Amels, SeaXplorer, and Yacht Support unite forces NEW DAMEN YACHTING DIVISION TAKE THE LARGEST DUTCH LUXURY YACHT BUILDING FACILITIES, ADD IN THE BUILDER OF THE INDUSTRY’S CELEBRATED superyacht range, and bring together two further iconic explorer and support yacht ranges. Welcome to Damen Yachting! ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF DAMEN YACHTING.
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amen Yachting is a new yachting division within family-owned Damen Shipyards Group. It unites the entire yachting portfolio designed to meet the broadest spectrum of yachting needs with fast delivery. Under the leadership of Rose Damen, Damen Yachting retains all of the yacht ranges associated with Amels and Damen. They will continue to deliver superyachts from the Limited Editions range under the industry-renowned Amels brand, whilst SeaXplorers and Yacht Support will now be delivered under the new Damen Yachting brand. The Damen Yachting
portfolio also includes Full Custom yachts and Refit services. The move follows a solid decade of growth with a strong order book across the entire portfolio. The Amels brand has continued to prove an exceptional accomplishment with the Limited Editions designs and has made a successful move back into the Full Custom market. They have delivered more than fifteen Yacht Support vessels since the concept was launched in 2010 and this year they will deliver the first SeaXplorer. Controlled growth and fast delivery have been key to their success. In 2019, they delivered
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