The COVID scam

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THE COVID SCAM Man made pandemic Fake crisis True greed Future World Government


Patrick Scheffer Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

© 2022 by Patschef Press All rights reserved. ISBN LCCN Printed in India.


Two years into a Global Pandemic, two years of frightening headlines, two years of government mandated restrictions, two years of no answers, and what seems like no end in sight. I am only a cornered citizen, like many, who has been struggling to maintain some sense of sanity throughout these challenging times. Initially I was not sure what to make of the Covid-19 crisis; it was exhausting trying to defend myself from the bombardment of conflicting “facts” being hurled at me from every media source and more! Then as the dust began to settle what I seemed to be witnessing was a mass censorship campaigned, accompanied by a government official mantra, and a cult type following of true believers proudly parading in their masks. Have I suddenly been transported into a dystopian sci-fi future? I needed some answers. Patrick Scheffer presents a bold and concise opposition to the mantra, closely examining the experts and revealing the conflicts of interests you are not to know! Scandal, scientific censorship, i

THE COVID SCAM bourgeoisie hypocrisy, and the emergence of new billionaires all exposed in this riveting essay. Outlined in clear detail, the behind the scene action that has been developing over the last two year period is displayed. After reading this piece twice I would fairly say that Mr. Scheffer does a fine job in presenting facts, and proposing questions that allows the reader to draw their own conclusions. I would wish for more people to read this essay in hopes that they too would find it intriguing and no longer fear asking the tough, simple questions. The Covid Scam has giving me another perspective and new information I had not seen elsewhere. Originally I was looking for answers; this essay has enlightened me with some and at the same time left me with more questions to ponder. Keri Daberkoe

Acknowledgements T h e G r e a t B a r r i n gt o n D e c l a r a t i o n

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childiv

T h e G r e a t B a r r i n gt o n D e c l a r a t i o n hood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice. Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed. Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than much other harm, including influenza. As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity. The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

THE COVID SCAM Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals. Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity. On October 4, 2020, this declaration was authored and signed in Great Barrington, United States, by: Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.

T h e G r e a t B a r r i n gt o n D e c l a r a t i o n Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.


CRAP LIES, LIES and SUPERLIES Manipulation The Great Reset ALTERNATIVES The Swindle of nations MONEY Do as I say Useful Crisis My humble opinion!


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CRAP Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. Plato

I am writing this book from a French perspective. I currently live there; therefore it’s mostly geared toward the French/English readership. But I will, nonetheless, provide information on what is happening in the U.S.A, Canada and other western nations as I go along with my reasoning. This essay is not exhaustive and I don’t pretend to be a doctor or a professor of virology. I simply look at the state of decay the western world is facing nowadays. Common sense and reason seems to be a thing of the past, I cannot fathom the justification for more regulations, unless the elite has something else in the bag for all of us. 1


COVID is an excuse. Soft dictatorship and lockdowns do work. Not at stopping the spread of a virus, but they are successful at destroying economies. This virus is statistically as devastating to the population as a bad flu, so why have governments implemented and held such a disproportionate response, destroying their economies and pretending it doesn’t matter? It’s because COVID is a scapegoat and an excuse or opportunity to bring about their Great Reset. QE started in 2008 following the banking crisis caused by the misuse of the lending markets in the US and the economy has been on life support ever since. (Quantitative easing (QE) is a form of unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases longer-term securities from the open market in order to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment.) In September 2019, a month before Bill Gates’ event 201, overnight money market seized. (The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201.) The Federal Reserve had to step in printing 50 to 100 million dollars per night to try and fix it, but there was no fixing it. Since COVID, they have expanded the money supply by between 20 to 25 % under the guise of ‘covid relief’ rather than what it is; another banking crisis (and the Biden administration wants to add another 5 trillions dollars in debts –about the cost of 500 aircraft carriers). History tells us this money printing ends with the collapse of the currency and the economy it’s attached to. Since 1971, when the 2


dollar as a reserve currency came off the gold standard, all currencies have been FIAT – they are backed by nothing and depend on faith. Only 3 % of our money supply is physical notes and coins, the other 97% is debt based. Debt brings money into existence; you borrow 100 thousand and the banks are allowed to create that money from air and loan it to you with interest. In the reverse case it’s important that you know that when you deposit money in a bank it no longer belongs to you, the banks can legally invest 90% of it and they provide you with interest for this. In 2008 we saw bank bailouts but as of 2014, the western world has agreed to ‘bank bail ins’ instead, meaning they can legally take your money (European Union has presently a bill for that purpose) in a crisis; this is what happened in Cyprus in 2013. The governments’ claims to guarantee a certain amount of deposits but only hold less than half of this, so good luck getting your money back. So, the credit markets are under stress – what is the best pressure release valve for the credit market to hold back a collapse? It’s a weaker economy. This could be part of the reason the economy was shut down. The difficulty they now face in opening back up is when you combine an increase in money supply with an increase in velocity you are inviting inflation. In 2008 QE was given to the banking sector and large corporations, but in 2020 it was also given to the general public, readily available now to spend. By keeping sectors of the economy closed you are breaking the velocity. The velocity is the number of times the same money changes hands. An increase of velocity will lead to inflation but it isn’t essential for it. Couple this with the inevitable increased demand for debt when the economy opens back up and people are taking loans again and this could pop the debt bubble.


