THE HAND OF GOD IN BEAUTIFUL MOMPOX, COLOMBIA. La mano de Dios en la hermosa Mompox, Colombia.
Ayuda a la comunidad de Uvalde PAGE 6
2022 TOP
This is the annual celebration of professionals in the nursing profession. La celebración anual de los profesionales de la enfermería.
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Freno a graduación de ‘Dreamers’ PAGE 8
OP-ED U.S. AND COLOMBIA, FRIENDS OF WHAT? EE.UU. y Colombia ¿amigos de que? PAGE 46
EDITORIAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Hernán Guaracao PRINT EDITOR Fernando Millán DEPUTY EDITORS Nigel Thompson Jensen Toussaint Esperanza Escribano WRITERS & CONTENT PRODUCERS Brittany Valentine Andrew Kolba Manuel Herrera Erika Ardila Andrea Rodes Ofer Laszewicki Sandra Ramírez Ortega Kianni Figuereo (Fellow) Emily Leopard-Davis. (Apprentice) PRODUCTION MANAGER Juan Alba DESIGN MANAGER Maybeth Peralta GRAPHIC DESIGNER Mónica Hernández PHOTOGRAPHERS Harrison Brink Peter Fitzpatrick Juan B. Díaz SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Silvia Otero Guaracao SENIOR CONTRIBUTORS Juan González (USA) Eileen Truax (USA) TRANSLATORS Andrea Rodes María del Mar Agudelo
ADVERTISING 215-789-6971 CLASSIFIEDS 215-789-6980 NEWSROOM 215-789-6974 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 215-789-6980
Cover Photo
David Álvarez-Sánchez & Wanda Nolasco Harrison Brink / ALDÍA News
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022 VOL. XXX NO. 34
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
very year, this media house holds the AL DÍA Top Nurses event to highlight women and men who stand out in this important work for society. It means recognizing the effort, talent, innovation and contribution to health. Among them, there are those who have many years of experience and others who are beginning to stand out in the midst of their youth. One of the names that stand out is Wanda Nolasco, with more than 30 years of experience in nursing. She is Vice President of Patient Services at The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard. On the other side of the experience is David Álvarez-Sánchez, student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. He is a Research Coordinator for the COVID Testing, Resources, and Community Engagement (TRACE) project. Wanda and David were chosen, respectively, as Lifetime Achievement Award and Undergraduate Student Leader Award winners. Wanda Nolasco is from eastern Puerto Rico, where she studied Nursing at Pontificia Universidad Católica. She then studied Psychiatric and Mental Health before moving into research. In 2002 she came to Philadelphia through what was then called North Philadelphia Health System (NPHS). On the other hand, David Álvarez-Sánchez, who is just beginning his journey in nursing, is looking to complete his degree and get licensed to become a registered nurse. He has the conviction to “serve the community and work to help the people there”.
AL DÍA highlights each year the social work from nursing. AL DÍA destaca cada año la labor social desde la enfermería.
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Depositphoto . Depositphoto
In this edition, in Culture, you will find a report about a Colombian Caribbean town. Mompox keeps in its architecture and streets a history of centuries since the Spanish colony. It is the epicenter of a wide cultural agenda and expressions that show mixing as part of its tradition. Mompox is located on the Magdalena River, which flows into the Caribbean Sea. About 300 kilometers away is Cartagena de Indias. It is one of the towns that welcomes more tourists every year in Colombia. It was founded on May 3rd, 1537, but long ago it was the cradle of indigenous people.
ada año, esta casa de medios realiza el evento AL DÍA Top Nurses para poner en primera línea a mujeres y hombres que se destacan en esta labor importante para la sociedad. Significa reconocer el esfuerzo, el talento, la innovación y el aporte a la salud. Entre ellas y ellos hay quienes tienen muchos años de experiencia y otros que empiezan a destacarse en medio de la juventud que les caracteriza. Entre los nombres que sobresalen está Wanda Nolasco, con más de 30 años de experiencia en la enfermería. Es vicepresidenta de servicios al paciente en The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard. En la otra orilla de la experiencia está David Álvarez-Sánchez, estudiante de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Pensilvania. Es coordinador de investigación del proyecto COVID Testing, Resources, and Community Engagement (TRACE ). Wanda y David fueron escogidos, respectivamente, como ganadores del Premio a la Trayectoria y del Premio al Líder Estudiantil de Grado. Wanda Nolasco es del este de Puerto Rico. Allí estudió enfermería en la Pontificia Universidad Católica. Estudió enfermería psiquiátrica y salud mental y luego se dedicó a la investigación. En 2002 llegó a Filadelfia a través del que entonces se llamaba Sistema de Salud del Norte de Filadelfia (NPHS). Por su parte, David Álvarez-Sánchez, quien está empezando su trasegar en la enfermería, busca completar su licenciatura y obtener la licencia para convertirse en enfermero diplomado. Tiene la convicción de “servir a la comunidad y trabajar para ayudar a la gente que está en la comunidad”.
En esta edición, en Cultura, encontrará un reportaje sobre un pueblo del Caribe colombiano. Mompox guarda en su arquitectura y en sus calles una historia de siglos desde la Colonia española. Es epicentro de una amplia agenda cultural y de expresiones que muestran el mestizaje como parte de su tradición. Mompox está localizado sobre el río Magdalena, que desemboca en el mar Caribe. A unos 300 kilómetros está Cartagena de Indias. Es uno de los pueblos que más turistas acoge cada año en Colombia. Fue fundado el 3 de mayo de 1537, pero de tiempo atrás fue la cuna de pueblos indígenas. •3
ABUSING AN AMENDMENT Students gathered in front of the Capitol on Monday, June 6, to draw the attention of the U.S. congressmen about the urgency of taking measures against the abuse of firearms, something that has influenced the recurrence of mass shootings in the country. Schools have often been the setting. One was the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and two teachers were killed in a shooting carried out by a young man of Latino origin. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Estudiantes se encontraron frente al Capitolio este lunes 6 de junio para llamarles la atención a los congresistas de Estados Unidos sobre la urgencia para tomar medidas contra el abuso en el uso de armas, un factor que ha incidido en las matanzas recurrentes en el país. Las escuelas han sido escenario, como lo ocurrido en la Escuela Primaria Robb en Uvalde (Texas), donde 19 niños y dos maestras fueron asesinados en un tiroteo protagonizado por un joven de origen latino.. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
t has been about two weeks since the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, claimed the lives of 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School. As the hours, days, weeks — and eventually months — pass, the communities in Uvalde will be faced with picking up the pieces. Since the tragic mass shooting occurred, a number of efforts have taken place to help support those affected.
There are a number of verified fundraisers on GoFundMe to help the families of the shooting victim, as well as for funeral expenses. The array of crowdfunding efforts range from close family members of the victims, to broader ones providing support to the largest Uvalde community. The May 24th mass shooting rocked not only Uvalde, or the Texas region, but the nation. This was shown through additional GoFundMe campaigns launching in Los Altos, California; Wilmington, North Carolina; Amity Gardens, Pennsylvania; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Los Angeles, California; and more. Locally, nonprofit organization and Austin FC support group Los Verdes, launched a GoFundMe fundraising campaign to support the families affected by the shooting. “Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this event, and we are actively working with the city council members of Uvalde on making sure these donations go directly to those families,” the campaign description read. “In these challenging times, we will mourn with those affected, and as a group, we will also take action and lend support to all those involved!”
an pasado unas dos semanas desde que el tiroteo masivo en Uvalde, Texas, cobró la vida de 19 niños y 2 profesores en la Escuela Primaria Robb. A medida que pasen las horas, los días, las semanas —y eventualmente los meses—, para las comunidades de Uvalde no habrá más que recoger los pedazos. Desde que se produjo el trágico tiroteo masivo, se ha llevado a cabo una serie de acciones para ayudar a los afectados.
Cid Wilson, President & CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility.
Samantha Laub/ALDÍA News .
Cid Wilson, Presidente y Director General de la Asociación Hispana de Responsabilidad Corporativa.
Samantha Laub/ALDÍA News
Hay una serie de entidades recaudadoras de fondos verificadas en GoFundMe para ayudar a las familias de las víctimas, así como para cubrir los gastos funerarios. Los esfuerzos de crowdfunding involucran desde familiares cercanos de las víctimas hasta aquellos que proporcionan apoyo a la comunidad más grande de Uvalde. El tiroteo masivo del 24 de mayo conmocionó no solo a Uvalde, o a la región de Texas, sino a la nación. Esto se demostró a través de otras campañas de GoFundMe lanzadas en Los Altos (California), Wilmington (Carolina del Norte), Amity Gardens (Pensilvania), Cherry Hill (Nueva Jersey) y Los Ángeles (California), entre otras. A escala local, la organización sin fines de lucro y el grupo de apoyo del Austin FC, Los Verdes, lanzaron una campaña de recaudación de fondos en GoFundMe para apoyar a las familias afectadas. “Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones están con todos los afectados por este evento, y estamos trabajando activamente con los miembros del consejo de la ciudad de Uvalde para asegurarnos de que todas las donaciones vayan directamente a las familias afectadas”, decía la descripción de la campaña. “En estos tiempos difíciles, lloraremos con los afectados y, como grupo, también tomaremos medidas y prestaremos apoyo a todos los implicados”. Gracias a la campaña, al 4 de junio se han recolectado más de 268.000 dólares.
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Congratulations to PAMELA ALVA PORROA for being a final nominee for AL DÍA’s 2022 TOP NURSES! “Pam is one of our rising stars. Loved by her colleagues and patients alike, it’s a true pleasure working with Pam who was once a patient of Maria de los Santos as a child and who ultimately returned to us as a provider. She is truly someone who gives back.” "Pam es una de nuestras estrellas emergentes. Amada por sus colegas y pacientes, es un verdadero placer trabajar con Pam, que fue una paciente de María de Los Santos cuando era niña y que finalmente regresó como proveedora. Ella es realmente alguien entregada a su profesión." -- DRA. JULIA DEJOSEPH, Vicepresidenta y Directora Médica
Delaware Valley Community Health, Inc. (DVCH) is a community-focused health care organization providing affordable, accessible, primary medical, dental, and behavioral health care and preventive services to the uninsured and underinsured patients in its service area. Services are provided in a fiscally responsible manner to all patients regardless of their ability to pay.
Delaware Valley Community Health, Inc. (DVCH) es una organización de atención médica centrada en la comunidad que ofrece servicios médicos, dentales y de salud conductual primarios, accesibles y asequibles, así como servicios preventivos, a los pacientes sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente en su área de servicio. Los servicios se prestan de manera fiscalmente responsable a todos los pacientes, independientemente de su capacidad de pago. JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
DACA recipients meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris in July 2021.
Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images.
Reunión de los beneficiarios del DACA con la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris en julio de 2021.
Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images.
round 100,000 undocumented immigrants will become high school graduates this year, but for the first time in a decade, these so-called Dreamers, will not be eligible for work permits. In fact, many of the undocumented 2022 graduates have not been in the U.S. long enough to receive benefits from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The Obama-era policy was the focus of multiple attacks and litigation during the Trump administration. DACA was established in 2012, giving Dreamers, who arrived in the country as minors before 2007, the right to
ENGLISH work and study in the states, and have protection against deportation. Only a quarter of these 2022 high school graduates will be eligible for DACA, making it the first graduating class since the policy’s been in place to have a majority of post-DACA noncitizen graduates.
But the DACA program is still a mess, as it is barely serving those individuals who are currently eligible for its benefits. The federal government can only process DACA renewals due to a court ruling, so even Dreamers who
lrededor de 100.000 inmigrantes indocumentados se gradúan de la escuela secundaria este año, pero, por primera vez en una década, los llamados dreamers no serán elegibles para obtener permisos de trabajo. De hecho, muchos de los indocumentados graduados en 2022 no han vivido en Estados Unidos el tiempo suficiente para recibir los beneficios del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés), pues la política de la era Obama fue foco de múltiples ataques y litigios durante la administración Trump. Establecido en 2012, DACA dio ventajas a los dreamers menores de edad que llegaron al
país antes de 2007: El derecho a trabajar y a estudiar en Estados Unidos, así como a tener protección contra la deportación. Sin embargo, solo una cuarta parte de los graduados de la escuela secundaria de 2022 serán elegibles para DACA. Será la primera clase que se graduará desde que la política entró en vigor para tener una mayoría de graduados no ciudadanos post-DACA.
Sin embargo, el programa DACA sigue siendo un desastre, pues apenas está sirviendo a quienes son elegibles para sus beneficios. El Gobierno federal solo puede procesar las renovaciones del programa debido a un fallo judicial, por lo que incluso los dreaJUNE 8 - 15, 2022
ENGLISH arrived before 2007 cannot even sign on to the program right now. As this issue continues, there will only be more and more undocumented students graduating from high school with little opportunities to shape their lives as they truly desire. According to data from, a tech-industry linked immigration advocacy group, there are more than 600,000 undocumented students enrolled in K-12 schools in the U.S. and of that large number, only about 21,000 are enrolled in the program and potentially eligible for renewals. According to a recent study by FWD. us, around 43,000 Dreamers graduating from high school this year live in 28 of the states that don’t provide in-state tuition for undocumented students. This means that nearly 50,000 future professionals will be barred from working legally and will only be able to attend school if they can pay for the classes in full at state schools.
Karen Nuñez Sifuentes, program and engagement coordinator at ConVivir Colorado, a leadership program for immigrant students, told The Hill that she was left out of the DACA program as she arrived in the states after 2007. “Graduating from high school as an undocumented student was extremely daunting and heartbreaking. I was accept-
ESPAÑOL mers que llegaron antes de 2007 no pueden ni siquiera inscribirse en el programa. A medida que este asunto continúe, solo habrá más y más estudiantes indocumentados que se gradúen de la escuela secundaria con pocas oportunidades para encaminar sus vidas como realmente desean. Según datos de la, un grupo de apoyo a la inmigración vinculado a la industria tecnológica, hay más de 600.000 estudiantes indocumentados matriculados en escuelas K-12 en Estados Unidos. De esa cifra, solo unos 21.000 están inscritos en el programa y son potencialmente elegibles para renovaciones. De acuerdo con un estudio reciente de la, alrededor de 43.000 dreamers que se gradúan de la escuela secundaria este año viven en 28 de los estados que no proporcionan la matrícula estatal para los estudiantes indocumentados. Esto significa que casi 50.000 futuros profesionales no podrán trabajar legalmente y solo podrán asistir a la escuela si pagan las clases en su totalidad en las instituciones estatales.
Karen Núñez Sifuentes, coordinadora de programas y participación en ConVivir Colorado, un programa de liderazgo para estudiantes inmigrantes, dijo a The Hill que ella quedó fuera del programa DACA al llegar a Estados Unidos después de 2007. “Graduarse de la escuela secundaria como estudiante indocumentada fue extremadamente desalentador y desgarrador. Fui aceptada en la escuela de mis sueños, pero no pude asistir porque no clasificaba para la ayuda financiera debido a mi estatus”, dijo Núñez.
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s n o i t a l u t a r g n o C to AL DÍA’s
Andre Rosario Nearly 50,000 future professionals will be barred from working legally and will only be able to attend school if they can pay for the classes in full at state schools.
David Alvarez-Sanchez
Casi 50.000 futuros profesionales no podrán trabajar legalmente y solo podrán asistir a la escuela si pueden pagar las clases en su totalidad en las escuelas estatales. JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
n Tuesday, May 31, Girl Scouts of the USA posthumously awarded one of its highest honors to Amerie Jo Garza, the brave fourth grader who died trying to dial 911 during the Uvalde school shooting. The national organization, which serves 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults, awarded Garza with the Bronze Cross, which is given to a Girl Scout who saves or attempts to save a life at the risk of her own life. “On May 24, 2022, Amerie did all she could to save the lives of her classmates and teachers. It was our honor as Amerie’s council to present the Bronze Cross to her family,” Girl Scouts of the USA said in a statement.
The 10-year-old Garza was killed when she attempted to use her phone to call for help for herself and her classmates. The gunman, Salvador Ramos, shot her before she could complete the call. Garza’s grandmother, Berlinda Irene Arreola told the Daily Beast that instead of just breaking the phone or taking it from her, the gunman shot her. “She was sitting right next to her best friend. Her best friend was covered in her blood,” she said. Garza’s stepfather, a medical aide who was responding to the shooting, found out about his stepdaughter’s death when Garza’s best friend told him whose blood she was covered in. About an hour and a half before Ramos entered the school and killed Garza, 18 of her classmates and her two teachers, the proud Girl Scout was celebrating making the honor roll at a ceremony with her parents.
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l 31 de mayo, Girl Scouts of the USA otorgó póstumamente uno de sus más altos honores a Amerie Jo Garza, la valiente estudiante de cuarto grado que murió tratando de llamar al 911 durante el tiroteo en la escuela Uvalde. La organización nacional, que atiende a 1,7 millones de niñas y a 750.000 adultos, otorgó a Amerie la Cruz de Bronce, que se entrega a una Girl Scout que salva o intenta salvar una vida a riesgo de la suya. “El 24 de mayo de 2022, Amerie hizo todo lo que pudo para salvar la vida de sus compañeros y la de sus maestros. Fue un honor para nosotros como consejo de Amerie presentar la Cruz de Bronce a su familia”, dijo Girl Scouts of the USA en un comunicado.
Amerie Garza, de 10 años, fue asesinada cuando intentó utilizar su teléfono para pedir ayuda para ella y sus compañeros. El pistolero, Salvador Ramos, le disparó antes de que pudiera completar la llamada. La abuela de Amerie, Berlinda Irene Arreola, dijo al Daily Beast que, en lugar de romper el teléfono o quitárselo, el pistolero le disparó. “Estaba sentada justo al lado de su mejor amiga… Su mejor amiga estaba cubierta con su sangre”, dijo. El padrastro de Amerie, Ángel Garza, asistente médico que acudió al tiroteo, se enteró de la muerte de su hijastra cuando la mejor amiga de ella le dijo de quién era la sangre que la cubría. Aproximadamente una hora y media antes de que Ramos entrara en la escuela y matara a Amerie, a 18 de sus compañeros y a sus dos profesores, la orgullosa girl scout estaba celebrando con sus padres su grado de honor.
Amerie Jo Garza died during the mass shooting at Robb Elementary while trying to call 911.
Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images.
Amerie Jo Garza murió durante el tiroteo en la Escuela Primaria Robb de Uvalde mientras intentaba llamar al 911.
AFP via Getty Images.
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Chandan Khanna/
POLÍTICA ENGLISH Just two weeks before she was killed, Garza celebrated her 10th birthday. One week before, she completed her Girl Scout bridging ceremony, a beloved tradition that honors girls’ achievements throughout the year and symbolizes them “crossing the bridge” to the next level. Garza was the first victim of the Uvalde mass shooting, which is now the second worst in the nation’s history. The Girl Scouts paid tribute to the brave 10-year-old at her funeral services on Tuesday with a Presentation of Colors. “We will carry her story with us always and ensure her brave actions will
endure for generations,” the organization said.
Relatives at the ceremony and representatives from Girl Scouts of the USA are commemorating her as a “sweet, sassy, and funny” girl who loved Play-Doh, playing with friends at recess and being a Girl Scout. Garza’s call to 911 was not her first time standing up to those around her. On Monday, May 30, David Treviño told the Texas Tribune that his 11-yearold had faced bullying at Robb Elementary, and Garza stuck up for her.
ESPAÑOL Justo dos semanas antes de ser asesinada, Amerie celebraba su décimo cumpleaños. Una semana antes, había completado su ceremonia de puente de Girl Scouts, una querida tradición que honra los logros de las niñas a lo largo del año y simboliza que “cruzan el puente” hacia el siguiente nivel. Ella fue la primera víctima del tiroteo masivo de Uvalde, el segundo más grave de la historia del país. Las Girl Scouts rindieron homenaje a la valiente niña en sus servicios funerarios, el martes, con una Presentación de Colores. “Llevaremos su historia siempre con nosotras y nos aseguraremos de que sus valientes acciones perduren durante generaciones”, dijo la organización.
Los familiares presentes en la ceremonia y los representantes de Girl Scouts of the USA la recuerdan como una niña “dulce, atrevida y divertida”, a quien le encantaba la plastilina, jugar con sus amigos en el recreo y ser una girl scout. La llamada de Amerie al 911 no fue la primera vez que se enfrentó a quienes la rodeaban. El lunes 30 de mayo, David Treviño dijo al Texas Tribune que su hija de 11 años se había enfrentado a la intimidación en la Escuela Primaria Robb, y que Amerie la había defendido. “[Mi hija] lo está tomando muy mal. Ella la protege-
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Leadership Happens Here.
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
NOT JUST NURSES. LEADERS. As South Jersey’s leading academic health system, Cooper University Health Care offers nurses a wider choice of opportunities to practice in a fast-paced and exciting, tertiary-care setting. Are you up for the challenge? JOIN US TODAY.
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hen we think about the nursing profession, a lot may go into that thought. However, what can be agreed upon is the significant value nurses have in each of our individual and collective health. Each year during the AL DÍA Top Nurses event, there is a mission of shining a light on the diverse men and women who serve in the trenches of nursing institutions. Promoting the exemplary contributions nurses make to their essential fields is paramount. Take Wanda Nolasco, for example. She is currently the vice president of patient services, and regulatory and compliance safety officer at The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard. With more than 20 years with the institution, and over 30 as a nurse professional in the field, she has been among those at the frontlines to address a mul-
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ENGLISH titude of health-related issues and crises throughout her career. From her career as a critical nurse, professor in nursing and research coordinator in Puerto Rico to various leadership positions with The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard in Philadelphia, Nolasco has excelled in a variety of roles. Now take David Álvarez-Sánchez. Currently, a rising junior nursing student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, he, too, has begun establishing himself as a leader in his own right. As the co-founder of a Hispanic organization at his former high school and research coordinator for the COVID TRACE (Testing, Resources, and Community Engagement) Project, Alvarez-Sanchez has shown an ability to make a positive impact despite his young age. While both are in very different stages of their lives and careers, they share the same desire to help others. It’s why they were selected as the Lifetime Achievement and Undergrad Stu-
uando pensamos en la profesión de enfermería, diversos significados vienen a la mente, pero hay un factor común: el valor de las enfermeras y los enfermeros en la salud individual y colectiva. Cada año, AL DÍA Top Nurses tiene la misión de destacar a hombres y mujeres que sirven en las trincheras de las instituciones de enfermería, pues es primordial promocionar la ejemplar contribución que, desde sus diferentes campos, hacen a la sociedad. Un ejemplo es Wanda Nolasco, actual vicepresidenta de Servicios al Paciente y responsable de la seguridad normativa y de cumplimiento en el Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard. Con más de veinte años en la institución y más de treinta como profesional de la enfermería, ha estado en la primera línea de quienes abordan una multitud de crisis y de problemas relacionados con la salud a lo largo de su carrera. Desde su labor como enfermera de cuidados críticos, profesora de enfermería y
coordinadora de investigación en Puerto Rico, hasta varios puestos de liderazgo en el Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard, en Filadelfia, Nolasco se ha destacado en una gran variedad de funciones. Otro ejemplo es David Álvarez-Sánchez, estudiante de enfermería de primer año en la Escuela de Enfermería de la University of Pennsylvania, quien ha comenzado a establecerse como líder por derecho propio. Como cofundador de una organización hispana en su antiguo instituto y coordinador de investigación del proyecto COVID Testing, Resources, and Community Engagement (TRACE), Álvarez-Sánchez ha demostrado su capacidad para tener un impacto positivo, a pesar de su corta edad. Aunque ambos se encuentran en etapas muy diferentes de sus vidas y carreras, Nolasco y Álvarez-Sánchez comparten el mismo deseo de ayudar a los demás. Por eso han sido seleccionados como ganadores del Premio a la Trayectoria y del Premio al Líder Estudiantil de Grado, res-
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
dent Leader Award recipients, respectively for the 2022 AL DÍA Top Nurses event.
pectivamente, para el evento AL DÍA Top Nurses 2022.
