ShipBuilding Industry 2020 Issue 1

Page 10

Cr uise & river Cr uise vessels

Huge Growth for Expedition Cruises NiNe New expeditioN cruise vessels are to be built this year aNd seveN more Are expeCTed for 2021.


ruise travel has never been more popular. Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) is expecting 32 million passengers to set sail in 2020. A growing portion of these travellers are opting for an expedition cruise. As a result, there has been a huge increase in the number of dedicated vessels being built especially for this cruise segment. “The expedition cruise sector is seeing huge

growth, driven by lines building new ships including Silversea, Scenic, Celebrity Cruises, and Hapag-Lloyd. This has been driven by demand for cruise holidays which take guests to destinations, for authentic, indepth experiences”, comments CLIA Vice president of Strategic Communications Julie Green. “The expedition cruise sector is expected to continue to grow over the coming years. This year, nine expedition

Polar class 6 expedition vessel Hondius during a recent cruise to Svalbard.

Photo courtesy of Oceanwide Expeditions.

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Expedition ships.indd 8

s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u

20-02-20 13:43

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