globally. The company has realized remarkable results in 2020 showing agility and strength in the face of unpredicted pandemic of the novel virus.


A YEAR TO REMEMBER While many of the world's largest economies will remember 2020 as one of the most uncertain and challenging years in the recent history, it represents a year of progress and historic breakthroughs for KONČAR. With green and digital solutions in focus, the company is moving forward on the path to sustainability. One of the most important projects is certainly the solar power plant on the island of Vis, at present the largest of its kind in Croatia. Involved throughout the duration of the project, KONČAR was in charge of obtaining all necessary permits, preparation of project do-

cumentation and turnkey construction of the plant, more specifically, through delivery of equipment, construction and electrical works and finally connection of the power plant to the substation. This year KONČAR will in­ stall a battery storage facility at the same location, bringing the island one step closer to self-sufficiency. Last year KONČAR went ahead with advancing the transformers segment, delivering the largest instrument transformers the company has ever manufactured and among the largest transformers of that kind in the world, in terms of voltage level and power output. This

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The Brezice power plant on the Lower Sava has a nominal output of 47.4 MW. The three machine groups are designed for a flow rate of 500 m3 / s.

Foto: Glanzer

photo credits: KONCAR

photo credits: KONCAR

KONCAR also proves its expertise in the photovoltaic sector: Croatia's largest PV power plant has been built on the island of Vis.

Foto: PI Mitterfellner


achievement is even greater when taking into account that the buyer is one of the strategically most important power companies in the United States. KONČAR also signed a new two-year contract for the supply of transformers for a German power company. The contract signing was preceded by a demanding prequalification process, involving the use of state-of-the-art technical and technological solutions in order to comply with the demanding EU regulations. The technical design underwent required specific enhancements in line with eco-design requirements, imposing a reduction on transformer losses. KONČAR amplified activities on its top markets, such as Austria and Germany. Contracting in the hydro segment produced great results in 2020, including 4 large hydro generator revitalizations for the European market, some of which will be the biggest and most demanding revitalizations recently carried out by KONČAR. The company regularly delivers similar projects to the Scandinavian market and many other

remote markets such as Indonesia. Significant projects in 2020 include the completion of hydro power plant in Kenya with the commissioning of the third unit as well the completion of two contracts that included the delivery of a horizontal synchronous generator to Finland and three vertical synchronous generators to the Philippines. SOPHISTICATED GOALS FOR THE FUTURE KONČAR strives to advance its global presence of successful projects and solutions with a forward-looking agenda, as it has for the past century, with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. Looking ahead, the main goal of KONČAR is to further strengthen its power engineering portfolio and its role in the development and delivery of proprietary technological and digital solutions. This specifically refers to renewables – hydro, solar and wind energy, with the aim of further growing its global presence.

Solutions for your digital future CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE.

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Canada, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Germany, Albania, Italy, South Africa – these are just a few countries where plant operators rely on the technical knowhow of Austrian Braun Maschinenfa­ brik GmbH and the top-quality performance of the company's trash rack cleaners. The product range of the hydraulic steel engineering experts covers trash rack cleaning machines in a variety of designs. From large-scale to small-scale power plants, Braun has the solution to all requirements and application needs. A few years ago the Vöcklabruck hydrotech industry specialists reacted to the increased demand for horizontal rake systems and are now able to offer this variation with the superior technology Braun is known for today.

photo credits: Braun

BRAUN'S TRASH RACK CLEANERS IN DEMAND AROUND THE WORLD Braun Maschinenfabrik GmbH's largest trash rack cleaning machine with an articulated arm is employed at the “Sohlstufe Lehen” power plant in Mozart's hometown.


LARGER – FARTHER – HEAVIER The trash rack cleaning machine with an articulated arm is a tool that moves along tracks and consists of a traction and a rotary drive. The balance weight, the booth, the switchboard and the hydraulic power unit are asphoto credits: Braun

raun Maschinenfabrik, based in Upper Austria, has been engaged successfully in the fields of hydraulic steel engineering and the construction of trash rack cleaning machines for over 50 years. Braun offers individual solutions to power plants of all sizes with a comprehensive product range. Braun's portfolio covers conventional cable winches, hydraulic telescopic arm trash rack cleaners, fully automatic cleaning machines with articulated arms that are movable along tracks, as well as all usual types of trash rack cleaners. Braun's largest trash rack cleaning machine with an articulated arm is employed at the Sohlstufe Lehen power plant in Salzburg. This machine is a showcase project in its own right as the parameters for dimension and total weight have broken many inhouse records.

The horizontal rake system has proven itself to be reliable, robust and efficient.


sembled on the rotating upper operating console. The main arm has a total length of 14 m and a weight of 5 tons and is also attached to the upper operating console. The cleaner rake is attached together with the grabber to the lower end of the 12.3-m-long articulated arm. During the cleaning process the rake tines of the cleaner rake enter the fine rack. At this stage the grabber is open and will not close around the collected debris until it reaches the water surface. The grabber bottom is rotatable and is put into the initial position during the cleaning process. After the cleaning process is completed the grabber bottom on the upper end of the rake is slewed all the way up. The collected debris falls into the rake through this “spooning-like motion”. Then the grabber closes and the trash rack cleaner moves to the container. During the emptying process the grabber bottom is slewed all the way down and the debris falls out of the rake. In this position the grabber is securely holding on to debris of any size.

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photo credits: Braun

photo credits: Braun


Braun Maschinenfabrik’s horizontal rake systems prove their worth under difficult conditions.

Smaller in design, but with the same reliable working performance as its “big brothers": The telescopic arm trash rack cleaners by Braun Maschinenfabrik.

Within the last ten years many other extralarge trash rack cleaning machines with articulated arms were ordered, especially by the German energy suppliers EnBW and LEW/BEW for equipping various power plants on the Dan­ ube and the Neckar River. An extraordinarily large unit for instance is used at the Knochendorf power plant on the Neckar River. SMALL DESIGN – HUGE OUTPUT For some years now smaller hydropower plants have benefited from Braun's experience in the planning and execution of cleaning devices for large-scale plants. Because of the increase in orders by smallscale hydropower plant operators, Braun's engineers have adapted their collected knowhow of large-scale projects onto smaller power plants. The results are tailor-made telescopic arm trash rack cleaners offering the most reliable cleaning performance and an excellent costperfor­ mance ratio, just as their “big brothers” do.

For several years now there has been a trend toward the installation of horizontal rakes, both at newly-built plants and at renovated facilities – above all to protect fish populations. Narrow bar gaps of 15 – 30mm and low flow velocities enable the fish to extricate themselves from intakes. Greater protection for fish populations is a key argument in favour of horizontal rake solutions. Braun Maschinenfabrik produces horizontal rakes in the superior quality expected of the name, having begun to react to the increased demand for horizontal rakes several years ago. Braun stands for long-lasting, technically sophisticated, robust and reliable solutions. Proof of this can be found at numerous reference facilities, both at home and abroad, particularly the horizontal rake cleaning machines installed for the Höfen hydropower plant in Tyrol or the unit for the new Danzermühl hydropower plant on the River Traun, where a rake cleaning system was integrated to service a rake width of 48m.

Innovations for waterpower all over the world.

EFFICIENT MACHINE OF INNOVATION The corresponding effect on the plant’s annual capacity can only be achieved if a constant and unhindered flow of water can be guaranteed. Combined flow-optimised fine rakes and an effective and reliable rake-cleaning machines are still some of the most important infrastructural components of a hydroelectric power station – be it a vertical or horizontal rake installation. A fully automated and reliable, high-performance rake cleaning machine ensures the maximum flow is constantly guaranteed across the entire cross-section of the rake. As recognised industry specialists, it is these attributes that have also helped to establish Braun Maschinenfa­ brik’s excellent reputation in horizontal rake technology. As a well-known non-stop engine of innovation this reputation has already spread far beyond the Austrian borders. The company’s list of references from the last few years provides some very convincing proof.

