Paul Carbone: Hempcrete construction technologies
empknowlogy focuses on hempcrete construction techniques that the construction industry can easily integrate with common building practices. We also have a strong interest in 3D-printed house designs printed with near-zero carbon geopolymer mortar. We also design and build environmentally and economically sustainable communities and cities using technology we have discovered over a long process.
What most interests you about hemp and hemp building and hemp growing and why? As a long-time advocate and practitioner of natural building, hemp became a natural option for its many positive aspects both in construction, clothing, and food.
What was a win for your company in the past year? Three patents pending and access to construction-grade hurd.
What is something about hemp building/construction/processing you didn’t know a year ago? There are a few stellar individuals and companies and there are a lot of frauds, liars, gatekeepers and IP vultures.
What challenges does the hemp building
Paul Carbone, Hempknowlogy CEO, inventor, formulator, designer.
“We have a strong interest in 3D-printed house designs printed with near-zero carbon geopolymer mortar. We also design and build environmentally and economically sustainable communities and cities using technology we have discovered over a long process.” Paul Carbone, CEO Hempknowlogy inventer
industry face that it must overcome in the next five years? Decortication facilities that
produce construction grade hurd and farmers growing fiber hemp so we have quality bagged hurd in quantity. 2022 | Hemp Building Direcctory 33