ies Trieste Lifestyle #13 - Trieste Open Air

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Fuori città N ° 13 — J u ly 2 02 1 IES TRIESTE LIFESTYLE

controllo dell’acqua e dei materiali più adatti da utilizzare. I tessuti, invece, saranno l’universo di Marta Pesamosca. Il suo laboratorio di arteterapia tessile permetterà, attraverso la mediazione di materiali artistici sia tradizionali sia digitali, di attivare evoluzioni espressive che favoriscano la crescita personale e il processo di ricontattare e sviluppare le proprie risorse, abilità e potenzialità. Barbara Stefani con il suo “Dittico floreale”, laboratorio di pittura in acrilico e assemblage, partirà da un fiore tra le varietà coltivate nel vivaio di Juna per guidare all’esecuzione del disegno e della pittura floreale attraverso la copia dal vero, l’analisi di disegni botanici delle stesse specie e di semplici tecniche calcografiche. Infine ci si potrà sporcare le mani con la terra nel corso di avvicinamento alla scultura e all’argilla condotto da Alessandra Spigai. Un’infarinatura esperienziale su una materia ricca e complessa, come il modellato, per conoscere l’argilla non solo teoricamente, ma anche attraverso i sensi e le suggestioni che ne derivano.

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n the secret courtyard of Agriturismo Juna, among century-old lime trees and hydrangeas in bloom, the summer on the Karst will be marked by creativity. From watercolours to creative poetic writing, from textile art to sculpture: these will be the artistic-expressive workshops organised at the Aurisina holiday farm by Ambasceria Cult, a cultural and creative enterprise conceived to highlight the identity of places, through the enhancement of experiences and artists. The creative workshops proposed by Marta Pesamosca and Leonardo Chiti, the soul of Ambasceria Cult, are a new way to experience various expressive languages immersed in the charm of the Karst, through a diversified artistic, informative, cognitive and relational approach. Marta and Leonardo and the artists Sonia Cugini, Barbara Stefani and Alessandra Spigai will accompany the participants in their aesthetic universe in an atmosphere of conviviality and emotion. At Juna, Leonardo Chiti will lead the Caviardage® workshop, a certified method of poetry writing. Starting from a page of a book destined for the rubble, through a well-defined process, we will search for the words that resonate within us and with them we will compose poetic texts, contaminating them with other artistic and expressive techniques. If, on the other hand, you love painting and feel like starting out and experimenting something new, Sonia Cugini’s watercolour course will provide the

basics for starting to work with watercolours, talking about colour theory, water control and the most suitable materials to use. Textiles, on the other hand, will be the universe of Marta Pesamosca. Her textile art therapy workshop will allow, through the mediation of both traditional and digital artistic materials, to activate expressive evolutions that favour personal growth and the process of re-contacting and developing one’s own resources, abilities and potential. Barbara Stefani’s “Floral diptych”, an acrylic and assemblage painting workshop, will start from a flower among the varieties grown in Juna’s nursery and will lead to the execution of floral drawing and painting by copying from life, analysing botanical drawings of the same species and simple intaglio techniques. Finally, you can get your hands dirty with the earth in the course on sculpture and clay led by Alessandra Spigai. An experiential introduction to a rich and complex material, such as modelling, to get to know clay not only theoretically, but also through the senses and the suggestions deriving from it.

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