Blue and Gold 2010

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St Vincent de Paul Society were not game enough to try to carry them on our heads or shoulders. Both groups were reunited before Christmas when the south group arrived at Keesera to commence our two weeks touring of Southern India. Scenic Hampi, the UNESCO listed site, was our first stop. Christmas Eve was spent sun-baking (with sunscreen of course!) on the beaches of Goa. On Christmas Day, we travelled into historic Old Goa to see the burial site of St Francis Xavier. That night we dined in style by the waters of Panajim and were treated to a night of dancing, face painting, balloon animals and fortune telling! From there we explored the delights of Mangalore, including an Indian shopping mall and celebrated New Year’s Eve in Mysore. Our last stop was in Kuala Lumpur to indulge in some shopping and sight seeing. Four weeks may not seem like a long time for anyone to make a significant contribution to a country where extreme poverty is so rife. Shifting sand and carrying bricks may seem inconsequential but to the Brothers and students at BJT Lasallian College in Keesera, our labour was certainly valued as part of the ‘bigger picture’. Ms Angela Runci

These went to the Malvern The St Vincent de Paul Society Emergency Food Program of 2010 can be proud of what we which distributes food achieved during this highly eventpackages to the needy. ful year. With our members consisting of boys from Years 10–12 Thanks to Matt Taylor, our our meetings always provided a Vice-president, Ryan Ellis lively and vibrant atmosphere. our Treasurer, and Ryan In what was a highly enjoyable Moody our Secretary, all year, we set out with the aim of of whom were enthusiastic maintaining the tradition of the throughout the whole year. Collingwood soup van and the Thanks to those who confood can collection for the Malvern tributed to the meetings. Emergency Food Program. But We thank staff members Mr this year we also wanted to bring Magree and Ms McPhee something new to the table that who were so helpful and would be very successful in raissupportive ing funds for those less fortunate. Special thanks must go to Over the course of the year it was Mr Lawler who has been important to raise awareness of the backbone of the St what we were about, and what Vincent de Paul Society we wanted to achieve. After much Back: Mr Graeme Lawler, Matthew Taylor, at De La Salle for many brainstorming we came up with Alex Minicz years, and his support and idea of running a House Dodgeball Middle Row: Michael Bohan, Mark Goy, Jack Jopling enthusiasm has once again Competition in the College Gymna- Front: Michael Badrock, Anthony Kouch, Ryan Ellis, been crucial in keeping sium, which proved a great sucDavid De Fazio, Nick Ng the “Vinnies” boys going. cess. The “HDC” was a fantastic Absent: Jacob Gooden, John Bohan, Ryan Moody We couldn’t have done it experience and it was good to see without him! teachers and students competing beside each other In 2011 it would be brilliant to see double (or with sportsmanship and spirit and the gym packed to triple) the numbers in the St Vincent de Paul the rafters. This initiative was successful in raising in Society. It really is something fantastic to be part excess of $400 for our Coolies in India. of, and is a way to help those less fortunate then The College’s chapter of the St Vincent de Paul Soourselves. ciety played a role in promoting the College’s annual I encourage each and every boy of De La Salle MAD Day fundraiser, which exceeded the amount College to “get involved, and it’ll be problem raised last year. Our food-can drive was also a sucsolved!” cess with Mr Magree’s office packed full of cans. Michael Badrock President 31

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