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por/by Luiza


DESLUMBRANTE NEON Em Singapura, os Jardins da Baía contam com a maior catarata e o maior invernadeiro de vidro do mundo, além de superárvores de 50 metros de altura. Se imponente quando visto de baixo, do alto, os jardins parecem um conjunto de mandalas, repletas de formas sinuosas, cores e luz. As 18 árvores gigantes se espalham por uma área de 101 hectares, com mais de um milhão de plantas dos cinco continentes. // In Singapore, the Gardens by the Bay have the biggest waterfall and the greatest glass greenhouse in the world, as well as huge 160-foot high trees. If it looks imposing when seen from below, from up above the gardens seem like a set of mandalas, filled with sinuous forms, colors and lights. The 18 giant trees are scattered around an area of 101 hecaters, with over one million plants from the five continents. gardensbythebay.com.sg

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fotos/photos: shutterstock

Magnificent neon

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