Cr uise & river Cr uise vessels
Evolution of River Cruise Vessels den breejen shipyArd meets growing demAnd for luxury And sustAinAbility
A growing demAnd for more luxury And sustAinAbility Are chAnging the wAy in which river cruise vessels Are built. den breejen shipyard is busier than ever, with three vessels completed in 2019 and another four currently under construction. And there are plans to expand towards smaller seagoing ships.
All photos courtesy of den breejen shipyArd.
Owner and Financial Director Ilona Kamsteeg-Den Breejen.
3 6 | S B I 2 0 2 0 | volum e 14 | i ssue 1
Den Breejen Shipyards.indd 36
s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u
20-02-20 10:39