Compassion and service are two elements that Wanda Nolasco has always lived her life by. Born and raised on the east side of Puerto Rico, those two elements were staples. When asked how she developed those qualities, she said it came from her family. “We all, one way or another…were always there for everybody,” she said. In Nolasco’s case, it helped guide her educational journey and later her career. “I realized that I wanted to help people,” she said. That realization led Nolasco to attend Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, where she studied to become a nurse. It was her belief that nursing would be the best way to combine her compassion and desire for service in a way that would be beneficial to communities. After earning her bachelor’s degree in nursing, Nolasco originally went to a critical care and ER unit. However, she soon realized that nursing services go far beyond ERs and ICUs. When her mother began experiencing mental health challenges, Nolasco decided to return to school at Pontifical Catholic University and study psychiatric nursing and mental health. From there, she brought what she learned to another hospital in Puerto Rico, and helped build a new program there. She later went into research, which later became the catalyst for her coming to the United States. In 2001, the formerly named North Philadelphia Health System (NPHS) went to Puerto Rico on a recruitment effort. “I went, by chance, to do the interview and they recruited me,” said Nolasco. From 2002, Nolasco has become among the most familiar faces in the Hispanic nursing community at what has since rebranded as The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard. “I grew up as a leader with the North Philadelphia Health System,” said Nolas-
La compasión y el servicio son dos elementos por los cuales Wanda Nolasco siempre ha vivido. Nacida y criada en el este de Puerto Rico, los ha considerado esenciales. Cuando se le preguntó cómo había desarrollado esas cualidades, dijo que provenían de su familia: “Todos, de una manera u otra, siempre estábamos ahí para todos”, respondió. Esa herencia le ayudaría a guiar su trayectoria educativa y, más tarde, su carrera: “Me di cuenta de que quería ayudar a la gente”. Ese descubrimiento llevó a Nolasco a asistir a la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, donde estudió Enfermería, pues estaba convencida de que dicha carrera sería la mejor manera de combinar su compasión y su deseo de servicio de forma que beneficiara a las comunidades. Tras licenciarse, Nolasco trabajó en una unidad de cuidados críticos y de urgencias, pero pronto se dio cuenta de que los servicios de enfermería iban mucho más allá de las salas de urgencias y de las UCI. Así, cuando su madre empezó a tener problemas de salud mental, decidió volver a la escuela en la Pontificia Universidad Católica y estudiar Enfermería Psiquiátrica y Salud Mental. Desde allí, llevó las enseñanzas a otro hospital de Puerto Rico, donde ayudó a crear un nuevo programa. Su posterior dedicación a la investigación sería el catalizador de su venida a Estados Unidos.
WANDA J. NOLASCO MSN, MBA, RN VP Of Patient Services, Regulatory And Compliance Patient Safety Officer At The Behavioral Wellness Center At Girard.
Harrison Brink / AL DIA News
WANDA J. NOLASCO MSN, MBA, RN Vicepresidenta de Servicios al Paciente, Oficial de Seguridad del Paciente en el Centro de Bienestar del Comportamiento en Girard. Harrison Brink / AL DIA News
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
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2022 NURSES ENGLISH co, adding that her time there is what increased her interest into the business and administration side of the field. This is what led her to complete her master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in health services from DeVry University. Throughout her 20 years with The Behavioral Wellness Center, Nolasco has seen a lot and faced many challenges. The most recent years have been among the most challenging, she noted. In 2016, the organization went into bankruptcy. Over the years, a lot went into navigating filing for bankruptcy. According to Nolasco, that’s what helped the organization rebuild itself with a more clear focus on drug, alcohol and behavioral services. “We decided to rebrand ourselves, doing a service to the community to what is now one of the biggest pandemics other than COVID — the opioid pandemic,” said Nolasco. The Behavioral Wellness Center uses innovation to provide treatment services for individuals with substance use and mental health challenges. During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization was able to adapt and transition some of its existing units into COVID units, and provide additional services to those who need it. When asked about the most fulfilling aspect of the nursing field and the work she does, Nolasco kept it simple — waking up and seeing that she is able to help at least one person.
ESPAÑOL En 2001, el antes llamado Sistema de Salud del Norte de Filadelfia (NPHS) fue a Puerto Rico en un esfuerzo de reclutamiento. “Fui, por casualidad, a hacer la entrevista y me reclutaron”, recordó Nolasco. Desde 2002, ella se ha convertido en uno de los rostros más conocidos de la comunidad hispana de enfermería, en lo que desde entonces se ha rebautizado como Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard. “Crecí como líder en el Sistema de Salud del Norte de Filadelfia”, señaló. Además, indicó que su tiempo allí fue lo que aumentó su interés por los negocios y la administración en ese campo. Fue lo que la llevó a completar su Maestría en Administración de Empresas con énfasis en servicios de salud de la DeVry University. A lo largo de sus 20 años en el Behavioral Wellness Center, Nolasco ha visto muchas cosas y se ha enfrentado a diversos retos. Los años más recientes han sido de los más difíciles, aseguró. En 2016, la organización se declaró en quiebra, y las gestiones para declararse en bancarrota han sido innumerables. Sin embargo, según Nolasco, eso fue lo que ayudó a la organización a reconstruirse con un enfoque más claro en los servicios de drogas, alcohol y comportamiento. “Decidimos cambiar de marca, prestando un servicio a la comunidad ante lo que ahora es una de las mayores pandemias, aparte de la COVID-19: la pandemia de los opioides”, manifestó. El Behavioral Wellness Center utiliza la innovación para ofrecer servicios de tratamiento a personas con problemas de consumo de sustancias y salud mental. Durante el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, la organización fue capaz de adaptar y transformar algunas de sus unidades existentes en unidades para la enfermedad y proporcionar servicios adicionales a aquellos que lo necesitaban. Cuando se le preguntó cuál era el aspecto más satisfactorio del campo de la enfermería y del trabajo que realiza, No-
DAVID ÁLVAREZ-SÁNCHEZ Nursing Student Research Assistant For The COVID Testing, Resources, And Community Engagement (TRACE) Project At Kensington Neighborhood In Philadelphia. Harrison Brink / AL DIA News DAVID ÁLVAREZ-SÁNCHEZ Estudiante de enfermería asistente de investigación para el proyecto COVID Testing, Resources, And Community Engagement (TRACE) en el barrio de Kensington en Filadelfia. Harrison Brink / AL DIA News
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
2022 NURSES ENGLISH “Just to see somebody get better, or get an admission to be taken off the streets, or go home… that is my fulfillment,” she said. While shocked and surprised when she first learned of the honor of being the AL DÍA Top Nurses’ Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, it’s also been an opportunity to reflect on her journey and impact. “Honestly, it made me realize that what I do everyday has a meaning,” said Nolasco. “It’s really joyful to see that some people see me that way. I don’t even realize. I do it because I love it.”
David Álvarez-Sánchez is very early in his journey, but already has big plans for his own future as a nursing professional. Currently a nursing student at UPenn, Álvarez-Sánchez knew what career he wanted to pursue in the eighth grade. “I was fortunate to have a Career Day… and we had police officers and firefighters and a bunch of different [professions], but then we had a nurse practitioner come in, she was a psychiatric nurse practitioner who worked at a mental health facility, and I remember being like, ‘Wow, I’ve heard of a nurse, but I’ve never heard of a nurse practitioner,’” said Álvarez-Sánchez. Her in-depth explanations and details about her work was very impressive to Álvarez-Sánchez, and served as a catalyst for his career choice. “I’ve always said, my calling is to help people and I know you can do that in a bunch of different careers, but especially after doing my first clinical rotation this past semester in the spring. I just loved patient interaction and just being able to see and help people in their most vulnerable positions and just serve as a support system that not everyone gets to have in other ways,” he added. When asked about his goals, both his short and long term goals are clear. In the short-term, his goals are to complete his undergraduate degree and earn his licensure to become a registered nurse. “Long-term, I really see myself hopefully being able to work in a variety of communities either through my clinical rotations or just once I’m a registered nurse,” said Álvarez-Sánchez. He also hopes to pursue higher eduJUNE 8 - 15, 2022
cation opportunities after earning his bachelor’s. To Álvarez-Sánchez, diversity is extremely important in Penn’s nursing program and within the field of nursing. As a Latinx individual and male aspiring nurse, he represents two underrepresented groups in the field. “I think that no matter where you work, you’re always going to come across patients who have different backgrounds, have different beliefs, different upbringings,” he said. “And being able to understand you might not necessarily relate, but trying to really put yourself in the person’s shoes… is really important.” “If you have diverse nurses who understand, or might be able to relate a little bit more to the patient population, it makes it a lot easier for them to provide care that’s really tailored to their experiences and the issues that they face,” he added. During the 2022 AL DÍA Top Nurses event, Álvarez-Sánchez will be awarded the Undergrad Student Emerging Leader Award. When asked how he defines a leader, Álvarez-Sánchez said, “I would say that it’s someone who’s always willing to grow and always willing to learn,” he said. To him, those are important qualities. “I also believe really strongly in the idea of your community, and the people that support you being able to help you become a leader, because without the people that support you, you’re not really a leader… if you’re just by yourself, there’s no one to lead. And that is something that I think a lot of people tend to forget,” he added. While he will be receiving an individual honor, in his mind, his leadership is more impactful if others can advance further, particularly as a peer advisor within Penn’s School of Nursing. “It’s really important to me to be able to let them know about the resources that exist out there… I think a lot of times as a minority, you might not be exposed to these resources or to different opportunities, and so I think just being able to serve the community and work to help the people that are in the community… I just want to be able to let others know about the things that are out there.” “It’s great that I got the award, but I think it’s really important to just see how we can further everyone else, as well, and be able to see how everyone can get their foot in the door,” he added.
ESPAÑOL lasco lo dejó claro: despertarse y ver que es capaz de ayudar al menos a una persona. “El simple hecho de ver a alguien mejorar, o conseguir un ingreso para salir de la calle, o volver a casa... eso es lo que me llena”, dijo. Aunque se sorprendió cuando se enteró del honor de ser la ganadora del Premio a la Trayectoria de las Enfermeras de AL DÍA, Nolasco reconoció que fue una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre su trayectoria y su impacto: “Sinceramente, me hizo darme cuenta de que lo que hago cada día tiene un significado. Me da mucha alegría ver que algunas personas me ven así. Ni siquiera me doy cuenta, lo hago porque me encanta”.
Por su parte, David Álvarez-Sánchez es muy joven, pero ya tiene grandes planes para su propio futuro como profesional de la enfermería. Estudiante de enfermería en la UPenn, Álvarez-Sánchez supo en octavo grado cuál carrera quería seguir. “Tuve la suerte de tener un Día de las Profesiones, tuvimos contacto con oficiales de policía y bomberos, y un montón de diferentes [profesiones], pero luego con una enfermera especializada en psiquiatría que trabajaba en un centro de salud mental. Recuerdo que dije ‘Wow, he oído hablar de una enfermera, pero nunca he oído hablar de una enfermera especializada’”, señaló. Sus profundas explicaciones y detalles sobre su trabajo impresionaron mucho a Álvarez-Sánchez y sirvieron de catalizador para su elección de carrera. “Siempre he dicho que mi vocación es ayudar a la gente y sé que se puede hacer en un montón de carreras diferentes. Pero después de hacer mi primera rotación clínica, el semestre pasado, en la primavera, quedé fascinado con la interacción con los pacientes, con la posibilidad de ver y ayudar a las personas en sus situaciones más vulnerables, y con el poder de servir como un sistema de apoyo al que no todo el mundo tiene acceso de otra manera”, añadió. A la pregunta por sus objetivos, los tiene claros, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. A corto plazo son completar su licenciatura y obtener su licencia para convertirse en un enfermero diplomado. “A largo plazo, me veo realmente capaz de trabajar en una variedad de comunidades, sea a tra-
vés de mis rotaciones clínicas o ya como enfermero registrado”, dijo. También espera poder cursar estudios superiores después de obtener su licenciatura. Para Álvarez-Sánchez, la diversidad es extremadamente importante en el programa de enfermería de UPenn y dentro del campo de la enfermería. Como individuo latino y aspirante a enfermero, representa dos grupos subrepresentados en el campo: “Creo que, independientemente del lugar en el que trabajes, siempre te vas a encontrar con pacientes de diferentes orígenes, creencias y educación, por lo que ser capaz de ponerse en el lugar de aquellos, aun cuando no exista una relación, es realmente importante”. “Si tienes enfermeras diversas que entienden, o pueden relacionarse un poco más con la población de pacientes, es mucho más fácil para ellos proporcionar atención que realmente se adapte a sus experiencias y a los problemas que enfrentan”, agregó. Durante el evento AL DÍA Top Nurses de 2022, Álvarez-Sánchez recibirá el Premio al Líder Estudiantil de Grado. En cuanto a lo que es un líder, Álvarez-Sánchez respondió que “es alguien que siempre está dispuesto a crecer y a aprender. También creo firmemente en la idea de que tu comunidad y las personas que te apoyan pueden ayudarte a convertirte en un líder porque sin las personas que te apoyan, no eres realmente un líder. Si estás solo, no hay nadie a quien dirigir, y eso es algo que creo que mucha gente tiende a olvidar”. Aunque recibirá un honor individual, en su mente su liderazgo tiene más impacto si otros pueden avanzar más, particularmente como consejero de pares dentro de la Escuela de Enfermería de Penn. “Es realmente importante para mí poder darles a conocer los recursos que existen ahí afuera. Creo que muchas veces, como minoría, no tienes acceso a esos recursos o a diferentes oportunidades, y de ahí nace mi interés por servir a la comunidad y trabajar para ayudar a la gente que está en la comunidad. Solo quiero poder dar a conocer a otros las oportunidades que existen”. Concluyó que “es estupendo que me hayan concedido el premio, pero creo que es muy importante ver cómo podemos ayudar a los demás y cómo todos logran abrirse paso”. • 15
his is an AL DÍA’s acknowledgement of the work performed by men and women who serve society in the health sector. From their anonymous work, on different fronts, nurses are committed to people’s well-being. Here are some details about who they are.
ste es un reconocimiento de AL DÍA a la labor que desempeñan hombres y mujeres que sirven a la sociedad desde el sector de la salud. Desde su trabajo anónimo, en diferentes frentes, enfermeras y enfermeros están comprometidos con el bienestar de las personas. A continuación, detalles sobre quiénes son.
r. Donna Volpe is the Nurse Manager of the Family Centered Maternity Unit and Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Paoli Hospital. She’s been a registered nurse for 37 years with a concentration in maternal-child nursing. Volpe was the third graduate of the doctorate nursing program at Penn State University, and was also on its faculty for seven years. She is an advocate of the Eat-Sleep-Console Tool, an evidence-based method of care that helps new parents care for their infant suffering from neonatal abstinence syndrome. The program seeks to change the stigma around neonatal exposure and provides family-centered care.
a Dra. Donna Volpe es la enfermera gerente de la Unidad de Maternidad Centrada en la Familia y de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales de segundo nivel del Paoli Hospital. Es enfermera titulada desde hace 37 años, con especialización en enfermería materno-infantil. Volpe fue la tercera egresada del programa de Doctorado en Enfermería de la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania, y también formó parte de su cuerpo docente durante siete años. Es defensora de la herramienta Comer-Dormir-Consolar, un método de atención basado en la evidencia que ayuda a los nuevos padres a cuidar de su bebé cuando sufre el síndrome de abstinencia neonatal. El programa busca cambiar el estigma que rodea a la exposición neonatal y ofrece atención centrada en la familia.
r. Sheavon Boyd’s background in patient care is very multifaceted, and began as an EMT in Springfield, Pennsylvania while she pursued her undergrad nursing degree at Penn. Past graduation, Boyd worked on bone marrow transplant and oncology units, and then in various emergency departments at hospitals in the Philly region. Her studies to become a family nurse practitioner began in 2017, and now graduated, Boyd is going for her license. The end goal is to be a dermatologist, and one of the few providers of color in the field where the need is extremely high.
r. Julian L. Gallegos is a board-certified family nurse practitioner and clinical nurse leader with 19 years of experience in a number of nursing capacities. His experience spans medical-surgical nursing, labor and delivery, stroke care, diabetes management, nursing leadership and management, family practice, general urology, and men’s health. Gallegos got his bachelors in nursing and a minor in psychology from Purdue, his masters at Indiana State, and his doctorate at Arizona. He is also a U.S. Air Force veteran, and served eight years with several domestic and foreign deployments, including Iraq. Gallegos was honorably discharged in 2010 with several service ribbons and medals.
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a experiencia de la Dra. Sheavon Boyd en el cuidado de pacientes es polifacética. Comenzó como técnica médica de emergencias (EMT, por sus siglas en inglés) en Springfield, Pensilvania, mientras cursaba su licenciatura en Enfermería en la UPenn. Tras su graduación, Boyd trabajó en las unidades de trasplante de médula ósea y de oncología, y después en varios departamentos de urgencias en hospitales de la región de Filadelfia. Sus estudios para convertirse en enfermera de familia certificada comenzaron en 2017. Ahora que se ha graduado va a por su licencia. Su objetivo final es ser dermatóloga y uno de los pocos proveedores de color en un campo donde la necesidad es extremadamente alta.
l Dr. Julian L. Gallegos es enfermero de familia certificado y líder de enfermería clínica. Sus 19 años de experiencia abarcan la enfermería médico-quirúrgica, las etapas del parto, la atención a los accidentes cerebrovasculares, la gestión de la diabetes, el liderazgo y la gestión de enfermería, la práctica familiar, la urología general y la salud de los hombres. Gallegos se licenció en Enfermería y cursó estudios de Psicología en la Purdue University, obtuvo un máster en Indiana State y un doctorado en Arizona. También es veterano de las Fuerzas Aéreas de EE.UU. Sirvió ocho años a varios despliegues nacionales y extranjeros, incluyendo Irak. Gallegos fue dado de baja con honores en 2010, con varias cintas y medallas de servicio. JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
racy A. Walker has been a pediatric nurse practitioner for over eight years. Currently, she is the Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Manager in Critical Care at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). During her time there, Walker has participated in the Emergency Department Flow committee, improving department flow and rounds. Walker is also lead of the APP Staffing and Scheduling strategic workgroup and participates in the hospital-wide nursing diversity committee where she is co-lead in the subgroup on recruitment and retention. A graduate of Drexel, Penn and Rush University, Walker also serves on a committee that provides mentorship to multicultural students interested in pediatric nursing.
racy A. Walker ha sido enfermera pediátrica durante más de ocho años. Es la directora de Proveedores de Práctica Avanzada (APP) en Cuidados Intensivos en el Hospital Infantil de Filadelfia. Durante su estancia allí, Walker participó en el Comité de Flujo del Departamento de Emergencias, trabajando en el mejoramiento del flujo y de las rondas. También lidera el grupo de trabajo estratégico de Dotación de Personal y Programación de APP y participa en el comité de diversidad de enfermería del hospital, donde codirige el subgrupo de contratación y retención. Graduada por las universidades de Drexel, Penn y Rush, Walker también forma parte de un comité que ofrece tutoría a estudiantes multiculturales interesados en la enfermería pediátrica.
onica J. Harmon is a public health nurse, educator and researcher who is currently the executive director at the Community Wellness HUB in Drexel’s Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships. Harmon is also an assistant clinical professor and undergraduate nursing professor at Drexel. Her work and research is based around the connection between community factors, social issues and the occurrence of chronic disease in certain communities. Finding solutions to the problems that hinder optimal care to those communities sits at the forefront of her efforts. Harmon is a graduate of the Community College of Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson University and Drexel’s Graduate School of Public Health.
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
r. Melissa Pluguez-Moldavskiy obtained her degree as a Doctor of Nursing Practice specializing as a Family Nurse Practitioner in 2018, and her board certification in Adult-Gerontology Acute Care in 2019. Pluguez has worked in a variety of clinical settings during her 21 years of practice, and provided treatment to communities that lack access to medical centers in Puerto Rico. Now at Cooper University, Pluguez-Moldavskiy provides socially-sensitive care to the population of Camden. She also sits on the steering committee for Stop The Bleed at Cooper University Health, and leads the Hospital Medicine Procedural Program, teaching Ultrasound skills to benefit and advance the practice of healthcare.
a Dra. Melissa Pluguez-Moldavskiy obtuvo su título de doctora en Práctica de Enfermería especializada como enfermera de familia en 2018, y su certificación del consejo en cuidados intensivos de adultos mayores en 2019. Durante sus 21 años de práctica, Pluguez ha trabajado en una variedad de entornos clínicos, proporcionando tratamiento a las comunidades que carecen de acceso a los centros médicos en Puerto Rico. Ahora en la Cooper University, Pluguez-Moldavskiy proporciona atención socialmente sensible a la población de Camden. También forma parte del comité directivo de Stop the Bleed en la Cooper University Health Care. Dirige el Programa de Procedimientos de Medicina Hospitalaria, enseñando habilidades de ultrasonido para beneficiar y avanzar en la práctica de la atención médica.
nfermera de salud pública, educadora e investigadora, Monica J. Harmon es la directora ejecutiva del Community Wellness HUB en el Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships de Drexel. Harmon es también profesora clínica asistente y profesora de grado en Enfermería en Drexel. Sus investigaciones se centran en la conexión entre los factores comunitarios, los problemas sociales y la aparición de enfermedades crónicas en determinadas comunidades. La búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas que dificultan la atención óptima a esas comunidades es la base de sus esfuerzos. Harmon se graduó en el Community College of Philadelphia, en la Thomas Jefferson University y en la Drexel’s Graduate School of Public Health.
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runilda ‘Cookie’ Sanchez is a Bilingual Clinical Manager for Care and Help Home Health Care, and has been a nurse for 27 years. She began her career as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) and later obtained a bachelor of science degree in nursing from Seton Hall. Sanchez has served as an ambassador for the Government Affairs Office (GAO) Hearts for Home Care, been president of Philadelphia’s National Association of Hispanic Nurses, and is a member of Unidos Contra COVID — dedicated to getting more COVID resources to Latino communities in and around Philly. Her latest endeavor is a new business, Beautiful Reflections Nurse Concierge.
runilda ‘Cookie’ Sánchez es gerente clínica bilingüe de Care and Help Home Care, y ha sido enfermera durante 27 años. Comenzó su carrera como enfermera práctica autorizada y, más tarde, obtuvo una licenciatura en Enfermería de la Seton Hall University. Ha sido embajadora de la Oficina de Asuntos Gubernamentales Hearts for Home Care y presidenta de la Asociación Nacional de Enfermeras Hispanas de Filadelfia. Es miembro de Unidos Contra el COVID, asociación dedicada a conseguir recursos para las comunidades latinas de Filadelfia y sus alrededores. Su último proyecto es la compañía Beautiful Reflections Nurse Concierge.
heila Caldwell is a certified school nurse with more than 30 years in a number of different settings across the nursing industry. For the last school year, she was on loan from her home school district of Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in Monmouth County, New Jersey to be the first-ever Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (SISP) Fellow at the National Education Association (NEA). There, Caldwell used her extensive experience and skills to improve the health, safety and well-being of students and educators at a national level. Beyond the prestigious fellowship, Caldwell has also been honored numerous times within the state of New Jersey for her nursing efforts.
heila Caldwell es enfermera escolar certificada con más de treinta años de experiencia en diferentes ámbitos de la industria de la enfermería. Durante el último año escolar estaba en calidad de préstamo por su distrito escolar de origen, el Distrito Escolar Regional de Matawan-Aberdeen, en el condado de Monmouth (Nueva Jersey), para ser la primera becaria del Personal de Apoyo Educativo Especializado (SISP) en la Asociación Nacional de Educación (NEA). Allí, Caldwell utilizó su amplia experiencia y conocimientos para mejorar la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes y los educadores del ámbito nacional. Más allá de la prestigiosa beca, Caldwell también ha sido galardonada en numerosas ocasiones dentro del estado de Nueva Jersey por sus esfuerzos en materia de enfermería.
nstructora clínica y magíster de la Grand Canyon University, Alicia Valentín ha sido enfermera durante más de treinta años, y actualmente trabaja en el departamento de partos del Einstein Medical Center como enfermera titulada. Valentín es intérprete acreditada y está certificada por la Corporación Nacional de Certificación (NCC) en obstetricia para pacientes hospitalizados y educación para el parto. Su pasión en materia de enfermería es servir a la comunidad hispana, en la que todavía ve las diversas barreras que sus padres enfrentaron al acceder a la atención médica cuando ella crecía. En particular, Valentín utiliza su español para ayudar a los pacientes hispanos a sentirse cómodos con su atención.
licia Valentin has been a nurse for more than 30 years and currently works in Einstein Medical Center’s Labor and Delivery Department as a registered nurse. She received her masters from Grand Canyon University and is also a clinical instructor. Valentin is a certified interpreter and is also NCC (National Certification Corporation) certified in inpatient obstetrics and childbirth education. Her passion in nursing is to particularly serve the Hispanic community, in which she still sees the many barriers her parents faced when accessing healthcare when she was growing up. Particularly, Valentin uses her Spanish to help Hispanic patients feel comfortable in her care.
