CRIMINAL JUSTICE Repp *Alternate year course
CJ100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 hours An overview of the history, philosophy and social development of law enforcement, courts, and corrections in a democratic society. Identification and operations of local, state and federal agencies will be covered with criminal justice career orientation.
CJ198/398 Maritime Policing
3 hours The course aims to introduce students to policing in a maritime environment. During an 8-day out-of-state trip, attendees will visit Miami, Key West, and Key Largo, Florida police departments and interact with their maritime patrol divisions. Offered Interterm 2020.
CJ202 Concepts of Self-Defense
3 hours This course will explore the conceptual framework of personal protection. Students will learn the emotional and neurophysiological aspects of confrontation and then challenge self-imposed limitations to increase survivability through awareness, behavior modification and physical tactics.
CJ203 Criminology
3 hours Interdisciplinary study of the causes of crime. Included are the basic theories of criminology and the patterns and trends of offenders and the criminal justice responses to them.
CJ211 Law Enforcement
3 hours
An in-depth study of the roles and responsibilities of United States law enforcement. The student will study the historical development, role conflicts, professionalism, discretion, current enforcement practice, and career opportunities.
CJ211-L Law Enforcement (lab)
1 hour This course is a lab session to be taken either concurrently with, or following, CJ211 Law Enforcement. Students taking this lab will attend the Salina KS Police Department Citizen’s Academy to receive field experience in law enforcement.
CJ212 Diversity and Crime
3 hours The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the historical and theoretical foundations for understanding and critically analyzing the interactions between diversity and crime. Within this context, the course will discuss from a sociological and criminological perspective the concepts of race and gender, provide theoretical lenses with which to assess these attributes, and critically examine the interactions between said attributes and both the development of criminological theory and the criminal justice system as a whole in the United States.
CJ213 Understanding Crime Data
3 hours This course is designed to further your understanding of researching and working in the field of criminal justice through a critical examination of the evolution and application of various forms of crime data including official crime statistics, self-report studies and victimization surveys. The course will also introduce statistical methods and allow students the opportunity to research and analyze a criminal justice topic of their choice via quantitative methodologies.
CJ220 Criminal Law
3 hours History, scope and substantive nature of criminal law. Includes classification of offenses, jurisdiction, liability and elements of the crime.
CJ224 Criminal Procedure
3 hours Overview of criminal procedure including rules of evidence and arrest, rights of the accused, and judicial processes related to both prosecution and defense.
CJ230 Corrections 3 hours Historical and contemporary study of retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation and reintegration. Reviews contemporary correctional practices and their relationships to other aspects of the criminal justice system.