Oil and Gas
ingenieros petroleros egresan cada año de las diferentes escuelas.
1,000 petroleum engineers igraduate each year from different schools
Ricardo Padilla dijo que sí es un problema grande lo que se observa para los próximos años, la brecha que existe en la contratación de ingenieros petroleros. En su momento, el Maestro en Ciencias Gerardo Clemente se refirió a la carrera de ingeniería en geofísica, actualmente hay 9 universidades en el país que impartten esta carrera. En esta disciplina también es Petróleos Mexicanos la empresa que más contrata a quienes la estudian, así como todas las empresas que trabajan para Pemex, dado que la compañía hacía las labores de análisis e interpretación de datos; otras entidades autónomas también contratan este tipo de profesionistas. Existen muchas variables que determinan la contratación de ingenieros en geofísica, una de ellas es el calentamiento global, que reduce la contratación de este tipo de profesionistas para estas actividades, aunque abre la puerta para otras más. Los números presentados por el Maestro Gerardo Clemente señalan que en la carrera de Geofísica hay aproximadamente una matrícula anual de 650 alumnos de los cuáles egresan 35 estudiantes y de ellos el 71 por ciento lo hacen ya con empleo. Mientras que en la carrera de Geociencias la población estudiantil es de 450 alumnos, de los cuales egresan 40 y 56 por ciento lo hacen con empleo. Gerardo Clemente señaló que sería muy importante que el diseño de los planes académicos deben ser fundamentados en la realidad del país así como en las necesidades futuras. Por su parte, la Maestra Clara Valdés se refirió a la situación de la formación en la ingeniería geológica. Explicó que en el panorama actual del país existen 31 instituciones educativas que imparten la geología. La Maestra Valdés insistió en que es fundamental que las instituciones educativas que imparten esta disciplina tengan el aval de la acreditación de las instituciones que avalna los planes de carrera porque de ello depende la confianza y el grado de conocimiento
La industria petrolera es de ciclos, y se encuentra atada a los precios del petróleo; entre más altos sean los precios más proyectos se generan y más contratación de ingenieros petroleros se lleva a cabo. The oil industry is one of cycles, and is tied to oil prices; The higher the prices, the more projects are generated and the more contracting of petroleum engineers is carried out.
geophysical engineers, one of them is global warming, which reduces the hiring of this type of professionals for these activities, although it opens the door for others. The numbers presented by Master Gerardo Clemente indicate that in the Geophysics career there is approximately an annual enrollment of 650 students, of which 35 students graduate and of them 71 percent are already employed. While in the Geosciences career the student population is 450 students, of which 40 graduate and 56 percent do so with employment. Gerardo Clemente pointed out that it would be very important that the design of the academic plans should be based on the reality of the country as well as on future needs. For her part, Master Clara Valdés referred to the situation of training in geological engineering. He explained that in the current panorama of the country there are 31 educational institutions that teach geology. Ms. Valdés insisted that it is essential that the educational institutions that teach this discipline have the endorsement of the accreditation of the institutions that endorse the career plans because the trust and degree of knowledge of these professionals depends on it. In addition to
preparing them for problem solving. Enrollment in the career was 5,296 graduates by 2012; by 2020 it was estimated that the graduates were approximately 15,000 graduates. But that is a problem to give work to all those who go out. It is estimated that there are currently around 4,935 unemployed graduates in what they studied since the demand was approximately 1,238 professionals plus an extra demand of just over 400 graduates. That means that around 1,700 professionals have had a job opportunity in recent years, with a clear overcrowding in enrollment, of 3,155 graduates who need a job offer. In previous years there was an expectation of greater demand in this type of professionals, but in the future population the expectations are low. However, Master Clara Valdés insisted that this does not mean that there is no work since these professionals can work in other areas. The moderator Gustavo Hernández validated the need for these academic programs and the professionals who study them to be accredited in order to have more and better job opportunities. It was the turn of Engineer Francisco Flamenco, who said that we must not forget that the oil industry has cycles that are associated with geopolitical issues.