RN & MSN, Nursing Professional Development Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania RN & MSN, Staff Nurse Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, and Adjunct faculty at DePaul University SUSANA GONZALEZ
MSN & MHA & RN & CNML, Nurse Consultant & Educator ASI Home Care and Adjunct faculty at Depaul University and Morton College
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RN, Nurse at Congreso de Latinos Unidos Community and Behavioral Health RN, Nurse atBryn Mawr Hospital CHARITO MORALES
Community Organizer and OST Program Manager El Concilio COLLEEN BLAKELOCK
Student Nurse Immaculata University
Medical Assistant Main Line Health Center in Newtown Square DR. CHRISTINA MUNOZ
DNP & APN & NP-C, Nurse Practitioner Palliative Medicine EVETTE VALENTINE
RN & BSN & CSN & M.Ed, School Nurse First Philadelphia Preparatory Charter and PRISM Career Institute
RN, Staff Nurse Jennersville Regional Hospital KATIE WATSON
RN, Nurse UPMC Mercy
RN, Nurse at Albert Einstein Medical Center MARIANGELY RODRIGUEZ
Medical Assistant Care and Help Home Care Agency
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
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S E R U N O M I S M O . R E S P E TA D O . S I N L Í M I T E S .
Main Line Health, el sistema de salud más completo que sirve a los suburbios de Filadelfia, está buscando enfermeras/enfermeros con talento y compasión para unirse a nuestro equipo reconocido como
Si eres bilingüe (español/inglés) tenemos oportunidades en varios turnos disponibles a través de todo nuestro sistema. Y si trabajas a tiempo completo, te ofrecemos los siguientes beneficios excepcionales:
Nuestro sistema de salud integrado te ofrece un
• Planes de jubilación, incluyendo un plan de pensiones financiado por Main Line Health y plan de ahorro 403(b)
mundo de oportunidades en donde podrás hacer un
• Amplios planes médicos, dentales y oftalmológicos
mundo de bien. Nuestra cultura de compasión marca la pauta, el respeto por los demás nos distingue y
• Servicios de atención a sus hijos o adultos dependientes
nuestra estrategia de diversidad e inclusión facilita
• Ayuda para préstamos estudiantiles
Magnet® por su excelencia en enfermería.
realizar lo mejor de cada uno.
• Programa de bienestar • Hasta dos semanas de permiso parental remunerado
Será un honor para nosotros darte la bienvenida a nuestro equipo, verte crecer, alcanzar tus metas y tener éxito en Main Line Health. Busca la mejor oportunidad de enfermería para ti:
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
• Servicio comunitario: hasta dos días al año de voluntariado en organizaciones locales • Generoso PTO (tiempo libre pagado) • Estacionamiento gratuito • Y mucho más
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ebecca Rivas is a registered nurse who currently works as a B6 nurse at Jefferson’s Methodist Hospital in South Philadelphia. In her role as a B6 nurse, Rivas manages the direct care of a number of different patients that come in and out of her floor on a daily basis. During the peaks of the COVID-19 pandemic, that number often hit overwhelming amounts. Rivas graduated from Temple University with a bachelors in nursing, and is currently pursuing her masters at Thomas Jefferson University to be a family nurse practitioner. At the core of her nursing is to help patients through whatever difficult times they bring to the hospital.
ebecca Rivas trabaja como enfermera B6 en el Jefferson’s Methodist Hospital, en el sur de Filadelfia. Como tal, Rivas gestiona la atención directa de un alto número de pacientes que entran y salen de su planta a diario. Durante los picos de la pandemia de COVID-19, ese número alcanzó cantidades abrumadoras. Graduada de la Temple University como licenciada en Enfermería, actualmente cursa un máster en la Thomas Jefferson University para ser enfermera de familia. Su principal objetivo es ayudar a los pacientes a superar cualquier situación difícil que traigan al hospital.
essica Alicea-Planas is a tenured assistant professor at Fairfield University’s Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies, in Fairfield, Connecticut. Her career has gone in and out of academia for more than 25 years in the interest of working as a public health nurse in bilingual communities in Connecticut, focusing specifically on low-resourced communities and providing education around healthcare as a certified healthcare education specialist. That experience forms the basis of Alicea-Planas current work at the university, which focuses on chronic disease management and health promotion for vulnerable populations through a health literacy and equity lens.
essica Alicea-Planas es profesora asistente titular en la Fairfield University’s Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies en Fairfield, Connecticut. Su carrera ha entrado y salido del ámbito académico durante más de 25 años, con el fin de trabajar como enfermera de salud pública en comunidades bilingües en Connecticut, específicamente en aquellas de bajos recursos, y de proporcionar educación en torno a la atención sanitaria como especialista certificada en educación sanitaria. Su experiencia constituye la base de su trabajo actual en la universidad, que se centra en la gestión de las enfermedades crónicas y la promoción de la salud en las poblaciones vulnerables, a través de una lente de alfabetización sanitaria y equidad.
osario is a second-generation Filipino nurse currently pursuing his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing, where he is studying the history of how hospitals in the U.S. have turned to the Philippines and other countries in the event of nurse shortages. A native of New Jersey, Rosario also attended Penn for his undergraduate nursing degree. His early jobs in the profession at Princeton and Penn would influence his current doctorate studies, seeing the staff shortages and lack of diversity. Now, Rosario’s future home will be the classroom as a nursing professor, inspiring the next generation of diverse nurses.
RN, Nurse at Main Line Health MONICA TERRAZAS
Student Nurse at DePaul University PAMELA ALVA PORROA
CRNP, Family Nurse Practitioner at DVCH ROCIO SANCHEZ
BSN & RN & PCCN, Clinical Staff Nurse and Critical Care Clinical Resource Unit Advocate Condell Medical Center
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osario es un enfermero filipino de segunda generación que cursa su doctorado en la Escuela de Enfermería de la University of Pennsylvania, donde estudia la historia de cómo los hospitales de Estados Unidos han recurrido a Filipinas y a otros países cuando hay escasez de enfermeras. Nativo de Nueva Jersey, Rosario también cursó su licenciatura en Enfermería en Pensilvania. Sus primeros trabajos profesionales en Princeton y Pensilvania influyeron en sus actuales estudios de doctorado, al ver la escasez de personal y la falta de diversidad. Ahora, el futuro hogar de Rosario será el aula, como profesor de enfermería, inspirando a la próxima generación de enfermeras de diversos orígenes.
BSN & CARN, Program Nurse Mirmont Outpatient Center STEPHANIE MENDOZA
DNP & MSN & RNC-OB & C-EFM, Labor and Delivery Nurse UI Health VIRGINIA GALAN-HERB
RN & CCRN & CMC & TNCC, Critical Care RN & CCRN & CMC & TNCC Christiana Care Health System
RN & BSN & OCN, Staff Nurse at Department of Radiation Oncology Fox Chase Cancer Center VERONICA SMITH SOUTHERLAND
APRN, FNP-BC, FIEL, DNP, 2019 Inaugural Nursing Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Leadership Fellow SONSIEL
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
¡Descubra su Biblioteca Pública de Filadelfia (Free Library of Philadelphia)!
President/CEO Gerri H. Walker, M.Ed.
Congratulates Our Top Nurse
Wanda Nolasco
Al Dia Legacy Awardee Thank you for your dedication and commitment!
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services Visit our website to learn more. 215-787-2407 801 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia, PA 19122
» Servicios prestados dentro del edificio además de algunos lugares donde puede recoger los materiales sin contacto » Ayuda con las tareas en línea, clases de idiomas y talleres de desarrollo profesional » Cientos de programas virtuales, incluidos grupos de conversación en inglés y hora de cuentos para niños » ¡Audiolibros y libros electrónicos en español!
Estamos aquí para usted.
Growing Diversity and Inclusion
For Sponsorship Opportunities, please call 215-789-6971 (Martín) JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
As a leading healthcare provider, Independence Blue Cross established resource groups to advance their reach as the city grows more diverse with associate resource groups.
We extend our gratitude to all of our nurses for your compassion, competence and courage. Thank you for improving lives every day.
And a special congratulations to our Al Día Top Nurses Rebecca Rivas, BSN, RN Clinical Nurse, B6 Jefferson Methodist Hospital Winner — Health Systems Practice Alicia Valentin, MSN, RNC-OB, CBE Clinical Nurse, Labor & Delivery Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia Winner — Health Systems Practice
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Edited By | FERNANDO MILLÁN | AL DÍA News Print Editor
Last June 3rd, Carol Proner and Pablo Gentili’s analysis of the Summit of the Americas was published. “Accepting the conditions imposed by the U.S. will mean an inexplicable step backwards when, beyond their difficulties, progressive and leftist Governments are multiplying in Latin America”, they say. Further on, they pointed out that “Democrats and Republicans have almost always agreed that any link with people living in the south of the Rio Bravo must be established according to the exclusive interests, demands, needs and whims of the U.S. Government. [...] Persistent in making mistakes when it comes to establishing a respectful relationship with the Latin American and Caribbean nations, the US Administration has called for a new summit, putting it in danger and showing, more than the strength, the diplomatic weakness of the Biden Administration. [...] The call for a new summit shows that [...] these have only served to sustain and promote US interference in Latin America, consolidating the existing asymmetries between the center and the periphery of the continent”. El pasado 3 de junio, se publicó el análisis de Carol Proner y Pablo Gentili sobre la Cumbre de las Américas. “Aceptar las condiciones impuestas por EE. UU. significará un retroceso inexplicable cuando, más allá de sus dificultades, se multiplican los gobiernos progresistas y de izquierda en América Latina”, dicen. Más adelante señalan que “demócratas y republicanos casi siempre han coincidido en que cualquier vínculo con los pueblos que habitan al sur del río Bravo debe establecerse según los intereses, exigencias, necesidades y caprichos exclusivos del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. (…) Persistente en cometer errores cuando se trata de establecer una relación respetuosa con las naciones latinoamericanas y caribeñas, la Administración norteamericana ha convocado la nueva cumbre, poniéndola en peligro y mostrando más que la fortaleza, la debilidad diplomática de la Administración de Biden. (…) La convocatoria a una nueva cumbre evidencia que (…) estas solo han servido para sustentar e impulsar la injerencia norteamericana en América Latina, consolidando las asimetrías existentes entre el centro y la periferia del continente”.
From analyst Muni Jensen, a commentary was published on June 3rd regarding the Summit of the Americas. “[…] the multiple Summits themselves arouse skepticism and even mockery. In most cases, the only result is a picture of fancy headlines in front of a showy landscape, a handful of disagreements, empty promises and a resolution without merit”, he points out. He also addresses the political context of the region: “[...] with its great political puzzle, to organize a meeting of leaders and expect results is reckless, not only because of the vastness of the political spectrum but the personality differences of each of its leaders and how opposite their Government plans are. Between Bukele and Castillo there is heaven and earth, Boric is new and Duque is outgoing, Maduro is not invited and Bolsonaro and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador do not agree on anything. Hard to expect solutions to such important issues as insecurity, inequality, climate change and food insecurity in this playground”. De la analista Muni Jensen, se publicó un comentario el 3 de junio en relación con la Cumbre de las Américas. “(…) las múltiples Cumbres en sí despiertan escepticismo y hasta burla. En la mayoría de los casos el único resultado es una foto de los elegantes titulares frente a un paisaje vistoso, un puñado de desacuerdos, promesas gaseosas y una resolución sin dientes”, señala. Aborda además el contexto político de la región: “(…) con su gran rompecabezas político, organizar una reunión de líderes y esperar resultados es temerario, no solo por lo extenso del espectro político sino las diferencias de personalidad de cada uno de sus líderes y lo opuestos que son sus planes de gobierno. Entre Bukele y Castillo hay cielo y tierra, Boric es nuevo y Duque saliente, Maduro no está invitado y Bolsonaro y Andrés Manuel López Obrador no están de acuerdo en nada. Difícil esperar soluciones a temas tan importantes como la inseguridad, la desigualdad, el cambio climático y la inseguridad alimentaria en este patio.”
“The first two decades of the 21st century have not been easy”, says analyst Tomás Linn when referring to the economy and, especially, to democracy in the West. He warns that “what weakened was democracy: the rule of law, as it is traditionally known, with republican and liberal institutions whose axis is to guarantee the inherent freedoms and rights to each person. [...] Uruguay looks like a solid democracy, which respects the separation of powers and where there is freedom of expression [...] It is not a perfect democracy, but none is. [...] It is enough to see what is happening in a country like the United States, with a very long tradition and institutional stability, but which nevertheless came within a hair’s breadth of falling into the populist temptation in the hands of Donald Trump who despises institutions, courts, freedom of the press and electoral results and is not afraid to send his hordes to take Congress by storm. [...] Trump left the Presidency but his possible return still lurks in the wings of a party that endorses his conduct”. “Las primeras dos décadas del siglo XXI no han sido fáciles”, dice el analista Tomás Linn al referirse a la economía y, especialmente, a la democracia en occidente. Advierte que “lo que se debilitó fue la democracia: el Estado de Derecho tal como se lo conoce tradicionalmente, con instituciones republicanas y liberales cuyo eje es garantizar las libertades y derechos inherentes a cada persona. (…) Uruguay luce como una democracia sólida, que respeta la separación de poderes y donde hay libertad de expresión (…) No es una democracia perfecta, pero ninguna lo es. (…) Basta ver lo que sucede en un país como Estados Unidos, de larguísima tradición y estabilidad institucional, pero que sin embargo estuvo a un tris de caer en la tentación populista en manos de un Donald Trump que desprecia las instituciones, los tribunales, la libertad de prensa y los resultados electorales y no teme enviar sus hordas a tomar el Congreso por asalto. (…) Trump dejó la presidencia pero su posible retorno aún acecha en andas de un partido que avala su conducta”.
In her commentary of this June 4th, analyst Enriqueta Cabrera recalls that “remittances sent to Mexico from the United States in 2021 reached their highest level in history: 51.6 million dollars, as reported by the Bank of Mexico. [...] Remittances continue to be the salvation for thousands and thousands of households in Mexico, as well as for the country’s economy and the financial system. [...] They are not a simple accessory figure, they are now part of an essential component of the country’s economic structure. [...] They even replace obligations or incapacities of the State, whose social action is being taken over by migration and remittances. [...] migration is plugging holes in what should be the responsibility and social action of the State. The question is obvious: can migration through remittances replace the social functions that correspond to the State? Is it intended to do so? The current dynamic is already clearly pushing in that direction [...] “necessity forces”. En su comentario de este 4 de junio, la analista Enriqueta Cabrera recuerda que “las remesas enviadas a México desde Estados Unidos en 2021 alcanzaron su nivel más alto en la historia: 51.6 millones de dólares, según reportó el Banco de México. (…) Las remesas siguen siendo la salvación para miles y miles de hogares en México, así como para la economía del país y el sistema financiero. (...) No son una simple cifra accesoria, ahora son parte de un componente esencial de la estructura económica del país. (…) sustituyen incluso obligaciones o incapacidades del Estado, de cuya acción social se están haciendo cargo migración y remesas. (…) la migración va tapando agujeros de lo que debiera ser la responsabilidad y la acción social del Estado. La interrogante es evidente: ¿puede la migración a través de las remesas sustituir las funciones sociales que corresponden al Estado? ¿Se pretende que así sea? La dinámica actual, resulta ya evidente que empuja hacia allá. (…)“necesidad obliga”.
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
• Bolsasgratis
FIESTAS MIÉRCOLES, 15 DE JUNIO Todas edades bienvenidas. DE VERANO EN Whitaker Ave & E Loudon St, 19120 TACONY CREEK PARK Fecha de lluvia: 22 de junio !CELEBRA TU PARQUE! ¡DESCUBRA TU ARROYO!
QUÉ • Tome un paseo por el Story Trail • Jugar con el Creekmobile • Aprenda sobre recursos comunitarios • Llévese un contenedor de reciclaje • Disfrute de artes y manualidades
JUEVES, 16 DE JUNIO ¡GRATIS! FREE! ECUÁNDO Tabor Rd & E Olney Ave, 19120 Fecha de lluvia: 23 de junio 5-7PM
MARTES, 14 DE JUNIO I St & Ramona Ave, 19124 Fecha de lluvia: 21 de junio
• Bolsas gratis Todas edades bienvenidas.
MIÉRCOLES, 15 DE JUNIO Whitaker Ave & E Loudon St, 19120 Fecha de lluvia: 22 de junio JUEVES, 16 DE JUNIO E Tabor Rd & E Olney Ave, 19120 Fecha de lluvia: 23 de junio
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
ompox is a small colonial town located on the Magdalena River in the Colombian Caribbean. It was founded on May 3, 1537 and is currently recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its beauty and historic value. Mompox takes its name from the Mompoj chieftain, leader of the Malibu Indians — the tribes that inhabited the region before the arrival of the Spaniards in America. At the time of the Conquest, the chieftain ruled around 50 small tribes, including the Güitacas, Chilloas, Chimíes, Chicaguas, Jaguas, Malibúes, Kates, Kimbayes, Menchiquejos, and Talahiguas. The architecture of this magical town in Colombia is like that found in Andalusia, Spain — one-story houses with large windows, white-painted facades, structures built in the shape of an L or a C, large patios, and internal wells designed since the mid-sixteenth century to adapt to the climate conditions of the region and collect water when there wasn’t a sewage system. Thanks to its beautiful architecture, the town hosts important cultural events in the Caribbean, like the Independent Film Festival, the Jazz Festival and the City of Mompox Music Festival. The municipality is also known for religious tourism, thanks to the many ceremonies held in commemoration of Easter. Mompox’s main architectural attraction is the Church of Santa Bárbara. Built in 1630, it has a striking baroque tower on its exterior that recreates the legend of the “saint” of the same name. Another site frequented by visitors is the Municipal Cemetery, which, besides having an unparalleled beauty, contains the tomb of Candelario Obeso, a father of black poetry in America.
ENGLISH precious metals into gold and silver threads for the manufacture of what today is known as the art of filigree. Today, filigree is part of Colombia’s cultural heritage, and it’s possible to find these types of pieces made of gold and silver in Mompox or any handicraft shop in Colombia. The crafts are still present as a legacy of Spanish history.
ompox es un pueblito colonial ubicado a orillas del río Magdalena, a 300 kilómetros de Cartagena, en el Caribe Colombiano. Fue fundado el 3 de mayo de 1537. Por su belleza y valor histórico es reconocido por la Unesco como Patrimonio Mundial. Mompox toma su nombre del Cacique Mompoj, líder de las tribus que habitaban
Filigree is the art of weaving silver threads and turning them into unique and unrepeatable figures, which resemble organic shapes like those found in nature. This goldsmithing practice dates back to colonial times, with the arrival of artisans from Sevilla, recognized for inheriting different Arab traditions. Among these, is the ability to convert
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
la región antes de la llegada de los españoles a América. Fue antiguo hogar de los indios malibúes. Para la época de la conquista española, el cacique gobernaba unas cincuenta pequeñas tribus, entre ellas los Güitacas, Chilloas, Chimíes, Chicaguas, Jaguas, Malibúes, Kates, Kimbayes, Menchiquejos, y Talahiguas. Este pueblo mágico de Colombia cuenta con una arquitectura similar a la de Andalucía (España). Sus casas suelen ser de un solo piso, con grandes ventanales, fachadas pintadas de blanco, estructuras construidas con forma de ‘L’ o ‘C’, amplios patios y pozos internos pensados, desde mediados del siglo XVI, para adaptarse a las condiciones climáticas de la región y acumular agua cuando no había alcantarillado. Su bella arquitectura hace que este pueblo sea sede de importantes eventos culturales del Caribe, como el Festival de Cine Independiente, el Festival de Jazz y el Festival de Música Ciudad de Mompox. El municipio también es conocido por el turismo religioso, gracias a las multitudinarias ceremonias realizadas en conmemoración de la Semana Santa. El mayor atractivo arquitectónico de Mompox es la Iglesia de Santa Bárbara, construida en 1630 y que cuenta en su exterior con una llamativa torre barroca que recrea la leyenda de la “santa” que lleva el mismo nombre. Otro sitio concurrido por los visitantes es el Cementerio Municipal, que además de tener una belleza sin par, contiene la tumba del momposino Candelario Obeso, precursor de la poesía negra en América.
La iglesia de Santa Bárbara es la iglesia más representativa de las seis que se encuentran en el pueblo mágico de Mompox. Courtesy ICULTUR. .
La iglesia de Santa Bárbara es la iglesia más representativa de las seis que se encuentran en el pueblo mágico de Mompox. Cortesía ICULTUR.
La filigrana es el arte de tejer hilos de plata y convertirlos en figuras únicas e irrepetibles, que asemejan formas orgánicas similares a las que se encuentran en la naturaleza. Esta práctica de la orfebrería se remonta a la época de la Colonia, con la llegada de los artesanos sevillanos, reconocidos por haber heredado diferentes tradiciones árabes. Entre esas, la habilidad de convertir los preciados metales en hilos de oro y plata para la fabricación de lo que hoy se conoce como el arte de la filigrana. La filigrana hace parte de la herencia cultural de Colombia y puede encontrarse este tipo de piezas hechas en oro y plata dentro de Mompox o cualquier otro local de artesanías del país. Las artesanías siguen presentes como legado de la historia española. • 25
1- “Don’t look away” was the label of the protest. Senator Cory Booker joined the students demands in front of the Capitol. ‘No mires hacia otro lado’ fue el sello de la manifestación. El senador Cory Booker se sumó a lo que pidieron los estudiantes frente al Capitolio.2- Students of different ages came to the Capitol. Los estudiantes, de varias edades, llegaron hasta el Capitolio. 3- Like her, many people in the country are angry at what has happened with the shootings, which have taken the lives of dozens of students. Como ella, en todo el país hay un sentimiento de indignación por lo que ha ocurrido con los tiroteos, que les han costado la vida a decenas de personas, muchos estudiantes de escuelas. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
he pain of the families of the 19 children and the 2 teachers murdered on May 24th at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde (Texas) has crossed the country to mobilize opinions in favor of restricting the carrying of weapons, an issue that divides Democrats and Republicans in Congress. As a reaction, this Monday, June 6th, a group of students gathered in front of the Capitol to ask for substantive measures. The banners read something like “School is supposed to be a safe place” and “We want to attend graduations, not funerals”. Along with young people, members of the Students Demand Action movement and other organizations against armed violence, Senators Richard Blumenthal, Chris Murphy, Bob Menéndez and Cory Booker appeared. Among the students who spoke, Jaden Christensen, from the University of Utah, regarding the current phenomenon, said the following: “We must stop it before more innocent lives are lost, and we must stop it at the root of its cause”. Young people appeared with bulletproof vests to draw attention to insecurity. They warned that drills carried out in schools due to the risk of shootings should not happen.
l dolor en las familias de los 19 niños y las dos maestras asesinadas el 24 de mayo en la Escuela Primaria Robb en Uvalde (Texas) ha recorrido el país para movilizar las opiniones a favor de restringir el porte de armas, tema que divide a congresistas demócratas y republicanos. Como reacción, un grupo de estudiantes se manifestaron este lunes 6 de junio frente al Capitolio para pedir medidas de fondo. En los carteles se leían textos como “Se supone que la escuela es un lugar seguro” y “Queremos asistir a la graduación, no a los funerales”. Junto a los jóvenes, integrantes del movimiento Students Demand Action y de otras organizaciones contra la violencia armada, aparecieron los senadores Richard Blumenthal, Chris Murphy, Bob Menéndez y Cory Booker. Entre los estudiantes que intervinieron, Jaden Christensen, de la Universidad de Utah, indicó que el fenómeno que se presenta “debemos detenerlo antes de que se pierdan más vidas inocentes, y debemos detenerlo en la raíz de su causa”. Los jóvenes aparecieron con chalecos antibalas para llamar la atención sobre la inseguridad. Advirtieron que no debería ocurrir que en las escuelas se realicen simulacros ante el riesgo de tiroteos.
4-The prohibition of weapons is a cause that has intensified in recent years. La prohibición de las armas es una causa que se han intensificado en los últimos años 5- They came to the front of the Capitol to demand congressmen to take action against the abuse of carrying weapons in the country. Ellas llegaron hasta el frente del Capitolio para exigirles a los congresistas tomar medidas contra el abuso en el porte de armas en el país. 6- Senator Richard Blumenthal had an active participation and spoke with some of the students who protested. El senador Richard Blumenthal tuvo una participación activa y conversó con varios de los estudiantes que se manifestaron. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
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Abordo SEPTA
Stories of connections into, out of and all around the city
Sloan Carter at the Ardmore SEPTA Regional Rail Station.
Sloan Carter en la estación de tren regional de SEPTA de Ardmore
he Philadelphia Sloan Carter returned to in the 1970s as a 14-yearold from Prichard, Alabama, gave her a lot of firsts. It was a culture shock of the worst kind coming North and settling at 50th and Spruce in West Philly. “I was not ready for the level of violence that I experienced,” Carter said in a recent interview with AL DÍA News. Gangs, fights in school, and a racist mayoral administration under Frank Rizzo that targeted communities of color with a brutal police force, all contributed to Carter’s feeling of isolation.
