Flagship 03.30.2023

Page 4

NAS Oceana announces its 2023 Air Show NAS Oceanawill host its annual airshow Sept 16 and 17 thisyear The theme forthis year’s airshowis 50YearsofWomenin NavalAviation. PageA5

CNRMA Sailors volunteer with Keep Norfolk Beautiful


CNRMA Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va Sailors, assigned to Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA),volunteeredwithKeepNorfolk Beautiful, March 24, to kick off the Great American Cleanup at Lafayette Park in Norfolk.


NorfolkSailorsvolunteeredalongsideSailors from various other Navy commands Volunteers removed bamboo, raked leaves andbaggedtrashtorefreshoneofNorfolk’s largest parks

Religious Program Specialist 1st Class Matthew Malloy, a member of CNRMA’s First Class Petty Officer Association, coor-

dinatedthevolunteereffortsbypartnering with Keep Norfolk Beautiful

“It’s a big team effort, and this gives us a chance to come out and show the neighborhood what the Navy is about; and it’s, youknow,notjustdrivingshipsandgetting underway,” said Malloy

Keep Norfolk Beautiful, which has been in operation since the early 1980s organizes and leads volunteers throughout the community to beautify, pick up litter and promoterecycle-rightpractices Theorganization also does outreach and education withpublicpartnerstoincreaseawareness of their impact on the environment

“The Navy specifically is sort of the backbone of our volunteer corps along with The Divine Nine honestly those two

groupsspecifically allthewaythroughthe pandemic, they never stopped helping us,” saidSarahSterzing,programdirectorKeep NorfolkBeautiful.“They’reveryimportant. We depend on them greatly.”

Malloy said he started working with Keep Norfolk Beautiful in 2020, before he was assigned to CNRMA, but when he checked into CNRMA, he wanted to keep that relationship going; so he offered volunteer opportunities to Sailors at the command.

ThevolunteereffortwaspartoftheGreat American Cleanup, a nationwide effort to beautiful cities across the United States

“Anything we can do to get people out and give back to our neighborhood,” said Malloy.“Consistencyiskey-ifyou’regoing

to give. It becomespart of who you are and your personal values.”

For other commands or Sailors looking to get involved with Norfolk community volunteering Malloy offered his insight.

“You get an opportunity to work with people you wouldn’t see on a normal basis, and it gets you out of your comfort zone, exposes you to other parts of the community; and I think it helps round people out but it also grounds you back to a placewhere we call home being stationed here in Norfolk.”

For more information about Keep Norfolk Beautiful and volunteer opportunitiesvisit https://www.norfolk.gov/4190/ Get-Involved.

CNRMA hosts training for Culinary Specialists


CNRMA Public Affairs

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Commander, NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA)hosted training for culinary specialists at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story galleyMarch13-16. The 4-day training, led by CNRMA’s regional chef, Scott Cooper, guided Sailors

through the process of preparing a variety of bread products such as pizza crust and Irishsodabread.

Cooper said the training goal is to teach culinary specialists how to utilize their resources to make a wider variety of meals fromscratchtoserveSailorsintheregion I’vebeeninthefoodserviceindustryfor about 28 years now, said Cooper “My job istomakesureweprovidethebesttraining

opportunitiesforalloftheculinaryspecialists region-wide I also incorporate a lot of the [culinary specialists] into the training becausealotof[them]arejustastalented,if notmoretalentedthantheoutsideindustry professionals.”

Thetrainingalsogavetheculinaryspecialists an understanding of time management and how to work as a team alongside their shipmates.

“[I learned] how to get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time, and I enjoyed meeting new people from other galleys,” said Culinary Specialist Seaman Kimberlee Dillon, assigned to Naval Station Norfolk’s galley Pizzasmadebytheculinaryspecialistsin thetrainingwereservedforlunchaspartof thegalley’s21-daymenurotation.

Lt Gov. and First Lady honor service of Virginia’s women military veterans

Virginia Lieutenant GovernorWinsome EarleSears and First LadySuzanne S.Youngkin kicked offVirginiaWomenVeteransWeek2023with a special ceremonyon Monday,March 20 at the MilitaryWomen’s Memorial inArlington. PageA2

VOL.30 NO 11,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.com March 30-April 5,2023
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Sailors,assigned to Commander NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic,remove bamboo and pickup debris at Lafayette Parkin NorfolkMarch 24 as part ofavolunteereffortwith Keep NorfolkBeautiful. Thevolunteereffortwas part ofthe GreatAmerican Cleanup a nationwide effort to beautiful cities across the United States (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1ST CLASSMADDELINHAMM) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 30 2023 1

Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears and First Lady Suzanne S. Youngkin honor service of Virginia’s women military veterans at a special pinning event

FromTheVirginiaDepartmentof VeteransServices

ARLINGTON, Va Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears and First LadySuzanneS.YoungkinkickedoffVirginia Women Veterans Week 2023 with a special ceremonyonMonday,March20attheMilitaryWomen’sMemorialinArlington.

TheHonorableCraigCrenshaw,Virginia Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs; DanielGade,CommissioneroftheVirginia Department of Veterans Services; the Honorable Kathleen Murphy; Virginia House of Delegates; Phyllis Wilson, President of the Military Women’s Memorial, and other government and military officialsgatheredattheMemorialtohonorand recognize women military veterans from throughout the Commonwealth and present them with “Virginia Women Veterans Lead the Way” lapel pins

March 19-25, 2023 is officially Virginia

Women Veterans Week. This is the sixth consecutive year the Commonwealth has honored and recognized the more than 107,000 women veterans that call Virginia home and all women who have served our state and nation from the Revolutionary War to today. The week is part of Virginia’s month-long celebration of March as Women’s History Month. Women veter-

ans are the fastest-growing segment of our Nation’sandVirginia’sveterancommunity, andVirginiaishometothelargestpercentage of women veterans per population of any state

“As a proud Marine veteran myself, it is a privilege to be here to recognize the sacrifices and accomplishments of my sister Virginia veterans today,” said Lieutenant GovernorWinsomeEarle-Searsattheceremony.“Eachofyouknewtherisksofenlisting in the armed forces where you might evenbecalledupontogiveupyourownlife, yetyoubravelydecidedtoserveyournation Today,wesaluteyouandsaythankyou.”

“Virginia’swomenveteranshavenotonly served proudly in uniform but continue to serve our Commonwealth as civilians in business,education,medicine government, in raising families and more, said Virginia’sFirstLadySuzanneS.Youngkin.“They play a vital role in making sure Virginia is thebeststateforalltolive,workandthrive It is my honor to be part of this ceremony highlighting their contributions to the Commonwealth and this great nation.”

“We are pleased to host today’s event on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia here at the Military Women’s Memorial in Arlington, saidPhyllisJ.Wilson,president oftheMemorial“TheMemorialisatribute toAmerica’sServicewomen,pastandpres-

ent. One of our most important missions is to collect, preserve and share the stories of these servicewomen We encourage every woman who has or is serving today to take her rightful and visible place in history by registeringherservicewiththeMemorial.”

Additionalspecialeventscommemorating Virginia Women’s Veterans Week 2023 are plannedthroughoutthestate Formoreinformation,pleasevisitwww.dvs.virginia.gov

About the Virginia Department of Veterans Services: The Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) is a state government agency with more than 40 locations across the Commonwealth of Virginia. DVS traces its history to 1928 and the establishment of the Virginia War Service Bureau to assist Virginia’s World War I veterans Today, DVS assists veterans and their families in filing claims for federal veterans benefits; provides veterans and family members with linkages to services including behavioral healthcare, housing, employment, education, and other programs The agency operates two long-termcarefacilitiesofferingin-patient skilled nursing care, Alzheimer’s/memory care, and short-term rehabilitation for veterans; and provides an honored final resting place for veterans and their families at three state veterans cemeteries It operates the Virginia War Memorial, the

Commonwealth’stributetoVirginia’smen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice from World War II to the present. For more information, please visit www.dvs virginia.gov

About the Military Women’s Memorial: The Military Women’s Memorial is America’s only major national memorial to honor and tell the story of the some 3 million women who have served in the nation’sdefense,beginningwiththeAmericanRevolution Locatedatthemaingateto ArlingtonNationalCemetery,theMemorial andits33,000sq ft educationcentertellthe collectivestoryofmilitarywomen’sservice with exhibits, never-before-seen artifacts, period uniforms, rare photographs, video, programming and the like. The Register the very heart of the Memorial, captures preserves, and makes accessible women’s individual stories An interactive database, the Register today houses more than 306,000individualwomen’sstories Asthe remarkable story of these women patriots willneverbecompleteuntileverywoman’s story is told, the Memorial has launched a registration campaign to add 23,000 more stories in 2023 For more information, please visit womensmemorial.org,

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Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved April is the #MonthoftheMilitaryChild! This month the #MHS and #DHA celebrate the strength and resilience #MilKids and families show through life changes like military moves. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/ moving/pcs-and-military-moves/ #MOMC
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 30 2023
First Lady Suzanne Youngkin and Lt GovernorWinsome Earle-Sears present a special lapel pin to a woman veteran during the Virginia Women Veteran’s Week Kick-Off Ceremony held March 20 in Arlington.

NAVIFOR Celebrates Women’s History Month

Naval Information Forces

Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) joins the Navy in celebrating Women’s History Month throughout the month of March.

NAVIFOR’s celebration of women in the Navy was held at the Hall of Heroes at the SuffolkDoDComplexMarch24 Established by Public Law 100-9, Women’s History Month was created to recognize women’s contributionsandachievementsthroughout the history of the United States. The 2023 DepartmentofDefensetheme“Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories,” is a tribute to women’s storied history in the Navy and thelegaciestheyhaveleftovergenerations

NAVIFOR is uniquely positioned to celebrate this month, as the command triad consists of an all-women leadership team.

NAVIFOR Commander Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach is the only woman Navy type commander; NAVIFOR’s Force Master Chief Laura Nunley is currently the only womanForceMasterChiefintheNavy;and Ms. Liz Nashold is the first woman deputy commanderofNAVIFOR Theyhavenearly a century of active duty and federal service betweenthem.

Nashold opened the event by highlighting the critical contributions of women to theNavy

“This month, as the history and legacy of women are celebrated across the Navy, the Department of Defense, and our nation, I can’thelpbutpersonallyreflectonhowthe inclusionofwomenhasmadeusmorecapable, more competitive, and more effective. If you look around the room today we have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years of experiences centuries of legacies,” said Nashold. “Women active, reserve, and civilian arecriticaltoeverysinglemission, everythingwedo,aroundtheglobe Wedon’t havetolooktoofartoseehowwomen,time and again, have chosen to serve and how theirinclusionhasmadeussharper,bolder, andbetter.”

Nasholdreflectedonhowmorethan20% of the Navy’s active force now are women, serving in all capacities to defend the maritime domain, enhance the Navy’s lethality,

and deter strategic competitors The Navy hasfifty-sixthousandtalentedwomenwho serveasNavycivilians Navyhistoryisfullof trailblazingpioneerswhopavedthewayfor morethan138,000women active,reserve, andcivilian servingintheNavytoday

The Navy has more women leaders in servicethaneverbefore.Twenty-twofemale admiralsand1,580femalemasterchiefsand seniorchiefpettyofficersleadfromthefront MorethanthirtypercentoftheDepartment oftheNavy’scivilianleadershipinthesenior executive service are women. Every rank is opentowomenservinginnearlyeveryNavy community,fromtheseafloortothestars.

