The Incest Spirit

Page 94

Father let Your warring angels go forth and war, Father let it be so in Jesus Name. Father, I address the kingdom of darkness. Devils, from my position in the third heavens I address you and declare to you kingdom of darkness that this warfare will be operative living and active against you until I receive the desires of my heart of you conceding defeat and no longer have control of this person/man/woman/son/daughters or in my grandson/granddaughters life. I resist you; I renounce you and refuse your will to be silent or believe I am powerless over these heinous sins. I acknowledge the will and Lordship of The Great and Living God and The Awesome Lord of Hosts our Savior our Deliver Jesus Christ. Our God is now against you for these works you have brought against my household my seed. I declare Covenant Blood and warfare against you for this is the honor of all the saints (Psalm 149:8-9), and I deliver you all into the hands of The Living God, and I will fight under the power of The Risen Christ and with the Mantle on my life always against you. I will stand and see the salvation of our souls for I am enforcing Blood Covenant.” 16. [Malligan, 2015:14] “I release a statement against darkness and a proclamation in the spirit to declare Job 34:22 “There is no darkness or deep shadow where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.” And declare “My God rules the raging seas, You crushed Rahab like one who is slain and scattered Your enemies with Your Mighty arm. The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; the world and all it contains, You have founded them.” (Psalms 89:811 NIV) All is now exposed and brought under the Light of Christ Jesus and the victory is ours.” Sela 17. [Malligan 2015:18]

PRAYER OF JUDGMENT AND RELEASE FROM SPIRITS OF DARKNESS CONNECTED TO INCEST Father, breath on my prayers with Your Spirit that it all be so in Jesus Name (Psalms 52:4-6). Let Your anointing flow that I may be mighty in the powerful in the strength of Your Might and Blood Covenant. Father, I loose The Mantle and Spirit of Elijah over the household to break the back of this network of spirits in and over this household and family line and coming against my household and family line. I declare the Government of the Lord Jesus Christ against his/her household of this spiritual network from the lowest rank to the highest in and over all ancestry lines, Principalities, Powers and Spiritual Wickedness. For now, is the judgment of this world, now shall the prince of this world be cast out; and what an honour have the saints to bring forth judgment and Covenant warfare to bind the Kings with chains (Psalms 149:8-9). Father it is You who gives counsel might and skill to rule, through You we shall do valiantly, for You shall tread down our enemies as written in Psalm 60:12. For it is You God who are terrible out of Your holy places, You God of Israel is He who gives power and strength unto His people as Your Word declares in Psalm 68:35. Blessed be You for none of Your Word shall return unto You void (Isaiah 55:11).


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Articles inside

Prayer Of Judgment And Release From Spirits Of Darkness Connected To Incest

pages 94-96

Renunciation For Committing Incest And Pedophilia

pages 103-109

Prayer To forgive God Ancestors And Others For Their Transgressions

page 102

Warfare Until Child/ren Are Released From This Stronghold Of Incest and Pedophilia

page 101

Prayer for Healing Of Incest

page 90

Prayer For Release Of Trauma And Shock

pages 86-89

Prayer To Expose The Spirits Connected To Incest And Pedophilia

pages 97-100

Prayer For Guilt And Shame

page 84

The Incest Spirit Is – And Its Fruits Are

pages 41-67

Prayer For Healing From The Sexual Abuse of Incest And Pedophilia

pages 82-83

The Incest Spirit Is Married To Trauma And Fear

pages 37-40

Seek Continued Prayer For Healing From Incest and Pedophilia

pages 79-80

Prayer To Repent And Renounce Incest Control And Pedophilia

page 81

What It Takes to Heal

pages 68-74

The Incest Spirit Is A Spirit Of Control

pages 35-36

Our Warfare

pages 40, 68-74


page 35

The Incest Spirit From The Beginning

pages 28-32

Covering Prayer

pages 35, 114

The Incest Spirit Is Under The Strongman Whoredom

pages 33-34

Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz

pages 20-23

Zeus And Hera

pages 24-27

How Does The Spiritual Foundation Of Incest Form?

pages 18-19
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