Trash Rack Cleaning Systems Hydro Mechanical Equipment BRAUN Maschinenfabrik Ges.m.b.H.

Foto: Glanzer


Gmundner Str. 76 4840 Vöcklabruck / AUSTRIA E-Mail:office@braun.at


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OSSBERGER GmbH + Co. KG delivered the complete electromechanical equipment for the new small-scale hydroelectric power plant Tischbach. At full-load operation, the crossflow turbine, which is designed for a wide partial-load range, achieves a bottleneck capacity of 238 kW.

photo credit: Ossberger


HPP TISCHBACH SUPPLIES 120 HOUSEHOLDS WITH GREEN ENERGY FROM THUS FAR UNTAPPED ENERGY POTENTIAL In July 2020, roughly nine months after the start of construction in the Canton of Graubünden, Albula Landwasser Kraftwerke‘s (ALK) Tischbach small hydroelectric power plant has commenced regular operations. Thanks to the new construction, a previously unused hydro-energetic supply line between the Tischbach water catchment to the Bergün balancing reservoir is now employed for the generation of clean power. As part of the necessary innovation of the damaged supply line, the plant‘s power house could be built with minimal temporary interference in the landscape. The complete electromechanical equipment, whose core is a durable crossflow turbine with a maximum installed output of 238 kW, was supplied by Ossberger, a German expert in small-scale hydroelectric power plants.


summer of 2020, the Tischbach small hydroelectric power plant was connected to the grid as the third ALK plant. photo credit: ALK


ounded in the 1960s, Graubündenbased­­­ Albula Landwasser Kraftwerke AG (ALK) operates two hydroelectric power plants, Filisur and Tiefencastel. 75 percent of ALK‘s company shares are owned by the Swiss power company AXPO, 15.74 percent are held by EWD power plant Davos AG, 5 percent by the Canton of Graubünden, and the remaining 4.26 percent are shared by the local municipalities Albula/Alvra, Bergün, Filisur and Schmitten. The Filisur power plant, which was completed in 1967 (water catchments from Albula and Landwasser and a central feed water system) employs two vertical shaft Francis turbines to generate power, with a bottleneck capacity of 32.5 MW each; in normal years, the plant generates roughly 286 GWh of green energy. In 1989, ALK started operating the downstream power plant Tiefencastel. Both of its vertical shaft Francis turbines achieve a maximum output of 12 MW each and produce approximately 103 GWh of power in a normal year. In the

The damaged DN400 steel pipe was re­­­­­­­­­pla­ced by a penstock with DN700 GFK pipes.

UNTAPPED ENERGY POTENTIAL Felix Hansmann, project lead, details the development history of the Tischbach hydroelectric power plant: ”There is a height difference of approximately 37 m between the Tischbach water catchment that belongs to the Filisur plant, which feeds the Bergün balancing reservoir via a roughly 300 m long feed line, which have thus far not been used for energy. After the approx. 60 year old pipeline had to be replaced due to material wear and corrosion damage, we developed a concept that makes this height difference usable for energy production.” Hansmann further notes that the implementation of the new small power plant became economically feasible thanks to the approval of the Swiss Ökostromtarif (green energy tariff) funds, so-called „feed-in remuneration to cover costs“ (KEV) - new reference: feed-in tariff system (EVS). When EVS funds were granted in the summer of 2019, ALK had already been granted the approval for the replacement

May 2021

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• Flow rate: 820 l/s • Net head: 37 m • Turbine: Crossflow • Nominal speed: 600 rpm • Output: 238 kW • Manufacturer: Ossberger • Generator: Synchronous • Voltage: 400 V • Frequency: 50 Hz • Output: 244 kVA at cos phi 0,9 • Annual average capacity: ca. 550,000 kWh

of the underground feed pipeline and the construction of the power house in October 2016. ADJUSTED WATER CATCHMENT The implementation phase of the project started in May of 2019 with the renewal of the underground feed pipeline between the water catchment and the balancing reservoir. In­ stead of the DN400 steel pipe, which leaked in multiple areas, a new penstock line by Amiblu was installed in two months with DN700 glass fiber reinforced plastic pipes (GKF). After the approved EVS funding, the construc­tion of the power plant headquarters were started in the following September next to the Bergün balancing reservoir. ”To build the new power plant, the new Tischbach water catchment, which is equipped with a Tyrolean weir intake and a de-sanding basin, only required minor adjustments. The de-sanding basin was equipped with a new transition piece for the enlarged pipe dimensions. In addition, we have installed a steel dividing wall in the de-sanding basin to optimise the normal volume of the water-level controlled turbine”, says Hansmann, who, in addition to holding the project leadership position, is also

The power house was built next to the Bergün balancing reservoir.

photo credit: Ossberger

Technical Data

photo credit: Ossberger


For the new power plant construction, only minor adjustments in the de-sanding basin were required in the Tischbach water catchment.

the head of the construction engineering department. THE IDEAL SOLUTION: CROSSFLOW Multiple versions were considered in the selection of the machinery for the new power plant, Hansmann says: ”It became clear relativ­ely quickly that a crossflow turbine is the ideal solution for the Tischbach power plant. Although compared to other machine types, crossflow turbines do not perform at top effici­ency, they do cover a wide partial-load ran­ge.­In addition, crossflow turbines are very durable and can even be reliably operated in case of low water resources - we achieve the nominal flow rate on perhaps ten days of the year.” Ossberger, the internationally renowned German specialist in small-scale hydroelectric power plants won the charge for the construction of the full electromechanical equipment as part of the tender. This provided the core of the plant for a nominal flow rate of 820 l/s and a crossflow turbine designed for a net drop height of 37 m, which achieves a bottleneck capacity of 238 kW. The energy converter of the machine, which is fed horizontally, is a directly connected AEMbrand synchronous generator. The air-chilled

400 V generator was designed for a nominal apparent output of 244 kVA and, like the turbine, rotates at exactly 600 rpm. Ossberger also supplied the medium-voltage switchgear, which was sub-contracted to the South Tyrolean company EN-CO. CLEAN ENERGY FOR 120 HOUSEHOLDS The outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic in the spring of 2020 also affected the comple­ tion of the hydroelectric power project, Hansmann explains: ”Although the equipment could be delivered to the construction site in the spring, installation had to be completed by ALK staff due to travel restrictions. Finally, the plant was commissioned by an Ossberger technician in late May.” After four weeks of trial operations in June, the plant could be taken into normal operation in July. Roughly six months after completion, Hansmann draws very positive conclusions about the project: ”Our first operational experiences with the power plant are quite satisfactory, as the machine works immaculately.” In a normal year, the Tischbach power plant generates roughly 550,000 kWh of green energy, which covers the annual power demand of 120 average 4-person households.

photo credit: ALK

In a normal year, the plant can generate approximately 550,000 kWh of power.