Force Master Chief Laura Nunley introduced the event’s guest speaker, Master Chief Courtney Barber whois not only one of the Navy’s most senior enlisted women but also an accomplished Navy life coach, three-time published author, civilian life purpose coach, host of a iHeart radio show anda2022humanitarianawardwinner

“She is a polished professional and still relatableandapproachable,whichiswhatI loveabouther,”saidNunley “Noonemeets MasterChiefBarberwithoutwalkingaway leaving a better person. Her story is our story.” Barber reflected on the adversities she faced after enlisting in the Navy and while working as a young airman, to now serving asaMasterChief.

“When you walk in your purpose every day,fullofauthenticity,fullofrealness,confidence, passion, respect, humble arrogance, grace, and strength, it will NEVER matter what people think of you,” said Barber. “It will NEVER matter the conversations that arebeinghadbehindyourback.WhatWILL matteristheattentionandenergyyouwaste worrying about it and how you allow it to controlyou.

Barber shared invaluable words with everyoneinattendance

“Your struggles and your setbacks were doneonpurpose Andtheyarethestepping stonesthataregoingtopropelyoutowhere you are supposed to be in life,” said Barber “All you must do is change your mindset. If you change the way you look at things the thingsyoulookatwillchange Itisuptoyou to embrace all that you have endured and learnedthroughoutyourlifesothatyoucan useyourstory,yourtestimonytosharewith otherswhoarelookingformotivation,inspiration, and encouragement. Your story to shareisimportant.”

Vice Adm. Aeschbach closed the ceremony with a recount of her story of attending George Washington University and acceptinghercommissionasanintelligence officer in the Navy a career path that she creditstohermother,Roni,whoAeschbach noted is “pretty remarkable” and was the main driver to putting her on the path to


“Everybody has a story and you need to shareyourstory Youneedtolookforopportunities to mentor and sponsor because without even realizing it you are inspiring someoneevery singleday,” saidAeschbach.

“Shareyourstory,becausethisisareallycriticaltimeforusandyouwanttokeepinspiring people to do what we do and follow behindus.”

Theeventalsoincludeda“Pow-HER-full” wall display with photos of more than 50 womennominatedbyNAVIFORpersonnel and local Information Warfare commands thatservedasinspirationalrolemodels

Information warfare is a wide-ranging community that includes communications networks intelligence oceanography, meteorology,cryptology electronicwarfare, cyberspace operations, and space experts amongmanyothers.

NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN.

FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at https:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.

Thisyear’s keynote speaker MasterChiefPettyOfficerAviation MaintenanceAdministrationman CourtneyBarber seniorenlisted leaderat Navy Personnel Command,gives a speech on overcoming life’s obstacles and empoweringwomen in the U.S.Navyat NAVIFOR’sWomen’s History Month Observance,March 24 NAVIFORjoins the Navyin celebratingWomen’s HistoryMonth throughout the month ofMarch,inwhich the theme for2023 is“CelebratingWomenWhoTell OurStories. The event recognizeswomenwho have given avoice to those from allwalks oflife (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJASONRODMAN/RELEASED) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 30 2023 3 OFFER VALID UNTIL 4/16/23 20% Off all shower &bathprojects 12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS &NOINTEREST KICKOFF THE SPRING WITH A NEW SHOWER OR BATH OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of ourdesign consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installers will remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8/5 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 17,000+ GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branches as of 3/02/2023) EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**20% offisequal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 4/16/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

Blog: Flights of the Albatross, 1955-1967


NORFOLK Va Universal Studios in sunny Orlando Florida, is about 12 hours and 750 miles from the Hampton Roads Naval Museum This resort was the destination of the Lonzanida family for a family vacationtakenearlierthisyearwheninquisitivechildrenStellaandNoahweretakento the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Minion Land. Each morning began with a watertaxiridetothethemeparktopartake oftouristadventures Onthefirstday Stella pointedoutaretiredU.S.NavyAlbatrossHU 16seaplaneatJimmyBuffet’sMargaritaville café The plane, aptly named “Hemisphere Dancer” (Civil Registry Number N28J), attracted attention not because of its new role and paint scheme, but out of curiosity about how it had been used in the Navy I referred the question to Captain Alexander Monroe USN(Ret.),andwhatfollowsisthe resultofhisinvestigation.

The Albatross aircraft on display known as ”Hemisphere Dancer was built at the Grumman Aircraft Company at Bethpage, New York. Construction was completed on July 22, 1955, and the plane was delivered to the Navy at Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, California. It was one of 466 aircraft built by Grumman and was assigned Bureau Number (BUNO) 137928. The machine could operate from established runways ashore or from open-ocean byvirtueofaV-shapedhull.Itcouldtakeoff in 4-foot seas, though Jet Assisted Take Off (JATO) was required in seas greater than 8 feet. It was specifically designed for Search and Rescue (SAR) and was so used by the Navy,CoastGuard,andAirForce.Itfollowed the Grumman Goose first constructed in 1937

The12-yearcareerofBUNO137928began withpre-deploymentoverhaulattheNaval AirStationAlameda,CaliforniainSanFranciscoatFleetAircraftServiceSquadron116.

Following this evolution, it was assigned to the fleet as an operational unit and joined Naval Air Station, Naha, Okinawa and then NavalAirFacility Oppama,Japan,formerly known as Yokosuka Airfield, a Japanese Navy activity with an associated seaplane base south of Yokohama The design noted above made it ideal for stationing close to openocean,whereSARmightberequired.


Naval Air Station at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands for SAR responsibilities While in this assignment, it was assigned otherdutyquitedifferentfromthepurpose for which it was designed: participation in atomic weapons testing. Between May and

July1956,lessthanayearaftertheplanewas delivered to the Navy, it was assigned as a secondaryobservationaircraftinOperation Redwing, a series of detonations conceived todemonstratethepowerofnuclearweapons Thetestswerecarriedoutinthevicinity ofBikiniAtollintheMarshallIslands

On June 25 1956 Rear Admiral Byron Hall Hanlon, Commander of Joint Task Force Seven and in charge of the operation observed detonation Dakota in the northeast lagoon at Bikini from the aircraft. One crewman,AT2RichardR.Casey,developed symptoms of radiation sickness, and the aircraftreturnedtoKwajalein.

Other Albatross planes were involved in historically important activities For example the crew of BUNO 141264 assigned to SAR duty at Naval Air Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, photographed Russian forces unloading missiles in Cuba prior to commencement of the Cuban Missile Crisis IntheVietnamWar,theU.S.AirForce carried out rescue missions from bases in the Philippine Islands, Okinawa, and Da Nang in South Vietnam. Air crewmen such as Larry Barnes of the Air Force 31st Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron flew closetoNorthVietnameseterritorialwaters

Vietnam Veterans to be honored at NEX locations

Navy Exchange Service Command

Once again this year, NEX locations aroundtheworldhavethehonorofdistributing lapel pins to Vietnam Veterans on Vietnam Veterans Day, Weds March 29

U. S. Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time during November1,1955toMay15,1975,regardless oflocation,willreceivealapelpin.Thepins are available on a first-come, first-served basis,whilesupplieslast.

NEX locations distributing the label pin include NEX Norfolk, NEX Oceana, NEX Portsmouth Navy Regional Medical Center, NEX Portsmouth Norfolk Naval Shipyard, NEX Wallops Island, NEX Dahlgren, NEX Little Creek, NEX YorktownandNEXDamNeck,Virginia; NEXAnnapolis,NEXBethesda,NEXPatuxentRiverandNEXIndianHead,Maryland; NEX Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.;NEXPhiladelphiaandNEXMechanicsburg, Pennsylvania; NEX Everett, NEX Bremerton, NEX Whidbey Island and NEX Bangor Washington; NEX Memphis Tennessee; NEX San Diego; NEX North Island, NEX China Lake, NEX Point Loma, NEXPointMugu,NEXPortHueneme,NEX Lemoore, NEX Monterey, NEX Coronado,

NEX Imperial Beach, NEX El Centro and NEX Point Loma, California; NEX Fallon, Nevada; NEX Meridian and NEX Gulfport, Mississippi; NEX Kings Bay, Georgia; NEX Mitchel Field, NEX Saratoga Springs and NEX U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, NewYork;NEXColtsNeckandNEXLakehurst, New Jersey; NEX Kittery Maine; NEX Charleston and NEX Beaufort Naval Hospital,SouthCarolina;NEXBelleChasse, Louisiana;NEXKingsvilleandNEXCorpus Christi,Texas;NEXNewLondon,Connecticut; NEX Newport, Rhode Island; NEX Jacksonville, NEX Key West, NEX Panama City NEX Whiting Field, NEX Pensacola, NEX Orlando and NEX Mayport, Florida; NEX Great Lakes Illinois; NEX Crane Indiana;NEXPearlHarborandNEXKauai BarkingSands,Hawaii;NEXBahrain;NEX Djibouti;NEXGuam;NEXYokosuka,NEX AtsugiandNEXSasebo,Japan;NEXGuantanamo Bay, Cuba; NEX Naples, Italy; NEX Rota, Spain; NEX

torescuecrewswhosedamagedaircrafthad reached open ocean and were at “feet wet” locations. These were hazardous missions, and the crews that flew them would never forget their experiences.There were other non-combatantevolutions.Forexample,air crewmen Dick Wilbur and Robert Prange remembered operations conducted from theNavalStationatRooseveltRoads,Puerto Rico, in which the aircraft and their crews were used to restock green turtle sites all over the Caribbean from nesting places in CostaRica The evolutions carried out had an effect ontheairframeandtheircrewmen Aviation Machinist’sMate2ndClassHarryMarshall recalled that BUNO 137910 was a “good old girl,” and while assigned to Naval Station Trinidad experienced water takeoffs and landingsonly.Henotedthat,“corrosionwas a big problem requiring complete overhaul of the empennage” during his tour of duty in 1965 AD3 John Kaye, USCG, noted that it,“wasatough,loudaircraftthatdideverything asked of it,” though others later lived with the deafness caused by the extreme engine noise He also found water takeoffs disconcertingbecauseofexcessiveporpoising before getting up “on step.” Likewise,



The crews of BUNO 13978, like other Albatross crews, carried out many rescue and support flights in its Navy service It had operated in places named above but also in Atlantic Fleet stations such as the Naval Air Stations at Jacksonville, Florida, andNorfolk Virginia.Insodoing theplane accumulated 2,689 flight hours On August 1, 1967, it was retired from active service and flown to the Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center (MASDC) at Davis MonthanAirForceatTucson,Arizona.After intermediate ownership by others, it was soldtoJimmyBuffetinNovember1995,relocatedtoitspresentlocationatOrlando,Florida,named“HemisphereDancer”andgiven anewpaintscheme InJanuary1996 itwas attackedbyJamaicanpolicewho—thinking itwasanarcoticsrunner’splane—hititwith gunfire, and fortunately no one aboard was injured. The fortuitous sighting of “HemisphereDancer”duringafamilyvacationhas permittedareviewoftheroleoftheunique planeintheNavyandotherarmedforcesin avarietyofimportantroles.