THE COVID SCAM The global economy was supposed to be returning to ‘normal,’ but instead, more and more problems are erupting with each passing day. As I write, the world's supply chains are in a state of chaos. The global shortage of computer chips is making things very difficult for thousands upon thousands of manufacturers, the process of moving products across our oceans has become incredibly expensive and is often hampered by horrible delays, and the lack of truck drivers is causing huge headaches when it comes to getting goods to retailers and consumers in a timely manner. We've never seen anything like this before, and at this point, even CNN admits that ‘the disruption to global supply chains is getting worse...’ The vast network of ports, container ships, and trucking companies that move goods around the world is severely disrupted and shipping costs are skyrocketing. This is troubling news for retailers and also for consumers. This financial system is held together with debt. When you buy a loaf of bread there could be 10 different uses of credit to get it to your door between manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, etc. Mathematically credit is doomed to break, and this will cease the entire economy. This is why the banks were considered ‘too big to fail’. If credit isn’t functioning, then products won’t be created. When the credit markets fail, so does the entire economy. So what do they do? Inflation is inevitable; more money is chasing the same amount of goods and services, that’s just how money works. It has been evident in property for a long time but is recently showing up in commodity prices like lumber, copper, and also food prices. Inflation initially raises asset prices and then filters down into living costs; the last to inflate are wages making it increasingly difficult for the less wealthy to buy property as their wages only meet their living expenses. The governments 4

CRAP have got themselves into overwhelming debt so they can’t raise interest rates, or they won’t be able to service that debt, as they can barely meet the interest requirements. It seems they are planning to let inflation rise, trying to maintain some control over it and inflate away the debt. Inflation is a hidden tax just as they inflate away the debt, they inflate away your purchasing power, and you slowly lose everything you’ve worked for. With inflation and bank bail-ins they’re taking your money. The danger here is hyper inflation. Look at Venezuela and Zimbabwe, where currency litters the streets. It has so little purchasing power that it’s not worth picking it up.

We are moving into a central bank digital currency. This has already been used in China, with Sweden, Turkey and Iran following. With digital currency the governments have complete control as it is programmable. It is a loss of your freedom and privacy. They can control velocity by programming it with expiration dates or deciding where in thr economy it can be spent. They can limit your leisure spending. Prohibit you from buying certain items, or only allow spending on basic food items and rent. They can tax and fine directly. They have control. They can incentivize you to spend or save with negative or positive interest respectively. The European Central Bank announced last summer (cf. Economic newspaper Les Echos of July 14) that in 5 years it will channel and archive all day-to-day transactions.



To submit, one must have the means to do so. So we need everything digital - and therefore the digital euro - so that individuals, limited by their bank account, cannot face, for example, possible fines for refusing to take the vaccine... We need to limit the freedom linked to money in order to submit. It is as simple as that. The demonstration is more than clear. And of course all this under the pretext of protecting you, of fighting against the mafias... It is therefore the implementation of what Schwab theorized in “The Great Reset.” We will no longer be owners of anything, we will be tenants of everything and therefore completely dependent on the instructions/orders that will be given to us... The globalist caste has been terrified both by Brexit and by Trump, who have shown that universal suffrage can destroy what they have been building for 40 years. It is therefore necessary, by all means, to prevent this from being possible again... The diabolical “populist”, “nationalist”, “conspiracy” movements... endanger the multilateral and somehow free-trade construction carried by the caste for some fifty years. Faced with the risk of seeing universal suffrage challenge the U.S.A, EU, the G7, the WTO... the caste has decided to neutralize universal suffrage and to neutralize its effects by using digital identity to perpetuate its domination over our societies. How would you implement a control agenda? I would collapse the economy so that there are no independent businesses therefore making everyone dependent on the state, provide them with a generous universal credit system, then slowly reduce it or inflate it away. The concept of UBI (Universal Basic Income) has been around for some years now. Over 80% of jobs that make 6


moderate to low wages are predicted to be automated away by 2030. Humans are becoming surplus to requirements. In the fourth industrial revolution according to the World Economic Forum (Davos) our bodies will be so high tech we won’t be able to really distinguish between what’s natural and what’s artificial. A future of superhuman – frightening! They are also proponents of the green energy, carbon tax movements which if you look into it is eugenics repackaged. They are telling us that if we pay more taxes and stop eating meat it will heal the planet. The middle and working classes will be eroded and replaced with robots. AI and big corporations, and given a basic income. So how is this funded? The Davos/IMF concept is that you will own nothing and be happy. Founded on 24 January 1971 by Klaus Schwab. It views its own mission as “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.” In reality the DAVOS men are backed by Soros, Gates, and Zuckerberg and so on. Jacques ATTALI in France, counsel of all presidents since Mitterrand has imposed Emmanuel Macron at the head of the state. Puppets to that elite class, they want to reduce the world population by subterfuges. Klaus Schwab is the father of Nicole Schwab, cofounder in 2009 du Gender Equality Project, a feminist group. His mom is no other than Marianne Schwab, born Rothschild in 1919 in Frankfurt/Main and who is the daughter of Louis and Melanie Rothschild of Bad Homburg, Germany. This explains that! So the idea is to confiscate or severely limit all private property. The other option is taxes, but the rich don’t pay taxes. The loopholes are designed to be beneficial to them but too costly for us.



In the mind of those genius Davos people, while the Universal Basic Income is proposed, the more effective solution to stop the wealth divide would be a universal maximum income, with a wealth cap. Let them have 20 million that’s all the houses, cars, and yachts you could wish for – but limit their amount of control and influence. This is the biggest heist of wealth transfer in history.

