ShipBuilding Industry 2020 Issue 1

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Theme for 2020 A new yeAr, A new edition filled with the lAtest news from the shipbuilding industry. i think it is sAfe to sAy thAt the theme for 2020 will be sustAinAbility. And it will be sustainability in the broadest sense of the word, because it is an enormously diverse concept. it includes everything from hybrid propulsion systems or ‘green’ fuels to measures to prolong the life cycle of a vessel or equipment. it also incorporates giving redundant vessels a new life by outfitting them for a different purpose. A great example of this can be found on page 46 of this magazine, where a former psV is being converted into a fish feed carrier to support the sustainable aquaculture industry. Also, check out ShipSonic’s effective and environmentally-friendly antifouling solution on page 20 and the world’s first hybrid surface effect crew transfer vessel on page 16. while there are plenty of vessel owners or operators who do not need to be compelled to look for environmentallyfriendly solutions, international regulations are becoming stricter. imo 2020, the 0.5% limit of sulphur in fuel oil, has been in effect since the start of the year and from 1 march onwards, the carriage ban on non-compliant fuel oil will enter into force. while vessels equipped with an exhaust gas cleaning system are exempt, all other vessels can be penalised if they are found to be carrying noncompliant fuel oil. The International Maritime Organisation is furthermore working on revising the 2015 guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems, and it is reviewing a proposed amendment to the IMO Convention for the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships. These regulations could have far-reaching consequences for the industry. We will continue to monitor the developments and report on them in this magazine. In the meantime, have a look at all the news and innovations that we have collected for you. enjoy the read, Eefje Koppers EEfjE@ynfpublISHErS.COM

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20-02-20 10:27

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