Lily is a beautiful calico lady who has traveled many miles in her quest for a safe, happy, loving home. During the height of the pandemic in 2020, a wonderful woman named Jennifer Friedman found Lily injured on the side of the road. She rescued Lily and discovered that she had a “tail pull” injury, which made her urinary incontinent – meaning she was unable to hold her bladder when it was full.
in her vicinity would not take a cat with Lily’s condition. Jennifer desperately expanded her reach, searching for any organization willing to take in Lily. Finally, she found Animal
But Jennifer went forward with taking Lily in anyway. Lily was just too beautiful and too sweet to give up on, especially for a problem that Lily was likely mostly unaware that she had. Jennifer went from vet to vet, trying all kinds of different ways to help Lily get back control of her bladder – including acupuncture. While there was some improvement, Lily still needed to have her bladder manually expressed several time a day to help avoid accidents. But when life began returning back to normal and it came time for Jennifer to return to work and travel for her job, she no longer had the time and flexibility to give Lily the care she needed. However, shelters and sanctuaries 264
and eventually find her a home. There was only one problem… Jennifer and Lily were located across the country in California. But Jennifer had a heart of pure gold for Lily, and volunteered to fly Lily to East Smithfield, PA, to ensure her safe arrival and future. She got a plane trip to Baltimore, and drove the remaining several hours to bring Lily here. As advertised, Lily is a beautiful, sweet, happy cat. Ashley and the feline behavorial team is working on developing a special plan for Lily to ensure the best possible outcome for her to have long happy life – including training her to wear diapers and expressing her bladder on a schedule. To make matters slightly easier, Lily is an indoor/outdoor cat as well!
Care Sanctuary. Feline Care Director Ashley Bartholomew corresponded with Jennifer and it was decided that ACS was capable of helping Lily continue to recover
More updates will become available for Lily as this plan develops. She has settled in wonderfully and is already a favorite amongst the staff!