Ship Refit, RepaiR & Maintenance
The Corran Ferry in Scotland had regular problems with marine growth, but has not reported any issues since being fitted with ShipSonic.
Clean Ships, Clean Seas shipsonic proMises effective cleaning solution Marine growth can increase fuel consuMption on vessels by as Much as 40%. this leads to higher fuel and operating costs, as well as more co2 emissions. shipsonic could be the environmentally-friendly solution to these problems. All photos courtesy of shipsonic/Marine growth prevention specialists.
2 0 | S B I 2 0 2 0 | Volum e 14 | i ssue 1
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or hundreds of years, ship owners have recognised the effect that marine growth has on vessel performance. in the days of wooden sailing vessels, owners nailed copper plates to the bottom of a hull in an attempt to keep the fouling at bay. with the introduction of steel hulls, protection shifted to paints and coatings. “However, these substances are horrific polluters of the sea and they are not selective in the creatures they kill”, states chris ryan, director at Marine Growth Prevention Specialists (MGPS), the distributor of ShipSonic. “They will just as easily poison fish in the human
food chain as they will a barnacle. This attack on the marine environment cannot go on. it is not sustainable, and it isn’t healthy.” the former deep-sea marine engineering officer joined forces with Gavin Fisher, a sales and marketing specialist with years of experience in environmentally-friendly antifouling, and Sharon Owens who has a medical background and an understanding of the biological issues. together, they formed MGPS and set out to find a solution. “This is when we met the Dutch team behind shipsonic. they had taken an ultrasonic antifouling system that was
s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u
20-02-20 13:46