marine propulsion & power generation
Verhoef EMC has installed a hybrid propulsion package on a DP2 tugboat.
Hybrid Propulsion Systems Verhoef eMC has deVeloped a hybrid propulsion paCkage suitable for a wide range of Vessels. as the greatest advantage of hybrid systems is achieved with variable operational sailing profiles, the system is particularly suited to Dynamic Positioning Vessels. Inhousedeveloped automation allows the system to select the most suitable energy source for delivering the required propulsion power as efficiently as possible. All imAges Courtesy of Verhoef eMC.
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Verhoef.indd 26
he environment is 2020’s hottest topic of discussion, both in general and in shipbuilding. Energy transition is a mayor part of the development of new construction projects. Verhoef EMC recently completed a project for the construction of a DP2 hybrid tug. The vessel was built to satisfy the latest environmental, safety, and quality standards. This will enable her to undertake a wide variety of offshore and nearshore duties. Verhoef EMC supplied the entire electrical system integration for this vessel, including the hybrid propulsion system. “We supplied and installed the main engines and the generator sets”, says Verhoef EMC’s General Manager Stephan Kempen. “The complete electrical system and controls were designed, drawn, produced, and thoroughly tested inhouse, before installation on board. This also included the engines and
gearboxes with permanent magnet motors/ generators (pM machines) for the hybrid system. Sister company RH Marine supplied the dynamic positioning system.”
Hybrid System
the hybrid system design has been developed to fit into any hybrid, diesel electric or fully electrical vessel with a variety of power sources. Verhoef EMC has experience in DP2 Hybrid propulsion systems from 1MW up to 9MW of propulsion power. The company can, for instance, supply a propulsion package of two 970kW diesel engines, two PM machines of 200kW, as well as a propulsion package of a 8MW main engine with a 2MW electric motor driving a 9MW propeller. Each PM machine is linked to its own switchboard. “The reason we install two completely separate switchboards is
s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u
20-02-20 10:33