At 14, she had also already come to terms that she was a lesbian and didn’t make it a secret. Not only did that lead to targeted attacks at school by peers, but also from her community at church and even her own family. “I didn’t have a lot of friends. I did have a lot of cousins in Philadelphia on my father’s side, but because I was gay they treated me differently,” said Carter. She was in need of an escape from her environment with verbal or physical abuse around every corner, and she found it on SEPTA’s 42 bus, which ran down
a Filadelfia a la que Sloan Carter regresó en la década de los setenta, cuando era una niña de 14 años procedente de Prichard, Alabama, le proporcionó muchas nuevas experiencias. Llegar al norte e instalarse en la 50th and Spruce en el oeste de Filadelfia fue un choque cultural de la peor clase. “No estaba preparada para el nivel de violencia que experimenté”, dijo Carter en una entrevista reciente con AL DÍA News. Las pandillas, las peleas en la escuela y la administración racista del alcalde Frank Rizzo, que se centró en las comunidades de color con una fuerza policial brutal, contribuyeron al sentimiento de aislamiento de Carter.
A los 14 años, además, ya había asumido que era lesbiana y no lo ocultaba. Eso no solo le supuso ataques puntuales en la escuela por parte de sus compañeros, sino también de su comunidad en la iglesia, e incluso de su propia familia. “No tenía muchos amigos, pero sí bastantes primos en Filadelfia por parte de mi padre. Pero, como era gay, me trataban de forma diferente”, dijo Carter. En medio de la necesidad de escapar de su entorno, de los abusos verbales o físicos que encontraba a la vuelta de cada esquina, halló el autobús 42 de la SEPTA, que recorría la Spruce Street a través de su barrio, antes de cruzar el río Schuylkill por Walnut, en su camino hacia Center City.
BILINGUAL BRAND STUDIO In partnership with | En colaboración con
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Abordo SEPTA Historias aque se conectan por toda la ciudad ENGLISH Spruce Street through her neighborhood before crossing the Schuylkill River on Walnut on its way to Center City. It was there that Carter discovered a new world where she felt she belonged. That was helped along by places like Giovanni’s Room, the country’s oldest LGBTQ+ bookstore, and the many art galleries and cultural events she visited. “It broadened my community,” said Carter. “By taking a bus, it’s almost like you step out of one world into another world.” When it came to finding her place as a Black lesbian, Carter said “it was literally like somebody’s turning a light on in a dark room.” “It was like: ‘I’m not in the world alone. I’m not in this closed vortex where it’s just me and I’m trying to fight against everybody else just to fit in,’” she said. “By catching a bus, it allowed me to see the world differently from where I was.” Art came into Carter’s life around the same time. It started with her taking a chance on a free art class at the community center across the street from the bus stop she frequented to get to Center City. While often not seeing eye-to-eye with her teacher, Carter said the experience opened her eyes to using art as a form of expression for whatever she was feeling. As she began to experiment with that expression on canvas, Carter began to appreciate what went into the practice of art in its many forms. The pieces she saw in the many museums and galleries on her trips to Center City took on new meaning, and she developed favorites over time like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Jackson Pollock to name a few. “I found that art was a way to express everything that I was feeling inside, but
able to do it on the canvas, and then step back and start to understand myself more and start to empower myself more,” said Carter. Career-wise, she’s led a life helping atrisk youth like herself find their way in the many systems in society that often fail them, and has done it for decades. However, art has remained a constant since she first took SEPTA’s 42 bus decades ago, and it’s sometimes come in handy to connect with certain kids. “Through art I’ve been able to help kids like art helped me,” Carter said. “Pull out feelings and emotions and things that they have suppressed, that’s harming them over the long run, get it out. That has been my greatest joy.” Art’s presence in her life is also obvious in a visit to her apartment in Ardmore. Her pieces — the ones she hasn’t sold and donated the proceeds back to causes near and dear to her art — adorn the walls, and her kitchen also functions as a studio space. To this day, painting is a form of the most intimate expression that can strike her at any moment big or small. From the time she drove through a desolate Philadelphia amid the George Floyd uprisings to the day she just wanted some sunshine instead of rain, it’s all fair game. When it comes to SEPTA, Carter laughed when asked about how she uses the system now considering she drives a Jaguar. The regional rail still serves as her occasional transport to catch a Phillies game here and there, but she will never forget those bus rides as a teenager on the 42 she would often save money and her tokens to experience. “It gave me the opportunity to heal,” said Carter. “If it had not been for that bus, I don’t know if I would be here today. It saved me.”
ESPAÑOL Fue allí donde Carter descubrió un nuevo mundo al que sentía pertenecer, y lugares como Giovanni’s Room, la librería LGBTQ+ más antigua del país, y las numerosas galerías de arte y eventos culturales que visitó contribuyeron con el sentimiento. “Esto amplió mi comunidad”, dijo Carter. “Al coger un autobús, es casi como si salieras de un mundo a otro”. Cuando llegó el momento de encontrar su lugar como lesbiana negra, “fue literalmente como si alguien encendiera una luz en una habitación oscura”, expresó Carter. “Fue como: ‘No estoy sola en el mundo. No estoy en este vórtice cerrado en el que solo estoy yo y estoy tratando de luchar contra todos los demás solo para encajar’… Coger un autobús me permitió ver el mundo de forma diferente a como estaba”. El arte llegó a la vida de Carter más o menos al mismo tiempo. Comenzó con la oportunidad de asistir a una clase de arte gratuita en el centro comunitario situado frente a la parada del autobús que frecuentaba para ir a Center City. Aunque a menudo no coincidía con su profesor, Carter dice que la experiencia le abrió los ojos para utilizar el arte como una forma de expresión de lo que sentía. Cuando empezó a experimentar con esa expresión en el lienzo, Carter comenzó a apreciar lo que suponía la práctica del arte en sus múltiples formas. Las obras que veía en los numerosos museos y galerías que visitaba en Center City adquirían un nuevo significado, y con el tiempo descubrió sus favoritos, entre los que se encontraban Jean-Michel Basquiat y Jackson Pollock, por nombrar algunos. “Descubrí que el arte era una forma de expresar todo lo que sentía en mi interior, en este caso en el lienzo, y luego de dar un paso atrás y empezar a entenderme y a empoderarme más”, dijo Carter.
En cuanto a su carrera, ha llevado una vida ayudando a jóvenes en riesgo —como ella— a encontrar su camino en los muchos sistemas de la sociedad que a menudo les fallan, y lo ha hecho durante décadas. Sin embargo, el arte ha sido una constante desde que cogió por primera vez el autobús 42 de SEPTA, hace décadas, y le ha resultado útil para conectar con ciertos niños. “A través del arte, he podido ayudar a los niños de la misma manera en que el arte me ayudó a mí”, dijo Carter. “Sacar sentimientos y emociones que han reprimido, que les están perjudicando a largo plazo, sacarlo. Esa ha sido mi mayor alegría”. La presencia del arte en su vida también es evidente en su apartamento en Ardmore. Sus obras —las que no ha vendido, pero cuyos beneficios ha donado a causas cercanas y queridas a su corazón— adornan las paredes, y su cocina también funciona como espacio de estudio. Hasta el día de hoy, la pintura es una forma de la expresión más íntima que puede golpearla en cualquier momento, grande o pequeño. Desde la vez que condujo por una Filadelfia desolada, en medio de las revueltas por la muerte de George Floyd, hasta el día en que solo quería un poco de sol en lugar de lluvia, todo es válido. Sobre SEPTA, Carter se rio cuando se le preguntó cómo utiliza el sistema ahora, teniendo en cuenta que conduce un Jaguar. El ferrocarril regional todavía le sirve de transporte ocasional para ver un partido de los Phillies aquí y allá, pero nunca olvidará esos viajes de adolescente en el autobús 42, para los que a menudo ahorraba dinero y sus fichas. “Me dio la oportunidad de curarme”, dice Carter. “Si no hubiera sido por ese autobús, no sé si estaría aquí hoy. Me salvó”.
Through art I’ve been able to help kids like art helped me. A través del arte, he podido ayudar a los niños de la misma manera en que el arte me ayudó a mí. Sloan Carter
BILINGUAL BRAND STUDIO In partnership with | En colaboración con
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
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he homebuying market is very competitive, and rising mortgage rates are having a direct impact on home prices. However, despite the challenges, now is the time to make a decision on buying a home. As prices and rates likely continue to rise through the end of the year, waiting may cause you to pay more for the same home later than you would if you purchased it sooner. These are three important steps to putting yourself in the best position to find and successfully purchase a new home. • Find the Right Realtor: Realtors will help narrow your search and keep you on top of newly available properties. They know buying areas well and have a wide net of contacts and relationships that can be invaluable in your search. In addition, Realtors can manage juggling multiple offers on houses, an approach that may be needed if a bidding war persists. • Find the Right Lender: Many Real-
ENGLISH tors have a roster of mortgage lenders they may refer clients to, which can be a great resource to have. Potential homebuyers should look for full transparency from lenders, including what your commitment will be for all upfront costs. You should also work with your lender to ensure all your finances are in order to help lock in the best rate possible, know how much you are pre-approved for, and what a realistic max spend is. • Take a Look at Wants vs. Needs: The pandemic has changed a lot in terms of what potential homebuyers are looking for. Those changes could open new possibilities for homebuyers who have flexibility in what they want in a home. By taking a patient approach, you can confidently bid on homes knowing your homebuying team has your back, has prepared you to be an attractive buyer, and will be ready to act quickly on your behalf.
l mercado de la compra de vivienda es muy competitivo, y el aumento de las tasas de interés hipotecario está teniendo un impacto directo en sus precios. Sin embargo, a pesar de los desafíos, es el momento de tomar la decisión dew comprar una casa. Como es probable que los precios y las tasas sigan subiendo hasta finales de año, esperar puede hacer que tenga que pagar más por la misma vivienda más adelante. Los siguientes son tres pasos importantes para estar en la mejor posición para encontrar y comprar con éxito una casa nueva. • Encuentre el agente inmobiliario adecuado: los agentes inmobiliarios le ayudarán a limitar su búsqueda y le mantendrán al tanto de las nuevas propiedades disponibles. Conocen bien las zonas de compra y disponen de una amplia red de contactos que pueden ser de gran ayuda para su búsqueda. Además, son capaces de gestionar múltiples ofertas, en caso de que persista una alta competencia al respecto. • Encuentre el prestamista adecuado: muchos agentes inmobiliarios tienen una lista de prestamistas hipotecarios a quienes pueden
remitir sus clientes, lo que es un gran recurso. Los potenciales compradores de vivienda deben buscar una total transparencia por parte de los prestamistas, incluyendo cuál será su compromiso para todos los costos iniciales. También deben trabajar con su prestamista para asegurarse de que todas sus finanzas estén en orden, para ayudar a fijar el mejor tipo de interés posible, saber cuánto está preaprobado y cuál es el gasto máximo realista. • Analice los deseos frente a las necesidades: la pandemia ha cambiado las necesidades de los potenciales compradores de vivienda, y los cambios podrían abrir nuevas posibilidades para quienes sean flexibles respecto a lo que buscan en una casa. Con paciencia, podrá ofertar con confianza, sabiendo que su equipo de compra le está cubriendo la espalda, le ha preparado para ser un comprador atractivo y estará listo para actuar rápidamente en su nombre. Comprar una casa con éxito implica tomar muchas decisiones, así que, para aliviar parte de esa carga, el WSFS Bank ha lanzado dos programas.
BILINGUAL BRAND STUDIO Sponsored by | Patrocinado por
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
ENGLISH A lot of decisions have to be made in order to successfully purchase a home. To help ease some of the burden of making those decisions, WSFS has launched two programs. One is the WSFS Down Payment Grant Program, which helps borrowers who qualify with up to $10,000 to help account for down payments and closing costs when buying a home. To be eligible, borrowers’ income must be 80% or below the Area Median Income (AMI) and the property must be located in the Majority-Minority Census Tracts (MMCT). The WSFS Down Payment Grant funds do not require repayment and can be combined with other down payment assistance programs, such as the First Front Door Down Payment Assistance Program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage programs. The second program is the WSFS Neighborhood Opportunity Program, which offers qualified homebuyers help
with low down payment options, competitive rates, and in some cases, no private mortgage insurance. The Neighborhood Opportunity Program also features education resources for borrowers that help them prepare for homeownership and the process for getting a mortgage. Both programs provide valuable tools that can pay huge dividends for potential buyers. “These grants provide borrowers with important access to funds that can help them buy a home,” said Ron Dutton, senior vice president and director of community reinvestment for WSFS Bank. “We’re committed to helping buyers with low- and moderate-income in eligible geographic areas use these grants to find their dream home.” While difficult, buying a home is not impossible and WSFS is available to provide potential homebuyers with the guidance and resources they need.
ESPAÑOL Uno de ellos es el Programa de Subvención para Cuotas Iniciales, que ayuda a los prestatarios que reúnan los requisitos con un máximo de 10.000 dólares para las cuotas iniciales y los costos de cierre al comprar una casa. Para ser elegibles, los ingresos de los prestatarios deben ser del 80 % o menos del ingreso medio del área, y la propiedad debe estar ubicada en los tramos censales de las minorías mayoritarias. Los fondos de la subvención para el pago inicial del WSFS no requieren reembolso y pueden combinarse con otros programas de asistencia para el pago inicial, como el First Front Door y los programas hipotecarios de Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac. El segundo programa es el WSFS Neighborhood Opportunity Program, que ofrece a los compradores de vivienda cualificados ayuda con opciones de pagos iniciales bajos, tasas competitivas y, en algunos casos, sin seguro hipotecario privado.
Este programa también cuenta con recursos educativos para los prestatarios que les ayudan a prepararse para ser propietarios de una vivienda y para el proceso de obtención de una hipoteca. Ambos programas ofrecen valiosas herramientas que pueden reportar grandes beneficios a los compradores potenciales. “Estos subsidios proporcionan a los prestatarios un importante acceso a los fondos que pueden ayudarles a comprar una casa”, dijo Ron Dutton, vicepresidente senior y director de Reinversión Comunitaria del WSFS Bank. “Estamos comprometidos a ayudar a los compradores con ingresos bajos y moderados, en las áreas geográficas elegibles, a utilizar estas subvenciones para encontrar la casa de sus sueños”. Aunque es difícil, comprar una casa no es imposible, y el WSFS Bank está disponible para proporcionar a los potenciales compradores de vivienda la orientación y los recursos que necesitan.
Program Features • Up to $10,000 assistance with down payment and/or closing costs for eligible borrowers1 • No required repayment for any grant funds awarded2 • Flexible guidelines
Down Payment Grant Program
• Can be combined with other programs, including the WSFS Neighborhood Opportunity Program
WSFS Mortgage is committed to ensuring that individuals and families have the opportunity to find a safe and affordable place to call home. Designed to assist individuals and families with limited savings, the WSFS Mortgage Down Payment Grant Program can provide up to $10,000 in down payment assistance and/or closing costs for eligible borrowers so they can realize their dream of home ownership.
• Homebuyer education program for first-time homebuyers • 6% seller’s assist depending upon borrower down payment • Competitive mortgage rates
At WSFS Mortgage, we understand that each Customer has unique needs. It’s our goal to provide exemplary customer service that meets those needs. With an array of mortgage products available, we look forward to guiding you through your home financing journey.
For more information call 855.901.9737
May vary based on program underwriting guidelines. Home must be a primary residence located in a census tract where the population is at least a 50% majority minority census tract and the total household income cannot exceed 80% of the census tract median income as determined by the FFIEC Geocoding System/US Census. 2 1099-MISC will be issued to borrower on awarded funds. Grant funds awarded while funds last for the award program year. Loan program is subject to change. Offer subject to credit approval.
Member FDIC | NMLS#417673
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
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As of June 4, more than $268,000 have been raised by the campaign.
The Robb Elementary School shooting took place in a city with a 81.8% Latino population. While in the short-term, the news cycle will mention the shooting itself, the long-term discussion is around the topic of gun control. In light of the tragedy, Latino advocacy leaders have made their voices heard, calling for lawmakers to take action. Frankie Miranda, President & CEO of Hispanic Federation, noted that mass shootings “are becoming all too frequent in the United States.” “We demand that our elected officials take responsibility and start telling us NOW what concrete steps they will take to make our communities safer,” he wrote in a statement.
Cid Wilson, President & CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility, shared a similar sentiment. “We, as a society, cannot accept these shootings and acts of violence as normal in America,” said Wilson. These challenges in our society will not be resolved on their own. We must continue to raise our voices to call for change that will lead to a safer society for all.” he added. Mass shootings are tragic incidents that rips people away from their loved ones. However, it has also presented opportunities to bring people together in grief, consolement, and ultimately social change. The U.S. has reached far past the point where change is needed. The hope is that now with the sorrow and devastation of 9, 10, and 11-year-old children being murdered inside an elementary school classroom, lawmakers can finally take the necessary action to reduce the likelihood of these tragedies happening.
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El tiroteo en la Escuela Primaria Robb tuvo lugar en una ciudad cuya población latina representa el 81,8 % de los habitantes. Aunque a corto plazo, el ciclo de noticias mencionará el tiroteo en sí, el debate a largo plazo gira en torno al tema del control de armas. A la luz de la tragedia, los líderes defensores de la comunidad latina han alzado su voz, pidiendo a los legisladores que tomen medidas. Frankie Miranda, presidente y director general de la Federación Hispana, señaló que los tiroteos masivos “son cada vez más frecuentes en Estados Unidos”. En un comunicado indicó que “exigimos que nuestros funcionarios electos asuman su responsabilidad y empiecen a decirnos AHORA qué medidas concretas van a tomar para que nuestras comunidades sean más seguras”. Cid Wilson, presidente y director gene-
ral de la Asociación Hispana de Responsabilidad Corporativa, compartió un sentimiento similar: “Nosotros, como sociedad, no podemos aceptar estos tiroteos y actos de violencia como algo normal en Estados Unidos”. Añadió que “estos retos no se resolverán por sí solos; debemos seguir alzando la voz para pedir un cambio que conduzca a una sociedad más segura para todos”. Los tiroteos masivos son incidentes trágicos que arrancan a las personas de sus seres queridos. Sin embargo, también representan oportunidades para unir a la gente en el dolor, el consuelo y, en última instancia, el cambio social. En Estados Unidos se ha llegado a un punto en el cual se necesita un cambio. La esperanza es que ahora, con el dolor y la devastación de los niños de 9, 10 y 11 años asesinados en un aula de primaria, los legisladores puedan finalmente tomar las medidas necesarias para reducir la probabilidad de que estas tragedias ocurran.
ed to the school of my dreams but was unable to attend because I did not qualify for financial aid due to my status,” Nuñez said. While she was able to graduate from MSU Denver, she Nuñez was unable to continue a career in STEM because she could not work at federally funded labs. Her experience is not unlike many others who lack DACA protections. Without the option to easily change their immigration status, non-DACA Dreamers must find work in places that don’t require authorization or find ways
to pay tuition in hopes that DACA protections will be extended in the future. But that future seems very far away, if possible at all. The program’s fate is buried under a pile of legal action brought on by the Trump administration’s attempt to end the policy, and any legislation on the matter is unlikely, at least in the short-term. Still, advocates continue pushing Congress to tackle the urgent issues facing immigrants today, such as DACA and backlogs for work visa holders and their families.
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Aunque pudo graduarse de la Metropolitan State University de Denver, Núñez no tuvo la oportunidad de continuar una carrera en STEM porque no podía trabajar en los laboratorios financiados por el Gobierno federal. Su experiencia no es diferente a la de muchos otros que carecen de las protecciones de DACA. Sin la opción de cambiar fácilmente su estatus migratorio, los dreamers sin DACA deben encontrar trabajo en lugares que no requieren autorización o maneras de pagar la matrícula con la esperanza de que las protecciones del programa se extiendan en el futuro.
Pero ese futuro parece muy lejano, si es que es posible. El destino del programa está enterrado bajo una pila de acciones legales provocadas por el intento de la administración Trump de poner fin a la política. Cualquier legislación al respecto es poco probable, al menos a corto plazo. Aun así, los defensores siguen presionando al Congreso para que aborde los problemas urgentes a los que se enfrentan los inmigrantes hoy en día, como el DACA, y los retrasos para los titulares de visados de trabajo y sus familias.
“[My daughter] is taking it really hard. She would protect her from the bullies,” Treviño said,as his daughter cried during a vigil for Amerie. In an interview with CNN, Garza’s stepfather, Angel Garza, said he wants people to know that she died trying to save her classmates.
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“She was so scared of just strangers and things like this. She would lock the door when I would step out to put gas in the car. This is literally her worst fear and she was just trying to help everyone,” he said. Amerie Jo Garza died upholding the Girl Scout Promise: “to help people at all times,” and for that, she received one final badge.
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ría de los matones”, dijo Treviño mientras su hija lloraba durante una vigilia por Amerie. En una entrevista con CNN, el padrastro de Amerie dijo que quiere que la gente sepa que ella murió tratando de salvar a sus compañeros. “Tenía mucho miedo de los extraños y de cosas así. Cerraba la
puerta cuando yo salía a echar gasolina al coche. Este es, literalmente, su peor miedo, y ella solo trataba de ayudar a todos”, dijo. Amerie Jo Garza murió cumpliendo la promesa de las Girl Scouts: “ayudar a la gente en todo momento”, y por ello recibió su última insignia.
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Aunq ue su nomb re no aparece en esta lista, todaví a podemos tener propiedad para ti Aviso de nomb res de persona, q ue aparece como dueñ o de b ienes no reclamados y ab andonados.