The media does not inform you. Its purpose is to distract and advertise to you. The economy has collapsed under the weight of debts-fuel greed and the media are silent. Billionaires have increased their wealth by 28% during the crisis, gained at the expense of small businesses. The stock market is fake and it is a rigged game fueled by money printing and doomed to fail. The old world is not coming back. A group of billionaires are deciding how the rest of the world should live and they have the ear of governments that claim to represent you. They will destroy any intruders (TRUMP). When you hear Johnson, Macron, Trudeau and Biden say build back better that is a DAVOS concept. A collection of non elected private billionaire influences. If we submit to a digital currency, we lose control and privacy. This is what you really need to wake up to. Furlough is psychological prepping for UBI (Universal Basic Income). You are not being paid to stay at home, you are being paid not to revolt. If you knew the pounds, dollars, Euros, etc… are losing purchasing power why would you keep them? This is why people are moving to hold assets as silver, gold, land and properties instead and transferring currency to crypto to outrun the inflation that is already becoming evident. There is also a ridiculous increase in shipping costs. COVID impacted the supply chain. China stockpiled containers and the system broke. 8


This led to a problem with stock on shelves. When it is fully operational again the additional costs will be passed on to the consumer. It would be wise to buy supplies to come by any shortages while systems resets – better to be looking at it rather than looking for it. Hold Gold/silver/crypto to maintain a degree of autonomy from the upcoming digital system. Our problem is our FIAT currency is failing. Thousands have preceded it and they have all failed due to debasement of the currency. We have to be aware of this so we can prepare and work to fight against the incoming erosion of our freedom and privacy. Soros like Schwab! According to ‘Valeurs Actuelles’ magazine in France, a report, which advocates for greater financial transparency, was appreciated by certain ambassadors to the United Nations, “several states, fed up with the ideological activism of a few experts, [wanting] to put some order into the system”. If it is difficult to predict the consequences of this document, it will at least have shed light on the libertarian projects of the billionaire philanthropist ‘Soros’ whose objective is officially to promote democratic governance, human rights and economic, social and legal reforms through his network of foundations. In reality imposing global governance and its societal ideology “open and borderless!” to the world. Geneva, Friday, September 3, 2021. At the United Nations headquarters, a bomb has just exploded. It is the new report of the European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ), directed by



Grégor Puppinck. And its conclusions are likely to disturb some supposedly voluntary experts with deep pockets. “A few private organizations have a growing hold on the world's highest level of human rights protection,” the report reveals. Officially unpaid, experts have received “at least 11 million dollars outside the control of the UN, mainly from the Ford Foundation, George Soros' Open Society and anonymous donors,” writes Valeurs Actuelles, the first media outlet to have revealed the affair. The American billionaire George Soros is thus able to influence and even impose his progressive and globalist ideology on the UN Human Rights Council, through a small number of NGOs. UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, UNESCO would receive billions, a practice that ECLJ describes as “silent corruption”! This is a “furious attack” on human rights and “the integrity of the Special Procedures,” says Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the ‘Special Rapporteur’, who is very angry about these claims. She is supported by “the Center for Reproductive Rights (a pro-abortion lobby), the International Lesbian & Gay Association (ILGA), and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). All of them have in common that they are funded by Soros' Open Society,” the weekly said. Criticism of this report also comes from these experts with opaque funding and among them Ahmed Shaheed, who campaigns for the legal recognition of Islamophobia.

FIAT money …? What does FIAT mean? It comes from the Latin word Fiat meaning ‘let it be done.’ It is the passive of the Latin word Facere, meaning ‘to make, do.’ In 1750, the English word 10

CRAP ‘fiat’ started to mean ‘a decree, order, command.’ FIAT money doesn’t value the paper it’s printed on. It’s just authoritarianism. The elite class of billionaires and ‘wannabes’ are essentially the drive behind the destruction of the world. They know their luxurious lifestyle is coming to an end and they are preparing. Bezos has purchased a huge amount of land in the United States as well as several Islands. Zuckerberg has sold an amazing amount of shares of Facebook and most of the world’s oil rich Arab nations have done the same. Preparing for what’s coming next. This is a holocaust of historical proportion. The global reset is on the way. People must resist and hold down to their assets. Get ready. I've never seen a global pandemic where we fire the caregivers, where we reduce the number of beds, where we have to pay for the tests and the hospital is reserved to the vaccinated people that can transmit the virus. From cures for corona virus to phishing emails and phony websites, scammers are taking advantage of consumers' fears as the virus seems to spread. And people will be scared as long as it is necessary for the great reset to occur. Pfizer is doubling its profit and Moderna’s share came from 17 US dollars to 426 US dollars in one year at Wall Street. The elite are salivating at the idea of reduced population and mass control. Alerting the public about a fraud scheme involving COVID-19 is for many defensive groups the only way making people aware. But is it real? The security agenda of Western leaders



The restrictive measures, each one more delirious than the last, are following one another at a very worrying rate. To understand this, a detour to the World Economic Forum in Davos is in order, where the world's top financiers and decision-makers have repeatedly proclaimed that the objective is to turn the current crisis into a "formidable" opportunity to bring about a Great Reset. All this is widely verifiable online and very well documented in a few books or study reports signed by the hands of those who are the actors. But make no mistake; this "Great Reset" is nothing more than a painful overhaul of modern economies that are largely over-indebted and on the verge of downgrading. For the past fifteen years, the growth displayed by the major countries has been totally artificial, based as it is on monetary creation (money printing, if you prefer), which is completely insane because it is uncorrelated with real production. Consider, for example, that the money supply M1 (coins and bills in circulation, deposits in checking accounts) has been multiplied by 4.5 in the USA in 2020 (see This is unprecedented. And it is not much better in Europe. To make a long story short, the 2008 crisis, linked to an excess of liquidity on the markets, was overcome thanks to ... even greater liquidity outflows. We have cured the evil with even more evil. A real rush! The cause was ever higher public spending, a monstrous public debt, productivity at half-mast and a significant loss of competitiveness in the face of the Asian bloc, particularly China. Our economies were then dangerously maintained under monetary oxygen to stay in the race. In doing so, they have become even more fragile and are about to face a series of very brutal adjustments: severe inflation, cascading bankruptcies, unemployment, falling stock and financial markets, etc. The result 12