CourtesyImage.Pictured is a retired
number(BUNO) 137928 The aircraftwas delivered to the U.S.Navyin 1955.Afterthe aircraftwas retired,itwas purchased andwas assigned
Civil RegistryNumberN28J.The
aircraft is nowsituated in Universal Studio’s CityWalkattraction in Orlando Florida as a backdrop forJimmyBuffett’s Margaritaville cafe (PHOTOBYMAXLONZANIDA,HAMPTONROADSNAVALMUSEUM) ByKristineSturkie
OnMar.28 2017,theVietnamWarVeterans Recognition Act was signed. This act officially recognizes March 29 as National VietnamWarVeteransDay.Formoreinformation on National Vietnam War Veterans Day,visitwww.vietnamwar50th.com
Sigonella, Sicily;
Once again thisyear NEXlocations around theworld have the honorofdistributing lapel pins toVietnamVeterans onVietnamVeterans Day Weds.,March 29 The NavyExchange Service Command (NEXCOM) is comprised of13,000 personnelworldwide facilitating seven business lines: NEXretail stores NavyLodge Program,NavyGatewayInns & Suites Ships Store Program,NavyClothing andTextile Research Facility,Uniform Program Management Office andTelecommunications Program Office (U.S.NAVYPHOTO) Pictured is a retired U.S.NavyHU-16Albatross,formerbureau number(BUNO) 137928 The aircraftwas delivered to the U.S.Navyin 1955.After the aircraftwas retired itwas purchased andwas assigned Civil RegistryNumberN28J.The aircraft is nowsituated in Universal Studio’s CityWalk attraction in Orlando Florida as a backdrop forJimmyBuffett’s Margaritaville cafe (PHOTOBYMAXLONZANIDA,HAMPTONROADSNAVALMUSEUM) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 30 2023

Norfolk Mail Center received software upgrade to better serve customers


NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Norfolk Regional Navy Mail Center (RNMC) recently implemented an upgrade to the software they use to process mail.

RNMC Sailors, civilians and contractors received training on the new Pitney Bowes(PB)SendSuiteLiveandSendSuite

Tracking systems with the Pitney Bowes

SendPro (SP) 360 software March 6-9.

“The benefit of this software upgrade is an improved graphical user interface for clerks processing mail for best cost savings, while ensuring the customer’s special services requests are being considered,” explained NAVSUP FLC Norfolk RNMC Director of Postal Operations Tom Wilson. Previously clerks processing mail had to take extra steps to manually perform rate shopping between different carriers to find the lowest price, where the new system automatically performs that function. “Reducing carrier charges and overheadcostsareakeycomponentofthisnew software,” said Wilson. “Rate shopping capabilities enable the mail system operator to choose the most economical mail carrier and class from NAVSUP approved carriers.”

The new software also validates each shipping address automatically. This is especially helpful with foreign, Military FPO and APO addresses

“The processing clerk can now choose between multiple workstation shipping label printers rather than as before where they could only print to the attached printer,” said Wilson. He added the end of day (EOD) carrier report is no longer required to be manually performed. The EOD function is now automaticallyperformedatintervalsthroughout the day.

“Regional Navy Mail Center Norfolk now has administrative roles granted that allow appointed supervisors the ability to designate new clerks, remove departed clerks, reset passwords and add or adjustcostcenteraccountingcodes,” Wilson explained. ““Once logged in, the system tracks everything that is shipped, which is great for both metrics data gathering and clerk accountability.”

Wilson added that NAVSUP FLC Norfolk RNMC welcomes this new software rollout for continued improvement of the processes and capabilities to reduce postage cost of Navy official mail generated by supported customers throughout the Hampton Roads area.

Renita Manning uses newPitneyBowes SendPro (SP) 360 software to process mail.(PHOTOBYJIMKOHLER)

Sailor earns second consecutive SOY award

Center for Security Forces

AviationOrdnanceman1stClassKimberly Harris was selected as the Center for SecurityForces2022SailoroftheYear Sheisthe firstSailorinthecommand’shistorytobear thathonorfortwoconsecutiveyearsandone among tens of thousands of women in the Navymakingadifference

“Petty Officer Harris truly encourages others to operate at a higher level, and Sailors thrive under her leadership and mentorship as the leading petty officer at Learning Site Gulfport,” said CENSECFOR CommandingOfficerCapt.DouglasPegher “Sheisarolemodelforpeers,subordinates, andseniorsalike.”

“I was at a loss for words when I learned

I was selected as the Sailor of the Year for thesecondyearinarow,”saidHarris “Iwas convinced there was no way I could win it again, and after the announcement, I was sittingthereinshockandoverwhelmedwith afeelingofgreataccomplishment.”

Harris credits her passion for excelling in and completing whatever tasks she is assigned as what sets her apart from other candidatescompetingforthehonorofbeing selectedasthecommand’sSOY.

“Womeninmilitaryservicehaveachieved great success over the last 50 years, and we’re still doing a lot of ‘firsts’ for women,” said Harris as she reflected on the progressionofwomeninthemilitary

March is Women’s History Month, a month that recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of women throughout

NAS Oceana announces its 2023 Air Show



VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana will host its annual airshowSept.16and17thisyear

Leaders from NAS Oceana gathered with officials from the City of Virginia Beach to announce the air show today. The show’s thrilling lineup this year will feature the Navy’s flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels, the F-35C II Lightning Demonstration Team, and the F-22 RaptorDemonstrationTeam.

The2023NASOceanaAirShowisopen to the public, and admission and parking are free The performance schedule is underdevelopmentandwillbeannounced astheeventnears Thethemeforthisyear’s air show is 50 Years of Women in Naval Aviation

“Our theme this year pays tribute to the Navy’s women trailblazers, from ‘The FirstSix’toearntheirWingsofGold,tothe exemplaryleaderswhohavesincechosen toservetheirNationintheskies,”saidNAS Oceana commanding officer, Capt. Steve Djunaedi. “Our Nation and our Navy is strongerbecauseoftheirservice.”

Djunaedi was joined by Cmdr. Melissa Moravan, commanding officer of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VR) 56 the “Globemasters,”featuringtheC-40AClipper VR-56’s hangar will host a variety of engaging Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities during theairshow

“The Globemasters look forward to

opening our doors and welcoming the worldtoengageinahands-on,real-world STEMexperiencerightalongsidethemen and women of naval aviation,” said Moravan. “This is a great opportunity to show theworldwhatit’sliketo‘FlyNavy.’

“As a military community, Virginia Beach will always have a special kinship with those who fight to defend our freedoms,” said the City of Virginia Beach MayorBobbyDyer “TheNASOceanaAir Showisaterrificeventforfamiliesthatwe lookforwardtoeveryyear.”

The mission of the Blue Angels is to showcase the teamwork and professionalismoftheUnitedStatesNavyandMarine Corps through flight demonstrations and community outreach, while inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country Since 1946, the Blue Angels have performedformorethan450millionfans worldwide

Additional information about the 2023 NAS Oceana Air Show will be released on the air show’s website and social media page as it becomes available: www.oceanaairshow.com and www.facebook.com/ oceanaairshow. Air Show performances aresubjecttochange.

Unmanned aerial systems, commonly knownasdrones,arenotpermittedatNAS Oceana. The unauthorized use of drones canthreatenthesafetyofaircraft military personnel and nearby civilians Flying a drone within five miles of NAS Oceana, including the Oceanfront resort area, is alsoprohibited

history Harrisnotedtwoofthemostrecent achievementsofwomenintheU.S.Navy:Lt Cmdr.AmandaCowanandLt AmandaLee

Cowan, a native of Colorado Springs, Colorado became the first woman to serve as executive officer on a U.S. Navy Ohioclass ballistic missile submarine, and Lee of Mounds View, Minnesota, was the first woman to join the Blue Angels team as a F/A-18E/Fdemonstrationpilot

“It’s very empowering to see that it’s not takenwomen50yearstoachievesuccessbut thatwe,aswomen,haveachievedexcellence throughoutthepast50yearsandwithmore greatachievementstocome,”saidHarris HarrisencouragesherfellowSailorsnever to let anyone tell them they cannot achieve something saying, “Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it’s the courage we have


In addition to advancing in rank, Harris sharedthatherongoinggoalistobecomethe leader she desires to be, noting that growth occurs every day and that no one is perfect, andgrowthisabigpartofanavalcareer

“I strive to continue improving myself as aSailorandaleadersoIcanbettertheSailors whom I work and interact with daily,” saidHarris.

The Center for Security Forces provides specialized training to more than 20,000 students annually It has 14 training locations across the United States and worldwide carrying the motto: “Where Training BreedsConfidence.

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CNRMA improving programsmerges departments to better serve

Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Workforce Development Team and theN9RegionalTrainingandPerformance Specialist (TPIS) have combined forces to create a Consolidated Workforce Development Team (CWFDT). This team provides trainingservicestoactivedutyandcivilians throughouttheregion.“Themergerintends to increase customer service, streamline processes,andcreatetransparencybetween the programs and installations across the region,” Kandes Freeman, N1 director said, “We’reexcitedtoseehowthisconsolidation will make accessing training easier for our civilians and service members.” The pilot effortwillbesustainedthroughJune2023.
NORFOLK Va The civilian business establishment Carafello’s Auto Sales LLC located at 6328 E. Virginia Beach Blvd. in Norfolk, was removed today from the Off-Limits List by Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This decision comes as a result of recommendations from the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board for Southeastern Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina, who convened earlier this month, and Carafello’s Auto Sales changes to business practices that will better support military personnel who purchase vehicles For up to date information regarding off-limits establishments visit www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrma.html and click on “Off-Limits List” under Popular Links Norfolk car dealership removed from off-limits list Sailors Attend Resource Fair In keeping with the Navy’s mission to prepare Sailors for combat, FFSC presented a Resource Fair and facilitated a Mind Body Mental Fitness class for 20 Sailors at the Newport News Shipyard March 24 Attendees learned the three attitudes of mindfulness - non-judgment, curiosity and acceptance They also learned how these three attitudes can improve decision-making reduce destructive behaviors and increase optimal performance Also in attendance were twelve quality-of-life organizations Each program actively engaged attendees and described how their program could benefit and provide support to Sailors stationed in the Hampton Roads area. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYNINABASANTES) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 30 2023 Joinour growingteam! gohrt.com/recruitment HamiltonL HRTBus Operator,2years ElectronicTechnician U.S. Army,22years ChristopherG. HRTOperationsSupervisor,16years InventoryManagementSpecialist U.S. AirForce,23.5years TradeYourUniformfor aNewKindofService. TradeYourUniformfor aNewKindofService.
www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, March 30,2023 7
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 30 2023


MSC to launch new referral bonus program


USN Military Sealift Command

Military Sealift Command (MSC) is preparing to launch, in the next couple of months, a new referral bonus program that will give employees the opportunity to earn money when they recruit future civil service mariners (CIVMARs)

The MSC Referral Bonus Program offers bonuses from $50 to $500 to employees who recruit a candidatewhogoesontofillacriticalafloatratingatMSC Employees whose duties do not include recruitment or selection of CIVMARs will be eligible The programwillexcludeMSCmilitarymembersandthe referral of family members

“Referral programs, as part of an overall recruiting strategy, have the added benefit that current employees are familiar with the demands, culture and requirements of the job and also the individual whomtheyarereferring,”saidMSCDirector,Civilian Human Resources Policy/Total Force Management (N11C)LauriePorter “Referralprogramsoftenresult innotonlyincreasedsuccessinrecruitment,butalso in better longevity of the new hires - i.e., reduced attrition - compared to other recruiting efforts, due to the aforementioned aspects.”

