Mining México Junio 07 - 2021

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Análisis Hay indicadores contundentes en ese sentido There are strong indicators in that sense

New supercycle in commodity markets

Nuevo superciclo en mercados de materias primas En el mundo la demanda de metales industriales, como en el resto de materias primas, está recuperándose tras pasar lo peor de la crisis del Covid-19; se espera que el incremento en el consumo continúe en los próximos trimestres. Por / By: Antonio Sandoval


s así como la mayor parte de analistas asumen que se ha producido el arranque de un nuevo ciclo de crecimiento económico tras la crisis, un periodo de expansión que se apoyará en las medidas de estímulo de los gobiernos y de los principales bancos centrales del planeta. No obstante, el déficit de oferta de los metales industriales se irá equilibrando a medida que aumente la producción para muchos metales, y los expertos esperan que los precios se mantengan estables en los próximos trimestres, algo que avala la opinión de los dos bancos centrales de que el repunte de la inflación será algo transitorio, que se corregirá en los próximos años.

Equilibrio en oferta y demanda También, los proyectos para reformar las infraestructuras en Estados Unidos, por parte de la Administración Biden, y en Europa, donde


In the world, the demand for industrial metals, as in the rest of raw materials, is recovering after passing the worst of the Covid-19 crisis; the increase in consumption is expected to continue in the coming quarters.


his is how most analysts assume that a new cycle of economic growth has started after the crisis, a period of expansion that will be supported by stimulus measures from governments and the main central banks on the planet. However, the supply deficit for industrial metals will balance out as production increases for many metals, and experts expect prices to remain stable in the coming quarters, something that supports the opinion of the two central banks of that the rise in inflation will be temporary, which will be corrected in the coming years.

Balance in supply and demand Also, the projects to reform infrastructures in the United States, by the Biden Administration, and in Europe, where part of the money from the Recovery Fund will go to these reforms, will mean an increase in the demand for raw materials. Copper is one of those that will benefit the most, since the projects on both sides of the Atlantic have a clear focus on promoting the transition towards a more sustainable world, that happens, among other issues, through the electrification of the fleet, something which requires the installation of copper networks to recharge electric cars.

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