1 minute read
from Sam_a v množici
by zvezaskis
Hi! I’m Estonian living in Ljubljana for a year now, even a bit over it. I came here for a compulsory mobility semester. I had to compete for my international degree from Bratislava, just because I’d never been to Slovenia or knew anything about it. Never thought I’d actually stay here & how pretty Ljubljana will be. I prolonged my stay to write my master’s thesis here. It was really hard at first, cause all my friends went back & I was pretty lonely and depressed here for a while. I still applied for another mobility – CEEPUS, got it & stayed even longer. Now I have my dear friend group here & even more different people I know. Slovenes have kind of an Estonian vibe to them as well & it’s such a lovely progressive country (with some faults of course).
Anyway I never thought life would bring me to Ljubljana & that I would stay here. Something is keeping me here. It’s calm, cozy & everything is close by & I also like the people. And I can’t believe how much I’ve spread out socially now. I’m here at least until June, then I’ll see if I have more to experience here or life will bring me somewhere else. For now, I prefer to live in a small city, settle (been traveling & moving too much) & find a job later. Thank you Ljubljana for making me feel like at home.
Oddajaj pozitivno/ visoko vibracijo in privabil boš lepe stvari, dobre priložnosti in dobe ljudi, oddajaj negativne vibracije oz .nizke boš v življenje privabil slabe ljudi, situacije in dogodke.