The Incest Spirit

Page 35

and Chaldeans (Babylon) Verse 30 – weakness of heart and mind Verse 32 – adultery Verse 33, 34 – being contrary Verse 37-41 – losing God’s protection Verse 37-41 – God’s judgment upon you Verse 45 – loathing and rejecting husband and children (Rejection God, divorce, broken families.) Verse 47 – being more corrupt in God’s sight than the heathen Verse 49 – pride, fullness of bread (overeating, gluttony, self-indulgence), abundance of idleness; not helping the poor and needy Verse 50 – haughtiness, committing abominations Verse 52, 54 – shame, being confounded (disappointed, delayed, shamed, becoming dry spiritually.) Verse 59 – despising oaths made to God and breaking covenant with Him.” 2. [Worley, 1996:16-17] “They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God; for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the Lord.” Hosea 5:4 KJ Worley, Win, Booklet 30 Seducing Spirits, [ E-Mail: H. B. C, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1991] 14. [Malligan 56:2015] 5.

THE INCEST SPIRIT IS A SPIRIT OF CONTROL One of the most powerful forces for good and evil is sex, and we know sex changes everything. The incest spirit, a family inherited spirit, thus, it is a familiar spirit. It can be in a nest of differing strongmen. The strongman is in charge of their underlings in its nest to allow whatever spirit to function to secure its dominion and grounds or to enlarge its borders. Over strongmen are Ruling Strongmen. The incest spirit is a mind control spirit, mainly belongs to the Principality of Jezebel. It is not a strongman, but its strongman can also have the desire for mother son relationship or any incest, and it does function alone without the incest spirit manifesting as the incest spirit is a lessor control spirit, but very able to take-over the mind. This spirit works controlling the mind, a takeover spirit. Keeping the mind confused, depraved, darkened, and inflamed in lust in skills to continue the incest. It profanes the Name of God and is profanity (Amos 2:7). Just like homosexuality this spirit will keep their host thinking futile and the heart foolish, blinding it from the truth, harding the heart. Bound to the immorality the person remains in sin and the network of spirits it functions with have the intent of them remaining down the family line. When a parent dies and has not uprooted this spiritual stronghold, it hangs around the family line to enter into whoever commits these transgressions. If you are in deliverance or praying into your own life, ask for The Anointing to put them into the place Jesus has assigned of them till the Great White Throne Judgment. Speak it, then ask Jesus to breath on your words to let it be so. “21. But their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.” 26. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Me committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the


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Articles inside

Prayer Of Judgment And Release From Spirits Of Darkness Connected To Incest

pages 94-96

Renunciation For Committing Incest And Pedophilia

pages 103-109

Prayer To forgive God Ancestors And Others For Their Transgressions

page 102

Warfare Until Child/ren Are Released From This Stronghold Of Incest and Pedophilia

page 101

Prayer for Healing Of Incest

page 90

Prayer For Release Of Trauma And Shock

pages 86-89

Prayer To Expose The Spirits Connected To Incest And Pedophilia

pages 97-100

Prayer For Guilt And Shame

page 84

The Incest Spirit Is – And Its Fruits Are

pages 41-67

Prayer For Healing From The Sexual Abuse of Incest And Pedophilia

pages 82-83

The Incest Spirit Is Married To Trauma And Fear

pages 37-40

Seek Continued Prayer For Healing From Incest and Pedophilia

pages 79-80

Prayer To Repent And Renounce Incest Control And Pedophilia

page 81

What It Takes to Heal

pages 68-74

The Incest Spirit Is A Spirit Of Control

pages 35-36

Our Warfare

pages 40, 68-74


page 35

The Incest Spirit From The Beginning

pages 28-32

Covering Prayer

pages 35, 114

The Incest Spirit Is Under The Strongman Whoredom

pages 33-34

Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz

pages 20-23

Zeus And Hera

pages 24-27

How Does The Spiritual Foundation Of Incest Form?

pages 18-19
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