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Bookhouse Group
Books endure—for years, decades, even centuries. In today’s fast-moving, disposable world, perhaps that’s why we continue to value books. Books enthrall, entertain, inform and capture the history of people, places and events with a permanence no other medium can equal. In addition, they feel good in our hands and look compelling on the coffee table or the edge of our desks. And, when we have truly big events, like a milestone anniversary or a desire to commemorate a significant achievement, we want them to be memorable. We want them to endure. We want to bring our institutions, corporations, schools, associations, and clubs to life for the people who matter most. We want to present these cherished books as gifts to show our appreciation for old friends who have been there for the journey and new friends who will help get us to the future. When’s the last time anyone gave a movie or a static picture as a gift for a truly important event? Books tell our myriad stories and gems of stories within those s