If an employee refers a potential CIVMAR who applies to MSC, all that prospective hire has to do is putdowntheemployee’snameasareferenceduring the application process If the hire goes on to qualify and gets a fleet assignment, then the employee receives a bonus

“The benefits are threefold, said Porter “The referring employee receives a financial bonus up to $500, the new employee gains federal employment withpromisingcareerpotentialandMSCgainsnew talent in a hard-to-fill CIVMAR position—it is definitely a win-win-win for all!”

NEXand MCXpatrons have an opportunityto assist the Navy-Marine Corps ReliefSociety(NMCRS) bypurchasing a $5 benefit ticket Thisyear the benefit ticketswill be on saleApril 2 – May13 at select NEXlocations and online at myNavyExchange.com and April 2 – May2 at MCXlocations.(COURTESYPHOTO,NAVYEXCHANGESERVICECOMMAND)

Navy Exchange, Marine Corps Exchange customers can support Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

Navy Exchange Service Command

Springtime brings April showers, bloomingflowersandwarmertemperatures It’salsothetimeofyearthatNEX and MCX patrons have the opportunity to assist the Navy-Marine Corps ReliefSociety(NMCRS) bypurchasing a $5 benefit ticket This year the benefit tickets will be on sale April 2 May 13atselectNEXlocationsandonlineat

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems

Command Southeast

myNavyExchange.com and April 2 May2atMCXlocations.

The purchase of the $5 benefit ticket entitles customers to $5 off as well as a 5% discount applied to a one time in-store or online purchase from May 7 13 for NEX customers and April 30 May 2 for MCX customers. The discounts are good on regular sale and clearance merchandise Some exclusions apply Customers purchasing the benefit ticket online at myNavyEx-

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems

Command (NAVFAC) Southeast held a groundbreaking ceremony, March 23, for two additions to Trident Training Facility Kings Bay (TTFKB) that will directly support the U.S. Navy’s Columbia (SSBN826)classballisticmissilesubmarine(SSBN) program onboard Naval Submarine Base (NSB)KingsBay,Georgia.

This project marks the beginning of the overhaulofNSBKingBay’sinfrastructureto directly support the delivery of the Columbiaplatformlaterthisdecadeandisacritical componentinadvancingournation’sstrategicdeterrencemission.

“This effort is top priority for the Navy and Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Commandasawhole,”saidRearAdm.Lore Aguayo commander NAVFAC Atlantic.

“To ensure the successful execution of this project, NAVFAC Southeast and Kings Bay Public Works Department are leveraging several lessons learned that we took from thesuccesswerecentlyaccomplishedinthe KingsBayDryDockproject.”

The mission of TTFKB is to train officers and enlisted personnel in the necessary knowledge and skills required to build competence and proficiency in operating andmaintainingtheTridentsubmarineand allassociatedsystems

The new additions include a Strategic Systems Program (SSP) Missile Control CenterTeamTrainerandNavalSeaSystems

Referral bonuses are a cost effective and efficient recruiting method that gives MSC another avenue to compete for the best mariners in an extremely competitive market.

“We’re in a significant competition for recruiting and retention of the force,” said MSC Director, Total Force Management Gregg Pelowski. “There are a lot of job opportunities out there in the maritimeindustrywithexpectedgrowthduringtheyears ahead. MSC currently has a number of critical shipboardratings suchasChiefMatesandAbleSeaman, such that we cannot man the ships to 100 percent of requirements This is a temporary situation that impacts operations and overall morale of the workforce We are asking and giving our employees the chance to help us change that and recognize them for their efforts.”

Perhaps the best thing about the Referral Bonus Program is there is no special set of skills required. For those looking to take advantage of this program, it’s as simple as talking about what it means to be a member of MSC


will receive an email with a coupon code for 5% off along with an additional$5offcoupon In 2022, NMCRS assisted 42,300 clients with $45.9 million in interest-freeloansandgrants NMCRSoffers visitingnurses,budgetingforbaby,thrift shops financial education and educational assistance programs to Sailors Marinesandtheirfamilies

“Everyone can be a recruiter at MSC This is an opportunity for our employees to tell people how great it is to work for MSC and share their personal experience,” said Pelowski. “I do it everywhere I go I listen to them talk about what they want to do or dislikeintheircurrentjobandthenItellthemabout MSC Italkabouttheadventure,thebenefits,training andpromotionopportunitiesandhowyoucanserve the nation as a federal civil service mariner What’s better than recruiting your future co-workers?”

The Referral Bonus Program is expected to be implemented this summer

Command (NAVSEA) Weapons Handling SystemTeamTrainer

“The expansion of the Trident Training Facility Kings Bay will ensure the United Statesmaintainsouredgeoverourstrategic competitorsfordecadestocome,”saidRear Adm.Thomas“TR”Buchanan,commander, Submarine Group Ten. “Columbia class is


NAVFAC Southeast awarded the $37.6 millioncontracttoSauerConstructionLLC ofJacksonville,FloridaonDec.30 2022.

“Sauer is involved in military constructionbecausewegettobuildthefacilitiesthat trainandsupportthegreatmenandwomen who sacrifice so

much to defend our freedom,”saidMr KevinKelly,presidentSauer Construction “We understand the importance of this mission and we look forward toexceedingyourexpectations.” Work will be performed in Kings Bay, Georgia,andisexpectedtobecompletedby March2025. NAVFAC Southeast breaks ground
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Southeast held a groundbreaking ceremony,March 23,fortwo additions toTrident Training FacilityKings Bay(TTFKB) thatwill directlysupport the U.S.Navy’s Columbia (SSBN-826) class ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) program onboard Naval Submarine Base (NSB) Kings Bay,Georgia (PHOTOBYJEFFREYHAMLIN) Portsmouth Naval Shipyard selects Engineers of the Year Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Officerin Charge ofConstruction Portsmouth Naval Shipyard announced its Civilian and MilitaryEngineers oftheYearaward selections for2023. PageB3 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 30 2023 1
on additions to Trident Training Facility Kings Bay

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center recognizes Medal of Honor Day 2023

Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command, Bethesda

BETHESDA, Md Walter Reed National MilitaryMedicalCenter(WRNMMC)joinsthe nationincommemoratingMedalofHonorDay 2023, a day set aside to honor the courageous menandwomenwhohavereceivedthenation’s highest military honor. This day is celebrated annuallyonMarch25tomarktheanniversary of the first Medal of Honor being awarded in 1863 TheMedalofHonorisawardedtomembers oftheU.S.armedforceswhohavedemonstrated extraordinary acts of valor and selflessness in combat Itisasymbolofthesacrificesmadeby thosewhohaveservedourcountryandatestamenttothebraveryandcourageofourservice members.WehonorthesacrificesandselflessnessofallMedalofHonorrecipients,whohave puttheirlivesonthelinetodefendourfreedoms andwayoflife.

WRNMMCwouldliketoexpressourdeepest gratitude to all Medal of Honor recipients and their families. We will continue to honor theirlegacybyprovidingthebestpossiblecare toournation’swounded,ill,andinjuredservice members.Theirserviceandsacrificewillnever beforgotten.

WRNMMC,theworld’spremier,integrated military medical center and where the nation heals our heroes, strives to provide extraordinaryexperiencesforpatients,families,andstaff while driving tomorrow’s healthcare advances through education, innovation, and research ForadditionalinformationaboutWRNMMC pleasevisitusathttps://walterreed.tricare.mil/.


Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport NEWPORT, R.I. Strong guidance from womenleadershasplayedanimportantrole forMeganDriggersandJaimeFastinointheir careersattheNavalUnderseaWarfareCenter (NUWC)DivisionNewport.

When Driggers, a resident of West Warwick, Rhode Island, who is an engineer in the Devices, Sensors and Materials Research and Development Branch of the Sensors and Sonar Systems Department, began working at Division Newport in June 2022, she was inspired by the passion of Dr Lynn Antonelli, who is the technical programmanageroftheLasers,Sensorsand Systems Program.

“When I first got here, I worked closely with Dr Antonelli and she helped me figure out who I was as an individual and what my passions are,” said Driggers, who is now Antonelli’s deputy technical program manager “She has mentored me tocontinueworkingdownthatpath.Seeing howpassionatesheisaboutherresearchand what she does, and helping her to lift it up and make a difference in the S&T community, has been amazing.”

It has been a similar experience for Fastino,aresidentofNewport,RhodeIsland, who is a financial analyst in the Business Operations Office of the Undersea Warfare Combat Systems Department.

AftercompletinganinternshipatDivision Newportwhileearningbachelor’sdegreesin accountingandfinancefromtheUniversity ofMassachusetts-Dartmouth,Fastino’srelationshipwithhersupervisor,MarieLevada, playedaconsiderableroleinheracceptinga job at the command.

“She’s unbelievable She’s been such a greatmentortomeandagreatboss,”Fastino said.“Ihaven’thadthatinthepastatsomeof theotherplacesI’veworked Thatwasreally refreshing to have that and have another womaninleadershipwhoismybossjustbe so understanding and thoughtful.”

Now,eachwithsomeexperienceworking at Division Newport, Fastino and Driggers are trying to make sure the command’s new hires encounter the same welcoming environment.

In addition to their everyday responsibilities at Division Newport, Fastino and Driggers serve as chair and vice-chair of Division Newport’s New Professionals Network (NPN), respectively The two also participated in Division Newport’s Women’s History Month video, which can beviewedhere:https://www.dvidshub.net/ video/876819/womens-history-month.

“The New Professional Network is all about assisting individuals, both new and experienced, in creating professional relationships, as well as career development by hosting professional and social events,” Fastino said. “We strive to help individuals make connections and to help promote knowledge sharing of technical skills and personalinterests Wealsoassistnewprofessionals by introducing them to government resources.”

Currently, the distribution list for the NPN and Teams is about 1,100 members. The group has more events planned for the end of March and April Typically, events drawabout30to40peopleandanadditional hundred or so if it is on Teams, Fastino said AnyonewhohasbeenatDivisionNewport for five years or less is considered a new professional, but the group is inclusive to both new and experienced professionals, Fastino added.

“Sometimes working in the Business Office I feel like I’m just a little piece of the puzzle I’m not a scientist, engineer or mathematician but I know I matter and my job matters Everyone at NUWC’s job matters andthisidealedmetotakeonmore leadership,” Fastino said. “I got involved with the New Professional Network here at NUWCandthathasgivenmesuchanopportunity to be a leader, to meet other people, to coordinate events for individuals to have thatsocial-workenvironmenttofeellikeyou

belong to a nice working society That has been another great opportunity and something I really love doing here, besides my job.”

FastinodecidedtogetinvolvedwithNPN becausesheknowshowdifficultitcanbeas newprofessional particularlyawoman just starting out in their career

“That was one of my biggest challenges Theworldisyouroysterwhenyou’reyoung and it’s so hard to figure out what you want todoandifit’stherightchoice,”Fastinosaid. “Specifically, working for the government, is such a great choice It gives you that great work-lifebalance whichIknowIappreciate alot,butI’mstillgivenalotofopportunities at the same time

“Wehaveareallygreat,inclusiveenvironment here but there have been times in my life where because I’m a woman, I’m not a peer I can’t be as smart as you or top of the class because I’m a girl especially in my field, finance and accounting specifically are extremely male-dominated. I found that at times because I’m a woman people thought I couldn’t be smart or I couldn’t viewed as an equal or a peer, but at the end ofthedayI’mworkingjustashardaseveryone else.”