will be the impoverishment of the middle and upper classes, as well as an increase in extreme poverty. For the time being, this process has been slowed down by the even greater issuance of "fake" money (FIAT currency). But this is a step backwards. The ruling classes have perfectly understood that such a situation is likely to provoke bloody riots and other violence that cannot be controlled by the forces of order. When you have nothing left to lose... This is why they consider that they have no other choice than to anticipate and take control of the population very quickly in order to contain the consequences of a structural collapse of our societies. Here comes a virus … It goes without saying that the measures taken over the last two years are not about health. They are in fact social engineering aimed at ensuring the transition to a post-consumerist authoritarian society (remember the words of Klaus Schwab, director of the Davos Forum: "In ten years you will own nothing and you will be happy about it"). It is a question of anticipating and containing the anger of the people through an abusive use of digital and biological identity (inspired by the Chinese model) in a context of fear and financial dependence. As we know, the Prince of division, the Great Divider, has a name: it is the devil. His objective is to divide as much as possible, because he knows that division ravages, ruins, destroys everything in its path. And here is that the current times, especially those focused on Covid, offer him a new playground at the global level: it is of course the implementation of the anti-covid vaccine at the level of the whole planet.



France (but also Quebec), always ahead in liberticidal policies, but to some degrees USA, lives from now on at the rhythm of the compulsory vaccine: it is the only thing that is talked about, and the divide is growing week by week, at the level of society, at the level of social communities, at the level of families, and between those who are in favor of the vaccine and those who are not. The first observation is that, overall, those who are not in favor of the vaccine feel comfortable compared to those who are happily vaccinated, which is quite normal, since they are adept at freedom. Second remark: overall, those who are in favor of the vaccine are gradually becoming vaccine fanatics, considering that those who are not vaccinated are running a considerable health risk for society. They therefore gradually become actors of the health dictatorship, and claim it loud and clear. Third remark: globally, the pro-vaccines ignore or refuse to consider three aspects of vaccines generally admitted by the world scientific community: the vaccinated can be reached again by the virus, the vaccinated can transmit the virus, and the side effects of the vaccines can be serious for the heart, for the brain and for the female ovaries. Fourth remark: the government dictatorially imposes a unique treatment, dictatorially excluding any other treatment. This generates profits for the laboratories, which currently amount to tens of billions of Euros in Europe, and will in the long run amount to hundreds of billions of Euros.



Hence the question that we can legitimately ask ourselves: who benefits from the crime? In this global context, on the subject of vaccines, families are torn apart, friends are torn apart, social communities are torn apart, and society as a whole is torn apart. We no longer count the definitive quarrels between the pro-vaccines, followers of the health dictatorship of Macron (France) or Legault (Quebec), and the anti-vaccines, who claim their freedom loud and clear. Once again, Macron, Legault and their sad entourage are proving to be the great diabolical dividers of a France or a Quebec that is in bad shape. That said, the population, with each passing day, is becoming more aware of this, as recent polls or the repetitive and considerable demonstrations of this summer reveal. So we still have reasons to hope: freedom is not yet dead!

Professor Luc Montagnier, the French renowned virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) speaks out ... Montagnier: "now I say: this is a health dictatorship" "I want to repeat it clearly: these vaccines are useless, dangerous and ineffective. Contrary to what we have been told, these vaccines do not prevent the spread of the virus at all." "It is a crime to vaccinate children, because even if they don't suffer negative effects now, there may be long-term effects be-



yond what we are seeing now. Long-term effects that we don't know anything yet." "And that's a crime especially since there are alternative methods to treat this infection that are also less expensive than vaccines and would allow us to get rid of this disease." "But in the media, there is no mention of alternatives, other types of vaccines or cures. And if someone points out the negative effects, that person is eliminated, so we live in an authentic reality of lies." "That's why we must condemn the marketing of big pharmaceutical companies, doctors and scientists, and especially governments". “Vaccine is the cause of death in 30-40% of autopsies of recently vaccinated individuals” P. Schirmacher, Director of the Heidelberg Institute of Pathology. Panic in the German media which debunks this as fast as they can!

No HIV vaccine after 40 years of research... Let’s talk a little about the HIV vaccine. Remember that one time in the 80’s-90’s when people died from AIDS treatment (AZT) and not the actual AIDS virus? Remember that one doctor who promoted that treatment? Yes, the same guy who is actually in charge of NIH in the United States, Doctor Anthony FAUCI. How surprising … So, no reliable vaccine against flu... No treatment for Alzheimer's disease... No effective treatment for cancer after 100 years of research... Nothing!



A virus mysteriously appears and within a year, a vaccine is created at the same time by four different pharmaceutical companies and we all have to take it with constraints and under penalty of fines?! - the resolution 2361 adopted on 28/1 by the Council of Europe stipulates in article 7.3.1 that vaccination should NOT be compulsory and that no one should be subjected to political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated, if he or she does not wish to do so personally. - Article 7.3.2 states that no one shall be discriminated against for not being vaccinated because of potential health risks or for not wanting to be vaccinated. Source: Council of Europe A person that is able to lose freedom for illusory security always ends up losing both. “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Let's not give up! It's not about vaccines, pandemics, or even a health plan to save us. Bullshit! It is the strategy of a conspiracy that has been implemented for a long time. Why develop and use vaccination? Perhaps to heal and cure the populations? Do you want to believe in the benevolence of any power, with a desire to heal while it considerably reduces access to care by reducing budgets, staff and equipment? We want to believe that our elected officials are passionate about our health. We want to believe in human compassion when it comes to life and death! The decision-makers who manipulate the puppets at the helm know perfectly well the drift of a health crisis and the chaos it generates.



