TSHD Anchorage Barkmeijer shipyards and Thecla Bodewes shipyards Build innovaTive 3,000M3 dredGer
Thecla Bodewes shipyards Group in Harlingen Has launcHed tHe stateof-tHe-art trailing suction Hopper dredGer anchoraGe.
sHd anchorage very nearly did not get finished. the dredger was initially being built for a British company, but following the bankruptcy of Barkmeijer stroobos in 2018, the vessel remained unfinished. a takeover by thecla Bodewes shipyards group in 2019 blew new life into the shipyard and the project. a new client was found in building material supplier de Hoop terneuzen who was looking to expand the fleet of its sand and gravel extraction company. the half-finished trailing suction hopper dredger on Barkmeijer’s quay in stroobos fitted the plans perfectly.
“anchorage has been designed with state-of-the-art technology”, says thecla Bodewes, owner of the tB shipyards group. the vessel is equipped with a smart diesel-electric system, developed in close collaboration between Barkmeijer and d&a electric. “this efficiently regulates the energy supply for sailing, dredging, and unloading the ship”, explains Ms Bodewes. “as a result, energy and fuel consumption is optimised and the ship’s emissions are greatly reduced. By applying this sustainable technology to the propulsion’s system, the tsHd is ready for the future.”
Fuel Efficiency
anchorage has a length of 105.9m, it is 15.85m wide, and has a draft of 6.94m, with accommodation on board for fourteen crew members. the hull was designed by, and built at, Barkmeijer in stroobos. the hull shape is optimised for both loaded and unloaded sailing by a computational fluid dynamics calculation. the hull was launched in stroobos in april 2019 and shortly after towed to tB shipyards in Harlingen,
All imAges courTesy of Thecla Bodewes shipyards Group.
3 2 | S B I 2 0 2 0 | Volum e 14 | Issue 1
TSH Dredger Anchorage.indd 32
s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u
20-02-20 10:38