“ There were more positives being on Love Goals than negatives. I knew I had a hard time trusting men but I never knew it was a reoccurring factor from my childhood trauma. ”
MIMI IVEY Q. How is it juggling the adult entertainment world and your everyday life? A. When I first started in the industry a wise woman told me it’s like any other job you’ll have in life. When at work you are an entertainer and that’s why people come, to be entertained. So, leave your home life at home and leave your work life at work. Since that day I have done exactly that, making it a lot easier to juggle the adult entertainment world and my everyday life. Some days have been harder than others but who doesn’t have a bad day every once in a while. Q. How was the experience doing Celebrity Wife Swap? A. My experience doing Celebrity 24
Wife Swap was exciting, challenging, and very overwhelming. It was my first time being on tv and being away from my children for such a long period of time. Living with a complete stranger in their house and trusting another complete stranger to take care of my children was the hardest part of doing the show. However, the overall experience was very eye opening to my own reality in so many ways. In life, we get accustomed to the way things are and doing this show it helped me realize how our relationship was. Although I loved Coolio with all my heart I was not happy with the state of our relationship at that time. Especially after seeing it from a different perspective.
Q. What were some positives and negatives being on Love Goals? A. There were more positives being on Love Goals than negatives. I knew I had a hard time trusting men but I never knew it was a reoccurring factor from my childhood trauma. I’ am so thankful Spirit helped me realize that. Knowing this has helped me let my guard down a little bit. I still have a long way to go but I’m working on it day by day. I’ve learned so much about myself and my man that’s helped us both grow in ways we might not have been able to if we had not done the show. The counseling was not what I expected but Spirit is absolutely amazing at what she does. The only negative part