This particular moment when fear settles down to last, with a blind trust for the institutions of our country! What disillusionment to be lulled by the incessant flow of lies that makes powder to the eyes and totally veil the reality of their intentions. In submission, revealing the grip of power, reducing the dignity of all in the name of security is simply dictatorship. Should we believe these lies? No! It is only a lot of smoke and mirrors, and you are caught in the trap of submission. Only intelligence is left to timidly block it. The health pass is still an argument to divide the population because it fears the rebellion of the great number. The strategy of this health dictatorship is a decoy. The essence of this maneuver is to vaccinate with consent, but the real goal is to vaccinate totally for reasons not of public health, but to educate and control the population for the future in order to prepare a new world, created from scratch by the creators, manipulators inspired by our well-known prophets, who think that life will no longer be possible in the near future. And they are right to worry about this and are advising us to take control before the inevitable chaos of the world economy. The colossal fortunes injected in order to control the populations, and here is that the vaccine would become the odyssey of the oligarchies to reach the populations in the world with unexpected surprises that will act as absolute control of the individual wherever he is. This is not science fiction but the ambition of all pragmatic idiots who conceive a fully digitized world. Almost all the current progressive leaders who are trying to impose the de facto mandatory vaccine (Macron, Trudeau, Ardern, etc...) are laureates of the “young leaders” program of Klaus Schwab the boss of Davos.



As of August 26, the seven-day average number of vaccine doses administered at CDC per day was 877,756. As of September 2, the seven-day average number of vaccine doses administered per day has increased to 906,992. The sharp slowdown in vaccinations early in the summer led the United States to meet President Biden's goal of giving a dose to 70% of all adults by July 4 a month later, with the milestone reached on August 2. The miss was attributed largely to young adults, ages 18 to 29, who did not show up for their shots. “The country still has work to do...especially with 18- to 26year-olds,” said White House senior adviser on COVID-19 Jeffrey Zients in late June when it became clear the target would be missed. The reality is that many young Americans felt that Covid-19 was not something that affected them, and they were less willing to get vaccinated. Similarly, in Europe, there was lower (and slower) uptake among young adults, and again, this was attributed to a more relaxed attitude among young people toward Covid. They are at much lower risk than older adults for hospitalization and death, and the reopening of companies this summer seems to have removed the incentive to get vaccinated for some. As the rollout of vaccination in the United States has progressed, the divergence in vaccination rates across the United States has become more pronounced, varying considerably across the country, with southern states tending to lag behind their northern counterparts. Some states have been encouraged by the president to offer cash incentives in an effort to attract people to get vaccinated. 19


The anti-Covid vaccination, intended for the entire population, applied in a forced march, is not subject to any debate in France. It is indeed a political ideology (embodied and actively promoted by the President of the Republic himself) and not a scientific idea, nor a public health strategy. Science as well as public health is a complex thing, series of partial truths, adaptable and revisable according to the realities of the field or of experience. In all ideologies (political or religious), the debate is instead posed in binary and childish terms. One is for or against, and the world is divided between friends (here the pro-vax) and enemies (here the anti-vax). This ideology has taken power in France and it imposes the very terms of the debate is a catastrophe from all points of view: intellectual, democratic and sanitary.

Influencers go wild, some journalists follow them In such a context, the evidence of an unprecedented vaccine danger associated with the four Anglo-Saxon vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen- Johnson and Johnson’s-) constitutes such a cognitive dissonance that many simply cannot hear it. The reality is, however, that one of these four vaccines (AstraZeneca's) has already been suspended in February-March 2021 in many, many countries and permanently withdrawn or even banned in some (Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, South Africa, Venezuela as well as the United States). In fact, I showed that this vaccine was clearly responsible for the particularly high level of deaths reported in the United Kingdom, which used it massively (as it is a product of a Swedish-British firm). However, at the end of April, Emmanuel Macron continued to recommend it and sought to "break the mistrust" of the French 20

CRAP towards it, as “Le Monde” explained at the time. This is an ideological position, not a scientific or medical one, as we have already said. And most of the commentators expressing themselves in the public debate are behind the president. All those people who, for one reason or another, were involved in the government's general vaccination campaign (elected officials, senior civil servants, doctors, journalists, etc.), cannot discuss the problem calmly. They see it as an unbearable challenge to the ideology they have adopted. Therefore, instead of contributing to thinking about the problem and supporting it with data or arguments, they look for a way to evacuate it purely and simply. And, as we know, the best way to make a message disappear is to kill the messenger. Some are becoming delators like in 1940. When a person is miserable, they never see or expect the good in anything and always try to make those around them feel just as bad and negative as them. Calling them delators is a minimum. I call delators those who made a living out of accusing people before the authorities, period! And it is mostly always the cowardly leftists! These four pharmaceutical companies have not provided complete nomenclature to the FDA and on their vaccine box, fact sheet or label for many of the major and/or minor ingredients, contained in these so-called vaccines. The purpose of this research paper is to identify the specific major and minor ingredients contained in Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen vaccines, using various scientific anatomical, physiological and functional tests for each vaccine. As a human right, governed under global law by the 1947 Nuremberg Code, information about specific vaccine ingredients is essential, required, and necessary to know, so that any human 21