Like Fastino, Driggers is thankful for the welcoming environment at Division Newport, but in the past has experienced being the only woman in a male-dominated field.

She remembers when she was the only femalemathleteinherhighschoolandonly womaninhermaster’sprogram.Atimeearly in her career, a six-month deployment with aspecialforcesunitintheMiddleEast,also stood out.

“I was the only woman at that time that wasintheprogram,soIwastheonlywoman that volunteered to go over there. A lot of people asked me beforehand are you sure you’re ready to do this? In the past, there haven’tbeenmanywomenandtheyweren’t sure how it was going to go,”

Driggers said. “There were a lot of challengesthatIhad,especiallywhenitcameto respect.Backstateside,noonehaseverquestioned my intelligence before. I’ve built up all this past work experience and a résumé that’srecognized,butwhenyougooverseas andthey’renotusedtoseeingwomeneverydaytheystarttoquestionwhetheryouhave the same level as a man. Through my work, I showed them there’s no difference

“It ended up being a great experience Sure, a lot of men were confused to see a woman on a special forces base, but it was a great experience I could do just as much as any man could so I felt like I did a great job anditwasagoodexperiencetobehand-andhand with the warfighter to support them and make a difference.”

Family also has been important for both women. Driggers grew up in a Department ofDefense(DoD)household,asherparents metworkingaselectricalengineersatLockheedMartinCorp Bothlatertransitionedto roles with the government

“My dad became a superintendent at the Naval Research Laboratory and my mom went on to join the Navy as an active duty member and become a medical doctor,” Driggers said “She worked for the Navy for 14 years, so I grew up in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) household that was very DoD-oriented. I was always very passionate about it.

“When I went to college I applied for the SMART scholarship, and the DoD paid for mycollegeandthenIstartedworkingatthe Naval Surface Warfare Center in Panama City for a few years before going back to get mymaster’sandtransferringtoNUWCDivision Newport.”

ForFastino,hermotherandgrandmother both serve as inspirations

“My mom is a small business owner She hasworkedinthatfieldandownedthatbusinesssinceIwastwoyearsold Shestillowns the company to this day, and I think that’s alsowhyIwenttobusinessschoolisbecause of her and her teachings,” Fastino said. “I used to work at her company when I was

Megan Driggers,an engineerin the Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport’s Sensors and SonarSystems Department shares herworkexperiences as part ofthe command’s celebration ofWomen’s History Month.(PHOTOBYSHAWNPROCUNIAR NAVALUNDERSEAWARFARECENTERDIVISION NEWPORT)

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated


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Jaime Fastino a financial analyst in the Business Operations Office ofthe Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport’s UnderseaWarfare Combat Systems Department shares herworkexperiences as part ofthe command’s celebration of Women’s HistoryMonth.(PHOTOBYSHAWN PROCUNIAR NAVALUNDERSEAWARFARE CENTERDIVISIONNEWPORT)

younger, doing bookkeeping and learning the ropes from her

“She’sintegraltobeingarolemodelforme and my grandmother is as well. She worked in the factories back in the day in Fall River, Massachusetts, and had seven children that she helped raise She finished her high schooldegreeat62,whichwasreallyinspiring.Shewasalwaysreallytoughandtoldme to work hard, and that’s what I do.”

NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt. Chad Hennings, NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas,aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond, Connecticut.

Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse, highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists,andotherSTEMprofessionals,aswell as talented business, finance, logistics and other support experts who wish to be at the forefront of undersea research and development. Please connect with NUWC DivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/Career-Opportunities/ and follow us on LinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @ NUWCNewport

NUWC Division Newport engineer, financial analyst work to create an inclusive environment for women
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 30 2023

Officer in Charge of Construction Portsmouth Naval Shipyard selects Engineers of the Year


Officer in Charge of Construction

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems

Command (NAVFAC) Officer in Charge of Construction Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (OICC PNSY) announced its Civilian and MilitaryEngineersoftheYearawardselectionsfor2023

“I’m pleased to congratulate and share our OICC PNSY Engineer of the Year award winners,” said Capt. Frank Carroll, commanding officer, OICC PNSY “Aaron Belanger, E.I.T., an electrical engineer, was selected as our Civilian Engineer of the Year and Lt Cmdr Christopher Thomas P.E.,ExecutiveOfficer,andOperationsOfficerwasselectedasMilitaryEngineerofthe Year.”

Each year, NAVFAC echelon 3 and 4 commandsselecttheirCivilianandMilitary EngineeroftheYearinahighlycompetitive process The winners go on to compete for the NAVFAC Engineer of the Year awards, as well as potentially higher honors in the National Society of Professional Engineers


Belanger, a resident of Newton, New Hampshire, has served as the sole electrical engineer and subject matter expert for all electrical utility and building systems During the last two years he has supported 14 projects with a total construction value ofover$2.2billion,whilealsoservingasthe designmanageronmanyadditionalprojects

“The OICC PNSY portfolio of largescaleanddiverseprojectspresentedagreat opportunity to challenge all aspects of my careergrowth,”saidBelanger “Thisexperienceencouragedmetotakeastepbackand acknowledgethelargerpictureasIworked through decision-making processes It also helpedtodevelopmycommunicationabilities and widen my skill set I am honored to have been chosen as the OICC PNSY Civilian Engineer of the Year and appreciate the recognition of my efforts in support of the mission.”

According to Carroll, “Much of Aaron’s successcanbeattributedtothestrongrelationships he builds Whether working with internal teams contractors, or other stakeholders these relationships enable him to

deliver quality projects, often overcoming complexchallenges,tosupportthemission oftheU.S.Navy.” Lt Cmdr Thomas, who received his commission in 2008, hails from Fort Washington,Maryland,hasdemonstratedexemplaryengineering construction,acquisition, and leadership skills since joining the NAVFACteam.Bydevelopingaprogramof 15time-criticalandcomplexprojects,hehas activelyledtheOICCPNSYportfoliovalued at$2.4billion.

“Lt. Cmdr Thomas is a shining star amongst the exceptional talent within the Navy Civil Engineer Corps community He is well-known and respected by his subordinates peers and leadership and is most deserving of this honor,” said Carroll. “In additiontothisaward,Lt Cmdr Thomashas alsobeenawarded2023Modern-DayTechnologyLeaderbyUSBEandITmagazine.”

Thomas was a driving force in the award and subsequent initial construction phase of the Multi-Mission Dry Dock #1 project, which is a $1.8B mega-project for the construction of two state-of-the-art dry docks at PNSY This project will double

the shipyard’s Virginia-class docking and submarine overhaul capabilities, and is the largest construction project ever awarded bytheNavy

“I am grateful to be selected by the commandastheOICCPNSYMilitaryEngineer of the Year The work being done here insupportoftheshipyardandtheNavyhas been and continues to be an exciting challenge,” said Thomas “I’m extremely proud tobeapartofthisteam.“

“Therearen’ttwomoredeservingindividualsforthisprestigiousrecognition,”Carroll added.

NAVFAC OICC PNSY leads the way with Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP) projects and Service Life Extension Projects (SLEP), providing postaward construction oversight for over $2.8 billionofMilitaryConstruction(MILCON) and Special Projects This organization allowsforadedicatedfocusontheconstruction of critical production support projects insupportofthefleet.

USS Cheyenne (SSN 773) holds change of command ceremony

StoryByLt.Cmdr SethKoenig

Submarine Readiness Squadron (SRS) 32

KITTERY, Maine Cmdr Samuel Bell turned command of USS Cheyenne (SSN 773) over to Cmdr Kyle Calton in a traditional change of command ceremony held Friday,March24,atPortsmouthNavalShipyardinKittery,Maine.

Capt.DanielReiss,commanderofSubmarine Squadron (SUBRON) 2, served as the presiding officer over the ceremony, while Col.(ret.)Buckley“Buck”O’Day,U.S.Army, wastheguestspeaker.

Bell took command of the Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine in January of 2021, when Cheyenne was stationed in PearlHarbor,Hawaii Lessthanfivemonths later, SSN 773 shifted homeports to Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, Connecticut, for preparations for its regularly scheduled refueling and then ultimatelytoPortsmouthNavalShipyard “Ithasbeenthehonorofalifetime‘Riding the Legend’ as the commanding officer of USSCheyenne,”saidBell,anativeofWrightstown,NewJersey “We’vecomealongway over the past few years, literally and figuratively FromPearlHarbortoGrotonandnow Kittery the incredible submariners on this crew have inspired me every day with their professionalismandsteadfastcommitment toexcellence.”

During Bell’s tenure, the crew of CheyenneearnedthecovetedBattleE orBattle Efficiency awardforSUBRON2for2022, recognizing greatest overall excellence in performance, as well as departmental awardsfornavigationandsupply

Bell’s crew became prolific ambassadors for the U.S. Navy during his tour as well, serving as the host crew in Groton for the French submarine FNS Améthyste (S605) in2021,workingwithfirstrespondersfrom morethanadozencivilianfiredepartments during a large-scale priority exercise later thatyear,andrepresentingtheNavyatCheyenne, Wyoming’s signature Frontier Days festivalin2022 “I owe a debt of gratitude to my family and the families of the crew who have tirelessly supported us during this time of great transition,” Bell said. “I know Cheyennewillcontinuetothriveundertheguidance of Squadron 2 and the leadership of

Cmdr Calton and I can’t wait to see what theyaccomplishinthecomingyears.

Following his Cheyenne command tour, Bell will move on to serve as the U.S. Navy operational liaison and special assistant to the director of the DefenseAdvanced PlanningResearchAgency

“Cmdr BellhasledthecrewofCheyenne throughaperiodoftremendouschangeand has perfectlylinedthis teamuptoreturn to the fight better than ever,” said Calton, a nativeofLouisville,Kentucky “I’mhumbled to have this opportunity to follow in his footstepsandworkwiththeseamazingand

dedicatedsubmarinersaswecompletethat journeyandgetbacktothetipofthespear.”

