and Savior Jesus in all the fragmentation and the brokenness of my soul that has caused me to be controlling and manipulative and lusting for power and control and committing sexual abuse. Father, I let go of those that controlled me and all fear and all the reasons that led me to control, to abuse, to lust for power, to become addicted and governed by control and lust in all levels and all sexual gratification of incest and pedophilia and _________________, ______________, _______________. I release all control in every aspect of my body soul and spirit and every aspect of my life and ask You into these areas of my life to bring this totally to death in my personality and in every area of my life. I submit to Your Lordship to do a work in me as one who follows the way of a Rabbi and that is You Lord Jesus Christ my Teacher my Lord. Father, everywhere I am soul tied to others because of my controlling behavior I ask for a breaking of these ties and deliverance from a controlling mind, the spirits of control and the spirits linked to all control and manipulation and these abuses. Father, cut every cord to each person I have controlled and been controlled by. Father let every spirit be plucked out of their dwelling place and uprooted from the land of the living (Psalm 52:5). For if we confess our sin you are just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Let Your Spirit cast them out and let them be gathered and taken to the place appointed of them, in Jesus Name (Matthew 12:28). Thank You In Jesus Name Amen.
PRAYER FOR HEALING FROM THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF INCEST AND PEODPHILLIA “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their sorrows.”
Psalms 147:3
“Father, I call upon the power of The Blood Covenant that provides demonic deliverance and the provision of healing. For it is written “if we confess our sin You are Faithful and Just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) and that includes cleansing of the unclean spirits of darkness. Father, incest and pedophilia is “an act of satanic worship … an act of witchcraft consummation” 1. [Kitchen 17:2006] I ask for the breaking of this consummation and this covenant off my life. Where the act has put me on the satanic altar as an act of worship, I declare a release because of the Blood of Redemption of Jesus Christ. Where the pneumogenetics of my family line are incest and pedophilia Thank You, this link be broken off me and my generation the doors are closed from both sides of the family. Father, break every controlling link up and spirit because of sexual abuses from each and or from the offender(s) and every soul tie with them and my sibling(s). Father, where I have been so fragmented because of molestation and incest and rape and sexual sins against me, thank You for restoring my soul. Where I hate me, blame myself and reject myself and or believe my body, my breast and my private parts are disgusting I repent and renounce and invite you into these areas to heal and change my heart. I invite you into my sexuality my feminine gender and as a male into my masculine gender to bring it back to Your original design. Father, I agree with You, it was not my fault and Father where my own father or my relative has not admitted to me he did sexually abuse me, I hear Your word in my heart “I’m sorry, yes I did abuse you, I admit I did sin against you.” Father where closure cannot