Optional Flex Days For some people, starting with 2 smoothies a day may feel like too big of a change too fast. While this will give you the fastest results, I wanted to offer an option that will let you ease into the program a little slower if needed.
How The Flex Days Work With the flex days instead of replacing two meals per day with a smoothie, you will only be replacing one. This let’s you warm up to the program a little more. Use the same shopping lists, just only make one of the smoothies for that day, you can choose either one you want. You can do this for the first few days if you would like and then when you are comfortable, switch over to having 2 smoothies per day. When you are ready for 2 smoothies per day go back and make the smoothies from week 1 that you have not had yet. IMPORTANT: Don’t go on to week 2 until you have finished ALL the smoothies from week 1. You will still be aiming for around 1500 calories so your breakdown for the flex day will look like this: Smoothie 1: 350 Calories Snack 1: 150 Calories Lunch: 450 Calories Snack 3: 150 Calories Dinner: 400 Calories
FLEX DAY TOTAL: 1,500 Calories
3 or More Flex Days? Skip The Cheat Day If you use 3 or more flex days during the first week, skip the first cheat day. You will have enough ingredients from the shopping list to make an extra smoothie for that day. The idea is to get to two smoothies per day as soon as you can. The
THE SMOOTHIE DIET – © Drew Sgoutas
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