Projekt KW Tischbach zek Hydro International 2021 Englisch.indd 47

May 2021


06.05.2021 15:48:38

Grafik: pixabay / Gerald Altmann


DIGITALISATION SET TO PLAY A CENTRAL ROLE IN HYDROPOWER UTILISATION Designed and developed decades ago, the architectural foundations of continental Europe’s energy infrastructure are still going strong. For the most part it was thermal power stations, supported by nuclear energy and hydropower facilities, that formed the essential backbone of the overall system. However, as fossil energy sources are gradually being phased out, the resulting changes require a full redesign of the entire system. A new system architecture will have to be set up to meet the European Green Deal goals, which call for complete EU-wide climate neutrality by 2050. Thermal power plants are to be reduced to a minimum, and their generating capacities are to be replaced mainly by wind and solar power stations. However, achieving these goals will certainly raise considerable challenges in terms of grid stability due to the highly volatile nature of these energy resources. New technologies are needed to deal with these challenges. In all probability, this is where the oldest form of renewable energy will enter the stage: hydropower – the one form of energy that is better suited than any other to ensure the required compensation on the grid. That said, it will take quite a lot of adaptations and technical innovation to make this possible. To get hydropower future-proof and ready for this demanding task, a high-profile network of researchers has been founded under the auspices of the European Energy Research Agency (EERA), which is dedicated to promoting current research at various locations through­ out Europe. The coordinator of the crucial “Digitalisation” sub-programme is well-known, especially in Austria: Dr. Eduard Doujak from TU Wien (the Technical University in Vienna), who took the time to give an interview to zek HYDRO. zek: Dr. Doujak, some months ago the prestigious energy research network of the European Energy Research Agency (or EERA for short) was extended to include a new joint programme on Hydropower. Could you please tell us a bit about the background of this move and its main objectives. Doujak: Most of the credit is due to the programme’s initiators from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). They had been lobbying for the programme to be included in the network. TU Wien was invited to participate along with several other universities. We thought a cooperation like that was a good idea and that it would open up some interesting perspectives. That’s how we became a part of the EERA. This research network is dedicated primarily to promoting the transformation of the European energy


system into a climate-neutral enterprise by 2050. The umbrella organisation consists of a network of around 50,000 European researchers who are working in variety of relevant fields.

JP HYDROPOWER – a new subnetwork within the EERA Joint Research Programme Hydropower is one of the EERA network’s 17 main research programmes. Its stated purpose is to enable hydropower to advance to a key position in the context of the current restructuring of Europe’s renewable energy system. For this reason relevant research activities are being bundled and directed towards the programme’s common goal. The joint programme is headed by Professor Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

zek: Who can join this network as it stands now? Doujak: It’s a research network that is open only to universities and research organisations. The six sub-programmes of JP HYDROPOWER:

SP1 Hydroelectric Units: electro-mechanical components for hydropower stations SP2 Hydropower Structures: all physical and constructional parts of hydropower stations SP3 Grid, System integration and Markets: grid issues, system integration, and markets SP4 Water Resources, Environmental Impact and Climate Adaptation: environmental issues SP5 Social Acceptance, Engagement and Policy: socio-economic aspects SP6 Digitalization: digital transformation in the hydropower industry

Homepage: www.eera-hydropower.eu

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Foto: pixabay / liggraphy


zek: Let’s talk about hydropower: what is the structure of Joint Programme Hydropower with its six sub-programmes, and how is it organised? Doujak: It’s quite simple: each of the six sub-programmes is headed by a coordinator and their deputy. The management board consists of only 15 persons, including the joint programme coordinator. They are located all over Europe, and they meet once a month in an online session. zek: As one of the sub-programme coordinators you are responsible for Digitalisation. What does digitalisation mean in the context of hydropower? Doujak: This is not an easy question to answer, as digitalisation has become a buzzword that can mean a lot of different things. That’s why we had to come up with a precise definition: we first defined digitalisation on the machine level, specifically with respect to sensor technology, data analysis, maintenance, and various metatrends. On the next-higher level the definition refers to the entire facility and ways of optimising a hydropower plant. Another step up we come to the system level, where we are dealing with questions of optimising entire chains of power stations on the grid. Apart from that, the term digitalisation is also relevant in context of environmental issues. Here computational models are becoming more and more important, for example in studying environmental impact or specific aspects like bedload transport. Today we have monitoring systems that can track bedload

zek: Are things like High-Performance Computing – HPC – or Artificial Intelligence – AI – relevant in this context? Doujak: Yes, absolutely, although you have to be careful to make a distinction here: HPC is being used already, for example, for numerical simulations in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and for processing large volumes of sensor data. AI is used to varying degrees in processing and interpreting the sensor data. Today numerical simulations are next to impossible without HPC, and in future this technology is likely to become just as impor­ tant for sensor data processing. It’s all about parallel processing of measurement data under real-life conditions – that is, live. AI (specifically machine learning) is a currently a hot topic on the machine level. In the long run, of course, AI might be worth considering for numerical simulation as well, but that’s still far off, I think. zek: The term “digital twin” has been mentioned a lot recently. Can you tell us how it applies to hydropower? Doujak: When we are talking about “digital twins”, it’s important, once again, to define exactly what we mean by that term and how we want to use it. On the industrial level, for example, it means a virtual 3D model, which these days you can even explore with VR goggles in some cases. On university level, digital twin technology is defined as an interconnection between the real world with an artificial, virtual one. This way, we can more easily understand and avoid problems before they even

routes along an entire reservoir. In today’s new­er models this information is cross-linked with precipitation data. This allows us to make exact predictions where and how sediment is deposited. Finally, digitalisation also covers social aspects, with a focus on the operational workflow at a plant. zek: What is the main focus on the machine level? Doujak: On the machine level, it’s mostly about sensor technology: which sensors can be used, and what for? What is necessary to eliminate damaging impact mechanisms? We have put a lot of time, research and computation into studying these issues. Over the past two years alone we have invested a total of around 2 million CPU hours on studying transient operating ranges, including phenomena such as wake turbulence under partial load, machine start-stop behaviour, and load shedding. We are planning to present the results of our studies at the Viennahydro event this autumn. zek: Where CFD calculations are concerned, this sounds as if there is still a concern that the sheer volume of data might become unmanageable. Doujak: Of course, massive data volumes like that cannot be stored locally. So you have to plan ahead and decide which insights you are interested in, and then you capture only the relevant parameters for what is called post-processing. We couldn’t possibly store all of the parameters. That would quickly exceed our entire data storage capacity.

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Für den flexiblen Einsatz im Rahmen der Netzstabilisierung werden robustere Maschinendesigns gefragt sein.

Grafik: pixabay / Stux


Das Maschinenhaus fügt sich nicht nur aufgrund der geschmackvollen Optik bestens in das Naherholungs- und Wohngebiet im Zentrum von Gravellona Toce am Lago Maggiore ein, sondern auch aufgrund der getroffenen Lärmschutzmaßnahmen, wodurch vom Kraftwerksbetrieb kaum etwas nach außen dringt.

occur. You can run simulations to test various operating modes, and once you have fine-tuned a process in the model, you can transfer it back to the real-life system. The hydropower industry has taken notice of the benefits and the extensive future potential. For example, some manufacturers are already applying this technology to their production processes. zek: Looking at the big picture, how is this going to affect the hydropower industry? Doujak: It’s quite impossible to answer this question definitively. That said, in my personal estimation hydropower will move further towards grid stabilisation to stay profitable, especially in our geographic region. On a global scale, we probably have to look at future application areas from a broader perspective. For example, one of the Horizon 2020 research projects in central Asia calls for the erection of a demonstration and research facility. It will take on a series of tasks, from irrigation and high-water protection to bedload management, including final energy production and grid stabilisation: a very broad range of tasks covering the latest developments.