Philadelphia County
L istados en orden alf ab é tico por ú ltimo có digo postal reportado 19111
9 1 7 8 Allah Hus Samad Acosta Carmen Luiza Sant Adames Matilde Adamswilson Sally Ahmad Amreen, Nazir Akbar Falah M Albert Bernice Alexander Verna F Alexis Buonfiglio Alexis Louinel Alfred W Gray & Mary A Gray Alicea Carmen J Alisa Recka Trust Allen Valerie Latimore Allou Fateh Ally Bank Althea Cotton Alves Rodrigo P American Oncologic Hosp Amevigbe Raissa Anderson Anthony C Anderson John C Araiza Daniela Askew Wendell Avila Wanda Bachowski Wayne Baczmaha Antin Bandurska Katarzyna M Banji- Ajala Jacob Jr Barkat Astar Barnhardt Dawn Basilico Stefania Battlewilliams Jhalani E Bell Hakim Belton Orientus Benton Mychael Bergen Debora J Berlingieri Gaetano Bertenthal Elaine Bey Lisa D Est Bingham Roberta Blinder Paul Bloom Beatrice Bogart Isabel T Bolanosrenoj Brenda L Bradley Deborah A Brady Eleanor A Brene Pierre H Brewer Kirwer Bright & Early Preschool Brown Lashawn T Bruno Jacqueline Bugglin Aloys A Burdumy Charles Burnett Christa A Burns Edith
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Busch Lorraine E Butts Mary Calderon Melvin Campiglia Richard R, Joan A Cange Vivianne Cantave Pierre Caraballo Lizandra Carobello Enrique Carp Frieda Carpenter Glenn M Carter Novelena Casey Robert D, Martin, Nora Castro William Cease Ryan H Celious Anita Century 1 Advantage Gold Chan George H, Jimmy H Charles Adams Charles Kaherdin Cheng Ke Cherian Jimmy Chmakov Alexander Chung Han Inc Ciarkoski Mary Ciceron Hiedie K Clark Joshua Patrick Clark Kimberly R Clarke Allen S Claudio Inocencia Claussen William H Cochran James P Collins David Collins Family Markets Colon Jose R Contreras Darian Cooper Brad Courtney Teresa A Cox Harold L Coyle Margaret T Craig Frank A Crawford L Creamer Alicia Crocker Sarah S Culsoir Pierre Custer E Dacchioli Alberto Dacruz Jucara Dagostino Darrin Daily Donald Y Dalessandro Charles R Daniels Marion Daniels Marion B Dannon Witherspoon Darragh John David Poulterer Davis Clifton Davis Ernestine
Davis Maryann Davis Richard P Davison Debra Defnse Persnl Spprt Ctr Dejesuspicart Alba G Delgado Jose V Delia Stephen B Deluca Jeffrey G Delva Valencia Dennis Khalif Desroches Dyna Destiny Trucking Llc Diallo Amadou Diaz Jesus, Luz E Dieu Trinh Inc Dilcese Nanilia Dill David Dla Troop Support Doherty James T Dolanbird Elizabeth Domingos Jacob A Donahue Robert Doperak Alicja Dougherty Elliott F Downey Patricia Doyle Frank R Drew Wilbur Est Duffy Joseph Dugue Delores Eastern Dental Asso Eberhard Elsie E Eisenberg Myron D DDS Eleazer Dorothy D Elliott Craig Ellis Yolanda Embroidery King Empire Healthcare Estate of Joseph Pulaski Estate of Nancy Kirchner Esther N Haas Eveillard Melissa Falls Destiny R Family Restoration Faris Christopher Farris Monica Fat Jacks Bbq Faulk Tifani Feather Amanda Feldstein Jacob Ferriera Raimundo Ferry John J Fiioc Firn Donna V First Lease Inc Flashner Morton Fontanez Christian Food Services Operation
Ford Jobie Forman Fern Fox Chase Pain Mgm Asso Francis Catherine Francis George A, George W Francis J Dever Irrev Life Frania Blandon Franquel Jeanne Friedman Stanley H Gailliard Donnyea Gaither Walter Gallagher Mary E Gao Yi Dong Garcia Ruth Garofalo Marie Elaine Gary Stackhouse Gauntt David Gaus Alfred G Jr Gelashvili Inga George Susan Ghafary Abdul Aziz Glover Carol Glover Dawanna Goldstein Joseph J Gonzalez Alberto Gonzalez Alfonsa Gowah Emmanuel Graf Paul D Gravely Jeremy Gray Mary A Green Cashiema Greenewald Scott A Gulbis Daina Gurley Omega Gutierrez Rene H Multiservices Haffner Esther M Hagerty Rebecca Halbherr Paul Hargraves George J Harkins Mary Harrison Walter A Hauck Loretta A Heller Michelle, Alfred Henderson Robert Herb Mary Herbert Regina Hilaire Gerard Hill John Hillgrube Kenneth Hinkle Harlan E Est Hollister Olivia Leigh Holmes John L Hossain Hazera Howe Robert Huang Wei Y Hvorecky Joseph M, Tricia A
Iannuzzi Dennis M Ibrahim Rami Ideal Construction Inc Incollingo Gerardo, Maria Ingersoll Lindsey M Ingrum Roger Institute of Terrorism Research Irby Lisa A Irizarry Cheyenne Irvin Daniel Isaac Rani V Its Assigns J & M Window Door Carpet Jacinta M Colye dba Jmc Jackson Herrell A Jacob Nancy, Alex Jacobs Adolphus Mr Jacqueline Zimmerman James Princess Jaskel John J Jean Jacques Jean Jeannes Hospital Jeanpierre Louis Jenkins Martha John F Fluehr Sons John Foley & Champion Johnson Victoria Jones Michele Joseph Bush Paye dba Team Julio Ritha Juscar Samuel Saint Kadiatu Jalloh Kaelberer Vanessa A Kalb eisch Werner Kasanda Goretty Kassim Safa Kaufer Roslyn Kearns Richard A Jr Keeler Theresa E Keenan Thomas R Keiser Jay Kennedy Joseph F Kitchen Charles Klein Mariam Knox Jennifer Konopka Frank Kretchman Rochelle Krimmel Elizabeth Krisch Bertha Kristin Humphries Ira Kronmiller William Est, Peggy A Kufta Lillian, Michael Kurtz Therese, Fred Lachapelle Renel Lamarre Jean Robert Laurient Appolos Sr Lauterbach Scott
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Lawrence Ann Marie Le Duc K Le Luan M Leasoff Burton Lee Dickson Lee Takesha Leichner Dorothy C Leisner Marianne Limonov Dmit Lin Ru L Lindor Sulette Littell Ronald J Llc Vera- Ccs Louis Bernique Pierre Lowe Helen Lowery Daronda M Est Lucas Harry Lutton Jarrad Ma Huiming Macedoine Marie Mainyen Patience K Makeover Facilities Maint Maletz Chelsea J Malfato Andrew Manton James R Mapps Patricia A Marasco James J Marino Beth Marrow Tanya L Marsico Louis R Est Mattos James J Maxlow Allen Mccabe Eileen Mccarthy Mary Mcfarland Kiyier Mcginley Joan B Mcgonagle Elizabeth Mcshane Lawrence Meas Saroeun, Linda Medina Jose Medoway Esther, Marci Meehan Mary Ann Meenen Elizabeth Mega System Corp Mei Yuan Qing Meissner Judith A Mekalo Stanley P Melnyk Bohdan A Mendez Nancy Merar Nabil Mercedes Jesus Rivera Mercury Carriers Metcalfe Jared Meurer Sonya Meyer Beatrice Midgette Carnesta Miles Christopher Miles Travis Miller Jeffery Millien Rachelle Molloy George E Mondragon Alexis Morel Branly D Moronta Rafael Morris John Mukami Nelly Necowitz Randi Beth Negron Aaron T, Aaron Newhart George G Nguyen Dao Nicholas Kevin Noble Bushra Nolan Brooke Nolan Martin J Nora Estate of Ohma North East Family Medical Northeastern Eye Assoc Obrien Terase Oconnor John P Est Ogunmota Tunji Ojehseme Omoaregba Omelchenko Holly L, June Orthopedic Surgery & Rehab Osborne Ashley Ann Osswald Margaret L Est Owens Aileen E Owens Deborah R Palumbo Kurt Pan Sopheap Parks Erykah Pasquarello Rachel T, Rachel Patel Dipakkumar Paxson Jacob Payne Georgia Pease Jamie L Pena Celeste Pena Janette A Pena Redio Penn Mobile Diagnostics Perilstein Rose Peshkova Luliia Pfeffer Mendel Pham Cuong Phan Vannak
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Phelps Avichai Phfa its Successors andor Pit Stop Car Wash Plasencia Jose A Plossl Anne Blessing Poindexter Phillip A Pokorny Stephen Poli Edward Powellwilliams Margaret Press Alvin Pruchniewski Michael Przybyszewskschmid Martha Pulaski Joseph E Quach Soc L Radio Shack Recka Ylli Redmond Thomas W Jr Reed Robert Reidcamp Essynce Ren Yan Resch Diana Reyes Mario Reyes Reyni Altagracia Rhawn Street Endoscopy Richard Andrenor Richardson Cassaundra Richardson Trevon Riedel Richard K Rivera Juan A Rizen Hyman Roberts Shennelle D Rodriguez Ediana Rodriguez Paul Rodriguez Sandra Rodriguez Waleska Roman Lee Liani N Roman Marilyn Romano Victor Romanzi Nicole Romberg John, Eva Rome Beatrice, Kathryn Rosario Luis Noesi Rose David S Rotemtmamanniv Shahar Sn Rowe Arthur H Salas Gustavo Salha Wakad Sali Dritan, Genci Samuel Robin Sanborn Kristyn Sanders Harry S Saunders Thelma Saurisantiago Gloria M Schiavone Alicia Schlosser Robert J Schubach William K, Carol O Schurmann Timothy J Schwalbe Sonia Scober Diane Sharper Larry Sifontes Yaudi Silvasy Kenneth Silverman Solis Silverthorn Carolyn E, Cassidy B Simmons Carol L Skhulukhia Lasha Sloane Toyota Smalarz Joan Small Lexus Smith Elizabeth M Smith Stanley Solomon Christine Sostre Blanca Speechley Leeann J Spencer Esther Stanley Gwen R Stefancich Nicholas Stehel Joseph Stokes Mary L Stottler Mabel Stratton Vincent Sunrise Unity Group Swirsding Shirley Est Syrena Auto Body Tabaku Xhevair Tang Pharmacy III Tawam Mohamed Taylor Lorraine, Carl Thomas Charlotte K Thomas L Scaife Council Thomas Sylvia Thomas Tyson Timothy James Tislin Amante Tkaczuk Jawdocha Togan Andrew Zenon, Tatiana Toribio Oswaldo Torres Moises Towey Virginia Towns Anthony Townsend Dahlia Toyota Motor Credit Tran Viet H Trinh Huy
Tuyikunde Judith Ucms Inc United States Treasury Varallo Mary Vargas Heather Vargas Luis O Vasquez Ana J Velasquez Manuel Vera Ccs Llc Vereb Jean F Est, Michael A Vishio Nicholas Vossa Ahoefa Estelle Waldeck Lorraine Walton Rodger C Wang Feng Wang Lin Wang Mei J Wayns Eugene Weber Susan Weiner Harry Werner Marie Whalen Susan Wilford Clifton William C Cox Jr Trt Williams Ebony Williams Shawn C Wilson Aiyana Wilson Gregory Wilson Middleschool Hsa Wojtylak Nicholas Xhelili Eli Yastremskyy Oleksandr Yokoto Ab 3 7 4 th Medical Yongshi Shao Zanis Mary C Zekas Jesse A Zhang Xiuyu Zhang Zhikun Zhao Ruo W Zoeiro Julio Zukowski Victoria
1912 0
Abaidoo Betty B Abdelaziz Omar Aceves Laura Adams Run Holding Co Akayi Date Akridge Beniamin Albert Einstein Healthcare Albert James Alexandre Iliome All About Kidz 1 Inc Altidor Daniel Anderson Venice Clothing Anita Enrique Armina Jonathan Asper Estate Ayala Cesar Adolfo Ayende Juan A Babenko Jerome Bailey Antonette Bailey Princess Ballard Tamika Ballwaters Marian N Balthazard Roseline Baref Reychel D Barthelemy Jenny Bautista Rolando S Beard Erica Bernard Cedrix A Bizzozero David Blizzard Samuel R Bluett A C Bohlikah Layla F Bond Charles Bono Miguelina Bradley Edward, Ellis Bradley Lastarsha Branch Jordan Brew Darnell Brewer Jane Est Brewer Jane T Briceno Abdias J Brickley Phyllis Bridge In S Brito Fernando Dejesus Brown Aliesha D Brown Elander Brown Gloria A Brown Michael A Brown Sandra Brown Tysheera Brunson Kashemma L Buchanan Winston, Grace Bullock Donna Bunyan Donte Burnett William J Byrd Shirley Cabrerabonilla Krisel E Cain Charlotte Cain Venessa Williams Calderon Julia Cambodian Association
Cameron Edwin Augustus Campbell Jonathan Carden Margaret Est, Margaret T Carlisle Vera D Carreroquiles Sergi O Carter Naqira Casillas Alexander Casperson Ronald Century 1 Advantage Gold Chaconguillen Elsa Marilis Chambers Miguel Champlost Getty Chea Christinary Cheatham Maurice Chen Haifang Christmas Dionte Chrystal Parker Clancy Theresa M Coffey Jeanne Cogbill Lola Ann Collins Jessie O Colon Ana Colon Jorge L Contreras Maria Eugenia Cooper Sarah Cordova Ramon Cortez Adrian Coston Yvonne Covelusky Joann Cowie Dorothy Cox Janet B Cruz Robert Cuban Community Center Culbreth Ralph D Cwiertniewicz Michael Daley Steven Dam Hoa Dang Hai Danh Lien T Daniels Jo Netta Davis Bobbie Davis Darryn T Davis Keon Davis Shawn C Dawkins Dorothy Defillo Rafael Dehostos Eugenio Maria Delossantos Carmen Delia Delvalle Ruth Dembele Fatoumata Demsey William R Depestre Noilesia Deslauriers Richard Dezmelyk William Dia Cire Diamonds Management Diaz Angel J Diaz Jose Diaz Monserrate Diaz Nicole Diazperez Ivette Dickerson James Dierisseau Marie O Dinh Huong Doliscat Georges Donnelly George S Drummond Roger Du Liem Thanh Duboise Irvin G Dunkley Wayne C Duren Arlene R Dwyer Anita Dy Salon Service Dzmelyk William East West Pain Rehab Easy Dental Llc Ebrahimi Mohammad Edgar Lanelle Edwards Brenda Einstein Practice Plan Ellerson Lauren Elliott Carressa Ellsperman Irene H Eloi Jean Estate of Brenda Edwards Estate of Gwendolyn Estate of Lynnette S Smith Etienne Ronel Evangelista Juan Carlos Farinas Marlo F Farmer Miriam Est Feitner Elizabeth Ferniven Ferrer Israel Finiello Erin Finney Cliford Fisher Charles D Flower Landscaping Floyd Dennis Franco Rosa Maria Freddie Hargrave Freeman Marcus Freeman Rashi J Fuentes Nancy
Furey Florence Garcia Carla Garcia Laureano Garner Howard Gaymon Sally F Geroge A James Est Gethers Toni Ghee Shirley Gibson Katrina R Gigipasogloy John Gilchrist George V Gonzalez Carmen Gonzalezrodriguez Luis Goodman Alexander Gordon Colville Govens Irvin Graubard Maria L Green Leonard H Gryphon Re Mgt Llc Gualtieri Martin Guardado Luis Ha Huynh Hag Abed Haile Lonnie II Hammond Nashay Hanh Nhon Doan MD Harding Anita Harris James Harrison Thais K Hartzell Helen Est Hawks Kiana Hawley Carisa Headen Khaliff R Heim Carol F Henderson Ebony Henriquezvasquez Jose A Hernandez Christine Herrera Francisco Rosario Higgins Mark Holmes Willie L Holt Frederick, Monique Y Hovington Clarence Hu Eric Hun Roeub Hunsberger Jean C Hunt Roosevelt Hurst Kyle Huynh Long Minh Huynh Tuan Ignatiuk Victor Ivey Mark D Jackson Paulette Jamarr Atkins James George Est Jean Valerie Jennifer Pierrelouis & Pelican Jessica Rivera Jett Alphonso Jin Ping Jj White Inc Johnson David P Johnson Diane Johnson Nissia Johnson Thomas Jr Jones Jeffrey Jones Ramona Juarez Juarez Mauro Kamhouri Malika R Kent Richard Kerns Muriel Keys Anthony Keys Brandon Kien Duong Kim Young C Kinds Claudette Knox Susan E Krawe Mary Kwakye John B Laboy Cruz Lam Anh T Lamar William J Lanzo Iris Lathsadaphout Phoutsada Lawson Sandra L Le Huy T Leacock Archye Lee Talia Y Leon David L Leroy Camp Leung Cheuk H Lewis Dorothy M Lewis John Lewis Maris W Lexis Sherley Li Mei Liberatadevelez Amari I Ligon Bertha Lindor Emilienne Lopez Angelica Lopez Isaiah Lopez Jahaira E Lopez Yorlany Lor Sivteang Lourido Noel
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Lozada Roberto Lucas Tanisha M Luu Hoa T Luu Minh Lyghts Clifton Maack Guenter Madrid Bobbian Malone Kim Manchame Jesus Mapp Crystal N Margaret Carden Est Martens Mike Martin Mildred Martin Rakim Martinez Jose Matias Carmelo Matos Javier Ortiz Mcbride Elva L Mcbryde Angenette Mcclain Robert Mcclain Thomas Mcclintock Eileen M Mccray Ray Mccrea Michael W Mccullough Joseph T Mcdonald Scott Mcgarvey Raymond J Mcgarvey Robert J Mcnally Joseph J Jr Medina Dioncio Medina Luz M Megghross Cuanchai Mejia Bernarda Mendozadevelasquez Carla N Merriett Renee Meussner Charles Miller Calvin K, Ashley Mills Kalea Mitchell Johnny F Mohammad Ezat Abdulrahman Monk Michele Montes Daniel Montes Maribel Montesdeoca Edgar Moore Garry Moore Sana T Morales Maria Morgan Carlton C Morrison Phyllis Motley Marlene Moussa Diarra Muhammad Naim A Muniz Felipe Munz Catherine M Murray Sadie Murrieta Paula Nelson Mark Neri Joseph Nesmith Tiffany New Mokro Inc New Testament Christian Next Stop Movers Nguyen Chau Nguyen Liem Nguyen Nga N Nguyen Tan Duy Nguyen Thuy Nhu Nam Q Nino Francisco Nix Alexus Nolazco Radhames Dejesus Northeran Warren Nunez Carlos Noyer Nunez Jonathan Nunezgarcia Smarlis M Nuon Phyla Nys Medicaid O S B Variety Inc Odd Alibaba Hassan Odukoya Edna Ohare Erna Oliver Barbara L, Sheilah Ortiz Diaz Jeamie Ortiz Fabiola A Ou Shang Owens Diana P A R C Martin Luther Pagan Alberto L Pagan Teresa Paganafandor Antonio Paganroman Jose Pain F Chiropractic Pajes Gilberto Rodriguez Palomino Fabio Park Hyun Sook Parsa Satish Patterson Katanya Peaster Gladys Pen Morina Penrose Joseph M, Mary Ann Perez Stephanie Perry Eric L Jr Perry Jerome Pettiway Stephen G
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Pham Hanh Phasavath Saleum Phokhaxang Samay Phommathep Davone Pierre Carline L Pierre Laine Nadine Pierre Marie Y Pierrelouis Jennifer Pj Investment 101 Llc Placencia Ynocencio Powell Tasha Pressley Florence, Stevie Prestige Super Del Real Preziosa Anna Pritchette Maurice Pulver Marie Quinn Isaiah B Quinones Regina Quizhpiguasco Maria Luz Ragsdale Katrina Rahatt Rosa Ramos Emiliana Ramos Jeanette V Reynoso Maria L Ricks Funeral and Cremation Riddick Milton Ridgway Agnes A Ridgway Joseph M Jr Rite Aid Pharmacy Rivera Freddy Rivera Isabel A Robert Mcgarvey Robinson Oliver Robinson Sara Robinson Sheila Johnson Robinson William Robles Yojanse Rockland Collision Center Rodney Real Estate Rodriguez Christopher L Rodriguez Judy Rodriguez Nilsa Roehl Wilbert Roldan Grimilda F Roman Wilfredo Romero Diana Rondon Miguel Rone Porsha Roper Florence E, Shewon E Rosa Jose Rosadelvalle Javier Rosario Rigenhart Rose Lisa A Ruzlowych Mykola Sanchez Elisa Sanchez Oscar Nicolas Sancheztorres Jose A Sandra Lopez Sands Jan Sanger Nhac Santiago Maria Savage Jamal Scarborough Gail A Schmidt Deborah A Scott Edward Scott Joel Scott Sidney A Serrano Luis Shani Boaz Shepherd Priscilla R Sheppard Tyler Shoultz Jacqueline B Shuler Diane Sim Kwang C Simon Tahenna Sims Katina Sin Vannary Sinn Duke Samit Smith Deborah Callahan Smith Eleanor W Smith Gail Smith Lynnette S Smith Marlean E Smith Omar S Solomon Albert Son Hung N Son No T Sonneborn Isaac Sosa Miriam Soto Hilda Sow Mamadou Oumar Steele Paige Stevenson Latifah Steward Joy Stewart Rosa O Streeter Tyrone R Strobel Eleanor Suero Rossi D Sullivan Andre P Sum Alex Superville Hayden B Swann Carolyn, Kevin Tang Nam Tri Tassembedo Hervet Edouard
Taub Estate of Gloria Taub Gloria Est Taylor Kayla Taylor Zayona Teaglebrown Lisa T Tejeda Alfredo Temple of Christ Thach Be T Thach Phi T Thai Cindy Thezard Drahcir B Thim Mith Thompson Sandra Thrower Exa I Tieu Khen Tilghman Leroy E Jr Tillman Cynthia, Evelyn K Tolbert Dezlora Torres Antonia Maria Torres Carlos J Torres Irma Torrez Cresencia Altagracia Tran Caroline Tran Minh- Loi T Truong Lan T Tun Leo Turner Christina Tutt Linda Twin Drug Upchurch Donavin Upchurch Michael V & T Enterprise Inc Valente Emerson Vaquera Hipolito Vargas Nelson Vasquez Delsi Vazquez Jose Vazquez Michael Vazquez Rodriguez Walter Velasquez Vanessa Y Velazquez Ruth Velezreyes Omar Veney Ashiya M Vicsama Olesse Violet Irene A Vlaicu Aurel, Anna Vorn Tyhira N Vrana Kent Wagner Edward M Washington Jarrett Waters Charles Edwin Watson Byron J Watson Jacqueline Watson Leonard Way Theresa Weinberger Louis Est Welch Ann B Welsch Charles West Zadir White India White Koren Whitfield Rochelle Whitmore Asia Wicks April Wilbekin Edwina B Williams Anthony Williams John I Est Williams Keisha Williams Michael Williams Rodney Williams Sally Williams Tracy Wilson Nicole Wims Kurt A Winston Lanell Davon Wons Wear Wright Cassquandra Wyllie Ernest Yhost Martha Youeng Vy Young Juanita Younger Kim Zoren Neal Zorrilla Melanie
1912 4
Abdeljaber Naziha Abreu Lewis Abrev Elvis Adams Robert Mc Adecho Chanelle Afolabi Oluwakemi Olamigoke Agosto Arlene Ahern Thomas E Jr, Helen A Alberto Santa Alexander Estrolita O Alexander Shawn Alexis Margalie Alibey Lashay Y Allen Jacqueline Alzoubi Ibrahim Anand Medical Investment Angel Concepcion Anzianigarcia Francisco
Ar Scientific Armstrong Quinshawn Ashby Margaret, James B & K Market Inc Bamba Ellen C Banks Danielle Barbet Ramon Barksdale Lakia Barot Akash A Batista Argentina Bellam Said Benitez Elizabeth Bennett Khalifah Betancourt Barbara Bing Travis Michael Blanc Natacha Bolder Bernisha U Bonner Michael Bostic Carl Boykins William Brady Shaun Brito Modesto Brooks Grayling A Brown Charise Brown Saleemah N Brown Shona K Brown William Browne Georgianna Bruce & Joan Llc Bryan Iiza Buhalo Christine M Burgos Marianne Burgos Raisa Margarita Burney Torrance Burrell Stanley Melinda R Bush Sylvia C S S Sunshine Club Calderon Priscilla Candelas Bar Restaurant Cannon Ramon Caraballolopez Brenda Carforall Auto Repair Carlin Elizabeth Casiano Elsa M Casianodiaz Felix A Casimiro Amelia Castor Eye Care Center Castro Angel Chandler Kimberly Chappell Sara L Chen Gang Chen Yali Cherkaoui Lalla S Childress Donald Christian Johanna Chrupcala Deborah Ann Cid Maria D Ciocca Viola Cipriano Florence Jh Clancy Joan A Cleverin Jummy Coates Carman Coeste William L Colon Anthony Jr Colon Stephanie Concepcion Cristian Cooke Mildred J Decd Cooperjones Celina F Corderoortiz Lubren Antonio Corredor Yasmin Corsaro Nicholas Couper Gerard, Marie, Wayne Cremen Gertrude, Joseph Crespo Jomyra A Croskey Bonnie L Crouse Charles W Cruz Edwin Cruz Jose Cruz Valjean Ctca Pennsylvania Cunningham Geraldine Cunningham John T Curtis Catharine Est D & F Home Delivery Inc Dahl Giovanni Darboe Fatou Dejesustoro Lourdes Delacruz Vanessa Dellarata James Deluca Linda F Deprez Erin Dever James W Dickinson Elizabeth Difonzo Ronald A Dillon Timothy Dingui Felicita Dionne Michael Dix Edward Dorvilier Frantz Dougherty Margaret Dozier Shanell Draft Dorothy Drayton Destiny Drew Joan
