Pictures of Progress
Many Firewise Volunteers have done an incredible job of clearing out invasive plants and shaping the native plants along our nature trail. These volunteers conducted clearing on 19 different occasions this season, and logged over 466 volunteer hours, creating 82 large piles of debris to be hauled out by CSA. On this particular day, our CSA manager caught these people out working. From left to right - Tom Nelson, Bob Pinder, Ed Olefirowicz, Karri Olefirowicz, Betty Salter and Sharon Maloney. A special thank you goes out to Ed and Betty who are coordinating all of these efforts.
Our recently-elected CSA Board Members Bernard Hatch (District 2) and Matt Willey (District 6) get an up close tour of our Waste Water Treatment Plant, accompanied by Ray Dittemer, our Waste Water Plant Manager.
Our CSA Maintenance Team is assembling a covered storage area to keep the sun and elements from aging our heavy equipment and vehicles. Pictured left to right - Jordan Bullard, John Hardy, Gary Paterson, Jeremy Bain, Ryan Johnson (Not Pictured, Guy Sampson).