QUIET HOURS 1. “Quiet Hours” mean a period of time during which noise emanating from a Parcel shall not disturb the peace and quiet of the vicinity in which the Parcel is located. Any noise that exceeds the sound level limits set forth in the Brevard County Ordinances is considered excessive noise. Additionally, sounds produced from any radio, stereo, television, amplifier, musical instrument, phonograph or similar device shall not be discernable at the property line of the Parcel. 2. Quiet Hours throughout TGO are between 11:00 PM and 7:00 AM in keeping with Brevard County Ordinances. 3. Brevard County Code of Ordinances references: a. Sec. 62-1841.5.5 1(c) Resort dwellings b. Sec. 62-2271 Noise c. Chapter 46 – ENVIRONMENT