many great people who share my vision of a future with low carbon emissions, championing communities, and including more people at the decision-making table. I’m truly proud to be working in oil and gas, and working at Enbridge. It’s been an excellent career so far and I’m excited to see what the future brings.
means everyone has something critically important to offer. Its something I always want to carry with me as a future leader in oil and gas. You really have no business being any kind of leader if you’re only accessible to the C-suite, standing on a soap box in a suit and tie. To all the leaders out there: get your coveralls dirty and earn the respect of the frontline.
EC: Do you have any mentors or role models in the pipeline EC: What is your message to other young pipeline professionals? industry? What makes this industry rewarding and attractive for young KE: I have many notable mentors in my life, including Michelle professionals? George, VP of Engineering, Storage and Transmission Operations KE: Right now, we are on the cusp of energy transition. This at Enbridge Gas. She teaches me so much about leadership, requires diversity of thought because so much innovation is on building my technical abilities and how to improve my people the horizon, and the oil and gas pipeline industry knows this. It skills. I’m so grateful to spend time with her, and I really respect and look up to her. I aspire to a similar career path. I am regularly mentored by my people leaders at Enbridge Gas, most notably Paul Hammell (Direct Supervisor) and Dan Wallace (Manager of Engineering Construction). I think the most important thing I’ve learned from the both of them is what kind leadership looks like, and how to really be there for the team. I hear a lot of leaders talk about being there for their teams, but a leader who will get scrappy for you, who will hangout in a muddy trench with you, or who will bring coffee at 9 pm to a job site during unexpected circumstances are the real deal, and thats what Paul and Dan teach me about. Being an engineer in training, both of them are also particularly talented at guiding me through the problem-solving process from the perspective of an engineering professional. Paul and Dan demonstrate an unwavering dedication to not only being there for me, but also contributing to my growth. This is authentic leadership. I also want to mention an important field mentor to me, his name is Derek Johnson. He is a construction superintendent. I really appreciate his mentorship because he has many years of field and construction experience, and everytime we talk I learn a lot from him. People in-field respect and trust him, and his mentorship allows me this opportunity to develop my skills around that. I aspire to be someone who folks on the frontline can trust and rely on. Growing up with a dad that was a union-rep (and still is), electrician and then electrical engineer – Designed with you in mind, the UltraBox features a patented those values have been instilled in me from modular approach to quickly and conveniently provide custom the beginning. FRQ¿JXUHG MXQFWLRQ ER[HV )HDWXULQJ D ',1 UDLO PRXQWLQJ V\VWHP Culturally, Anishinaabeg people ZLWK VQDS LQ PRGXOHV WKH 8OWUD%R[ SURYLGHV \RX WKH DELOLW\ understand leadership as a circle as WR DGG UHPRYH RU UHSRVLWLRQ PRGXOHV HDVLO\ DW DQ\ WLPH opposed to a hierarchy. To me, this