being in any country can make an informed decision about whether or not to consent to the inoculation of the SARS-CoV2-19 “vaccine.” Currently, these vaccines are being administered to millions of human beings worldwide under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by each country without full disclosure of ingredients, and in some cases at the request of governments or employers, which is a violation of human rights under the 1947 Nuremberg Code. The great thing about ‘the camp of the good’ aka the left, is that it would like to impose on us the TV channels we must watch, the newspapers we must read, the hobbies we must have and the people we must associate with. Totalitarianism in all its glory! Not since World War II has anything like covid19 revealed one's true nature. It is an accelerator but also, as in photography, a revelator. The light is indeed adulatory and corpuscular. It does not erase the shadow however. But let us return to the arguments used to justify censorship. It appears that all the people who claim to have real intellectual arguments have only two in the end. These two arguments are methodological. They aim to challenge the use of adverse drug reaction reports, and they invariably conclude that we have falsely alarmed and that in fact everything is fine. The first argument is "imputability", the second is "expected mortality" (see for example the verbatim of doctors collected in the AFP dispatch written against our article). Both notions are, in themselves, quite interesting and important to discuss. But their misuse for rhetorical purposes to protect the vaccine ideology is easy to show.



This is not a battle of ideas, since there is none on the other side. We are only witnessing an attempt, with its prudish squirming, to disguise vulgar censorship as a good deed. A western society that suffocates under the weight of inculcated certainties and that no longer listens before contradicting. A society whose culture is fading and where dogmas have replaced ideas is a closed society which will fail and disappear. Accountability and expected mortality: the real and false arguments of denial. On paper (or rather in front of a computer screen), things can be discussed endlessly and in reassuring intellectual comfort. This is called ratiocination. In real life, things are both simpler and more brutal for those directly affected by adverse drug reactions. For the victims, it is a question of knowing how to face these sometimes serious effects in a general context of denial. For caregivers, it is a question of knowing how to categorize and record these effects that appear very quickly (most often within 48 hours) after vaccination. Concerning imputability: it is obvious that it is very difficult to determine the exact cause of a serious adverse reaction when the patient presents (or presented if he died) important co morbidities, or when his medical file is insufficiently known. This reasoning also applies to deaths deemed to be caused by Covid. And it is also for this reason that, whatever the drug concerned (vaccine or other), it should never be administered uniformly but rather on a case-by-case basis according to the general state of health of the person and the possible specificities of his medical history. Moreover, in terms of mortality, the ultimate proof of imputability, which is the repetition of the same symptom fol23


lowing the same medication, cannot by definition be provided (one only dies once...). The fact remains that there are facts (serious adverse effects are observed in the hours and days following a medical procedure) and that it is not possible to dismiss them out of hand on the pretext that direct causality (a fortiori unique) has not been established. It is a bit like disputing the existence of a homicide on the grounds that the culprit has not yet been found. The pharmacovigilance declarations relating to serious adverse effects of vaccination are there, they must be interpreted and not tried to hide them under the rug. Concerning the "expected mortality", the argument used by our learned critics seems to us to be just as rhetorical. Basically, it consists in saying that it is normal for people to die at any age, vaccinated or not, and that there is therefore no need to question the deaths further. But none of the users of this argument have actually gone and checked whether this mortality was expected or not. Moreover, how does the fact that people die every day from cancer invalidate the question of the responsibility of vaccination when the patient in question dies within hours of the injection? It seems to us that the argument again serves to evacuate the question instead of studying it.

In the end, these two arguments are incapable of helping us understand the reality we have before us, which can be summarized as follows: a doctor notices the appearance of more or less serious adverse effects in the hours following a vaccination, and therefore reports what logically appears to him to be linked in one way or another to the vaccination that has just been given.



What is complicated to understand in this very concrete situation of daily life? Nothing really! Finally, and very revealingly, the French pharmacovigilance data in comparison with Great Britain, the Netherlands, the United States and the European community show the strange correlation of the figures of the different nations. And, in the case of the United States, it can be shown that the proof of the unprecedented character of the mortality linked to the new vaccines is provided by the temporal comparison. I will come back to this in detail. Then, we will study the Swiss data, which also converge towards the observation of an unprecedented vaccine mortality linked to these new anti-covid vaccines. The comparison confirms that we are dealing with a historical event Whether one thinks that the accounting of adverse events by pharmacovigilance exaggerates them or on the contrary minimizes them (which is commonly accepted in pharmacovigilance), the problem does not vary much from one year to the next. And the same problems of interpretation of declarations arise for other vaccines, those against seasonal flu for example. However, the mortality associated in the West with anti-covid vaccination due to the DNA or RNA vaccines manufactured by Anglo-Saxon firms constitutes an unprecedented historical fact. Plotted here from the American years of pharmacovigilance (VAERS), which lists the adverse effects associated with vaccines since 1990, it gives this: Recently, the new VAERS figures (US only) have been released. 818,042 adverse events 25


127,641 physician visits 83,412 hospitalizations 92,017 Emergency care 26,199 Disabilities 10,179 Bell's palsy 10,304 Myocarditis 8,408 Heart attacks 2,631 Miscarriages 17,128 Deaths Vaccine-associated mortality in the United States from 1990 to 2021 increases hundred fold as the number of people vaccinated increases. Let me specify that these are not vague imputations declared weeks or even months after the vaccination. These are effects that were mainly observed in the 48 hours immediately following the injection. We are therefore in the concrete situation summarized above. The time frame for the occurrence of deaths associated with vaccines in the United States. As I mentioned, the American database has been recording adverse drug reactions since 1990. It is therefore possible to compare this mortality from the new vaccines with that of all other vaccines administered over the last 31 years in this country. The first analysis that I did had a calculation error that led me to estimate that the anti-covid vaccine campaign was responsible for about 36% of the total deaths associated with vaccination since 1990. I had not seen that there were double counts in the results displayed. So I did the calculation again and the result is even more impressive. In the United States, after the 26