photo credits: Doujak / TU Wien

Dr. Eduard Doujak from TU Wien is the coordinator of the Digitalisation sub-programme within the EERA’s


zek: If hydropower is indeed headed toward grid stabilisation, what are the implications from the operator’s perspective? Doujak: In terms of machine technology, it would require a higher degree of flexibility. This means unlocking the entire operating range. And doing that won’t be without its consequences. To study this aspect more thoroughly, we took a closer look at a specific machine and did the calculations over a wide load spectrum to see what happens under fluctuating conditions. In this particular case we found that the machine’s ageing process is accelerated by a factor of six when it is operated on the grid under such volatile conditions. That said, let me stress that this finding cannot be generalised and that it’s still early days as far as our investigations are concerned. We’ll need to do more research on various different types of machine before we can come to a more general conclusion. zek: What would it take to get the machines future-proof and ready to take on these conditions? Doujak: It would take changes to the basic machine design, with sturdier turbines. This has already been done for some of the more recent pump storage power plants. These turbines have thicker blades and a more rigid profile. The problem is that this reduces efficiency. Looking at older facilities, there’s the question what are they to do? How can the facility be kept up and running economically? That’s the key question. Once the operator knows that the facility will deteriorate more quickly by a factor of x when it is operated that way, they can offset this loss against the profit generated. But it they don’t know that crucial x, what are they to do? How can they know with any degree of certainty that they will be profitable at the end of the day? It will take further extensive research to find reliable answers to these questions. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. zek: What would you say are the advantages of hydropower research being included in the EERA? Doujak: The main idea is that it allows us to develop holistic solutions. To do so, it is certainly an advantage if you can plan future projects collectively. It’s also a matter of integrating hydropower into a broader framework. That’s why we are trying to enable a sort of research collaboration between the individual joint programmes. Especially in digitalisation even very different areas of research can greatly benefit from each other. In view of this, I believe that we are currently at a very interesting and exciting stage in the process. zek: Dr. Doujak, thank you very much for the interview.

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uctile iron piping forms the technical backbone of several modern hydro-electric power stations in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy and Scandinavia. The long-standing Tyrolean manufacturer TRM has become an indispensable option for solutions suited to topographically tough terrain.

photo credits0: Pliessnig

LAUFENBERGERBACH HYDROPOWER PLANT Laufenbergerbach hydropower plant in Carinthia is a recent typical reference project. The station commenced operation at the close of last year. The Tyrolean piping specialists at TRM provided trusted DN400-format ductile iron pipes for the approximately 500 metres long penstock in Radenthein. The connections prevent lengthways pressure slippage and the new pipe conduit can transport up to 208 l/s to the machine room. Large sections of the routing for the penstock passed

The penstock at Röllbach hydropower plant in Switzerland is around 1.2 km long and built using ductile iron pipes made by the industry specialists TRM, and connector-secured to prevent lengthways sliding.

photo credits: EW Martin Zeller AG

More than ever before, hydropower plant operators are choosing sophisticated pipeline solutions for their penstock. Indeed, the ductile cast iron pipes made by Tiroler Rohre GmbH (TRM) have been a trusted solution for small-scale hydropower plants for almost 60 years. Over time the company has installed a total pipe conduit length of around 1,200 kilometres; or the equivalent of a pipeline from Milan to Hamburg. TRM’s ductile iron pipes have been installed at numerous power plants in recent years, guaranteeing durability, good commercial value and operational reliability.

through a densely-populated residential area, necessitating the installation of several elbow sections. Furthermore, the routing had to navigate multiple obstacles. It was necessary to core-drill through an approximately 2-metre-thick protection wall, 3.5 metres below the surface, right by the water collection basin. As the pipes were being installed it again became clear how essential simple pipe handling is for commercially viable installation. The patented restrained VRS®-T connections facilitate rapid installation, making it possible to complete whole sections of pipeline relatively quickly. In the case of the Laufenberger-

The penstock of Laufenbergerbach hydropower plant was rerouted through a densely populated residential area.

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bach station, the pipeline was completely installed in under four months – and the pressure test was passed at the first attempt. RÖLLBACH HYDROPOWER PLANT Another reference project of the past few months was completed several hundred kilometres further west in Röllbach, in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen. The project to rebuild and modernise the small-scale hydropower plant was implemented using high-pressure DN400 and DN500 piping along a 1.2-km route in extremely difficult terrain. While most of the original welded steel pipe conduit ran above ground, the new ductile iron piping was devised to run underground all the way. Due to the extremely rocky nature of the material under the surface, it was necessary to blast open a channel along around 80% of the route. The decision-makers chose a solution involving an outer coating of cement mortar to ensure the pipes were installed safe and secure in the rocky ground, thus protecting the penstock from damage often caused by such underground conditions. The inaccessibility of the project site in Flums meant that in the summer of 2019 almost all the pipes had to be manoeuvred into place by helicopter. A transport helicopter was deployed to convey the individual pipe sections from May 2021


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the depot to the point of installation. Installation was implemented as follows: First of all, a 200-m trench was excavated for the pipeline, after which the helicopter brought the individual lengths of pipe to the assembly staff on site – and was also used to lift and ease the pipes into position, so each only had to be handled once. This meant the entire turnaround procedure involving the helicopter, from picking up the first section of pipe – delivering and positioning – returning to the depot for the next, took around five minutes. VRS®-T connectors ensured each section could be rapidly attached, and secured to prevent slipping out of position. Subsequently, the pipe trench was filled in again with an excavator. The plant has been commissioned last March. It can process three times the previous volume of water and supplies the canton of St. Gallen with around 2.65 GWh of clean, green electricity. DUERNBACH I HYDROPOWER PLANT As well as in the Swiss village of Flums, the changeover of the high-pressure descent pipeline from steel to ductile iron was also successfully achieved in the Pinzgau region of Salzburg Province. The operators of the environmentally friendly electricity producer, E-Werk Lechner, whose Duernbach I power plant had been in operation since 1948, had been faced with a problem. Several small leaks


PISCHINGBACH HYDROPOWER PLANT The Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation also chose to invest in environmentally and temporally sustainable solutions. In the Styrian village of Kalwang the local council authorised the building of the first small-scale hydropower plant on the previously unexploited Pischingbach river. The plant went online just a few months ago. There were plenty of reasons for the management to choose TRM

Routing of the 1.6-km DN400 penstock for the Pischingbach power plant.

photo credits: Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein

The operators of Duernbach I in the Salzburg region managed to route the entire pipeline themselves.

photo credits: EW Lechner

photo credits: EW Martin Zeller AG

While installing the pipe sections in Flums a heavyduty helicopter was used as a means of transport and as a lifting device.

had already begun to appear over the years, a problem that had been ameliorated by installing spiral pipes. However, not long back disaster struck as a pipe burst in an extremely inaccessible section of the penstock, forcing the management to take a fundamental decision to replace the over 60-year-old steel pipeline with modern, long-lasting high-pressure ductile iron piping – from TRM. The main and most important reason given by the Salzburg plant’s operators for this move was the speed at which the pipeline could be replaced. The faster the pipes were installed, the shorter the downtime for the plant. Indeed, provided installation is coupled with the requisite know-how, TRM’s piping system can guarantee remarkably reduced installation times. This was observed in practice when the plant operators worked as a family to complete the first 120-m section of pipeline channel in just three days. The section of pipeline in question was situated in some of the steepest terrain along the entire penstock, on a hillside with gradients of up to 50%. One positive effect became immediately apparent as soon as the initial section was successfully installed: The machine room manometer showed a 0.2-bar pressure rise! This confidence boost provided the plant operators with even greater motivation for the installation of the remaining piping along the route; which of course was also implemented using TRM’s iron ductile pipes.

