COACH - The Professional Coaching Magazine

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n a society hooked on being busy, how do you bring balance to your life and boost your energy reserves?

Physical Energy – fuels our ability to move around and powers our physiology Mental energy – powers our thinking and ideas and the internal processing of the mind Emotional Energy – fuels our feelings and contributes to our state of being Common symptoms of low reserves in these areas are; Physical – tiredness, insomnia, headaches, loss of appetite, no energy, stiffness, aches or pains. Mental – loss of concentration, foggy head, forgetfulness Emotional – irritability, mood swings, low motivation Do any of these seem familiar? Sometimes you are not consciously aware of exactly what is draining or even boosting your physical, mental and emotional energy. Becoming more self-aware is the first step to noticing when things are out of balance. Keep a weekly diary of events, how you feel, what’s going on and notice what patterns may emerge. Watch for situations, people or activities that trigger either a drain or a boost in your energy.

With work and personal lives being more intertwined than ever, there are ever increasing cases of stress - related illness and burnout. The Mental Health Foundation found that in 2018, 74% of UK adults had felt so stressed at some point in the year that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. Are we paying enough attention to our energy? Squeezing that extra bit of effort out, working those extra few hours to get something finished? Believing if we just get past this crisis it will all be ok? In the frantic pace of day to day life, the vital warning signs that we are running on empty are often missed or ignored. It’s a quick fix to just grab yet another coffee or energy drink but that isn’t sustainable in the long run. We need to pay attention to topping up our wellbeing energy reserves regularly so that when faced with tough times, we have the resilience to recover more quickly and perform at our best.




TOP ENERGY BOOSTING TIPS One of the biggest areas is in building in positive habits with the aim of them becoming automatic in your subconscious so you don’t even have to think about them. Sleep and exercise are still one of the most important contributing factors to physical emotional and mental wellbeing.


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