July 30, 2021 update, 10,672 deaths have been reported in pharmacovigilance as being associated with vaccination since 1990, for all vaccines used. Of these, 2,842 are associated with the Moderna vaccine, 2,768 with the Pfizer vaccine, 545 with the Janssen vaccine, and 28 for which the vaccine brand is not known. The total of the four adds up to 6,183 deaths, which is nearly 58% of the total deaths associated with any vaccine in the past 31 years. This is indeed an unprecedented historical event. The interpretation is open to debate. But the fact is that it cannot be dismissed. Details of deaths, hospitalizations and permanent disabilities in the United States The deaths associated with the new vaccine are obviously the most serious adverse events. However, the US data also show severe disabilities (nearly 7,000 at the end of July), fetal deaths (nearly 300) and hospitalizations (nearly 28,000). It is also possible to observe the age distribution of these serious adverse events associated with the CV vaccine. It is not surprising to observe that the most serious effects (death and permanent disability) are logically concentrated at the oldest ages, i.e. on the most fragile people. 63% of the cases concern people over 60 years old. However, we note that a quarter of the cases concern people aged 40 to 59, and that nearly 12% of the cases concern even young adults (18-39 years).

Mortality, lethality: comparison proves the unprecedented danger of these messenger RNA vaccines



I have just confirmed and even amplified the observation: in only 6 months, the anti-covid vaccine alone represents 58% of the total vaccine mortality for 31 years. I had also made the comparison with seasonal influenza vaccines and found that, over the same period, these vaccines are associated with 1,106 deaths (i.e. 6.66% of total vaccine mortality). We must therefore conclude that, in the United States, in 6 months, anti-covid vaccination contributed to killing 9 times more people than influenza vaccination did in 31 years.

Some honest commentators have rightly criticized me for discussing mortality but not lethality, for lack of providing data on the extent of non-Covid vaccinations in recent years. So I looked for this information, which is published on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website. It shows (not surprisingly) that the United States is a country that vaccinates a lot against seasonal flu in recent years. From 23.3 million doses injected in 1990-1991, we have increased to 193.8 million in 2020-2021. In the past 4 years (2017-2020), nearly 650 million flu shots have been given. And 194 reports of death were recorded in the database. So this gives an extremely low potential case fatality of 1 death per 3.3 million injections. So the seasonal flu vaccination is not dangerous for populations.

But here's the comparison with the flu vaccines: in 2021, in six months, about 165 million people were fully vaccinated in the United States. And we saw that 6,183 deaths were reported. So that gives an extremely high potential lethality of 1 death per 28


27,000 injections. In other words, the potential lethality of the newer Covid vaccines is about 120 times that of the seasonal flu vaccines.

Swiss pharmacovigilance data confirm the alert. Alerted by an article published by Pastor Martin Hoegger on the blog of economist Liliane Held-Khawam, I also explored the website of the Swiss pharmacovigilance agency (Swissmedic). The data made available allows me to make calculations equivalent to those I made for the United States. Here are the main results. From January 1 to July 21, 2021, more than 4.5 million people received these new vaccines in Switzerland. And the pharmacovigilance reports 2,782 non-serious events (about 1 in 1,600), 1,537 serious events (about 1 in 3,000), and 128 deaths (about 1 in 35,000, which is consistent with what we have seen for other European countries). Mr. Hoegger then did with the Swiss data the same reasoning and the same type of calculation as I did. He compared this mortality associated with the new vaccines with that of the previous seasonal flu vaccines. He found that in 9 years (from 2011 to 2019), 99 serious adverse events were reported, as well as 2 deaths. Based on the official finding that about 14% of the Swiss population was vaccinated against influenza in 2018-2019, and applying this rate to the whole period, he therefore estimates that about 10.5 million flu vaccinations were performed in Switzerland in 9 years. This would result in a very low rate of 1 death for every 5+ million flu vaccinations. 29


A vaccine against Covid-19 discovered in less than a year... but another infection, herpes, which concerns 3/4 of the population, a vaccine has not yet been found although treatments are effective. Suddenly the world has found a cure for a lesser form of flu against humanity.

By comparison, the Covid-19 vaccine has affected about 4.5 million people in Switzerland as of July 21, with 128 associated deaths, giving a rate of 1 death for every 35,000 vaccinations, a potential lethality about 140 times higher than that of seasonal flu vaccines. Again, this is a finding that needs to be interpreted, not glossed over. Seeing and hearing so many journalists and “experts” (or supposedly so) talk about the methodology of pharmacovigilance is something that is hard to imagine for the people who suffer these adverse effects. Who cares about this population that obeys the terrible blackmail (vaccinate yourself or you won't be able to work anymore, you won't be able to go to restaurants, movies, museums, concerts or amusement parks, you won't be able to travel, etc.)? Who protects people? Nobody! People have to organize themselves. Thus, in parallel with the Vaccine Injury Victims Network formed in 2018 by victims of the hepatitis B vaccine, a group called “Covid Official Vaccine Adverse Event Recensement” was created on Facebook in mid-July and gathered 200,000 subscribers in just three weeks. But it was censored a month later. Like the countless testimonies that are multiplying on social networks. Let's also remind everyone that the official portal for reporting “adverse health events”, intended for both caregivers and patients, is on the internet. 30