quality for the construction of a total of 1.6 km of penstock, but the real deal-makers were the high-pressure tolerance and speedy availability of the products on offer. The requisite rerouting of the pipeline channel meant navigating a high point and a low point, in turn necessitating air extraction and draining. The entire DN400 pipeline was installed using the patented slide-secure VRS®-T system connectors. A metal bolt and a weld bead at the narrow end of each following pipe section create a connection that can be subjected to extreme forces and pressures. Depending upon the diameter of the pipe sections, the infrastructure can cope with up to 200 kN of traction. What’s more, this solution also renders the inclusion of concrete abutments obsolete, significantly accelerating the speed of installation achieved by the site team. One key benefit for the operators of the Pischingbach power plant was the possibility of conducting installation via the trusted ‘open & close’ method. So, particularly in poor weather conditions, the channel was only excavated for a single pipe section, and subsequently re-filled. This helps to minimise the risk of landslides and allows the original earth to be filled back in very quickly, in turn facilitating the rapid regrowth and recovery of the local vegetation. All pipeline installation work was conducted in 2019. The new Pischingbach power station has been in nor-

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DURABLE, SAFE, SUSTAINABLE The ease of installation, stability and flexibility of the pipes, as well as the tried and trusted collar connectors, were decisive benefits that won over the operators of the small-scale al­ pine power station. Another factor influencing the decision was the extreme longevity of ductile iron pipes. One pillar of this durability is the anti-corrosive protective layer on the sur­ face. TRM now provides a large portfolio of ­coatings for a broad range of requirements, types of burden and underground conditions. Active protection from corrosion is applied to the outer surface in the form of a thermal zinc spray coating. A passive corrosion guard is provided by applying an additional protective layer. Coatings in common use include sealing layers made of polyurethane or epoxy. Another frequently used coating solution is cement mortar cladding – a very suitable means of material protection, particularly in harsh terrain and rocky earth. Moreover, it’s undeniable that the stability of modern penstocks has also become a legal insurance issue. Hence, it’s a logical consequence to observe that operators are also placing their

phto credits: zek

mal service since the spring of 2020, and in a regular operating year can produce around 1.2 GWh of clean energy.

Pipe bridge constructed for Laufenbergerbach hydropower station with TRM iron piping.

faith in the tried and tested VRS®-T connections – a system that is restrained against lontudinal forces can be caused by pressure and stress dynamics. Despite being rigidly resistant to pressure, the system is extremely flexible. Such conduits can survive subsidence or land­ slides intact. 100% of the material used for TRM’s ductile pipes comes from recycled waste steel for a po-

sitive environmental impact and exceptional sustainability – aspects Christian Lechner, operator of the Duernbach I plant confirms are steadily growing in importance for hydroelectric power plant managers: “We’re an Austrian company with strong roots in the area and have established a reputation for sustainable activity over several years, so it only logical that we would choose TRM pipe systems.”


Secure water supply. Thanks to reliable partners. Safe water supply. www.trm.at

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07.05.2021 10:43:05

ne im .


photo credits: Wikipedia / EDF

The over 60-year-old run-of-river hydropower plant on the Grand Canal of Alsace in the French town of Vogelgrun currently has a nominal capacity of 140 MW and is to test a new kind of battery turbine hybrid. The tests are to be conducted as part of the Xflex Hydro project.

FLEXIBILITY, TECHNOLOGIES AND SCENARIOS FOR HYDROPOWER Report Summary: This report by the European Union (EU)-funded XFLEX HYDRO project explores the emerging opportunities for hydropower plants to provide new short-term flexibility and system support services, known as ancillary services, to the European grid. Over the next two years, XFLEX HYDRO’s technological solutions and performance enhancements will be implemented in the project's demonstration programme. This will allow the expected improvements in ancillary services and KPIs to be evaluated, using the matrices as reporting frameworks.


lexible energy sources, such as hydro­ power, are increasingly important to ba­ lance the growing amount of variable renewable energy (VRE) sources, primarily wind and solar power, in the European grid. In addition, the decarbonisation of the grid is leading to the decommissioning of fos­ sil-fuel power plants. This is reducing the capacity of grid operators to provide regula­ ting power to the grid to ensure the conti­ nuous load-generation balance necessary for grid stability. XFLEX HYDRO is an ambitious €18 m energy innovation project demonstrating how more flexible hydro assets can help countries and regions to meet their renewab­ le energy targets. The four-year project invol­ ves 19 organisations and is focused on seven demonstration sites across Portugal, France and Switzerland. It will conclude in 2023 with policy and market recommendations.


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MORE VARIABLE RENEWABLES WILL REQUIRE MORE FLEXIBILITY IN THE GRID On the path to decarbonisation, dramatic in­ creases in variable renewable energy produc­ tion are expected to cause much higher vola­ tility in the electricity system. Grid operators must constantly balance demand with supply to keep the system stable, and the growing levels of variability from wind and solar gene­ ration will increase the complexity of this challenge. In this context, there will be a grea­ter need for flexible and controllable sup­ ply from low-carbon sources. AS A LOW-CARBON, RENEWABLE, FLEXIBLE ENERGY SOURCE, HYDRO WILL PLAY A KEY ROLE IN DECARBONISATION Hydropower will have a leading role in manag­ing the growing need for flexibility in the power grid. It can provide large quantities of both capacity (short-term power flexibility)

and energy (medium-term and longterm power and energy flexibility). Hydropower ­ occupies a unique position because it can store primary energy (GWh) with high efficiency as the potential energy of water. Importantly, it can also provide power capacities (GW) at a high degree of predictable availability. These advantages become increasingly significant as fossil-fuel thermal units are phased out. Other interventions, such as stationary batteries, electric vehicles and demandresponse, will also contribute solutions but in a less predic­ table way. This changing energy mix is leading to shifts in power markets. THE CHANGING ENERGY MIX IS CREATING NEW MARKETS FOR SERVICES REQUIRED TO ENSURE GRID STABILITY The expected requirement for new short-term flexibility and system support services, known as ancillary services, is reflected in new market

May 2021

07.05.2021 12:42:25

photo credits: Voith

The PSH plant Frades II is equipped with two variable-revolution pump turbines – each with a nominal capacity of 390 MW, two asynchronous engine-generators and variable frequency drive. The Voith Hydro-built machines are some of the largest and most powerful of their kind in Europe, and also belong to the large-scale Xflex Hydro project.

Foto: Glanzer

frameworks for their deployment, exchange and remuneration. XFLEX HYDRO has assessed the future ancillary services envisioned by trans­ mission system operators (TSOs) in the Continental Europe (CE) syn­ chronous area (SA) and the related technical requirements for these services. The existing or anticipated market for each service has also been considered. The following ancillary services have been identified as relevant to the project:  Synchronous inertia: is the inherent capability of rotating machines directly connected to the power grid to store and inject their kinetic energy to support the electrical system. The level of inertia directly in­ fluences the rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) that occurs immedi­ ately after an active power imbalance. Synchronous inertia may be ob­ tained by increasing the rotating mass connected to the system, which includes turbinegenerating and pumping units as well as synchronous condensers. The service is not currently remunerated in CE but is start­ ing to be contracted by TSOs under specific tenders, as is the case in the UK.  Synthetic inertia: power electronic-interfaced energy sources can pro­ vide short-term frequency support through proper control of the coup­ ling interface. While not providing synchronous inertia, they are able to swiftly adapt power output, driven by their control system, to provi­ de synthetic inertia; assuming there is an energy buffer available within the primary energy source. For example, in the rotating mass and stored kinetic energy of a wind turbine. Synthetic inertia requires the frequen­ cy to be measured and processed for control purposes, meaning its ef­ fect on the grid has a very short delay (less than 500 milliseconds) and is of small duration in time, depending on the stored energy existing in the energy buffer. Although not foreseen in the short to medium term to be a remunerated service in CE, it will likely start to become man­ datory or contracted in tendering markets given the expected growth in power electronics-based renewables such as solar PV that will feed the system.  Fast Frequency Response (FFR): is designed to provide an active ­power response faster than existing operating reserves, typically in less than two seconds in the timeframe following inertial response and be­ fore activation of FCR (see below). Although not yet defined or rewar­ ded as a service in CE, FFR is already being explored in markets such as the UK (previously tendered as Enhanced Frequency Response or EFR), the Irish and the Nordic markets.

photo credits: Alpiq


The Z'Mutt pumping station is part of the Swiss Alpiq Grande Dixence complex where a prototype with variable rotation speeds and a large variable frequency drive is being tested in the search for new operational technologies.