USSCheyennewascommissionedin1996 as the last of the Los Angeles-class submarinesbeforethelaunchofthenewerVirginia-classfast-attacksubmarines

SSN 773 is the third U.S. Navy ship to be named for the capital of Wyoming but first tocarrythenameatitslaunch astheprevious two a tug boat decommissioned in 1898andArkansas-classmonitordecommissioned in 1926 were renamed USS Cheyenneaftertheirrespectivelaunches Fast-attack submarines are multi-mis-

sion platforms enabling five of the six Navy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control,powerprojection,forwardpresence, maritime security and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, specialoperations,intelligence,surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and minewarfare.Fast-attacksubmarinesproject power ashore with special operations forcesandTomahawkcruisemissilesinthe preventionorresponsetoregionalcrises

Officerin Charge ofConstruction Portsmouth Naval Shipyard announcedAaron Belangerand Lt Cmdr ChristopherThomas as 2023 Civilian and MilitaryEngineers oftheYear
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 30 2023 3
KITTERY,ME,Mar 24,2023,Portsmouth Naval Shipyard USS Cheyenne (SSN 773) Change ofCommand Ceremonywhere Cmdr Sam Bell passes command to Cmdr Kyle Calton.Capt.Daniel Reiss,Commander,Submarine SquadronTWO,was the presiding officer.The ColorGuard from NavyMedicine Readiness andTraining Unit,Portsmouth presents colors as the official partysalutes Pictured (right to left): Masterof Ceremonies,Lt Cmdr Daniel Brauer; Capt.Reiss; Cmdr Bell; Col.(Ret) BuckO’Day U.S.Army; Cmdr Calton; and Lt MaxwellAbishai.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYJIMCLEVELAND/RELEASED)
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Hylton-Sanderson,Naval Medical Research Center(NMRC)’s department head foradministration.NMRC is engaged in

SILVERSPRING,Md.(Mar 09,2023)

ofactivityfrom basic science in the laboratoryto field studies in austere and remote areas oftheworld to investigations in


Corps and joint U.S.warfighters,researchers studyinfectious diseases,biologicalwarfare detection and defense,combat casualtycare environmental health concerns,aerospace

medicine, medical modeling simulation,operational mission support,epidemiologyand behavioral sciences (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSIDNEYHINDS/RELEASED)

From surface to sub to officer training:

Lt. j.g. Hylton-Sanderson talks Navy for Women’s History Month


Naval Medical Research Command

The Navy offers a vast selection of career paths for its personnel from engineering and logistics,tolawandthesciences,toresearchand medicine.Lt j.g.Peta-GayeHylton-Sanderson, department head for administration of Naval MedicalResearchCenter(NMRC),isonesuch Sailorwhohaschartedauniquecoursethrough hernavalservice Hylton-Sanderson, a native of Jamaica, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 2011. Her first assignment was to the dock landing ship USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) as an undesignated seaman where she would later strike into the culinary specialist (CS) rating While aboard Harpers Ferry, she qualified as an enlisted surfacewarfarespecialist,advancedtopettyofficer2ndclassandcompletedanassociate’sdegree inGeneralEducationfromNationalUniversity. Hylton-SandersonthrivedasaCS,enjoying theskillslearnedandthehands-onnatureofthe work She would continue in this area of work through several assignments, but her drive to findnewexperiencesintheNavypushedherto nexttakeanassignmentunderthewaves.

In October of 2016, Hylton-Sanderson was amongthefirst38enlistedwomenintheNavy selected for submarine duty in the Navy, joining the female officers who had been serving onsubmarinecrewsforthefiveyearsprior.The selection of these 38 enlisted sailors marked anotherhistoricfirstfortheNavy As a petty officer 1st Class Hylton-Sander-

sonjoinedtheGoldcrewaboardtheOhio-class guidedmissilesubmarineUSSMichigan(SSGN 727).

“Itwasveryrewardingwork,”Hylton-SandersonsaidofhertimeaboardtheMichigan.“I’ve worked with smart people before but these were super-smart people Very close knit like afamily.”

At the time, the submarine had to be re-fittedforberthingspacetoaccommodatethenew female crewmembers. Even through an initial period of adjustment, professionality among Sailorsheldstrong.

“SomeoftheSailorswereverywelcomingand happy to have us aboard and some were hesitant,”Hylton-Sandersonrecalled “Butwewere allstillabletoworktogethertogetthemission completed; they knew we were eager to learn andrealizedthatwecareabouttheNavyjustas muchastheydo.”

“Everyone is really motivated to keep their knowledgeandoperatingcapacityonpar, she added, “so we can take care of each other and meettheneedsofthemission.”

Hylton-Sanderson qualified as an enlisted submarine specialist during this time and becameamemberofthecommand’sEmergency Medical Assistance Team She also completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health from National University while aboard the Michigan, and later a Master of Public Health withaSpecializationinHealthcareAdministrationwhilewiththestaffofCommanderSubmarineGroup9in2019.

Hylton-Sanderson’s next assignment was at

the Pentagon, where she served as wardroom supervisor for leaders within the Joint Chiefs of Staff During this time, she applied to be commissionedasanavalofficer “I’veneverbeenonetostayinthesameplace,” shesaid “Iwanttoexperiencedifferentthings anddifferentplaces,andIhadalwayswantedto beanavalofficer.”

AftercommissioningintotheMedicalService Corps on June 9th, 2022, Hylton-Sanderson reported to the Joint Staff Surgeon, facilitating the Joint Medical Requirements Management System.InJulyofthatsameyear shereportedto NMRC,wheresheprovidesdirectadministrativeandoperationalsupporttothecommand, itslabsanditscivilianandmilitarystaff

“I’m still learning a lot and excited to make an impact,” Hylton-Sanderson said “Research issomethingalotofpeopledon’tthinkaboutas beingpartoftheNavy,butitis It’sveryimportantevenifitisn’talwaysseen.

Her career so far has made Hylton-SandersonavocaladvocatefortheNavy Shemakesa pointtoaskyoungpeopleshemeetsabouttheir interest in the Navy and extols the opportunities it affords to female Sailors in their careers, familiesandlives.

“Friends always ask me if I’m recruiting,” Hylton-Sandersonremarked “Withtheopportunities I’ve had in the Navy, and getting to live the life I lead now, why wouldn’t I want to promotethattosomeoneelse?

To women just joining the Navy Hylton-Sanderson advises finding a passion, andthenfindingotherSailorswhocanhelpyou


“Find a role model. Find a mentor Build that community of people you can depend on throughout your career People who are willing to invest time in you and make your path smoother.”

Hylton-Sanderson expressed thanks to the manywomeninherlife,includinghermother hersupplyofficersandthemanymentorsshe’s foundalongtheway.Shealsoacknowledgedthe manywavesofwomenwhosefirstsintheNavy made the way clear for others to follow, a list whichincludesthefirstwomentobeaccepted into the Marine Corps Reserve in 1918, Edna young, who became the first black enlisted woman to serve in the regular Navy in 1948 andViceAdm.MichelleJ.Howard theNavy’s firstAfrican-Americanwomantoserveasvice chiefofNavaloperations.

In addition to expressing gratitude to those who have paved a trail for female Sailors, Hylton-Sandersonemphasizedtheimportance for the current generation to be good mentors andexamplesforNavywomenwhowillfollow intheirfootsteps “Therewillbealotofyoungerfemaleenlisted andofficersouttherewatchingwhatyouaccomplish, seeing where you succeed, and realizing theycandoitto.”

Throughout Women’s History Month, NMRC aims to recognize the contributions of our female Sailors, scientists, and civilian personnel

Women hold top leadership positions supporting ONI’s Stem Center for first time in command’s history


SUITLAND,Md Forthefirsttimeinthe

Office of Naval Intelligence’s (ONI) 141-year history, women now hold the top leadership positions supporting its Farragut Technical AnalysisCenter theU.S.Navy’sCenterofExcellenceforstrategicscientificandtechnicalintelligenceanalysis

Capt.RuthLaneistheCommandingOfficerofFarragut,WendyWenzlickisitsExecutive Director, and Cristin Rider-Riojas is theChiefScientistoftheNavalIntelligence Enterprise, serving as a senior advisor to Farragut and mission manager for ONI. All three have Science Technology Engineering andMathematics(STEM)degreesand, together,thewomenshare64yearsofexperienceinSTEMfields

“WomenoftheONIworkforceareonthe leading edge of the Navy and Intelligence Community in bridging the STEM gap and contributinginbrilliantwaystoadvanceour nation’ssecurity,”saidCommanderofONI, RearAdm.MikeStudeman.“Theseincrediblytalentedleaderscontinuetoinspirethose around them, routinely tackle the toughest challenges in Naval Intelligence, and serve as powerful role models for both men and women.Farragut’snewwomen-dominated chain of command is no surprise to anyone

who knows these amazing professionals andmyhopeisthatwhatseemsremarkable todayismadeunremarkableinthefutureas more women take their well-earned places atthetopofeverychainofcommand.”

Farragut Technical Analysis Center provides strategic scientific and technical intelligence analysis of foreign technologies, sensors, weapons, platforms, combat systems, C4ISR, and cyber capabilities In addition to its all-source capabilities, Farragut conducts ONI’s foreign materiel exploitationandsignalanalysisandishome to the national maritime acoustic intelligencelaboratory

In their positions, Lane, Wenzlick, and Rider-Riojas are driving the analytic processesandtheexecutive-leveldecisions neededtosolvereal-worldintelligenceproblems that ultimately support the Navy and nation.

The work closely resembles the scientific method that Rider-Riojas fell in love with at the early age of nine. She explains, “It’s analytic It’s using bits of information to build knowledge systems designing approaches to test hypotheses, and gathering pieces to solve the puzzles. It’s problem solving,andallforamissionthatcontributes tonationalsecurity.”


atONI “It’sagreatmission,aclearsenseof value, and work with a purpose. it’s hard work,butit’sworkthatmatters,”shesays

The trio solves real-world intelligence problemsonadailybasis,butalsohappento be improving the representation of women in STEM fields Their leadership success shatters long-standing barriers such as the lack of women role models in a traditionally male-dominated STEM culture, which expertstheorizeperpetuatethegendergap inSTEMrelatedfields.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, womenaccountforonly27percentofSTEM occupations despite making up nearly 50 percent of the U.S. workforce These ONI leaders agreed that they were often the only women in the room throughout their careers Lane remembers her male-dominated classes at the U.S. Naval Academy wherethemaletofemaleratiowas12toone, and Wenzlick noted the decrease in fellow female classmates as she progressed in her STEMcoursesduringschool.

Despite these challenges pursuing a career in STEM has been a rewarding and positiveexperience.Allthreewomenrecall instances where being the only women in the room was an advantage Rider-Riojas theorizes that it made her more memorable to others, and Wenzlick says she added

value to discussions by bringing a unique perspective.

When asked if they would change anything about the STEM culture, the trio hadafewideas Atthetopofthelist stronger communication skills for fellow STEM professionals “Our critical knowledge doesn’t matter and isn’t useful if we can’t communicateit, saysLane.“Weneedtobe able to translate our technical talk to somethingunderstandableandactionableforour audiences.”

“And we shouldn’t all be saying the same thing,”addsRider-Riojas “TheSTEMworld needs more diversity.” More women, more minorities more people with varying backgrounds ethnicities interests experiences, andoutlooks;becausethesethingscontribute to the way we look at problems and the waywefindsolutions.

Forthoseyounggirlsfeelingaloneintheir STEMclasses,whowillonedaybethenext womeninSTEM,theseleadershaveadvice: stickwithit,anddon’tgiveup

“I find myself repeating a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: ‘Whatever youcando ordreamyoucan,beginit Boldnesshasgenius,power,andmagicinit,’ says Lane “Bebold.”

Lt j.g Peta-Gaye
a broad spectrum
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On iberty

A spring spread any bunny can create With spring in the air it’s the perfect time to invite guests overfora hopping party completewith festive utensils,a bright centerpiece cute snacks and an easy brunch quiche. PageC4

Broadway’s Hamilton back at Chrysler Hall now through April 9th, Pierre Jean Gonzalez tells more Hamilton stories


TheinternationalsensationthatisHamilton, has proudly returned to the Hampton RoadsArea.Lastweek,wespokewithPierre Jean Gonzalez who stars as Alexander Hamilton in the Broadway’s National Tour of Hamilton, appearing now through April 9th at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk, Virginia. You can read our Part I interview here https://www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/community/broadway-s-national-tour-of-hamilton-returns-to-chrysler-hall-next-week-pierre-jean-gonzalez/ article_08eb0c28-c8f7-11ed-824b-973be2a303e2

html For tickets, times, dates and info on a limited number of $10 Hamilton lottery tickets available for each performance, go to https://www.sevenvenues.com/events/ detail/hamilton-1


As Hamilton, you are actually on the stage the entire time, except for two songs. Do you have a favorite segment that you like to


PierreJeanGonzalez:I love the Schuyler sisters and the girl’s song at the beginning.Ijustlovewatchingit.Ialways,always, always go to the side and watch them perform because their voices are amazing, thedancing,it’sjustsuchafunbeautifulsong andIlovewatchingiteverysingletime.

