The Incest Spirit

Page 102

about forgiveness for I bind all fear, shame and guilt, and all lies that You will not accept her and that she has lots of years to live and does not need to return to Christianity. Father, break that evil soul tie to the Father and daughter, Mother and son, the son and father/stepfather. Father in Jesus Name, I break and bind this ungodly evil soul ties between him and her and or her and him and from this fornication of incest and pedophilia. Father, I proclaim and declare Your Word and Loose this Sword in The Spirit against our enemies for it is written: “When the wicked spring up as grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed forever: 9. For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. 11. Mine eye also shall see my desire on mine enemies, and mine ears shall hear my desire of the wicked that rise up against me.” Psalm 92:7, 9, 11 (K.J.) and my household. Let it be so Father, in Jesus Name Amen.

Prayer To Forgive God Ancestors and Others For Their Transgressions “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you because you love the Lord.” Matthew 6:14 ESV Father I acknowledge I have been holding unforgiveness and I now choose to release all unforgiveness to You. I repent for not forgiving You my ancestors, my parents, my siblings, my children for their transgressions that have brought affliction destruction and poverty to every aspect of my life and my children’s lives and to You for giving judgment. Father I acknowledge forgiveness is not forgetting, not stuffing down my emotions, not acceptance of sinful behavior, not good manners, not giving someone what they deserve or not even being religious and spiritual. I do acknowledge Father that forgiveness is obedience to righteous living and a key to my release and eternal destiny. Father, I forgive as an act of my will and I release blessing to You and to __________. I bless You and ask you to bless __________ with peace and prosperity and the greatness of Your love and mercy and long life and good health and to deliver them from their destructions. Father I also choose to forgive myself and accept myself as Your son/daughter cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ my Savoir. Father, I ask you to release me from the judgment of unforgiveness. Cleanse me from all defilement where grounds were given to spirits of Satan because of my nurturing and unwillingness to forgive and the desire to run with my offenses and unforgiveness. I thank You for releasing me from the tormentors (Matthew 18:34-35), let Your healing balm go into these areas that I may be renewed and refreshed and anointed once again with Your Spirit. Father where a root of bitterness (Hebrews 12:15) has entered in my soul I now renounce all bitterness and repent of all bitterness and the fruits of anger, rage, abuse, malice, resentment, gossip, retaliation, payback, addiction, feeling rejection and whatever other fruits You reveals to me that has come because my unforgiveness that has gone into a gall of bitterness. Father I will not retain them, but I will forgive them and all that they have done, and I even say as Jesus said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they did.” I stand in


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Articles inside

Prayer Of Judgment And Release From Spirits Of Darkness Connected To Incest

pages 94-96

Renunciation For Committing Incest And Pedophilia

pages 103-109

Prayer To forgive God Ancestors And Others For Their Transgressions

page 102

Warfare Until Child/ren Are Released From This Stronghold Of Incest and Pedophilia

page 101

Prayer for Healing Of Incest

page 90

Prayer For Release Of Trauma And Shock

pages 86-89

Prayer To Expose The Spirits Connected To Incest And Pedophilia

pages 97-100

Prayer For Guilt And Shame

page 84

The Incest Spirit Is – And Its Fruits Are

pages 41-67

Prayer For Healing From The Sexual Abuse of Incest And Pedophilia

pages 82-83

The Incest Spirit Is Married To Trauma And Fear

pages 37-40

Seek Continued Prayer For Healing From Incest and Pedophilia

pages 79-80

Prayer To Repent And Renounce Incest Control And Pedophilia

page 81

What It Takes to Heal

pages 68-74

The Incest Spirit Is A Spirit Of Control

pages 35-36

Our Warfare

pages 40, 68-74


page 35

The Incest Spirit From The Beginning

pages 28-32

Covering Prayer

pages 35, 114

The Incest Spirit Is Under The Strongman Whoredom

pages 33-34

Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz

pages 20-23

Zeus And Hera

pages 24-27

How Does The Spiritual Foundation Of Incest Form?

pages 18-19
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