VII. Spiritual Development Individual students, faculty, staff, area pastors, and groups of persons from both within and outside the College community, may assist the Campus Pastor in conducting chapel services. Students interested in planning, leading, and participating in chapel services are particularly urged to contact the Campus Pastor.
MISSION STATEMENT The Spiritual Development mission is to provide opportunities for deeper understanding, conversation, and action about one’s faith and spiritual growth in a liberating and empowering setting that is sustained by our Lutheran identity. Life at Bethany is lived at the intersection of faith, learning, and service. Our Lutheran identity informs the way we learn, live, and serve.
PEER MINISTRY Peer Ministers are students who reach out to other students to help them find their place at Bethany. Peer Ministers take an academic course which provides training in communication, listening, welcoming, confidentiality, making referrals, and decision-making skills.
The way we learn: • Faith and values are clarified and reflected upon in the context of learning; learning is inspired by faith and service. (Informed faith. Inspired learning.) • We are free to ask the deep questions of meaning, purpose, and value – including who is God, who am I, who is my neighbor, and how am I being called to serve? The way we live: • We welcome all people as persons of worth, respecting and inviting different viewpoints and perspectives on issues of faith and life. • We challenge the assumptions of our day. • We live gratefully, with compassion and forgiveness. • Worship and music are central to our life as a community of faith, learning, and service. The way we serve: • Discernment of vocation empowers us to discover our gifts and talents to serve the needs of the world. • We work for peace and justice in our community and in the world. • We honor the Earth, living as partners with all creation. • We are freed by God in Christ for service to our neighbor.
CAMPUS MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES The Campus Ministry Program of Bethany College is planned in cooperation with other campus programs and organizations to provide opportunities for the college community to express and to grow in faith. Participation in religious activities is encouraged rather than required; responsible decision-making about one’s own spiritual life is seen as an important part of spiritual growth. Religious programming is flexible, designed to meet the expressed needs and interests of students. The ministry of the Campus Pastor, chapel services, planned religious activities, and the ministries of local congregations provide a framework within which students can explore their own faith and values. They provide channels through which students can develop and express their own leadership skills in ministry and service. Other religious groups and activities open to student participation are: Chapel Choir: Chapel Choir is open to all students interested in exploring a wide range of choral literature. In addition to concert performances, Chapel Choir sings regularly in Chapel worship and regional church services. They rehearse three times each week (MWF, 12-12:50 p.m.) and occasionally combine with the College Choir to perform large works. No audition is required to join Chapel Choir.
CAMPUS PASTOR The Campus Pastor supervises and coordinates the religious life of the college. The pastor is ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is called to serve all individuals in the community - students, faculty, and staff regardless of their religious affiliation. The Campus Pastor’s office is located in the J.E. & L.E. Mabee Welcome Center. The Campus Pastor works closely with the College Counselor in providing personal counseling services, and is also available for personal conferences, working with campus organizations and facilitating various interest groups.
Chi Alpha: Chi Alpha (women) and Alpha Omega (men) Christian Fellowship Groups provide opportunities for fellowship, study, service and spiritual growth. All students are welcome to join. Core Partners: Peer Ministers work through the Core Values of Bethany College in order to share ways we live the Values on campus, in the community, and throughout our lives.
CHAPEL SERVICES Chapel services are scheduled at 10:30 a.m. in the Bud Pearson Swedish Chapel of the J.E. & L.E. Mabee Welcome Center on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Core Partners will meet weekly as an affiliate of Student Campus Ministry. Core Partners will use the Peer Ministry Travel Guide to grow relationship building skills and personal awareness, offering opportunity to strengthen the Core Values of Bethany College across campus. The vision is for this group of Partners to share a way of being in relationship that is
The purpose of these services is to provide an opportunity for the college community to gather on a regular basis to give thanks, celebrate its faith, and reflect on the meaning of life. 166