Jahrbuch 2007

Page 87

D a n i e l B a s i c , Ve r o n i k a L e i c h t f r i e d , G e o r g H o f f m a n n , G ü n t h e r S u m a n n , M a r t i n B u r t s c h e r, Wo l f g a n g S c h o b e r s b e r g e r

Bedeutung der Pulsoximetrie in der Diagnose der Acute Mountain Sickness ( A M S ) b e i Tr e k k i n g t o u r e n Is the application of pulse oximetry useful to detect acute mountain sickness during trekking tours? S U M M A RY A big increase in trekking tourism in the Himalajan region was recorded in the past few years. Many tourists participate in special “Cultural-Treks”, which are composed of busdriving, sightseeing and hiking. This population in particular would benefit from a non invasive and user friendly aid to diagnose Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Because hypoxia is the possible reason for AMS, the measurement of the arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) could be well suited for this purpose. All of the previous studies dealing with this issue give inconsistent results. In our study, which was performed in 22 trekking tourists within the first 8 days at high altitude (project “TRAMS”), we were not able to demonstrate any significant correlation between Lake Louise Score (LLS) and SaO2. Rather a broad individual variation of the SaO2 and the respective LLS was found. We assume, that pulse oximetry is not suitable as a sole tool for diagnosis of AMS. In order to clarify this issue in detail a further study with more participants is needed. Keywords: Acute Mountain Sickness, Arterial Oxygen Saturation, Pulse Oximetry, Lake Louise Score, Trekking.

Z U S A M M E N FA S S U N G In den letzten Jahren war ein großer Anstieg an Trekkingtouristen in der indischen und nepalesischen Region zu verzeichnen. Die Teilnehmer erkunden häufig im Rahmen spezieller „Kultur-Treks“ die Gegend mittels einer Kombination aus Busfahrt, Sightseeing und Wandern. Besonders diese Population würde von einem nicht invasiven und benutzerfreundlichen Hilfsmittel zur Diagnose


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