In CE, emerging trends in balancing services are starting to be imple­ mented based on the EU Electricity Balancing Guideline (EBGL), and subsequent exchange platforms/projects, in terms of the following: • Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) (which in original termino­ logy is known as primary frequency control): aims to contain system frequency after an active power imbalance, by maintaining the balance between active power generation and demand within a synchronous area, aiming to comply with pre-defined frequency metrics. An FCR response must be fully activited within 30 seconds. FCR is already exchanged in the FCR Cooperation platform of Central Europe. • Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) (in original termi­ nology aligned with secondaryfrequency control): aims to restore the Area Control Error (ACE, also named Frequency Restoration Control Error - FRCE) of each Load-Frequency Control area toward zero. In other words, it aims to restore the system frequency back to its set point (normal) value and/or keep the power interchange program among LFC areas. aFRR is a remunerated product being traded in specific platforms managed by TSOs, which are automatically implemented with initial activation in less than 30 seconds, and full activitation with­ in 15 minutes. This service already has a standard product defined to be traded in the aFRR platform under the PICASSO initiative as well as in the IN process related to the International Grid Control Cooperati­ on (IGCC). • Manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) and Replacement Reserve (RR) (in the original terminology called tertiary frequency con­ trol): mFRR is a manually controlled Frequency Restoration Reserve 

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The Portuguese Alto-Lindoso pump storage plant has a nominal capacity of 630 MW and is also participating in the Xflex-Hydro project.

photo credits: Rainer Sturm_pixelio.de

service that must be fully activated in 15 minutes, while Replacement Reserve (RR) then aims to progressively replace or support the frequen­ cy restoration control process. The RR services follow optional TSO instructions for manual activation of reserves in the affected grid area, usually in a timeframe between 15 minutes and one hour. These ser­ vices also have standard products defined, which are to be exchanged in the common platforms of the Manually Activated Reserves Initiative (MARI) and Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TER­ RE) respectively.  Voltage/reactive power control (Volt/var): is a local technical issue, which is now typically mandatory and not remunerated. The volt/var control process is implemented by manual or automatic control actions designed to maintain the nominal set values for the voltage levels and/ or reactive powers. Usually, there are also bilateral contracts held be­ tween a service provider and TSO for the provision of extra volt/var control.  Black start: is the capability of restarting operation of a power plant during a grid blackout, from a complete shutdown and island-opera­ ting state of the plant, without any power feed from the network. The service is intended to power up other plants and loads, and aims to

New technologies aim to facilitate the integration of greater volumes of other renewable energy sources into our grid supplies.


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photo credits: Wikipedia

photo credits: Wikipedia


The 520-MW Portuguese Alqueva pump storage plant is holding hydraulic short-circuit tests under a variety of operating conditions.

bring the grid system back to normal operating conditions. Black start is today contracted through bilateral agreements and is not expected to have its own market framework in future. XFLEX HYDRO IS DEMONSTRATING TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS TO ENHANCE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS CAPACITY TO CONTRIBUTE TO GRID FLEXIBILITY XFLEX HYDRO’s goal is to demonstrate innovative hydropower solu­ tions to maximise hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) performance and increase their contribution to grid flexibility. These technologies are being assessed in detail across seven demonstration sites in Portugal, France and Switzerland. The demonstrations will enable a better under­ standing of the technical and economic benefits, as well as the challen­ ges, of each solution. Demonstration results will inform recommenda­ toins for their wider application in Europe. The solutions are:  Digitalisation tools (Smart Power Plant Supervisor): using plant ­health monitoring and data capture to reduce maintenance needs and plant outage time; while also increasing efficiency and helping to mini­ mise stresses on equipment under increased flexible operation. This will ultimately support hydro plant operators in their decision-making re­ garding the provision of flexibility services to the grid.  Integration of advanced control for battery storage system: hybridi­ sing a battery storage system at a runof-river hydro power plant, with the aim of providing extended flexibility and fast response services to the grid and increasing plant availability.  Integration of Pumping and Generating Power regulation using Hy­ draulic Short Circuit (HSC): through the tandem operation of the pumping and generating modes, HSC can enhance the power regulati­ on services and operating ranges offered by pumped storage plants.  Integration of Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) variab­ le-speed technology: aiming to extend operating range and add flexibi­ lity capabilities for the grid, while also improving annual efficiency and residual lifetime. Enhancing the power regulation range by running DFIM in HSC mode will be also assessed.  Integration of Full-Size Frequency Converter (FSFC) variable-speed technology: upgrading hydropowerpotential by integrating FSFC vari­ able-speed technology, using its high flexibility capability and enhanced functionalities for plant operation. A FRAMEWORK REPRESENTED BY AN ANCILLARY SERVICES MATRIX WILL SHOW XFLEX HYDRO’S EXPECTED TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS A comprehensive framework has been developed to evaluate XFLEX HYDRO’s technologies and improvements. This is presented in an An­ cillary Services Matrix, which sets out the services required by the future power system (as defined by the project), the corresponding markets

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FUTURE ENERGY SCENARIOS WILL HELP TO INFORM MODELLING OF XFLEX HYDRO’S SOLUTIONS AT SYSTEM-SCALE Building on the assessment of services and markets, future scenarios of the power generation mix in Europe have been considered to understand the annual energy generation mix (in TWh) and the installed capacity mix (in GW) for 2025, 2030 and 2040. These future scenarios will help to inform modelling of XFLEX HYDRO’s solutions at system-scale. Future scenarios published by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E), suggest that hydropower capacity (including pumped storage) could increase to approximately 280 GW by 2040 under its National Trends scenario. This indicates the market potential for the flexibility technologies and methods being demonstrated in XFLEX HYDRO, at both new hydro plants as well as existing facilities, could be significant.

graphics: XFLEX HYDRO

and the technologies being demonstrated. The Matrix will help inform stakeholders in the industry of the emerging opportunities for HPPs in relation to these ancillary services and provides a reporting framework for the project. The first stage of the Matrix presents the baseline case, i.e. how the demonstrations currently perform against each type of ancillary service, and how these services relate to market frameworks. In each case, coloured circles are used in the cells to score the capability of the current (baseline case) for the services identified. As the project progresses, the Matrix will be updated.

A KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS MATRIX WILL ALSO CAPTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The Ancillary Services Matrix will show the gains of the demonstrations in supporting the provision of ancillary services. However, XFLEX HYDRO activities also aim to streng­ th­en the plants flexibility, by optimising operations and maintenance. For this, several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been defined to quantify the HPPs flexibility, focusing on the enhancement of operations and maintenance. This is being presented in a KPIs Matrix, which is currently under development. Next steps: Over the next two years, XFLEX HYDRO’s technological solutions and perfor-

mance enhancements will be implemented in the project's demonstration programme. This will allow the expected improvements in ancillary services and KPIs to be evaluated, using the matrices as reporting frameworks. This report summary is based on the XFLEX HYDRO report 'Flexibility, technologies and scenarios for hydropower', by the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC). Contributing authors to the report are: the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Power Vision Engineering (PVE), SuperGrid Institute, the International Hydropower Association (IHA),EDP Centre for New Energy Technologies (EDP CNET) and The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

More informations:

photo credits: IHA


They presented the Xflex Hydro project at the UN climate conference in Madrid in December 2020: Richard Taylor (Executive Adviser, IHA), Patrick Child (Deputy Director-General, EU Commission), Sara Goulartt (EDP), Antoine Badinier (EDF) und Minoru Takada (UN DESA) (left to right).

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10.05.2021 12:05:24


photo credits: VERBUND

VERBUND puts Europe‘s highest fish ladder into operation at the Drava power plant Annabrücke. It allows the fish in the Drava to scale an impressive 26 metres height.


40 years after its construction, the Annabrücke power plant on the river Drava is being upgraded with a brand new fish migration aid. The fish can migrate up and downstream through an elaborate system of 172 small pools. A video system monitors them online.


ment of biodiversity in our water bodies. Since 2009, we have constructed more than 1,000 fish ladders for the National Water Management Plans, and many new ones are in

the planning or implementation stages. The new fish migration aid in Annabrücke ascends 26 metres in height, making it the tallest in Europe. The Federal Ministry of Agriculture,

The fish can migrate both up and downstream with the help of an elaborate system of 172 small pools.

photo credits: VERBUND


s Austria‘s largest hydropower operator, we are aware of our responsibility to protect the environment and have been proving that all requirements can be reconciled with top performance for decades. We are implementing long-term plans to improve the ecology of Austria‘s rivers with our partners wherever possible, even in these difficult times. We are setting new standards in Europe with our measures; in 2018 with the longest fish migration aid and now in 2020 with the tallest fish migration aid,“ says Achim Kaspar, the Managing Board member responsible for generation at VERBUND. VERBUND is investing a total of around EUR 280 million in making its more than 130 hydropower plants more ecological, there­by also making a valuable contribution to stimulating the economy. „Habitat creation and linkage is an essential element in the conservation and enhanceMay 2021

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From right: Sabine Käfer (project manager, VERBUND), Mayor Hannes Mak (Gallizien), Mayor Stefan Deutschmann (Grafenstein), Karl Heinz Gruber (VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH), Achim Kaspar (VERBUND AG), Reinhard Rohr (Carinthia), Daniel Fellner (Carinthia), Günter Liebel (Ministry of Agriculture and Tourism)

photo credits: VERBUND

photo credits: joakant / pixelio.de


Migratory aids are important to maintaining the biodiversity of the fish fauna.

Regions and Tourism has funded the project with EUR 450,000,“ highlighted Federal Minister Elisabeth Köstinger on the occasion of the ceremonial opening. State Parliament President Reinhart Rohr also expressed his pleasure: „Things are looking up in Carinthia not only for the fish, but also for environmental protection! During my time serving as the Environmental Officer of the Province of Carinthia until 2010, I initiated the first steps in this area. Now, ten years later, all of Carinthia is proud to be able to open the tallest fish migration aid in Europe. Making use of nature while at the same time respecting its needs is the promising path for a sustainable Carinthia – and with this project we have once taken again a decisive step forward.“

able to scale this height, an elaborate system of 172 concrete pools and 21 resting pools is needed. The pool structure is specially designed for the range of fish species found in the Drava and has very low flow rates in the individual sections. The double slot ensures that the water movement is always calm. This helps the fish to save energy. The natural riverbed in the fish migration aid is a valuable habitat for microorganisms and tiny creatures such as larvae and other sources of food for fish. The fish migration aid is actually a migration corridor, as all aquatic life can use this route. The ascent aid is particularly important for fish that migrate over medium distances, which undertake extensive upstream breeding migrations of up to several 100 km to find suitable breeding grounds and then return to their original habitats downstream.

NEW STANDARDS IN STRUCTURAL IMPLEMENTATION There is a height difference of 26 metres be­ tween the top and bottom of Drava power station Annabrücke. In order for fish to be

OPERATIONAL CHECK SUCCESSFUL Each fish migration aid on the Drava is verified through extensive monitoring of fish ecology after its completion. This includes recording fish migration by means of video monitoring in a contact-free, stress-free manner that does not disturb the fish. There is a short video sequence of each fish that passes through the fish migration aids. The exact time, fish species, length and direction (ascent or descent) are determined and recorded in a database. A total of several hundreds of thousands of fish have been recorded so far. This proved that all fish species found in the Drava, including smaller and juvenile fish that are weak swimmers, are already successfully migrating through the fish migration aids. We are particularly pleased with the documented upward migration of the „assessment fish“. Several catfish with lengths over 120 cm have already been registered.

photo credits: VERBUND

28 MILLION EUROS TOWARDS BARRIER-FREE POWER PLANTS IN CARINTHIA „Hydropower is rightly considered the cleanest form of energy generation. We strive to keep our facilities up to date with the latest technical and ecological standards, and this of course includes the creation of fish migration passages. Doing so means giving nature back a piece of biodiversity, even on heavily modi-

fied bodies of water,“ says Karl Heinz Gruber, Managing Director of VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH. The commissioning of the fish migration aid at the Annabrücke power plant means that 8 of the 10 Drava power plants are once again passable for fish. Complete continuity over a stretch of 260 kilometres should be possible by 2022. „The migration aid currently under construction at the Ferlach power plant is scheduled to go into operation in autumn 2021, and the last one at the Feistritz power plant will be ready by September 2022,“ adds Gruber. VERBUND is investing around EUR 28 million in ecological measures in Carinthia on the Drava and at its Malta and Reißeck stor­ age power plants between now and 2022. The fish migration aid Annabrücke accounts for EUR 3.5 million of this, including planning and monitoring measures.

A total of several hundreds of thousands of fish have been recorded so far. This proved that all fish species found in the Drava, including smaller and juvenile fish that are weak swimmers, are already successfully migrating through the fish migration aids.

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07.05.2021 11:02:45

photo credits: VERBUND


The live demonstrations at the Styrian pilot plant in Rabenstein are unique in Europe. VERBUND has joined up with the European Association of Power Stations, the Technical University of Graz and other technology partners to showcase the future of electricity production at the first ‘Digital Hydropower Plant 4.0’.