Drummond Michael Duda Theodore Durkin Julian Dutill James J Dye Genesis Carmen Earle Gilbert J Eastern Reginonal Medical Edtington Lordine Elisna Sergine Elizabeth Ragano Est Elmalah Mohammed Erp Cargo Movers Escamilla Euclides Esperdion Trinidad Estate of Linda F De Luca Farhat Montaser Fernandes Eugene A MD Figueroa Cyd Figueroa Waleska Finn Bernard T Finn Clara Fitch Michael Fletcher Bernice N Flete Rosa Alba Flores Danny Florian Cayetano Floyd Aaliyyah, Jamara L Fogarty Lois Fonseca Jose Formantin Herby Fortner Brandi Francois Sony J Frankford Medical Pain Frasier Thomas Frazier Joseph Freehafer Patricia Friedenberg Charles Fulford Wendy B Gago Hillary A Galicia Barrale Xitlali Gallashwa Matthew D Ganthier Marcsene Garcia Anna M Garcia Luz V Garcia Maria Garfield Refining Gary Gwendolyn R Gary Ieshae Gbaya Kanga Lucia Gerretz Samantha M Gessa Aldridk Gitto Leah K Golaski Alexandra B Golden Schaticqua L Gomez Ive S Gomezhenriquez Sharina Gonzales Daniel Gonzalez Antonia Gonzalez Brenda Gonzalez Kinayshamar Gormley John B Est Gpha Frankford Hlth Center Grant Regina K Gray Donna Gray Jamie Gri th Wendell Gri ths Florence Groover Bernice Guishard Michelle H R Edmunds Home & School Ha Minh Hadygilliard India Halamka Jane L Hall Bertram Hall Twyla M Hamilton Stewart P Handy Renaire Hanenburg Caleb Harbisons Dairies Div Hargrove Bernadette Harris Idrees Harris Wayne Harrison Daniel E Harter Theresa Harvey Danny Hasty James Sr Hayes Winifred Haynes Chanelle Haynes Keino S Health Food Internati Heath Sonia L Hernandez Almanzar Alvin Hernandez Zenia Hill Raphael Hinds Elaine A Hodge John Holman Richard Holmes Alexis Hooker Barbara Horton Wayne Howard Jr Dante R Howerton Tyrone Huarneck Ronald Hudobski Walter
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Hudson Renee Huff Juanita Hunt Lillian Estate Hunter Michael Hunter Willie Impax Laboratories Inchautequi Nelly R Iris Transport Llc Iss Homes Llc Iss Realty Llc Ivie John Jaquez Genaro John Giselle Johnson David W Johnson Gary Johnson Randy N Johnson Schniquka S Jones Anthony Jones Kathryn Jones Peter T, Rebecca Jonesmora Christopher J Jordon Tobi Est Jose C Ybarra Living Julie Lam Julius Silvert Inc Kebe Cheikh Keith Allen Kelly Est Kelly Michael Kennedy Lisa Kennedy Timothy E Khan Sajid Kim Van Parent of Phouc Kitz Thomas J Knoble Sefi Kornegay Andrese Kubik Florence B, Louis L Kumar Rajendra L & S Cleanouts Laidler Tamara Lambert Curtis M Lee David Lee Shamara Lees Caroline Leon Alexander Leonard Kathleen Leroux Joseph Lewis Debra Lewis Sonya J Liu Amei Liu Ray Wu Lodge David W Logan Donald Longo Joseph W Lookout Motel Llc Lopezgonzalez Marcelino Lors Sophonie Louis Jeff Lovett Jack Lukuku Joao G Luong Quang Luu Amanda Macmurtrie Pat Est, Pat Maldonado Gilberto M Maldonado Iris Malinda L Robin Est Maneely Daniel J Mann Cosby Veronda Mapp Kwame N Mariano Dominguez Maribel Oquendo Marquis Shaneef C Martin Frances E Martin Nyeema Martinez Moises F Martino Barbara J Martino Rosemary Mashkevich Alexander Matos Jaime Matos Matteo Pablo R Matthews Francis Est Matzelt Michael Mcadams Robert J Mccay Catherine E Mccormick Charles P Mccullough James Est Mcfadden Aty Mcfarlad Josephine M Mcgowens Delvin Mcguire Bernadette Est Mckenna Raymond P Mcknight Anthony Mcmahon Mary Mcneal Antoine Medina Crystal J Medina Erika Medina F M Mendez Marilyn Merced Juan Metchro Leontine Metropolitan Nephrology Asso Mickey John F Mickiewicz Wladyslaw Miller James
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Miller Mariann Minus Kelayne Miranda Adan Miranda Cesar Mirza Zahida P Mitchell Andre Mitchell John Mitchell Kenneth Mitchell Michael A Mok America Molina Liz Moore Desiree Mora Melanie Morales Kathleen T Morales Magdali Morales Marcelino Moreno Marlene Morris Pamela Mothersill Carmen Mr Light Guy Llc Munoz Agripina R Munozortiz Elizabeth Murphy John Murphy Shaun C Neely Bernard Nelson Linda C Nelson Robert Neris Jessenia Neris Raina Nguyen Monique Ni Xiaoduan Nieves Steven Nilsa Rodriquez Northeast Discount Pharmacy Nunez Yolanda Gomez Nutt Lloyd W, Emma Oliverira Antunes Oneill John A Jr, Hazel V Ortega Teofilo Ortiz Abraham Jr Ortiz Heriberto Ortiz Olga Orzel Walter J Ozyazgan Aytac Padua Jesmarie L Page Curtis Palacio Balbino Est Parekh Pravina Parker Hakimah N Parker Ruby S Patel Vishnubhai Patrick Doris Pender Peyton Pendgraft Jessica R Peralta Gonzalo Perez Manuel A Perez Maria C Perez Maria, Elsa Perezortiz Ada I Perry Che O Petro Theresa Phillips Andrew Phillyrubber Com Pietrowski Albert Pitts Henry Decd Pitts Henry L Plaisime Honel Plaza Lisa Posas Marie Gloria Potente Saniata F Powell Folks Jennifer Pozo Roberto Quesada Yvette M Quiles Maria R R Delega Real Estate Ragano Elizabeth Ramirez Axel Mahomed Es Ramos Kenya A Ramos Regina L Raphael Jean Raposo Dariely Rastetter Diane Ravenkampbaker Alice E Rawls Spencer A Reed Joan Reed Shaquala Reed Tyree N Reeder James Reeves Bobbie Reeves Keith Rejniak Sigismund Reyes Ana N Reyes Bianca R Reyes Leandro Reynolds Mary E Reynoso Carla Reynoso Raymond Rhine Loretta K Ricci Bonnie Ricco Daniel Richard Davis Richards Nancy Richardson Cleveland B Richmond Edquin
Ritchie Herbert Rivas Marilyn Est Rivera Enrique B Rivera Iris V Rivera Joshua Rivera Madeline Rivera Yael Riveraalmonte Carmen M Roa Juan Y Roberts Steven A A Robinson Alfred Robinson Darlene Robinson Kyle T Robinson Malinda L Rochener Benjamin Rock Brannilyn Rodriguez Francisco Rodriguez Herman Rodriguez Mohamed Rodriguezsoto Lyann M Roebuck Lisa Rojas Juan Luis Rooney Catherine E, James E III Ross Markida Rowe Catherine E Rowen Mary Rumack Aidan A Runner Nellie F Russeao Anthony Kurt Sacrements Saintjean Megane Sakala John Salamatin Rose Sankar Ibtissam Sankoh Brima Santana Parabel Santiago Carmen Santiago Joaquin Santiago Katherine Sartor Robert III Sarwar Ghulam Save Way Auto Sales Savin Funeral Home Scarborough Murry Schummer Paul Schwartz Paul A Schwartz William Scott Deven Shaw Edward Sherrie Barfield Sibilla Peggy Silla Joe C Smith Amanda M Smith Gussie Smith Shakeyla Snoha Elizabeth J, John J Sorber Robert L, Anna V Soto Germania Soto Tyler R Sotomayor Felix Speranza Human Compassion Stacey Holley Stambau Donald Clifford Steenson Blandine M Stephanie Butler Stephanie Nicolas Stewart Roger A Stokes Kalimah Susan Cook Sywkiw Tasha Szepesiholland Beatrix Szurgocinski Edwin Tabby Sara M MD Tapia Ramon Tausendfreundt Joshua M Thach Tan Thi Thu A Thomas Doris Thomas Herta W Thomas John M Thomas Kim A Thomas More Medical Complex Thomascoates Angela S Thompson Hermine Thompson Nykesha Tikino Llc Timika Walls Togbe Timothee Tomaselli William Torres Fernando Luis Torres Jose Torres Raquel Tran Alex D, Alex L Tran Christopher Troutt Joan Tugwell Louis U Tyler Courtney K Ugochukwu Livinus Umana Catherine United Window Siding Co Url Pharmpro V & V Auto Inc Valdez Roberto Valentine Damion A
Van Le Thuy Van Thorne Eddie Sr Vargas Natividad Vargas Ramonita Vazquez Antoinette Vazquez Hector R Vega Camilo Velazquez Eduardo L Velazquez Hector Velez Gualberto Veronica Luna Vidra Michael Joseph Vo Phong Vollmer Margaret Vu Kelvin T Vu S Tropical Beauty Salon Wade Bell Wall Kathryn Walters Jerry Wang Jinguan Wanlee Jee Warren Alyssa I Waters Cortez Watson Eddison P Waychoff Matthew Webb Lydia E, James D Wendowski Edward Weyerman Nathan S White Anthony White Deanna Wiley Diane Wilkins Michael A Williams Anthony, Sharon Williams Derrell Williams Diana R Williams Lisandra Williams Palashonda Williamson Annette M Wilson Rose Wimbush Keith Winmeier David Winters Larry Est Wise Guys Woodlin Erik Woods Michele Wright Camron Www Bitescourt Com Ybarra Jose C Zawadski Laura
1913 4
101 Allegheny Assoc A1 Status Abramson Medical Assoc Acevedo Jose F Acosta Eudys L Addison Carlton Aird Tlene Airey John J Alexander Dennis Alfonso Michael J Ali Ossman Allegheny Dental 1 Allen Rochelle A Almodovar Rosa Alvarado Erick Amigos Pharmacy Anderson Kayne Apex Molded Products Apparel Machinery & Supply Apple Pharmacy Armstrong Helen Arroya Angel Atlantic Adjustment Co Baez Damaris Santiago Baez Rosario Bairunas Helen T Bakkur Nizar Balla Silvana Barnett Mary Barogomez Jorge Bates Helen M Bel Hoa Enterprises Belcher Dakota Bender Mildred A Bennett Megan A Berdecia Adriana L Bernstein David Bh Apartments Llc Billbrough Robert Bond Tesha Bonet Jeneida Bonk Bcb Bosques Anita Boyle Marlene Breslin Patrick Brooks Iesha M Brooksblanding Eric Brown Joseph E Brownlee Prince Brownlee Sherrie Bucher Samantha Bunting Brandon Burns Kevin
Burns Ralph S Bustard Florence Butler Belinda Y Buxton Tahitia M Bvp Management Inc Caldwell Sherri Calhoun Joseph III, Mildred Campbell Ada Capra Frank X Carmona Marilyn Cartagena William Casino Gerald, Joan Caterino Thomas J Cebulak Jan Cenlar Federal Savings Bank Centro Automotriz Los Patriotas Century 1 Advantage Gold Cepeda Carlos Charleston Brandon Chavez Daniel Chomen Diane Cigler Michael Coe Edward Colburn Donald W Collins Isabel M Collins Martha M Collins Sean Colon Aida I Colon Jehovani Colon Joshua Colon Leopoldo Colon Marta Colon Miguel A Conway John M Cook Beth Ann Cortex Marangelly Cotten Mary Crimmey Richard J Crissman Doug C Crusha Josephine Crutchfield Khaliyl Crystal Boyd Cuadrado Cruz Cuffee Renee Cutler Howard J D Street Studio S Dalen Charles Datil Isabel Day Eleanor De Jesus Armely De Jesus Zoe Dejesus Jennyfer Lee Dejesus Rosita Dejesussantiago Jorge Delgado David Deloreto Nicholas Dempsey Andrea Diaz Carmen Diaz Carmen J Diaz Fernando Diaz Zuleica M Diorio Michael D Direct Auto Disalvo Carol R Disla Alba Dombrowski Hedwig Donnelly Nelly Dougherty Kevin Dziegiel Stanislawa Easyfine Asia Edward Coe Est Edwards Thomas J Egan Robert T Elrod Shirley A Enders Emily M Enriquez Santos Epic Information Solutions Epstein Janice Estable Delia Faenza Robert Fagan Kathleen Family of Janet Mcgady Fares Gerard J Farrington Joanne Faust Agnes E Est, Albert J Faust Agnes J, Denise Feliciano Zulma Est Fennimore Anthony Daniel Ferguson Agnes E Ferguson Agnes M Fernandez Edwin Ferreira Alfredo Flanagan John Fletcher John W, Marie Fob Music Publishin Frazier Paulette M Freeman Lt Charles Friedman Shoes Inc Fulk John R Gallagher Agnes Gallagher Janice Julianna Garcia Grocery Llc Garcia Sandra Gauff Travis J
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Gendaszek Margaret B, August Gerald Carlton Germantown Acquisition Getz Brytnie Gilbertdavis Jasmine R Ginn Lucius Githens Matthew Glover Walter Gomez Andrew Gomez Cristoba Giron Gonzales Nuris Gonzalez Felicita Gonzalez Jennifer Gonzalez Josefina Gonzalez Nicole Goodwin E Griess Robert Grosso Alessandra Gruzserrano Jose M Guzman Delean Guzman Luz M HCR Haburcak Michael Haeberle Sarah F Hall George Halpin Charles A Harley Untria Harris Aaron Harris Catherine H Harrowgate Partners Heinbach Charles Hennigan Megan Hernandez Felipe Hernandez Francisco J Hernandez Javiel Hernandez Sol M Hetrick Janet Hilton Chanin Hinnant Shawna D Hoffman Richard F Howard John A Hunter Michael J Hurley James J Injury Rehabilitation Centers Interstate Fluids Inc Jaa Inc Jacalone Michele C Jaje Thaddeus, Stanley Janjanin Gertrude, Janko Jelencovich Nina Jenkins Jasmine M, Ronald J Jeronimolorenzo Eleazer Jmb Industries Group Johnson Adam A Johnson Essalima Johnson Siddig Johnson Toinette Jones Mike Jordan Thomas P, Helen K and A Auto Salvage Kalra Dolphy Kathleen Fagan Est Kearney Ruth Est Kensington Renewal Initiative Kernan Kathleen A Kerns Margaret Kirwin Shawn Kislow Ruth Klucznik Bernice B Kober Patricia Kopesky Thomas Joseph Kotkes Moshe Kowalski Joseph P Kowara Bogdan G Kowski Maryanna, Charles Kozlowska Katarzyna Krakow Leonard Kubacki Bernice Kucowski Victoria La Colombe Torrefaction Lachyta Michael J Lamantia Joseph Lang Madison M Lavelle James Leahy Transportation Lech Zanna Ledger Joseph K Leebolduc Chris Leedom Mark Leprechauns Sports Asso Lewis Robert W Lopez Angel Lopez Ramon Luis Andino Lukanski Eleanor M Macdonnell Lillian Macready Erica Mahon Francic C Malone Casandra Maloney Hillary Mandjikov Benbe Est Marnien Lillian Marquez Wesley Martinez Jennifer
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Martinez Jose Masgai Gerald Mastrogiovanni Ted Mazurek Bernard F Mcateer Maria Mcbride Alvin Mcbride Marqueta Mccloskey Josephine Mcdermott Michael J Mcdonald M J Mcgady Janet Mckins Leon Mclachlin William Mclinden Sue Anne Mds Managment Inc Medina Margaret Meesig Patricia A Mercadotorres Wilharry Mercy Management of South Micucci Kathleen, Daniel Mieloch Ella F Mikus Carol Miller Catherine E Molina Alejandro Montanez Grisselle Montanez Jose Mr Montforto John J Morales Pablo Camilo Moren Karen Morfa Jesus F Morgan Joan D Moronese James J Multi County Appraisers Neely Megan Negron Bienvenido Diaz Neill Gerald Newspaper And Magazine Nguyen Nhi T, An T Nguyen Dung Nguyen Tony Nunez Hector M Oblak John B Est Ochocki Adela Oconnor Nancy Okomski Walter One Stop Distributors Ortega Carmen L Ortiz Brunilda Ortiz Marisol Ortiz Mary Ortiz Tex Ortman Linda A Oster Marion I, Pearl I Pabon Luz S Pagan Luis J Palacio Balbino Papanikolaou Peter Paredestaveras Lina Parsons Joseph W Partinella Trice Pater Deborah Patterson Raychalle Paulin Precious S Paxson Madeline E Pellegrini Angelina Peluyera Candida R Pena Carlos Pena Sandra Peralta Nelson A, Genesis Perez Judith Perezcolon Danixa Perkins Andriena L Perry Mary A Petaccio Joseph, Rose E Peterson Robert Phoenix Public Adjusters Pizzo Elizabeth Platsky Ilene D Plaza Thashie Santiago Pompey Florence Port Richmond Dental Center Portalatin Zenaida Ports Phillip Prado David R Printfresh Studio Prior John Pye Anna Quirindongo Carmen Raday Charles Rajkowski Dolores A Ramos Carmen M, Yvette Ramos Maria Ramosmendez Yajaira Rankins Shawna Realyvasquez Juan A Reese Edward N Jr, Dolores Rentas Yamil D Repko Rafal B Reyes Solangy Altagracia Richardson Kadedria A Rickard Charles F Risner Mason Rivas Jose Rivera Baez Hecmar
Rivera Destiny Rivera Erin J Rivera Juleiffa Rivera Wilfredo W Riverafigueroa Carmen G Roberts Nicole Rodriguez A Rodriguez Ezequiel Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Julio Rodrigueztorres Maria C Rodriquez Robert Rogers Thomas, Ricky Rojec Grazyna Roman Jaime Roman Ramona Romero Ada C Romero Giovanni S Romero Rojas Gustavo Rosario Elena Evette Rosario Maggie Rosario Yeison Rose Albert Rouse Arthur Rrapaj Asllan Saint Christophers Hosp Sanchez Carlos Sanchez Esmeralda Sanford John Santaella Daniel Santana Gomez Luis S Santiago Israel Santiago Jonathan Santiagohorseman Nitzah Santos Jose Sarcewicz Irene A Scarano B Schmidt Raymond W Schmitt Eric Schwartzer Joan Schweser Frank Seeger Joseph Robert, Mary Ptricia Serfass Jacob Serrano Elizabeth Service Pro1 Llc Sgrignuoli Florence T Shaw Michael Sherwin Williams Co Shupe Patrick Sierra Jose G Silva Antonio Simonds Felix M Simpson Joseph Sr Sinick Raymond H Sisk Amanda G Skinner Charlene Smallwood Tamia Smith Joanne Smith Linda G Society of Hispanic Counselors Sorkin Jeffrey H Soto Miosotis Avila Spina Nina M Spinal Care Spivey Malik J Springbett Jeannette Sproul Brian St Christophers Hospital Steen Jason M Stein Rebecca Step Kolbylakiewicz Stofer Steven J Strimel Beverly A Stukowski Regina Est Superior Leasing Swiderek David Swiezak Joe Swisher Sue A Szymanski Helen Szymanski Ida Tamru Taye Tejada Wilson Terra Matlock Tia Cooper Tirado Jonathan Tomlin G Torres Jose Torres Solimar Torres Teofilo Serrano Tripline Charlmane Truong Hang Tyrone Randall University Dynamic Mri Urbinaczifro Brian J Vadys Raymond Valdez Moises Valentino Camille A, Pilar H Vanhorn Dontae Kaylin Vargasroman Roman R Vasquez Elizabeth Vaughan Theresa Mary Vega Juan Vega Laura Velaquezcruz Juana C
Velez Andres Feria Veronica Swanson Vidmosko Robert Villalon Francisca Walton Erin Wasco Christina N Weaver Eleanor Webb Jason Wells Mark Werner Frederick Whetstone Jamilla White Raja Whitfield Marcus R Wilder Dominique Wilk Katarzyna William Raheem A Williams Elizabeth Williams Eric Williams James Williams Michael Williams Michael B Williams Sandra Williford Eutrina Wilson Robert D Wingate Richard T Wingate William F Witherspoon Robert Est Wodack Edward Worrell Andrea Wrzos Dorota M Xiu Gui Zhang Yang Zhong Xing Ye Huanqin Young Joyce A, Joseph Zemskaya Lidia Zhang Jun Z Zubair Pauline Zylinski John J
5600 Chester Llc A & B Wiper Supply Abbes General Contractor Abbott Angela Abdullah Teausha B Abera Elsa Abernathy Kyrun Adams Larry J Adams Paradise Love Adams Sheila B Alassane Sall Ali Layla Ben Alicea Lizette Allen Willie Allison Franklin G Alston Alexander Alvarez Gregorio Alverest Brittany Amity Care Inc Anderson Yvonne E Ap Parks Appleton Jack Appline Margaret Arkoh Helen J Armstead Tymbre Asbury Rosalee Darcelle Attaway Allen Bailey Howard Bailey Margaret Baker Anna M Baldwin Cynthia Ball Brenda Bank of New York Banner Chelton Jr Barber C Joseph Barber Tonya D Barnes Norma Barnes Rachael L Barrant Ryan Bass Emma R Battie Isacc Est Baxter Melissa A Beadle James Beasley Marie Est Bell Reika T Belladimarko Alaia E Benjamin Adline Benn Howard Mr Bennett Gloria Benzinger Henry W Bernard Hopkins Bickford Herbert Biddle Daniel R Bingham Helen Binh Applegate & John Bitner Abraham W Blackwell Jannie L Blackwell William Blaik Omar Blair Joe L Blake Jessie Blue Andrew B Jr, Donnovan Blumberg Morton H, Dora A Bond Andre
Bond Zelda M Bostick Louella Bowen Rodney Boys Latin of Philde Branch Lavern H Braxton Catherine A Brelsford Julian Bridget Catherine E, Arthur R Briggs John H Bright Sammielee R Brooks Lilian Brooks Nakia A Brooks Thomas Brown Celeste Brown Charles Brown Earl Brown Flodia Est Brown James Brown Jamil O Brown Jerome, Joseph Brown Khadijah Brown Loreen Brown Tommy Brownlee Kevin M Brunson Shikou Buckam Cherly Burgess Cheryl A Burton Derrick W Butler James Bernard Cadogan Seibert Est Caldwell Barry, Ruth Camara Ibrahim Campbell George Canady Hakim Cantave Claude Carey Catherine Marie Carl Aubourg Carroll Corrie Carter Geraldine Carter Malik T Cephas Lheshan Chambers Erreon Chappell Carolyn Chase Frederick Cheatham Rose Childs Mildred C Childs William E Jr Chilman Elizabeth C Clay Walter A Jr Coe Willia Colagene Joseph Coleman Katharyn Colip Matthew R Collin Susan Convery Florence, Joseph Cook Amnasia Cook Rayiana Cooper Gary R Cooper Victorian A Coots Charles Corey Bryant Corrales Brandyne Cosby Stephaine Cosmopolitan Athletic Costa Natalie Couture Esteban Covanta Transcylcery Coyle Michael Crews Robert C, Mildred Crosby Michael Cunha Dilip D Curry Grover Curry Juakeem S Daney Joann Dantzler Loiesha R Davenport Robin Davis Adam Davis Carrie M Dawkins Nakyyah Deberry Ralph Debnam Patricia Degrado Joseph Delgado Maria Delmont Cynthia Demartino Donald A Dennis Kevin Dent Judith Dia Amadou Diallo Amadou B Diaz Carlos Dill Robert L Dioum Saidou Divers Leroy Doan Tam T Dolan Daniel Dorn Douglas Dorsey Jean A Dorsey Mildred D Dorsey William D Dosso Mariam Duncan Pattyann Dunston Lillian W Durer Carrie Ebay
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Echols Louis Est Eisen Samuel Ellerbe Sakeenah Ellis Irene Emily Dorn Mialou Inc Estate of Bernard Robinson Estate of Eric Smith Jr Estate of J C Davis Estate of Jacqueline Palmore Estate of Jc Davis Ethengain Robin M Evanson Luther Fadla Hagir Fafarman Aaron T Fair Eric Dornill Fakhirwarren Saadiqah Farmer Tyler Farrare Oliver Farwell Elizabeth Fennell Davoughan Feo Theresa Ferebee Bernard R Fernandez Eudy Fernandez Food Marke Ferrell Mary Fields Chester Flemming Brandon P Flemming Shirley Flowers William Footman Annie Ford Alexander B Ford Kisha Ford Malcolm J Sr Forrest Hortense T Foushee Eugene Fowler Shakeira Fox John Est Francis Funeral Home Freeman Kody Kwame French Francis Fripps Paul Gabriel Adamson G Gadiparti Venu Gadson Jamilla Gant Samuel N, Karen Garnett Charles O Garrison Ellen Garry Suzanne Gaser Uriah Gee Mildred Gibbs Eugenia Gibson Alexia J Gibson Robert Gibson Tracey Gillard Hattie Gladden Taschawn O Godwin A Dr Goins Hassan Goitom Leah Goldstein Brenda L Gonzalez Ivan Gpha Dental & Behavioral Grainger Theodore Grant Isaac Grant Valerie Gray Vanessa Greater Philadelphia Health Green Darniece Green Marlene Green Patricia Green Willie Greenberg Todd S Gresseau Anallia Gri n Malik Gri n Michael T Grover Curry Est Haase Martin Haidara Boubacar Hall Preston Halterman Benjamin Hamlett Gregory Hance Victoria Hand Amin Hansen Bruce Harbison Dorreatha Hardanay Lucious Harris Charity Harris Gladys M Harris Lucy C Harris Matthew Harris Michael Harris William Harrison Edward L Jr, Josephine E Harrison Sylvia Harvey Clarence Jr Hayes Theresa Hayman Charles Healy Isabelle Heath James Willie Hempstead Margaret Henderson Beatrice Hendricks James Henry Ashley Herring James
