PS355 Political Power and Community Leadership
3 hours Good decision-making makes for better government. Thus, how communities go about the decision-making process is a crucial point of understanding how and why democracies do and don’t work. This course will examine community decision-making and the implications for community leadership by exploring the best information on the subject.
PSYCHOLOGY Ring *Alternate year course
PY101 General Psychology
3 hours This course is designed to introduce students to the scientific study of behavior. Topics studied include methods of research, biological bases of behavior, learning and memory, testing, behavior disorders and therapy, and social and applied psychology.
PY125 The Psychology Major
1 hours The Psychology Major is a course designed to introduce the diverse discipline of psychology for students considering the area, as well as for those who have declared the major. In addition, students will be introduced to communication within the field, particularly writing in the American Psychological Association style. Additional topics include preparation for graduate school or employment after graduation.
PY201 Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
3 hours This course provides an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will learn how to compute and interpret a variety of statistics and will become knowledgeable about the attributes of the statistics studied. Emphasis will be on conducting statistical analyses and interpreting findings in the behavioral and social sciences. Prerequisites: One of the following: Math ACT score of 18; minimum grade of C in high school Algebra I or MA096; or a passing grade in college-level math course. (For the course description for MA096, see Academic Support course listings.) Permission of the instructor may be granted in special circumstances.
PY205 Developmental Psychology
3 hours This course surveys human development from conception through old age. Emphasis will be placed on the interaction of genetic and environmental influences on growth and development, and adjustment to the social environment. Prerequisite: PY101.
PY220 Abnormal Psychology
3 hours This course is designed to explore the causes, descriptions, and treatments of the major mental disorders including anxiety somatoform, dissociative, mood, personality, sexual, schizophrenic, delusional, and autistic disorders. Prerequisites: PY101.
PY222* Social Psychology
3 hours A study of the effect of social stimuli on behavior. Minor topics considered are attraction, aggression, attitude formation, conformity, altruism, person perception, prejudice, culture and social class, and sex role differences. Prerequisites: PY101 and have successfully completed the ID writing intensive course in the core program or equivalent college composition course.
PY301 Social Research Methods
4 hours This course is designed to introduce the basic skills required of social scientists. Topics of study in classroom and laboratory experiences include basic quantitative and qualitative research methods, ethical considerations, statistical techniques, and dissemination of results. Each student will develop and conduct an individual research project that includes a literature review; research design; data collection, analysis, and interpretation; and peer review culminating in a professional research report. Prerequisites: PY101, PY201 and have successfully completed the ID writing intensive course in the core program or equivalent college composition course, or permission of the instructor.
PY315 Human Sexuality
3 hours This course offers a balanced and comprehensive perspective of the field of human sexuality. Topics covered include sexual anatomy and physiology, the sexual response cycle, sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, variations in sexual orientation, pornography, prostitution, and sexually coercive behavior. Prerequisites: PY101 and have successfully completed the ID writing intensive course in the core program or equivalent college composition course.