You know, to be a part of Hamilton and the Philip Company in particular, everyone in it is very near and dear to my heart. This grouparenotjustincredibleartistsbutalso lovelyhumanbeingsandIamveryhonored forthat,becauseIknowhowrareitistohave agroupofpeopletraveltogetherandactually enjoyeachother’scompany.Iamverylucky tohavethat

Y: The beauty of live theater is just that, it’s live. Do you have any funny anecdotes youwanttoshare?

PJG:YesI’malittlebitclumsy I’vetripped upthestairsatepicmomentsandit’ssucha humbling experience when things like that happen, but it is live theater and it always keepsusawake.Ihaveanamazingcrewand

cast around me so anytime anything goes wrong it’ssoamazingandbeautifultowatch witheverybodyclickingtogetherandproblem solving on the stage in two seconds So I’m so lucky to be able to be on stage with suchamazingartists

Y: Tell us about that time in the same day, you played Hamilton in the afternoon performance and you played Aaron Burr in theeveningperformance.

PJG:Youknowthat’sthejobofastandby, youhavetobereadyatadropofadime.You areoffstagewaitingandGodforbidanything happens to anybody or anything like that, you get up and you go on stage I was so comfortableandIwasdoingitsomuchthat I’ll never forget, they came up to me, one of the actors was not feeling well and said, “Listen, after doing Hamilton earlier, how do you feel about doing Burr?” And I said, absolutely Theyactuallygavemetheoption ofnotdoingit,andIwaslike I’mready,let’s doit Ithoughtitwasanamazingchallenge andexperienceandIwillrememberthatthe restofmylife.

Y: That just blows my mind, that you could keep each character’s lines separate in your head in the evening performance when as Burr you are talking to Hamilton and earlier in the day, you were Hamilton talkingtoBurr

PJG: I used to get notes a lot when I was firstdoingit,thatIwasmouthingthewords of the other actors I wouldn’t say it but my lipswerequiveringalittlebit.

Y: Ok lets learn about you. Where were you born and what was life like growing up asakid?

PJG: I was born in Manhattan, in New York. I am a first generation Puerto Rican and I grew up in the Bronx, New York. I grew up loving to watch TV shows and movies.FromthetimeIwasalittlekid,Iwas obsessedwithallthedramaontheTV Inmy head, I never thought I would be an actor onTVoranythinglikethat.Itwasinmiddle school and we had to act out a Shakespeare scenewithapartnerinfrontoftheclassand

TurntoHamilton, Page 2

Brazilian bandleader Sergio Mendes sambas into the Sandler Center with a bossa nova celebration


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va A spirit of joy pulsates through the staggeringly diverse tapestry of music that legendary Brazilian artist Sergio Mendes has created over his remarkable six-decade career Now, this iconic Grammy Award—winner brings his Latin,jazz,andfunksoundandinfectiously joyfulspirittotheSandlerCenterinVirginia Beach.

The Langley Federal Credit Union Concert Series presents Sergio Mendes: BossaNovaSambaCelebrationonWednesday, August 16 at 7:30 PM at the Sandler CenterforthePerformingArts Ticketswill go on sale this Friday, March 24 at 10 AM and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or by visiting the Sandler Center box office locatedat201MarketStreet,VirginiaBeach, VA23462.Ticketsarepricedat$39,$49,$54, and$79,plusapplicablefees Toreceivethe exclusive presale code to purchase tickets before the general public join the Sandler Center Cyber Club at SandlerCenter.org The presale for this show willtake place on Wednesday,March22from10AMthrough Thursday,March23at10PM.

Best known for his pioneering contributionstothefoundationsofbossanovaalongside the likes of Antônio Carlos Jobim, and the era-defining Latin-pop sound of his iconic group Brasil ’66 Mendes has existed as a legend on the Latin music scene for

decades Creating scintillating collaborations with jazz legends like Cannonball AdderleyandHerbieMann Mendescontinuedbridginggenerationswithhischart-topping adult contemporary smash, “Never

Gonna Let You Go,” a 21st-century reinventionwiththeBlack-EyedPeasandJohn Legend, and an Oscar®-nominated theme song for the animated hit Rio Mendes’ contagiousspiritofjoyhaspervadedevery-

thing he’s ever ushered into the ears of listeners

The Brazilian legend’s 2020 album is no exception On In The Key of Joy, Mendes looks back the only way he knows how by once again moving forward Released to coincide with a spectacular new documentaryonhislifebyacclaimedfilmmakerJohn Scheinfeld (Chasing Trane, Who is Harry Nilsson?)thealbumInTheKeyofJoymelds the classic Brazilian, jazz and pop sounds thathavelongcharacterizedMendes’music withstunninglycontemporaryinspirations that make the album sound at once utterly timeless and wholly of the moment. The documentary, Sergio Mendes: In The Key of Joy enjoyed a worldwide release in 2021, afteritsworldpremiereattheSantaBarbara InternationalFilmFestivalin2020.

About The Sandler Center for the Performing Arts: The Sandler Center openedonNovember3,2007andismanaged by Oak View Group (OVG360). With 1,308 seats and a soaring glass façade the buildingislocatedintheheartofVirginiaBeach’s Town Center, a hub for cultural entertainment. With local and international talent visiting the Sandler Center, performances areperfectforaudiencesofallages.Patrons will experience an intimate environment whenvisitingtheSandlerCenter,asnoseat is further than 100 ft from the stage. Learn more at SandlerCenter.org and Facebook Twitter,andInstagram.

Ascene from the Hamilton NationalTourfeaturing StephanieJae Park,Ta’Rea Campbell,Paige Smallwood.(PHOTOBYJOANMARCUS)
INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
LegendaryBrazilian artist and GrammyAward–winnerSergio Mendes.(COURTESYPHOTO)
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I’llneverforgetit.Ateacherpulledmeoffto the side and said, “You’re good at performing Do you like acting?” This was the first time that someone told me that I was good at something They actually recommended atheaterschool,amagnetacademyandsaid Icouldapplyandgoforsingingandacting Y: Is that what made you fall in love with musicaltheater?

PJG: At that time, all I wanted to do was to be an R&B singer and be in a group I got accepted into the program and met my mentor Nicco Annan He is actually the lead actor now in the TV show P-Valley on ShowtimeandhejustwonanNAACPaward for his role as Uncle Clifford in it. He was a theater teacher then. I auditioned for the musical Dreamgirls I’ll never forget telling him,I’manamazingsingerandIshouldplay the lead. I was so cocky and ambitious and he put me right in the back. I was so upset but after that first experience, I fell in love withmusicaltheater.Iworkedwithhimfor about five years He became one of my best friends and always reminds me, “When I firstmetyouIhadtoputyoura Intheback to humble your a…” But he knew my talent He put so much into me artistically as a mentorandhewasmorelikeaparent.Icall him my father because he really was there for me Because of him, I started teaching dance auditioningforaconservatory,taking actingclasses hewouldsignmeupforelectiveswithhisownmoneywhenIdidn’thave any.HeisthereasonthatIaminthisposition rightnow.Hebrokeeverythingdownforme

IrememberonetimewewenttoChicago for a field trip, we auditioned with all of the conservatories and I got into all except Julliard. I did get a callback but did not get in. My second choice was Rutgers University, and they had a whole year where they studied in London doing Shakespeare. In my mind, no one in my family had been to Europe Itwassuchanamazingexperience for me. I got into the school and it was life changing I speak to Nicco everyday and I say,Ican’tbelievetheseareourlives

Y:Whatdoesitmeantoyoutobeplaying theleadinHamilton?

PJG: I mean, it goes so much deeper It feels like I am honoring my ancestors who fought to get me to this country I’m honoring and representing so much more. I am honoringallthosequeer gaymenwhowere not given the opportunity to be a leading man. This means so much more than just a part It has changed my life and my family’s life and has allowed me to create generationalwealthandithasallowedmetoleave behindabodyofworkandthatmynamewill live on I don’t take it lightly It’s still only a smallhandfulofpeoplethathaveplayedthis role anditmakesmeveryemotionalbecause I’mstilldoingitandIstillloveit.

Y: You got the lead then pandemic hit. Not staying idle, you co-founded with your fiance, Cedric Leiba Jr, DominiRican Productions. Tell us about it and what you are able to offer to the entertainment community

PJG: I am here in this position because of Hamilton. It was my first experience of seeingdifferentethnicities voicesandbody types and it helped me realize that this is capable.I’llspeakformyself,peoplelikeme,

queerartistswhohaveneverseenourselves on stage, on camera or television. We are now seeing the power that we have to give accesstothepeoplearoundus I was about to debut and it was snatched from me One, it reminded me, as an artist, what do I want to leave behind? And that’s when me and my fiance Cedrick created DominiRican Productions The pandemic forced us to look at ourselves and our careers, look at the industry around us and this was around the time that the George

Floyd death happened I looked at Cedrick andsaid,whatcanweLatinxgaymenwho are Afro-Latinos too, do? So we decided to concentrate on our community We reached out to our friends and colleagues, asking them for new works and created a new division where we highlight the work ofourfriends Ourcompanyisfilming doing archivalandBrollforalldifferentBroadway housesinNewYorkCityrightnow.


PJG: Yes, it happened last October I was invitedtobeapartofalivereadinginPuerto Rico on a podcast called Love and Gravity aboutqueerLatinxstories Theotheractors involvedwithitwereLatinxactorsfromall overtheworldanditwasn’tuntilIgotthere thattherealizationhitin thatnow,Iamone oftheLatinxactorsintheworldthatpeople know. I was a fan of the people around me, but now I was part of that crew and people were fans of mine. That moment of realizing, this is my community and these are my peers,itwasdefinitelyawowmomentinmy life. And because we did it in Puerto Rico, representing the queer community, there was just no feeling like it. The goal is to be an inspiration to somebody else and when you achieve that, it means you are leaving somethingbehind.