HYDROPOWER 4.0 – IMPLEMENTING IMAGINATION VERBUND is pioneering the hydropower plant of tomorrow – today, in the Styrian village of Rabenstein, analysing the efficacy of concepts such as ROVs, smart glasses, digital twins and the future of servicing – predictive maintenance.


nyone gazing down the Mur river val­ ley towards Graz from the rocky hill­ side in Frohnleiten can imagine the journey in time from the Middle Ages into the 3rd millennium. Rabenstein castle, built on a rocky outpost in the 12th century, towers above the valley as, further down the river, a remote operated underwater vehicle (ROV) is lowered into the water to make an extremely precise approach towards the runner of the approximately 100-metric-ton tubular turbi­

Verbund board director Achim Kaspar on digital hydropower: “The digital hydropower plant is a rethink and redesign of hydropower to face the challenges posed by the energy transition and the requirements of the future. We aim to evaluate every imaginable application of digitalisation in hydroelectric power stations, to test the most promising technologies intensively at the Rabenstein pilot plant, and to implement them successfully. To realise these goals, we are developing them in cooperation with the industrial sector and international partners.”


ne at the hydroelectric power plant. Anomaly detectors transmitted sensor data from the machine group and triggered the alarm, hav­ ing detected an immense curtailment of the expected working life of essential parts fitted in the digital twin. The operational engineers reacted without delay, immediately shutting down the turbine to conduct a quick inspec­ tion. This was carried out by a real-time 3D sonar unit, eliminating the need to send di­ vers on dangerous exploratory missions to ex­

amine the inlet basin of the machinery in freezing-cold water. The sonar can operate without restrictions in murky water, naviga­ ting unproblematically via acoustic signals, however poor the visibility for divers, and providing a glimpse of work in tomorrow’s hydroelectric power stations. DIGITAL INTELLIGENT What may sound futuristic – is increasingly becoming reality at VERBUND’s Styrian Ra­ benstein Mur river power plant. The run-ofriver plant first went online in 1987. Since 2018 it has assumed a unique role in Europe as a venue for the implementation of pionee­ ring digital technologies. Achim Kaspar, VERBUND board director responsible for digitalisation and production, explains: “We aim to evaluate every imaginable application of digitalisation in hydroelectric power sta­ tions to test the most promising technologies intensively at our pilot plant and implement them successfully at all Verbund operations.” In Rabenstein, Project Manager Bernd Holl­ auf and his team are working with the concer­ ted support of the station’s team on the testing of a dozen applications that bring together the

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The ‘Digital Power Plant’ is a pilot project that also involves the testing and development of ideas on how to digitalise certain functions in the real environment of the Rabenstein hydropower plant, and establish to what degree findings can be implemented at other power plants.

fields of automation and intelligent data pro­ cessing. For VERBUND the goal and the road ahead are as clear as they are challenging – to evaluate the most promising technologies at the pilot plant and test them to their limits. The variety of technologies in question ranges from intelligent sensorics, predictive models, digital twins, mobile assistance systems, pio­ neering autonomous surveying and inspection concepts – to interconnected platform solu­ tions.

downtime or damage can result in an immense loss of productivity. An innovative inspection system uses a camera in combination with arti­ ficial intelligence to register negative changes within the generator before they become criti­ cal. PROACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY The benefits of predictive maintenance are ob­ vious as the ideal moments for repair and maintenance activities can be scheduled before problems occur. This means service staff and spare parts can be deployed efficiently, and the losses of profit caused by machine downtimes can be eradicated. In terms of maintenance, staying ahead of the game enhances overall machine performance and the working life thereof. Another key positive is that any chang­ es to the plant’s modes of operation, and the

Foto: CKW

EFFICIENCY WITH FORESIGHT Intelligent part-acoustic surveillance systems with AI capacities are to be used to provide data that form the basis of anomaly detection and prognosis models – to detect potential ma­ chine break-downs. Digital twins process sen­ sor data in real-time simulations to predict the

remaining working life of important machine components, as well as exploring the possibili­ ties of other operational uses – and their ef­ fects. The buzzword for this potential is predic­ tive maintenance and it’s the future of industrial servicing and repair. Predictive maintenance can remove the limitations of re­ active approaches – responding when a break­down has already occurred, and of preventative maintenance – requiring preventative measu­ res according to inflexible timetables. Predic­ ting failures enables the active interception of impending breakdowns and damages, and the optimisation of plant efficiency. In a hydro­ power­plant this is particularly beneficial as regards generators and turbines. As essential components in the process of electricity gene­ ration they are required to work reliably and without interruptions, since any kind of

ROVs don’t run out of oxygen and can scan precisely. Remotely operated (underwater) vehicles sometimes do tasks too dangerous for divers working in freezing water.

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Smart glasses have great potential for interactive troubleshooting.

ways in which they burden components, can be fed into the digital twin to calculate the ef­ fects on parts in advance. This gives plant operations greater transparency – and the ­ reduct­ ion in power station downtimes and breakdowns will lead to greater power supply reliability. When there are unavoidable service failures, mobile assistance systems can provide all the information necessary for repair work to the respective power station in real-time. The uses of tablets, smartphones and smart glasses are all being explored within this context at the Rabenstein plant. Overall, the plan is to realise completely new means and modes of trouble­ shooting; ones with which plant operatives can use their mobile devices to gain access to all the relevant data on a specific part of the plant,

request and receive assistance from colleagues online, and digitally document the entire pro­ cedure on site. The question of whether smart glasses or tablet technology prevail here has not yet been resolved. HYDROPOWER 4.0 A key point of emphasis at the pilot plant is the insistence upon partnerships with the industri­ al sector in the field of development, and on international cooperation agreements with manufacturers and research facilities. The work being promoted in Rabenstein is part of VER­ BUND’s broad cross-section of efforts towards automation and digitalisation; a field in which it is a European pioneer. The work encompas­ ses the documentation of items such as central

operational data records, remote control of all 131 power plants, automatic status monito­ ring of key electrical and mechanical compo­ nents and the optimisation of machine usage. VERBUND is now managing and observing a wide range of aspects of everyday plant activi­ ty, partly via mobile devices – including seam­ less online surveillance of dam walls, digital recording of surveying and hydrography data, and also SAP-backed maintenance planning and implementation. Back in 2018, a mul­ ti-million digitalisation package was initiated on the road to the ‘transparent hydropower plant’. The objectives are the harmonisation of operational and maintenance processes, their digital portrayal, simplification of the work done in power stations, eradication of the jumps made from one medium to another (Digital Workforce Management), and the gradual implementation a Rabenstein-type di­ gital power plant concept at other VERBUND sites. “Hydropower is very technically sophisti­ cated, but it’s obvious there’s still potential for further improvement. We’re rethinking the hydropower concept with our digital power plant to serve this goal, to be ready to face fu­ ture challenges, and to be armed to meet the requirements set by the energy transition ahead,” states Achim Kaspar succinctly. Digita­ lisation is a tool for reducing the difficulties and raising the efficiency levels involved in such work. However, skilled expertise and spe­ cialised planning know-how will continue to be indispensable; a requirement as abiding as the view of the castle high on the hill.

The advancing digitalization opens up new concepts for the future.


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07.05.2021 12:52:57


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07.05.2021 12:11:00

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Articles inside

VERBUND puts Europe‘s highest fish ladder into operation [ ECOLOGY

pages 58-64

Flexibility, technologies and scenarios for hydropower [ TECHNOLOGY

pages 54-57

Ductile iron pipes prove their worth in hydropower projects [ TECHNOLOGY

pages 51-53

Tischbach HPP supplies 120 households with green energy [ SWITZERLAND

pages 46-47

Digitalisation set to play a central role in hydropower utilisation [ INTERVIEW

pages 48-50

Braun‘s trash rack cleaners in demand around the world [ TECHNOLOGY

pages 44-45

A century of excellence, innovation and uncompromising quality [ JUBILEE

pages 42-43

Renexpo Interhydro 2021 is gaining momentum EVENT

page 30

Human-machine interface is a prerequisite for modern hydropower [ TECHNOLOGY

pages 35-37

VOITH StreamDiver: Perfect for the low-head segment [ TECHNOLOGY

pages 25-29

Quantum leap for AUMA CDT software TECHNOLOGY

page 34

Kelag commissions new showcase power plant [ MONTENEGRO

pages 18-24

System strength: The renaissance of rotating machines [ TECHNOLOGY

pages 14-17

The impact of climate change on hydropower production [ STUDY

page 13


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