The "Drago Media Kompany srl" user's logo

Drago Media Kompany srl

Rome, Italy, Italy

DRAGO PUBLISHING COMPANY & TREND BUREAU has been involved in the urban street movement for the past twenty years, as an international think-tank for artists, collectors, idea dealers, traffickers of information, style pushers and chameleons from different worlds, all acting in unison to create projects with lasting cultural impacts. DRAGO identifies and promotes artists, develops communication projects, publishes books, stages exhibitions and events, and serves as both art consultant and trend bureau for companies and individuals alike. DRAGO has worked with names such as Jonone, Estevan Oriol, Nick Walker, and JR among others, and has coordinated projects and events with NIKE, The French Academy of Rome, and Borbonese. As the future continues to be defined by what goes down in the streets, Drago will continue to be at the forefront of these alternative cultural movements.
