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LATITUDES IS BACK ! Latitudes is a genuine magazine, attractive to modern Expats, travellers and Thai readers alike, with a French touch. A media not only cultural, with features on good hold with the world, but also practical and concrete, playing its part in building stronger bonds between Thai and Western cultures. Its format and business model have changed. First of all, we are true to our DNA and keeping our French touch. The magazine is still bilingual French and English, but now through 2 different editions which people can choose from. Latitudes is still free to read online on Issuu.com, with both the complete magazine designed for comfy reading on computer, as well as some individual articles in a different, mobile-friendly format. It is interactive and multimedia, with functional links and embedded content such as videos. Of course, it will also be available in Print! But instead of being freely and widely distributed, financed by advertising, it is now a paid magazine with almost no advert and printed on demand. No stock, no waste! Readers will order it online and receive it swiftly at home through post. Some printed issues will still be distributed to influencers and VIPs and a few copies will be available for sale at a very limited exclusive partner places. Besides the magazine, our brand Latitudes Media & Events is also organizing a wide range of events, exhibitions as well as musical events, and will develop other kinds of content such as online video and social media assets, being therefore able to provide our partners with 360° communication and exposure.