Ship Refit, RepaiR & Maintenance
PSV Converted to Fish Feed Carrier Damen Gives new Life to surpLus pLatform suppLy vesseL
eiDsvaaG, the norweGian company that speciaLises in the Distribution of fish feeD, has contracteD Damen to carry out a conversion project. Damen shiprepair amsterDam (Dsam) is converting a platform supply vessel (psv) into a fish feed carrier that will improve efficiency and sustainability in the norwegian aquaculture industry. All photos courtesy of Damen.
4 6 | S B I 2 0 2 0 | Volum e 14 | i ssue 1
Damen.indd 46
s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u
20-02-20 10:47