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Hester Margaret Hill John W Hill Leon Hill Lynette Hill William R Hinson Maurice Hinton Willie Ho Industries Inc Hobbs Allison R Hodge James Jr Hodges Nathaniel, Lillian Hogue Md A Hollander Alex Holloway Mabel Holloway Zachary Hook Derrick Hooks Veronica E, Tyrone L Hopson Jaron W Houser Donald Howard Iesha M Howell Herbert Howell Vaughn T Hughes Robert Indelicato Brigette M Interactive Ummtaahirs Isa Shahid I Isaacsohn Dorothy J Hawkins Funeral Home Jackson Erma E Jackson Levenia Jackson Natasha Jackson Richard Jackson Tiffany Jackson Tracy James Hawkins Funeral Home James- Minor Mark R Jaquez Ramon Jasmin Reina Jawala Scouts Youth Leadership Jean Smith Jenkins Edward Jenkins Jessie M John M Z Johnson Jeanene M Johnson John Jr Johnson Josie M Johnson Khineef Johnson Taneisha Johnson Thomas Jones Brandon Jones Daniel A Jones Donna Lee Jones Edward H Jones Emmanuel Jones Kameir P Jones Lynnette Jones Paula Jones Shareece N Jones Thomas A Jr Jordan Bernard Jordan Reses Prescription Jordan Samuel C Joseph Lancel A Joyner William H Junior Eugene A Kardos Josef Keane Kevin Keira Mckinley Kellam Thomas Keller Geraldine Est Kenney Malaik Kephart Teresa Kerins Mary E Kidd Almeta Kim Esther M Kim John Kimble Joy King Belle E Est King Daniel W King Gwendolyn S, Rosalie E Kinglee Jasmine Kingtaylor Mary L Kirby Joseph F Klein Alan Konneh Amara V Kromah Hawa Kromah Phanta Labrooy Rosheena Lagana Kathleen M Lane Donnell Laribo Tomarea D Law O ce of Freddy Godoy Lawson Eugene Lebby Rodney Lee Jennifer Lee Yune Sang Leonard Eva Lerner Nathan Leventon Robert Lewis Beatrice Lewis Samirah D Little Leaders Early Littlelearners Childcarellc Lloyd Charles Est
Lloyd Phyllis Locke John Lockley Jennifer T Lofton Robin Logan Syieda Lomax Angela N, Gloria Long Leon Sr, Leon Long Rashina Lowman Darlene F Lucky Restaurant Ludlow Auto Repair Luger Martin T Lys Boutique Llc Mae Mathis Johnnie Mallett Mary Maples Makesha A Mapp Daniel Marino Saveria Est Marlin Thomas Martin John Richard Martin Kathleen Mason Deveeta Mason Jordan L Masseh Freeman G Massenburg Andre Massey Thelma B Mastery Charter School Mathews Thomas Mays Jesse Mc Griff Alveta U Mcafee Quentin Mcbeth Vivian Mccall Kyle Mccann William Mcclain Laura Mccord Yasmeen Mccormack John L Mcdevitt John J Mcdowell Wayne A Mcelveen Gerald Est Mcintyre Mary Ann Mckinney A E Mcknight Bobbie W Mclaughlin Selma Mclemore Jerry Mcloughlin Theresa Mcwilliams Delando Meadows Charles Mears Herman Meeker Susan D Mercurio Leon D Metivier Jennifer Adelaide Miles Quatia Miller Fredi B, Sean K Miller John A Sr Miller Maureen Mills Gerald Mills Lonnie Mimms Dominique Mitchell Alesia Mitchell Larry L Mitchell Marquise Mitchell Robert L Mitchell Selma Estate Mitchell Stephanie Monon Center Inc Moore Amelia Moore Denise D Moore John Moore Marian Moore Pauline Moore William Morgan Jean Moss Jaretta Muchison Briana D Mumber Dorothy Mundy Ann Murphy Forrest Murray Deborah Murray Kierra Murray Leroy H Nana Lassane Nathan Elgin Neighborhood Investment Nesbitt Marcelina M, Catherine Newsome James W Newsome James W Sr, Virginia Nguyen Tj Norkin Joseph Norlen Hawthorne Nunoo Eugene Y Oglesby Khalilah Ogunsola Ayobami A Okai Josephine Olby Hugh E Oneal Albert Orontopratt Eunice Otis Barnes Outlaw Rasheeda Oviedo Martha C Oyejige Kaya Page Juanita B Palmer Nicole C Parks Mike
Patel Niranjan D Cust, Anuj Upautma Peace Jamal Peak Juanita Penn Terrance Perry Diane Perry Kwabena Peterson Tia L Pettis George Phillips Anthony Phillips Esther D Pickens Clinton L Pigford Ruth Ann Pilvin Barbara Piromsan Wichayapat Poe Daryl Pollard Shirley P Ponzo Montell Porter Jamek Porter James W Presley Wallace J Prince King D Pritchett Oliver Project 50 Llc Quisiah Nvahbulai Raleigh Charles H Ramsey Dennis Redd Robert A, Sandra Reddick William J Redmond Thomas Reese Jessie Reese Nepheteria Reynolds John Ricebrantley Joni M Richards Leonard D Richardson Carl D Richardson Michael B Richardson Sadio K Rickards Robert K Ricsosebee Joseph Ridley Andre M Ridley Carl Est Roberts Erron Roberts Martha Roberts Steven L Robinson Barbara Robinson Bed Bugs Maint Robinson Bernard Robinson Carl Robinson Davey Robinson Edna B Robinson Evelyn Robinson Grace C Robinson Herbert Robinson Jacque Robinson Kenneth Robinson Morgan Robinson Thomas Robinson William A Robinsonjones Angela M Roebuck James R Ross Josephine E Ross Sade M Rossiter Jacqueline Roundtree Damon Rowley Archie N Royster Eugene Rudasill Elbert G Jr Rush Dorn H Russell Catherine Russell William C Ruthner Realty Llc Rylander Austin Ugma, Sheila Cust Saggese Linda J Sampson Devon Est, Devon G Sanchez M Sanders Venus L Saunders J Helen, George Schardt Sarah Schoolfield Daneda Schwartz Austin Schwartz David A Scott Raymond Scott Terance A Scrivans Gregory Selby Arneita B Shanice Taylor Shaper Leah K Sharpe Rosie Shavon Long Sheedy Virginia M Shepherd Samuel Sherman Judith W Sherman Maxine A Shivers Lynne Shuford Crystal M Silas Donald Simmons Bruce Simon Johnathan Simon Paul Sims Isaac Singletary Raheem Singleton Maleek Skinchoice Com Slater Byron O
Slaughter Edna Small Jeremiah Small Lissette L Small Shallin Smallwood April Smith Annie C Smith Burtdell Ephifer Smith Carlo Smith Chanell Smith William Smythe Dawn R Snead Edward N Soumare Moctar Southwest Community Enrich Spence Kea M Spencer Nancy Spring Tynisha N, Margaret Stanley Gloria Stephens Winefred Stewart Ebony Stief Devin Stokes Cheisa T Stokes Tiana Stone Corrine Streetchange Llc Stroke Stanley Sugg Jeffery Suragh Derek A Taggert Charles Talton Jimmie Taylor Doris M Taylor Helena Taylor Robert S Taylor Yolanda Terrien Erwan Tholley Mabinty Thollie Ismatu Thomas Dale A Thomas Doris Thomas Hannah Jr Keenan & Lumpkin Thomas Philip A Thomas Ruth P Thomas Selena Thompson Arthur, Betty Thompson Lisa Thompson Tamika Thulin Erik Thurlow Eric Tobler Shakre Kire Tovornik Kyle Townsend Diana Tucker Thelma Turner Jacqueline D, James Il Turner Jahaiza Turner James Il Ueda Daniel E Ummtaahirs Interactive Vah Weata Vesela Jana Victor Mcwilliams Waite Penelope Waiters Courtney Walden Ruth Walker Deborah Walker Joseph Wallace Martha Wallace William Walters Sarah Wang Wenbo Ward Frances Warner Markus Warren Charlotte W Warren Marcus P Washington Benjamin F Washington Ernestine Washington Patricia Wastington Deloris Watkins Daniel I Watkins Theophilus Waweru Loretta Y Weathers Annie Weaver Victor S Weingard Dolores A West Shore Civic Assoc Whatuneed Inc White Evelyn White Larlee White Lorenzo White Syndara Whitfield James Elijah Whitney Stephanie Williams Calvin Williams Dorothy Williams Jamal Williams Lavar Williams Mary Williams Tyrone C Willis Beatrice Wilson Erskine Wilson Jesse L Wilson Nia Wimbush Weldon Wise Loveis Witherspoon Lucy
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Witherspoon Michael A Wonzon David K Woodard Gail Woodland Lukoil Woodson Alice E Worthwild Worthy Dorine Wright Danielle Wright Lindsey Wright Satoia Wynne Lora Xu Chen Yadessa Mihret I Yansane Mohamed Yarborough Mary J Yerger Elizabeth Yerkes Steven A, Phylis K Yolanda Mcwilliams Zilker Virgin Est
1619 East Moyamensing 5 Star Limo Llc Abreu Alexis Pando Acevedo Thalia M Adams David Adams Michael P Al Finer Produce Alameda Ernestina Alamedaterreros Ernestina Albert D Di Emedio Alfano Benjamin Algerian American Assoc Ally Financial Amato Daniel American Aisha Ammoscato William Anderson Pear Andres Miguel Angelozzi Edith Anisiewski Mary A Apadula Giulio Aramark Refreshment Serv Armento Michael J Avellanet Jimmy Balamoun Raheel R Ball Thomas Bannies Vincent Barahona Rafael Barefield James R Baron Richard Basualdo Martha Bauer Thomas R Baybayan Pedro L Beileh Hodan Bell Joann Benevides Crystal Bertholf Charles G, Arthur Betancourt Cesar Bevers Tara Bianculli Rita Bipin Patel B Birra Pizza Llc Bongiovanni Lucille A Borri Filippo Bossone Eileen M Bou Henrex Bowers Marie C, John Brock Anne M Brown Catherine Brown Rosalie Brown William A Jr, Jenna N Busby Bradley W Caliquiri Eileen A Callahan Thomas Campbell Joanny Campbell Stephen Cappello Frances Capuano Stephen M Carduzzo Peter Carilla Mary M Carmany Shea Carr Lataeya Catalan Rafael Osvaldo Cavalieri Stephen A Cerrato Bartolo Cheang Samath Chen and Lin Llc Chen Shaoying Chen Shengzhen Cheung Leanghiek Chia Tech Chim Mao Chou Long Choudhury Abu Naser Choy Michael M Chu Michelle Q Chupka Tara D
Ciampoli Vito V Ciaston Lisa Ann Cipresso Renato Citizen Alliance Neighbor Clark Edward J Clemento Jack Cohen Brian Colavita Salvatore Container Port & Rail Cornejobermeo Juan D Corona Mario Criniti Frank Crosby James Cross Cynthia C Cung Tum Curtin Robert Est Dang Andy Tien Daone Keith R Darden Flora David Michael B Deborah Andersonsinni Deendayal Shaneza Degregorio Robert A, Joann L Delish Inc Delquatro Frank T Demarco Josephine Est Depaul Victoria Depippo Margaret M Desmond Walter Est Dewitjandra Sriratna Di Matteo Nicholas Dicianno Joseph P Diciurcio Mario Diering Beverly Ann Dillon Thomas J Dimarcello Michele Dimatteo Steven M Dimauro Rose Dipaolo Gaetano S Disanto Gerald Dobkowski Darlene Dolonzo Donata Dopirak Nicole J Dr John Michael Ruggieri Drew Sara A Dwyer Marie K, Colleen E Frank Hopkins Inc Eang Sovutha Ephemeron Labs Inc Evans All Pro Properties Evans Mervin D Evers Christopher Fairman Regina Fantacone Louis J Fecher Sabrina C Fergerson Victor Fernandez Edgar Ferroni Nicholas Fetterman Dallas Fitzgerald Nora Fleming William J Fletcher Hansel M Flood Kaila Florencia Wendy Flores German Flyers Philadelphia Fnu Hendriyana Ford Motor Credit Fraser Ronald J Freer Russell Freytag Michael D Friends of Dickinson Square Friends of Jackson Fu Hui Garcia Stefanie A Garczynski Helen Garrett Richard Allen Gaspari Melissa, Daniel Gasparro Osa A Gatta Alessandro Gatto Louise M Gay Rosalind Giannoni Mary Giansante Albert Gibson Joshua Girodano Michael J Goodson Lorene Gordon Ave A Granato Mrs Guardado Loany Guevara Juan Carlos Gusovius Richard, Kurt Gutierrez Xavier Haines John T Hannan Joshua Hardin Shirley Hart Amy Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Haubrich Gregory V Hawkins Brandon Hayostek Paul J Healthstep Inc Hear In Heist Kenneth C Heng Samnang Hernandez Aniceto Martinez Hernandez Esperanza Sandoval Hernandez Rocio Hidayat Friky Hilyard Mary Hinchey Deborah Hixon Steven Hoffman Teresa R Holland Jeffrey Homeshield Public Adjusters Honeschock Kim Hopkins Peter Horner Catherine M Est Hov Rith Howlett Juditha Huang Lanxiang Huckel Justin Hussain Said A Im Loeurm Inc Healthstep Inolex Fast 5000 Irwin Theresa Isabella Frank Islasangeles Armando Jalloh Mamadu Jamal Naghmana, Azhar Ka Sothy Kao Panharoth, Kosal Karaharisis Labros Kaufman Heather Keenan Elizabeth T Kelly Taylor Keo Sahak Khaled Seba Kim Cuol Klahr Wily Klinghoffer Brothers Kopp Timohty J Kuo Yi Chun Kurtz Arleen Laber Bernadette Labor Votes Pac Lane Elizabeth Lassiter James Lauer Anna Rita, Henry E Laverghetta Louise Law William H, Diane Lawyers Travel Lehman Linda M Lemus Marvin G Leonidez Pena Aurelio Lerro Angela M Liberto Frank B Lin Jin Xue Lin Yu W Liu Bi X Liu Mei F Liu Yong Yuan Lizardi Felix Long Wu Lopez Hugo Artica Louis Carberry Lovett Roger Lozano Armando Lusi Josephine Macklin Anthony Maddox Donald Magee William III Maida Theresa Malfara Carmen Est Malfara X Victoria Helen Manning Joy Marshall Diana E Martin Cornell Martin Joseph Martin Victor C Martinez Nelson Martini Nani Martucci Frances, Fred Marzano Cara Matamba Lourenne Maychak Steven M Mcallister Earl T Mcclatchy Richard Mcdonough Christopher P Mcginity John Maxwell Mcginnis Robert Mchale James III Mcmullen Joseph F Mcnett Dennis P Mcwilliams Williaml J
Meath Collette Medina Alejandro Menta Filomena Meth Nhann Methodist Assc in Healthcare Michae Notorfrancisco Miller Jason N Miller Stella Miller Tatianah M Mogck Donna M Monta Caryn Monterosso Giovanni Montler Donna Est, Donna M Moore Costa Llc Moore Jenna C Moore William Jr Est Moran Kathleen E Morton James Jr Mullen Stephen Jr Myers Christopher M Myers Clara Myers Robert J Myspaceinc Nagle Jeffrey M Nal Son Ngo Amy K Ngo Hung Nguyen Binh L Nguyen Choi T Nguyen Phap Norbutas Olga Norton Carlye Nusspickel Brian Oberter Samuel F Obi Hardin Bey Oblitey Llewellyn Oliva Jane Quay, David S Olson James P Oneill Ethel V Oo Hla San Oo Soe M Pacitti Cassidy Ferrara Palumbo Joseph Pantalone William Parisi Joseph V Passyunk Medical Assoc Pathak Preeti Pennsport Physical Therapy Perez Cayetano Perri Helen G Pham Linh Philabundance Philadelphia Taxi Manage Phillipine Jordan Phon Pjaly Pina Louise S Piscitelli Sara A Popolo Alena R Potapenko Sergey Pratiktohadi Franciscus X Procacci Bros Sales Corp Pung William P Puppo Marcangelo Rai Hem K Ramey Daniel W Ramoscedillo Concepcion Ransom Christopher Rawlings Robert Reed John Reilly Lauren Reilly Shannon Reimer John F Reyes Gloria E Reynolds Thomas L Riccobene Nadina Marie Richardson Andrew Richardson Frances Rinaldi William Rite Aid Pharmacy Roberts Anastasia Robertson Amanda Jo Rocco S Collision Rockeymore Erick Rodriguez Maribel Rodriguez Pedro A Rose R R Rub Peter Rudolph Judith C Salinas Teresa Samuels Son Seafood Co Sandovalperez Ezequiel Santora Dominic Sarne Pat Saunders Rodney Scheckel Brittany Schneider Ryan E Schwartz Raymond Schwartz Susan
Scopi Genevieve M, Frank D Seamaac Sem Pout A Sem Sokla Seng David O Seng Somaly Serafino Ronald Serge Dominick, Laura Serranobautist Sabino Setiawan Sandy Severs William Thomas Seymour Michael Shafer Gregory Shaw Megan Sheldon Mark D Shi Jianmin Shisler Barbara Silvey Megan Smith Alexis Smith Edward S Smith William Sobahdith Sypane Sok Sothea Sokoloff Chelsey Soojian Matthew H Soria Arturo Soss Carol S Soupey Russell South Philly Latino Bus South Point Properties Specialty Management Spector Rachel Spectrum Arena Limited Spratt Anna Stadium Bar and Rest Stateresa Auden Steingard and Testa Med Striano Ronald Jr Suarez Joanne P Sulistyawati Dyana Swan Caterers Inc Szymborski April Lynn T And C Perfect Inc Tamang Krishna Taylor Margaret E Tdsi Thach Ra Thall Sarom Thivarath Bee Thomas Jefferson University Thomas Tiffanee Titling Xcl Fbo Tk Employment Srvices Tram Tran Trinh Thi Tri State Intermodal Inc Truong Van Truscello Anthony M Jr, Nora A Truxton Geraldine H Tum Choeuth Uce John Uncle Oogies Llc Unique Food Group Llc United Equities Group Uzzobrady Lisa C Vaino Nicholas J Vang Houn Vazquez Ramiro Vernacchio Ralph Vichet J Chan Attorney Vincenti Roberto Vinci Janine E Waddy Charles R Ware Jason Washington Robert S Waters Johnnie Lee Est Waters Tara Lee Watson Ashley M Wells Richard Westbrook Matthew H Westfield Frederick J Wilf Edward Wilkerson Adolph, Marsha Williams Mary L Wilson Margaret Wilson Paul H Wu Mingjie Wynn William H Jr Est Yang Zhuo B Yoeum Chea Sok Young Dona Mari Yusavitz Sarah Zaccone and Petrone Zemirline F Zheng Xue Qiang Zmuda Taryn Zou Yuping
Para obtener información acerca de la naturaleza y el valor de la propiedad, o para verificar si hay nombres adicionales, visite : JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
Pagado con dólares fiscales de Pennsylvania.
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Diversity hiring made simple For comprehensive recruitment solutions, please call us at (215)789-6971
"GOT THE LOOK" Está buscando personas trabajadoras para el almacén para unirse a nuestro equipo. 267-333-8137 Bienvenidos sin cita previa
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Por la presente se notifica que la Autoridad de Vivienda de Filadelfia PHA, aceptará propuestas para la Convocatoria No. P-005116 - Servicios de Auditoría Energética de Grado de Inversión RFP. Las propuestas deben presentarse antes de las 11:00 a.m. del 15 de junio de 2022 en 2013 Ridge Avenue, Filadelfia, PA 19121. No se considerarán las propuestas tardías. Las solicitudes de una copia de la solicitud deben dirigirse a Los interesados también pueden visitar www.pha.phila. gov y hacer clic en Business Opportunity para obtener más detalles. La PHA anima a las empresas propiedad de minorías, mujeres y de la Sección 3 a presentar ofertas y a participar en empresas conjuntas.
SUNSHINE ACT NOTICE Please take notice that the City of Philadelphia Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Board will hold a special meeting at 3 p.m. on June 15, 2022 to vote on a final Rate Determination in the 2022 Special Rate Proceeding. The meeting will be held online and via phone. The meeting is open to the public; details on how to attend will be available at Daniel W. Cantú-Hertzler, Senior Attorney
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SE NOTIFICA que la Autoridad de Transporte del Sureste de Pensilvania ("SEPTA") celebrará una reunión virtual del Comité de Presupuesto y Planificación el jueves 16 de junio de 2022, a las 11:50 AM en las oficinas de SEPTA en 1234 Market Street, Nivel Mezzanine, Filadelfia, Pensilvania. Esta reunión del Comité se llevará a cabo mediante WebEx. En el sitio web de la Autoridad se publicará más información sobre cómo inscribirse para asistir a través de WebEx: Se aceptarán y considerarán los comentarios del público. Las personas que deseen asistir o intervenir en esta reunión virtual del Comité deberán inscribirse previamente en Las personas que deseen intervenir en la reunión deberán inscribirse previamente antes de las 9:00 horas del día de la reunión programada en Las personas que deseen hacer comentarios orales pueden llamar al 215.580.7211 y presentar dichos comentarios a través de un mensaje de voz. Las personas que deseen presentar comentarios por escrito pueden enviarlos por correo electrónico al Secretario de la Junta en BoardSecretary@septa. org o por correo postal a SEPTA Board Secretary, 10th Floor, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Sólo es necesaria una forma de comunicación. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que todos los comentarios deben ser recibidos por el Secretario de la Junta antes del cierre de las actividades del 15 de junio de 2022, con el fin de ser considerados para esta reunión del Comité. Carol R. Looby Secretaria
AVISO DE LA LEY SUNSHINE Por favor, tome nota de que la Junta de Tarifas de Agua, Alcantarillado y Aguas Pluviales de la Ciudad de Filadelfia celebrará una reunión especial a las 3 p.m. el 15 de junio de 2022 para votar sobre una determinación final de tarifas en el Procedimiento Especial de Tarifas de 2022. La reunión se celebrará en línea y por teléfono. La reunión está abierta al público; los detalles sobre cómo asistir estarán disponibles en Daniel W. Cantú-Hertzler, abogado principal
DEADLINE: Mondays at 4:00pm for Wednesday publication. Prepayment required. Make sure to revise your ad first week when published. We are not responsible for incorrect ads after the first week. CALL 215-789-6971 immediately if you find an error. No refunds only credit for future new ad.
TIEMPO LÍMITE: Lunes 4:00 PM para la semana siguiente. Todos los anuncios tienen que ser prepagados. Asegúrese de revisar los anuncios en la primera edición que aparecen. No nos hacemos responsables por más de una inserción incorrecta. Llame al 215-789-6971 inmediatamente con cualquier error. NO se hace devolución de dinero, sólo se otorga crédito para nuevo anuncio.