Attheendoftheday,Iwanttobeamovie star,beinallthemoviesbutalsocreatemore space for people who look and act like me and who feel they have not been given the opportunity

Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

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Hamilton from Page 1 Ascene from the Hamilton NationalTour (PHOTOBYJOANMARCUS)
Aprilisthe#MonthoftheMilitaryChild! We can’t promise children that the people theylovewon’t become sickorthat things will get easierbya certain date,butwe can provide as much a sense ofsafetyas possible. Here are tips forhowto helpyourchildren process changes and ease theirworries. #MOMC #CopingWithLoss #MonthoftheMilitaryChild #MilKids https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/activities/when-children-worry/ 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 30 2023
Hamilton starPierreJean Gonzalez.(AMBEJ. PHOTOGRAPHY)
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Aspringspread an bunn cancreate


Chick Cheese Balls

Recipe adapted from Hallmark.com

Yield: 10 chicks

„ 1packagecreamcheese

„ ¼tablespoongarlicpowder

„ 1tablespoonWorcestershiresauce

„ ½lemon,juiceonly

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

„ 1cupfinelyshredded cheddarcheese

„ crackers

„ carrots

„ wholeblackpeppercorns

With spring inthe air,it’sthe perfect time to invite guests overfor ahopping party.It’salso a great opportunity to tackle that dreadful spring cleaningand spruce up your living spaces with vibrantdecorforvisitorstoenjoyalongsideadeliciousrecipe

With this sweet, colorful table arrangement, your whole family can get into the spring spirit. Fromfestiveutensils,abrightcenterpieceandcute snacks,yourspringsetupcanbefreshandfabulous It’ssimpletoputtogetherandeasyonthebudget. Pair it withappetizers or even amain dishfor a fullspringpartyspreadthat’ssuretoimpress.Find morespringtimerecipesatCulinary.net

Carrot Utensils

„ Orangenapkins „ greenplasticsilverware

„ greenribbon Laynapkinsflatontable.Placeone of each utensil in napkin facingtop corner.Wrapnapkinaroundutensils. Tieribbonaroundmiddleofnapkin Placeinbowlorbasketontable

Usingmixer,combinecreamcheese, garlic powder,Worcestershiresauce and lemon juice.Add salt and pepper, totaste.Refrigeratemixture1hour.

Using fingers,form about 1tablespoon of cream cheesemixtureata timeintoballs.Refrigerate30minutes onsmallbakingsheet.

Beforeserving, roll each ball into shreddedcheddar cheese to cover. Placeeachballonroundcracker Cut small triangles from carrots for beaks and feet. Press carrots onto cheeseballs.Addpeppercornsforeyes

Saygoodbye to basic brunch


The sameold brunch menuweek after week can become tiresome and dull. It’s bland, boringand your tastebuds get used tothesameflavorsrepeatedly It’stimetoaddsomethingnewtothetable withfresh ingredients and simpleinstructionstoenhanceyourweekendspread.

TrythisrecipeforanEasyBrunchQuiche thatissuretohaveyoursensesswirlingwith everybite.Thisquicheislayeredwithmany tastes and avariety of ingredientstogiveit crave-worthyflavor

Tocreatethisdish,startwithonepackage ofbroccoliandcheesethenmicrowaveitfor 5minutesuntilheatedthrough. Add12slicesofchoppedbacontoaskillet.

While cooking,add ½ cup of green onions Cookfor2minutesthenadd1cupofmushroomstotheskillet.Cookfor4minutesand drainthegrease Inasmallmixingbowl,combinefoureggs and1 cup of milk.Whisk together.Add egg mixturetothebroccoliandcheese.Alsoadd 1cup of shreddedcheeseand stir theingredientstogether.

In twoseparate pie shells,spoon in the bacon mixturethen pour the egg and broccoli mixturesoverthe top.Sprinkle with alittle morecheese then bakefor 35-45 minutesat350F

With arange of ingredients from broccolitobacon,this quicheisabrunch hero. While baking, thecheese getsall melty,and withevery bite the mushrooms addtexture andearthyflavor.The ingredientscombine together to makesomethingwarm, hearty andfresh.

Find morebrunch recipes and cooking ideasatCulinary.net.

Easy Brunch Quiche

Serves: 12

„ 1package(10ounces)frozenbroccoli withcheese „ 12slicesbacon,chopped „ ½cupgreenonions,sliced „ 1cupmushrooms,sliced

„ 4eggs „ 1cupmilk „ 1½cupsshreddedcheese,divided „ 2frozendeepdishpieshells (9incheseach)


In medium bowl, add broccoli and cheesecontents from package.Microwave 5minutes,oruntilcheeseissaucy.Setaside Inskillet,cookchoppedbacon4minutes. Addgreen onions; cook 2minutes.Add mushrooms; cook 4minutes,oruntil bacon is completelycooked and mushroomsare tender. Drainonto paper toweloverplate Setaside In mediumbowl, whisk eggs and milk until combined. Addbroccoli and cheese mixture. Add1 cup cheese.Stir to combine. Setaside

Inpieshells,dividedrainedbaconmixture evenly.Divide broccoli mixtureevenlyand pour overbaconmixture. Sprinkleremainingcheeseoverbothpies Bake40minutes. Allowtocool at least12 minutes before serving

Note: To keep edgesofcrustfromburning,placealuminumfoil overpiesfor first 20 minutes of cook time.Remove after 20 minutes and allowtocook uncovereduntil completed.

Spring Table Centerpiece

Recipe adaptedfromCraftmorning.com

„ Jellybeans

„ chocolatecoatedcandyeggs

„ marshmallowchicks

„ freshorfakeflowers

„ plasticordyedeggs(optional)

Place medium bowl inside large dish. Pour jelly beans and chocolate coated candyeggsaroundbowl. Addmarshmallowchicks arounddish on top of candies. Arrange freshorfake flowers in center. Set on table as centerpiece.Placeeggsarounddish,ifdesired.

4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 3| Thursday, March 30,2023

TRICARE pilots and demonstrations to test newmedical services treatments,and approaches.These include initiatives forautism care childbirth support,and lowbackpain.

TRICARE pilots and demonstrations: How you benefit


FALLS CHURCH, Va TRICARE develops pilots and demonstrations to test new medical services, treatments, and approaches These include initiatives for autism care, childbirth support, and low back pain Certain groups have the chance tobenefitfromtheseservicesduringanevaluationperiod.Resultsfromtheseprograms mayinformfuturebenefitchanges.

“The goal of these pilots and demonstrations is to support better health outcomes, enhance health care experiences and reducecostsovertime,”saidEricaFerron,a management and program analyst with the TRICARE Health Plan. “This is an important process to ensure that TRICARE keeps finding new ways to improve your health carecoverage.”

Here’s a look at three programs that are underway.Youshouldconsiderwhichones may be helpful for you or a family member

Keep in mind, not everyone is eligible for theseprograms Also,theendtimesofthese programsvary

For more on these pilots and demonstrations,aswellasotherTRICAREinitiatives,checkoutSpecialPrograms Notsure if TRICARE covers a specific service? Go to Covered Services and use the search tool. Or contact your TRICARE regional

contractor to help you with health care coverage questions

Low Back Pain & Physical Therapy Demonstration

TheLowBackPainandPhysicalTherapy Demonstrationaddressestheongoingissue oflowbackpainmanyindividualsface.The purpose is to see if those whose low back pain may be treated or managed by physicaltherapywilltryitifthefirstfewphysical therapy visits are free The demonstration waives your cost-shares for up to three coveredphysicaltherapysessions Afterthe thirdcoveredsession,you’llpayregularcostsharesandcopayments


„ Youmusthaveaprimarydiagnosisof lowbackpain

„ Youmusthaveareferralfroma TRICAREauthorizedproviderforphysical therapyservicestotreatyourlowbackpain.

„ Youmustliveinandreceivephysicaltherapyservicesinoneoftheten statesthedemonstrationisavailablein: Arizona,California,Colorado,Florida, Georgia,Kentucky,NorthCarolina,Ohio, Tennessee,Virginia ThedemonstrationrunsthroughDec.31 2023

Childbirth & Breastfeeding Support Demonstration

Under the Childbirth and Breastfeeding Support Demonstration, TRICARE covers theservicesofthreetypesofmaternalhealth providers:

„ Certifiednon-medicallabordoulas

„ Certifiedlactationconsultants

„ Certifiedlactationcounselors

Thegoalistoevaluatetheimpactofthese providersonbirthingparentsandinfants

The demonstration is only for those who are enrolled in TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select in the U.S. Be sure to reviewtheeligibilitydetails

Most beneficiaries who give birth in the MilitaryHealthSystemwillreceiveavoluntarysurvey Thisisregardlessofyoureligibilityfororparticipationinthedemonstration Thesurveygivesyouachancetoshareyour experienceswithgivingbirth.Thegoalisto help TRICARE improve its maternity care andbenefit.

Thedemonstrationwillrunstatesideuntil Dec. 31, 2026. It will expand to overseas on Jan.1,2025.

Autism Care Demonstration

Under the Autism Care Demonstration (ACD), TRICARE covers clinically necessary and developmentally appropriate applied behavior analysis (ABA) services. These services are meant to treat the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The goal of the ACD is to analyze and evaluate the quality efficiency convenience andcost-effectivenessofauthorized ABAservices ForyourchildtoqualifyfortheACD:

„ YoumustenrollyourchildinaTRICARE healthplan.

„ Anapprovedprovidermustdiagnoseyour childwithASD

„ Your child must receive a referral to the ACDforABAservices.

„ If you’re an active duty service member, youmustenrollyourchildintheExceptional Family Member Program You must also register your child in the Extended Care HealthOption,asoutlinedintheTRICARE AutismCareDemonstrationFactSheet. TheACDisauthorizedtorunthroughthe endof2028

Belvoir Hospital reaches milestone with robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery

FORT BELVOIR, Va Concentration, focus and professionalism were on full display during a robotic-assisted joint replacementsurgeryattheBelvoirHospital

February 23, 2023. The hospital is the first medical treatment facility in the Defense Health Agency with this robotic-assisted platform (VELYS), and the cutting-edge technology provides the joint replacement surgeons an unparalleled amount of realtimesurgicaldata Leveragingthistechnologygreatlyincreasesandenablesconsistent, reproducible and accurate surgical bone cuts and gives instantaneous feedback in real-time

“We are thrilled to offer technological advancements like the Depuy VELYS Robotic-AssistedSolutionjointreplacement surgeryattheBelvoirHospital,”saidLt Col. Robert McGill, Chief of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitationatthehospital.

Robotic-assisted joint replacement has grown from 4% of knee replacements in 2018toroughly12%in2022andisprojected to be almost 30% in 2025. Robotic-assisted capabilities such as these within Military Treatment Facilities strive to better expose orthopedicresidentstothistechnologyand promisestoprovideabettergroundworkfor theirownsurgicalpracticesandskillsets

“CombiningtheVELYSwithourexisting ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) protocols work hand-in-hand to achieve a combined goal of expert, safe, and compassionatepatientcare”,saidMcGill.“Advances such as these expand our ability to deploy the most up-to-date technology in the care


(February23,2023)--Concentration,focus,and professionalism are on full displayduring a robotic-assisted joint replacement surgeryat the BelvoirHospital February23,2023.The hospital is the first medical treatment facilityin the Defense HealthAgencywith this robotic-assisted platform (VELYS),and the cutting-edge technologyprovides the joint replacement surgeons an unparalleled amount ofrealtime surgical data.Leveraging this technologygreatlyincreases and enables consistent,reproducible,and accurate surgical bone cuts and gives instantaneous feedbackin real-time.Combining theVELYSwith theirexisting ERAS (Enhanced RecoveryAfterSurgery) protocolsworkhand-inhand to achieve a combined goal ofexpert,safe and compassionate patient care (DEPARTMENTOFDEFENSEPHOTOSBYREESEBROWN)

of our surgical arthroplasty patients and furthers our goal of becoming the premier location for musculoskeletal care in the NationalCapitalRegionMarket.”

The Belvoir Hospital is a 120-bed, 1.3

million-square-foot military community hospital that serves a regional population of 250,000 personnel with about 100,000 enrollees receiving inpatient and specialty care services supported by 55 specialty

clinics a Warrior Pavilion (for combat injured/wounded/ill),InpatientAddictions Program, and three satellite family health centersatthePentagon,DumfriesandFairfax,Va

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