REUNIONES DEL COMITÉ DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Y OPERACIONES Y EL 23 DE JUNIO DE 2022, REUNIÓN MENSUAL DE LA JUNTA DE LA AUTORIDAD DE TRANSPORTE DEL SUDESTE DE PENNSYLVANIA SE NOTIFICA que la Autoridad de Transporte del Sureste de Pensilvania ("SEPTA") celebrará sus Reuniones Mensuales del Comité de Administración y Operaciones ("Reuniones del Comité") de forma virtual el jueves 16 de junio de 2022, a las 12:00 horas, y la Reunión Mensual de la Junta Directiva (la "Reunión de la Junta Directiva") de forma virtual el jueves 23 de junio de 2022, a las 15:00 horas. Las reuniones de los comités y de la Junta Directiva se llevarán a cabo mediante WebEx. En el sitio web de la Autoridad,, se publicará más información sobre cómo inscribirse para asistir a través de WebEx. Se aceptarán y considerarán los comentarios del público. Las personas que deseen asistir a las reuniones virtuales deberán inscribirse previamente en notice. Las personas que deseen intervenir en las reuniones deberán inscribirse previamente antes de las 9:00 a.m. del día de la reunión programada en www. Las personas que deseen hacer comentarios orales pueden llamar al 215.580.7211 y presentar dichos comentarios a través de un mensaje de voz. Las personas que deseen presentar comentarios por escrito pueden enviarlos por correo electrónico al Secretario de la Junta en BoardSecretary@septa. org o por correo postal a SEPTA Board Secretary, 10th Floor, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Sólo es necesaria una forma de comunicación. Tenga en cuenta que todos los comentarios deben ser recibidos por el Secretario de la Junta antes del cierre del 22 de junio de 2022, para ser considerados para la Reunión de la Junta, o antes del cierre del 15 de junio de 2022, para ser considerados para las Reuniones del Comité. Todos los comentarios recibidos pasarán a formar parte del registro público y se incluirán en la transcripción de la reunión del Consejo, que se publicará posteriormente en el sitio web de SEPTA en También se publicará una grabación de la reunión del Consejo en la página web de SEPTA Pasquale T. Deon, Sr.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00910517 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 29th Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. about-1/contact-ccc-blackwood-directions/ Property to be sold is located in BOROUGH OF MAGNOLIA, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 302 EAST MONROE AVENUE, MAGNOLIA, NJ 08049 Being Tax Lot: 27, Block: 3.03 Dimensions approximately: 58 X 116 IR Nearest Cross Street: WHITE HORSE PIKE *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: DAWN M. GAGLIARDI; NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION; MIDLAND FUNDING LLC; PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES and taken in execution of U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC TRUST, SERIES 2016-CTT GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001105 Dated: June 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022 PARKER MCCAY, P.A. 9000 MIDLANTIC DRIVE SUITE 300 P.O. BOX 5054 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $192.76
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00185119 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 29th Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of LAWNSIDE BORO, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 28 E OAK AVENUE, LAWNSIDE, NJ 08045 Being Tax Lot: 4 Block: 1004 Dimensions approximately: 100 FEET WIDE BY 244 FEET LONG Nearest Cross Street: WARWICK RD THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. 2022 Qtr 1 Due: 02/01/2022 $1,271.84 BILLED: $4.24 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; $1,267.60 PAID 2022 Qtr 2 Due: 05/01/2022 Vacant lot charge: Acct: To: 12/03/2021 $600.00 OPEN Contact PROCHAMPS @ 321-421-6639 or for additional Billing, Payment and Renewal Details (if applicable). CCMUA: CCMUA 1645 Ferry Ave, Camden, NJ 08104 856-541-3700 Acct: 210012282 04/01/2022-06/30/2022 $88.00 OPEN AND DUE 05/15/2022 $32.39 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: NELLIE B. FOY, HER HEIRS, DEVISEES AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND HIS, HER, THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST; JUAN D. FOY; SHAWN FOY; DERRICK FOY; JUANA FOY; CANDY FOY; MR. FOY, SPOUSE OF CANDY FOY; MELANIE FOY; MR. FOY, SPOUSE OF MELANIE FOY; PATRICIA FOY; JAN-FELICE FOY; MR.FOY, SPOUSE OF JAN-FELICE FOY; ATLANTIC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and taken in execution of OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003570 Dated: June 1, 8. 15, 22 2022 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD, NJ 07004 $259.12 JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00602021 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 29th Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of HADDON HEIGHTS BORO, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1821 W HIGH STREET, HADDON HEIGHTS, NJ 08035 Being Tax Lot: 16 Block: 148 Dimensions approximately: 50 FEET WIDE BY 148 FEET LONG Nearest Cross Street: HAVERFORD AVE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. CCMUA: CCMUA 1645 Ferry Ave, Camden, NJ 08104 856-541-3700 Acct: 180025306 04/01/2022-06/30/2022 $88.00 OPEN $440.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: EILEEN MALLACE and taken in execution of PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001091 Dated: June 1, 8. 15, 22 2022 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD, NJ 07004 $199.08
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00025218 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 29th Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of BLACKWOOD (GLOUCESTER TWP), County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 533 HIGH STREET, BLACKWOOD (GLOUCESTER TWP), NJ 08012 Being Tax Lot: 11 Block: 12602 Dimensions approximately: 75X129 Nearest Cross Street: FAIRFAX AVE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. CCMUA: CCMUA 1645 Ferry Ave, Camden, NJ 08104 856-541-3700 Acct: 150097830 03/01/2022-05/30/2022 $88.00 PAID; Possible credit balance exists contact Municipality to verify. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: RICHARD D. VANWHY A/K/A RICHARD VANWHY; SUNNOVA TE MANAGEMENT | LLC and taken in execution of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE FOR JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THE BENEFIT OF CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF POPULAR ABS, INC. MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2006-D GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001109 Dated: June 1, 8, 15, 22 2022 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD, NJ 07004 $221.20
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01768418 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAYThe 29th Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of COLLINGSWOOD BORO, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 26 ARDMORE TERR, COLLINGSWOOD BORO, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Being Tax Lot: 7.04 Block: 5 Dimensions approximately: 40X103 Nearest Cross Street: MAPLE AVE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. 2022 Qtr 2 Due: 05/01/2022 $2,063.10 OPEN Water: Collingswood Boro 678 Haddon Ave Collingswood, NJ 08108 856-854-0720 Acct: 178 0 04/01/2022 - 06/30/2022 $70.25 OPEN $70.25 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS Subject to final reading. CCMUA: CCMUA 1645 Ferry Ave, Camden, NJ 08104 856-541-3700 Acct: 120001805 04/01/2022-06/30/2022 $88.00 OPEN $254.07.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: ANDREW W. MANALO-LLAMANNA; ELIZABETH A. MANALO-LAMANNA; TD BANK, N.A.; VIRTUA-WEST JERSEY HEALTH SYSTEM, INC. and taken in execution of LOANCARE, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001077 Dated: June 1, 8, 15, 22 2022 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD, NJ 07004 $233.84 • 41
JOBS SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00374521 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 15th Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 55 PONDVIEW LANE, SICKLERVILLE, NJ 08081 Being Known as: Lot 50 Block 1302.01 on the official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW Dimensions approximately: 131.88ft x 25.26ft x 139.02ft x 10.47ft x 13.57ft Nearest Cross Street: PARKSIDE AVE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. If the sale is set side for any reason, The Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. This property is being sold subject to a first mortgage held by FIrst Mutual Corp., dated December 28, 2004, and recorded on January 10, 2005 in Book 7698, Page 1237. The approximate payoff is $74,199.00. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: ANITA R. FULTON, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPCITY BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUEE OF THE ASPEN GROWTH IV TRUST. A DELAWARE STATUTORY TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22000951 Dated: MaY 18, 25, June 1, 8, 2022 BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC 302 FELLOWSHIP ROAD SUITE 130 MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $210.24
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By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01387819 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 22nd Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of municipality of WINSLOW TWP, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 215 GIRARD AVENUE, ATCO, NJ 08004 BEING TAX LOT: 4.01 f/k/a 4,4.01 & 14 Block: 3122 Dimensions approximately: 125 FEET WIDE BY 100 FEET LONG Nearest Cross Street: 10TH AVE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. *2022 Qtr 2 Due: 05/01/2022 $814.45 OPEN Water: Twp of Winslow 125 S Rte 73 Braddock, NJ 08037 609-567-0700 Acct: 298396 0 To: 12/30/2021 $106.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $848.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: FRANK JACKSON, JR. A/K/A FRANK JACKSON A/K/A FRANK F. JACKSON; CAROL JACKSON; JOHN FOXWORTH; WINDOWIZARDS INC; STATE OF OHIO; MARCIA GOLDBERG; SUNRUN, INC; ABC BAIL BONDS, INC.; STATE OF NEW JERSEY, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2005-OPT4, ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-OPT4 GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001015 Dated:May 25, June 1, 8. 15, 2022 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD, NJ 07004 $ 210.24
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04720513 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 22nd Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of CITY OF CAMDEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1206 NORTH 28TH STREET, CAMDEN, NJ 08105 Mailing Address: 1206 NORTH 28TH STREET, CAMDEN, NJ 08105-4026 Being Tax Lot: #901, Block #21 Nearest Cross Street: TYLER AVENUE Dimensions approximately: 50’ X 100’ A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY The property is sold subject to unpaid taxes, and any other municipal liens or assessments, including but not limited to Certificate No. 20-01794 sold on December 13, 2021 with an approximate redemption amount of $829.70 as of February 1, 2022. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.J.S.A 46:88-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of the Condominium / Homeowner Association liens which may exist. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether any outstanding interests remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so, the current amount due thereon. ** If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall only be entitled to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagee or the Mortgagees attorneys. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Purchaser must certify that Purchaser is not employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated corporations (the “Bank”), nor is Purchaser related in any way with solicitors or agents retained by or on behalf of the Bank in relation to the property that is subject of this transaction and confirming that Purchaser is dealing at arm’s length with the aforementioned parties. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: PATRICIA ELSEY; KEVIN ELSEY; CAMDEN COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES; COOPER HOSPITAL UMC; CITY OF CAMDEN; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; MIDLAND FUNDING LLC; AND MR. ELSEY, HUSBAND OF PATRICIA ELSEY, and taken in execution of TD BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001034 Dated: May 25, June 1, 8, 15, 2022 DUANE MORRIS LLP 30 SOUTH 17TH STREET 9TH FLOOR PHILADELPHIA, PA, 19103 $224.64
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00215220 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 15TH Day of JUNE, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in BOROUGH OF STRATFORD, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 18 LONGWOOD DRIVE, STRATFORD, NJ 08084 Being Tax Lot: 12 Block: 98 Dimensions approximately: 71.09 FEET WIDE BY 110.60 FEET LONG Nearest Cross Street: HOMESTEAD ROAD The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MARGARET A. STRAUSER A/K/A MARGARET STRAUSER, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF ESTATE OF MARK A. STRAUSER A/K/A MARK ANDREW STRAUSER, HIS/HER HEIRS, DEVISEES, AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, AND HIS, HER, THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST, ET AL, ET AL, and taken in execution of QUICKEN LOANS INC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22000957 Dated: May 18, 25, June 1, 8, 2022 KML LAW GROUP, PC MELLON INDEPENDENCE CENTER SUITE 5000 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 $149.76
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215 789 6971
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00874919 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 6TH Day of JULY, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of BOROUGH OF LAWNSIDE, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 113 WATKINS AVENUE, LAWNSIDE, NJ 08045 Number of Feet to Nearest Cross Street: NORTHEASTERLY 101.29 FEET FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF WATKINS AVENUE WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF GLOUCESTER AVENUE. Tax Lot and Block NO.: BLOCK 21, LOT 1211 BOROUGH OF LAWNSIDE, COUNTY OF CAMDEN Dimensions approximately: 50 FEET WIDE BY 167 FEET Amount Due for Taxes: Taxes due in the approximate amount of $1,313.80 as of 04/07/22 Sale may be subject to subsequent taxes, liens utilities and interest since 04/07/22. Sewer/CCMUA due in the approximate amount of $801.10 as of 04/07/22 As the above description does not constitute a full legal description, said full legal description is annexed to that certain mortgage recorded in the Camden County Clerk’s office in Book 10277 at Page 1018. et seq.: New jersey, and the Writ of Execution on file with the Sheriff of Camden County. Subject to: All unpaid municipal taxes, assessments and liens; Any set of facts of which an accurate survey would disclose; Any restrictions or covenants on record which run with the land; Rights of the United States of America, if any; Any Condominium lien priority, pursuant to NJSA 46:88-21, if any: Any outstanding PUD or Homeowner’s Associations due or fees if any; Any occupants or persons in possession of the property, if any; Additional municipal charges, liens, taxes or tax sale certificates and insurance, if any; and any such taxes municipal liens or other charges, liens, insurance premiums or other charges can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so, the current amount due thereon. ** if the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only a return of the depository paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MICHELLE VERDI, ET AL and taken in execution of THE MONEY SOURCE INC. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003622 DATED:June 8, 15, 22, 29, 2022 GROSS POLOWY, LLC 1775 WEHRLE DRIVE SUITE 100 WILLIAMSVILLE, NJ 14221 $246.48
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
CITY OF PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Committee on Finance of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 9, 2022, at 1:00 PM, in a remote manner using Microsoft® Teams. This remote hearing may be viewed on Xfinity Channel 64, Fios Channel 40 or, to hear testimony on the following items: 220292 An Ordinance authorizing an increase in the non-electoral indebtedness of the City within the Pennsylvania constitutional limit; authorizing the Bond Committee to sell bonds at public or private negotiated sale, to provide funds toward various capital municipal purposes; providing for appropriations to the Sinking Fund Commission for the payment of such bonds; and authorizing agreements to provide credit or payment or liquidity sources for the bonds in connection with issuance of the bonds, and certain other actions. 220293 An Ordinance amending Bill No. 190412, entitled “An Ordinance approving City participation in the Commonwealth's Property Assessed Clean Energy Program, all under certain terms and conditions,” to modify the C-PACE program in conformity with Commonwealth legislation and to make other conforming changes, all under certain terms and conditions. 220506 An Ordinance authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of a Service Agreement between The City of Philadelphia and The Philadelphia Energy Authority relating to the financing of the construction, equipping and installation of an energy efficient City street lighting system and related improvements; approving the issuance by such Authority of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness in one or more series to finance or refinance such project and authorizing and approving the obligation of the City to pay in full when due the Service Fee and other amounts payable under the Service Agreement; authorizing certain City officers to take certain actions required to issue such bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness; covenanting that the City will make necessary appropriations in each of the City’s fiscal years to provide for, and will make timely payments of, the Service Fee and other amounts due under the Service Agreement; and authorizing City officials to take other necessary or appropriate actions to effectuate the purposes of this Ordinance; all under certain terms and conditions. 220508 An Ordinance approving a Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan 2021-2022 to add $42,007,561 in HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funding, all under certain terms and conditions. 220509 An Ordinance authorizing the Director of Planning and Development, on behalf of the City, to file applications with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for a Community Development Block Grant; to file applications to participate in the HOME Investment Partnership program and the Emergency Solutions Grant program; and to apply for a Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant; and to file applications with the Commonwealth to obtain grants under the Act of April 12, 1956, P.L. 1449, Section 4, as amended, to prevent and eliminate blight; authorizing the Director of Planning and Development and the Director of Commerce to file applications to obtain other grants from the Commonwealth; authorizing the Director of Commerce to use the Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program; and authorizing the Director of Planning and Development and the Director of Commerce to enter into all understandings and assurances contained in such applications and take all necessary action to accept the grants; all under certain terms and conditions. 220510 An Ordinance authorizing the City Treasurer, on behalf of the City, to enter into an amendment agreement with Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania for provision of payroll banking services to the City, under certain terms and conditions. 220511 An Ordinance approving the Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Budget providing for expenditures for the capital purposes of the Philadelphia Gas Works (including the supplying of funds in connection therewith) subject to certain constraints and conditions, and acknowledging receipt of the Revised Forecast of Capital Budgets for Fiscal Years 2024 through 2028. 220529 An Ordinance authorizing the Fire Commissioner and the Revenue Commissioner, on behalf of the City, to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Human Services to enable the City to maintain and provide access to emergency medical services, under certain terms and conditions. Speakers interested in giving testimony on any of these legislative matters must call 215-459-4980, or send an e-mail to by 3 p.m. the day before the hearing and submit the following information: • Full name • Callback telephone number where you can be reached • Identify the bill number or numbers that will be addressed
Speakers who submitted the above information within the required time frame will be telephoned during the public hearing and invited to the remote hearing. They will be given additional instructions by the Committee Chair once they are connected.
Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Finance, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed items.
Estamos a su servicio
Copies of the foregoing items are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall.
Michael A. Decker Chief Clerk • 43
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00245220 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 6th Day of JULY , 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER , County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 119 VILLAGE GREEN LANE, SICKLERVILLE, NJ 08081 Being known as: Lot: 21 Block 18505 on the official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER Dimensions approximately: 20 FT. X 100FT. Nearest Cross Street: SICKLERVILLE ROAD The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. If the sale is set aside for any reason, The Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out Of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION,CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01954517 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY The 6th Day of JULY, 2022 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the Camden County College, Blackwood, 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08012 in the Connector Building, Civic Hall (105) Parking Lots 3 and 4. Property to be sold is located in the municipality of CHERRY HILL TWP County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 209 AVON ROAD, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 Being Tax Lot: 21 Block: 339.15 Dimensions approximately: 75X125 Nearest Cross Street: BRIGHTON RD THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. 2022 Qtr 2 Due: 05/01/2022 $1,937.64 OPEN Sewer: Cherry Hill Twp 820 Mercer St Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 856-488-7880 Acct: 9119 0 01/01/2022 12/31/2022 $95.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $190.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS CCMUA: CCMUA 1645 Ferry Ave, Camden, NJ 08104 856541-3700 Acct: 0900064098 04/01/2022-06/30/2022 $87.78 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file amotion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: LYRONE MARTIN A/K/A LYRONE D. MARTIN; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR NATIONWIDE EQUITIES, CORP.; FIA CARD SERVICES NA; MIDLAND FUNDING LLC and taken in execution of U.S. BANK TRUST NA AS TRUSTEE OF THE AMERICAN HOMEOWNER PRESERVATION TRUST SERIES AHP SERVICING GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001167 Dated: June 8, 15, 22, 29, 2022 PATRICK O. LACSINA LAW OFFICES, LLC 215 NORTH 5 STREET SUITE #2 HARRISON, NJ 07029 $218.04
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"APPROXIMATELY" $293,201.93 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: JOHN E. LOWER, ET AL and taken in execution of FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001158 Dated:June 8,15, 22, 29 2022 BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC 302 FELLOWSHIP ROAD SUITE 130 MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $195.92
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction at www. or call (800)280-2832 Seized as the property of: SHANE JIMINEZ; CHRIS JIMINEZ; MARTIN ABAG. TENANT, and taken in execution of OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 22001184 Dated: June 8, 15, 22, 29 2022 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD, NJ 07004 $208.56
Estamos a su servicio DEADLINE: FRIDAY / VIERNES A 5:00 P.M. JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
The PHA Board meeting will take place at 3 p.m. on June 16, 2022 as previously published, however it will be a virtual meeting. Participation procedures are currently altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic and information on how to participate in the meeting or comment can be found at:
La reunión de la Junta Directiva de la PHA tendrá lugar a las 3 p.m. el el 16 de junio de 2022 como se publicó anteriormente, sin embargo, será una reunión virtual. Los procedimientos de participación están actualmente alterados debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 e información sobre cómo participar en la reunión o comentarios se puede encontrar en:
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
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FRIENDS OF WHAT? The United States and Colombia are celebrating 200 years of bilateral relations. Friendship of convenience. Estados Unidos y Colombia cumplen por estos días 200 años de relaciones bilaterales. Amistad de conveniencia. By ORLANDO GAMBOA*
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
rom time to time, here and there, political mouths open to preach lies. The United States and Colombia are old friends, flesh and blood, they repeat as a mantra of hemispheric politics. However, nobody makes it clear that this friendship is only in appearance, and only between governments, not people. It is a friendship of convenience and opportunity. In politics there are, if at all, allies or partners, never friends. If friendship were real, if Colombia’s interests were truly important, episodes like the recent surrender of Dairo Antonio ‘Otoniel’ Usuga, one more among many high-ranking criminals who, upon leaving, left Colombia deceived, hurt, skeptical... would not occur. The man will no longer have the opportunity to cite names of military and politicians, or facts, or anything hidden by paramilitary activity, where he was a general. Nothing. Total silence in the presence of an ocean of victims filled with pain and drained of their tears. Everything he says can be used against him, but in secret, so nothing that links him to the political and economic classes ‘Otoniel’ made pacts with, associated with and defended. The U.S. government only cares about the political impact of announcing that they have Latin American drug lords in their jails. They do not care about the 100,000 Americans who die every year from drug use. The Colombian government, for its part, is motivated by a pat on the back, never genuine praise, the satisfaction of feeling that Washington has put its indulgences on every president in office. They do not dare to think that, the U.S. government does not care about a single one of the 100,000 lives taken by psychotropic drugs, much less does it care about the tears, the pain, the tragedy of the thousands of Latin Americans killed in a war
JUNE 8 - 15, 2022
ENGLISH that frames the world of drug trafficking. And yet, at least in our situation, it is assumed that exactly 200 years of bilateral relations should lead to a better deal, to true friendship. With the extradition of ‘Otoniel,’ the United States was full of praise for the Colombian authorities because he was arrested. No one referred to the fact that the detainee surrendered voluntarily and peacefully. But why so much recognition? It is as if they were force fed a pill that the world had to swallow, whether it wanted to or not. In scenarios like this, it is easy to infer that the United States is interested in something more than catching a criminal. What? Perhaps facilities to install military bases from where to watch over Venezuelan oil? It could be… Oil has been the engine of the most recent wars. In light of the conditions set by Venezuela to sell its crude oil to Washington, it is licit to think, based on experience, that the way is to get its hands on it, at any price. A price that, of course, could imply, without exaggeration, a Colombian-Venezuelan war that could allow the occupation of the Orinoco strip, full of oil, gas and other minerals. Who would defend Venezuela? No one. Russia, almost in ruins, thousands and thousands of miles away, is not on the list. Neither is Iran. Nicaragua, Cuba and Bolivia? Ha. To keep up appearances, Colombia would talk about doing a favor to a friend like Washington. Friendship is a powerful reason. But, in the scenario of Colombia and the United States, considering the situation with ‘Otoniel’, among dozen others, it is worth asking: friends of what? (*) Orlando Gamboa is a Colombian journalist, writer and political scientist with media experience in the United
e tanto en tanto, aquí y allá, se abren las bocotas políticas para predicar la mentira. Estados Unidos y Colombia son viejos amigos, uña y carne, repiten como mantra de la política hemisférica. Pero nadie aclara que esa amistad es solo de apariencia, y solo entre los gobiernos. No entre los pueblos. Es una amistad de conveniencia. Un simple compadrazgo de oportunidad. En política hay, si acaso, aliados, o socios; jamás, amigos. Si la amistad fuera real, si en verdad interesaran los intereses de Colombia, no ocurrirían episodios como el reciente de la entrega de Dairo Antonio ‘Otoniel’ Úsuga, uno más entre muchos criminales de alto vuelo que, al irse, han dejado a Colombia engañada, adolorida, escéptica… El hombre ya no tendrá oportunidad de citar ni nombres de militares y políticos ni hechos ni nada de todo lo oculto que deja la actividad paramilitar, de la que él fue un general. Nada. Silencio total ante un océano de víctimas henchidas de dolor y vaciadas de lágrimas. Todo lo que diga podrá ser usado en su contra, pero en secreto, para que no trascienda nada que vincule a las castas políticas y económicas con las que ‘Otoniel’ pactó, se asoció y a las que defendió. A los gobiernos de Estados Unidos solo les importa el beneficio del impacto político de anunciar que tiene en sus cárceles a capos del narcotráfico latinoamericano. Les tienen sin el menor cuidado los 100.000 estadounidenses que perecen cada año por consumir drogas. A los gobiernos colombianos, por su parte, les mueve el disfrute del golpecito en la espalda, el elogio nunca sincero, la satisfacción de sentir que Washington ha puesto sus complacencias en cada presidente de turno. No se atreven a pensar en que, si al gobierno de Estados Unidos no le inquieta una sola de las 100.000 vidas arrebatadas por los psicotrópicos, mucho menos le importan las lágrimas, el dolor, la tragedia de los miles de latinoamericanos caídos en la guerra que enmarca el mundo del narcotráfico.
Y eso que, al menos en el caso nuestro, se supone que 200 años exactos de relaciones bilaterales deberían dar para un mejor trato, para una verdadera amistad. Con la extradición de ‘Otoniel’, Estados Unidos se deshizo en elogios para las autoridades colombianas, porque fue arrestado. Nadie se refirió a que el detenido se entregó voluntaria y pacíficamente. Pero ¿por qué tanto reconocimiento? Es como si estuvieran dorando una píldora que el mundo deberá tragar, quiera o no. En casos así es fácil inferir que a Estados Unidos le interesa algo más que la captura de un delincuente. Pero ¿qué? ¿Quizás facilidades para instalar bases militares desde donde cuidar, mirando por el rabillo del ojo, el petróleo venezolano? Podría ser… El petróleo ha sido el motor de las guerras más recientes. Ante las condiciones fijadas por Venezuela para vender su crudo a Washington, es lícito pensar, con base en la experiencia, que el camino es echarle mano, al precio que sea. Precio que, por supuesto, podría implicar, sin exagerar, una guerra colombo-venezolana que pueda permitir la ocupación de, digamos, la franja del Orinoco, repleta, como está, de petróleo, gas y otros minerales. Como en el caso de Ucrania, Estados Unidos no daría la cara, pero pondría su billetera para prestar todos los dólares necesarios en forma de armas. Obvio, el cobro viene después, con intereses de agio. ¿Quién defendería a Venezuela? Nadie. Rusia, casi en la ruina, a miles y miles de millas de distancia, no figura en la lista. Tampoco Irán. Menos India. ¿Nicaragua, Cuba y Bolivia? Ja. Para no perder las apariencias, Colombia hablaría de hacerle un favor a un amigo como Washington. La amistad es una razón poderosa. Pero, en el caso de Colombia y Estados Unidos, a juzgar por el caso de ‘Otoniel’, sin contar decenas de otros más, cabe preguntar: ¿amigos de qué? (*) Periodista, escritor y politólogo colombiano con experiencia en medios de comunicación de Estados Unidos, Colombia y Ecuador.
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JUNE 8 - 15, 2022