Examination of the available data clearly suggests that an unprecedented vaccine mortality is developing everywhere in the West, in connection with the use of the new anti-covid vaccines. The debate is open on the interpretation, but the fact is there, in front of our eyes. And this vaccine mortality is only the tip of the iceberg of serious adverse events. Even reduced to its most elementary principles of deontology (primum non nocere), the approach to this question in terms of public health should therefore lead to an urgent suspension of the vaccine campaign, to a much more detailed study of the pharmacovigilance data (in particular according to age groups and different risk factors) and, after a meticulous benefit/risk analysis, to determine to which specific categories of the population it is possible to propose vaccination without the risk of serious side effects being more numerous than the serious forms of Covid from which it is supposed to protect them. A press conference with two renowned pathologists took place in Reutlingen on September 20, 2021. Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang, two scientists confirmed the content of the report of Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher on the links established in autopsies between the Covid vaccination and the increasing number of deaths of vaccinated persons. Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher, who heads the autopsy services, found a causal relationship with vaccination in one-third of the deaths that occurred within 14 days after Covid 19 vaccination. At their press conference, the pathologists stressed that the situation was alarming. During their autopsies, the scientists went into great detail and used the latest technology. Because this was



the only way to establish a link to the vaccines, said Burkhard in the introduction. In particular, Prof. Dr. Burkhard said: “Among what I am showing you, there are many things that I have seen for the first time. Some things I cannot name yet, because I am still looking for names for them.” “We are doing a peer review here with many colleagues”. “Serious effects are probably misdiagnosed as heart attacks by many pathologists”. “Lymphocyte accumulations are found everywhere”. In all cases, the immune system has been attacked. Some diagnoses are difficult and often misinterpreted. After this press conference, every vaccinator will have to carefully review their certainties. The pharmaceutical companies involved must urgently answer the questions posed by these high-level scientists. Until then, everyone should ask themselves if they are taking the risk of such a “vaccination” and exposing their immune system to this danger. Finally … The prohibition of ‘compulsory vaccination’ has been adopted by the European Court! The European Court has finally ruled on the prohibition of compulsory vaccination. Any vaccination obligation is now illegal by default The Council of Europe (not to be confused with the EU), to which all European states belong, with the exception of Belarus, 32


Kosovo and the Vatican which is the sponsor of the European Court of Human Rights, decided on 27.01.2021 in its resolution 2361/2021, among others, that no one can be vaccinated against his will, under pressure. The 47 member states are invited to point out before the vaccination is not compulsory and that an unvaccinated person should not be discriminated against. Discrimination is also expressly prohibited if there are existing health risks or if a person does not wish to be vaccinated. Vaccine manufacturers are required to publish all information about the safety of vaccines. With this resolution, the world's largest human rights organization in Europe has now established standards and obligations, as well as created guidelines under international law, which must be applied by the 47 member states, including the EU as an organization. Discrimination, for example in the workplace or travel bans for unvaccinated people, the unvaccinated people, are therefore legally excluded. In any legal proceedings, against any authority, any employer, any travel provider, any official!





“History always repeats itself twice, the first as a tragedy, the second as a farce.” Karl Marx

Dr. Carles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, told health officials that his patients were suffering adverse effects from mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body. The spike protein in the vaccine can lead to the development of multiple, tiny blood clots because it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium; these cells are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, but the spike protein means there are “spikey bits sticking out”. Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients to detect the potential presence of blood clots within four to seven days of receiving a 35


COVID-19 vaccine; 62% have evidence of clotting. The longterm outlook is very grim, Hoffe said, because with each successive shot, it will add more damage as you’re getting more damaged capillaries. Researchers, academics, statisticians and a few journalists are trying to alert the population to the "vaccine mortality", that is to say the deaths caused by the COVID vaccination, which already number in the thousands and which is also accompanied by hundreds of thousands of serious side effects in the world. These people who alert, too few in number if we consider the gravity of the situation, are victims of censorship and the States as well as the pharmaceutical companies, through the mouth of the media, deny or ignore these figures, even though those data are official and accessible if we make the effort to look for them (CDCVAERS, Eudravigilance) and it is estimated that these reports represent only about 10% of the reality. In fact, we need to discuss the biological mechanisms that may explain the toxicity of vaccines that use mRNA and DNA genetic technologies based on the production by the human body of a close replica of the SARS-CoV2 spike protein. Once this protein is produced, it induces an immune response that allows the development of antibodies against the SARS-CoV2 virus, responsible for the pathology of COVID.

Introduction to the Spike protein The now famous “Spike” protein allows the SARS-CoV2 virus (the virus that causes COVID) to bind to human cells through its receptor: ACE2. 36


The ACE2 receptor is a protein that crosses the membrane of the cells that contain it (it is said to be transmembrane), and is called Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. Why Spike is toxic Let's start with the virus. Our ‘bad luck’, as is that the ACE2 receptor is a key protein for our health! It is an enzyme (a protein that facilitates chemical reactions) that has extremely positive and crucial missions for our body: it helps regulate blood pressure and especially, which is particularly key in the pathology of COVID, it is very important to fight inflammation in our body! And COVID is an inflammatory pathology. The virus therefore binds to a protein that is very useful for the balance of our health. By being solicited/occupied by its link with the virus, ACE2 can no longer play its essential antiinflammatory role. This creates an imbalance with another enzyme with which it is normally in balance: ACE (Angiotensinconverting enzyme) which activates inflammation and which is left free by the virus. The consequence of this ACE2/ACE imbalance is a hyper-inflammation which develops through four major biochemical pathways which will be discussed again later. So it is precisely by binding to ACE2 that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV2 virus produces a significant part of the inflammation observed in COVID! And that can lead to the famous "cytokine storm", pneumonia and potential acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with clotting and finally death. And it is this same spike protein that mRNA and DNA vaccines are asked to produce in large (uncontrolled) quantities in our 37


bodies! With the same affinity for the ACE2 receptor, therefore capable of triggering the same inflammatory processes as the spike of the virus, this being well known in the scientific literature for at least ten years and therefore also by the vaccine manufacturers. A diffuse toxicity of spike in the body, disseminated by the virus but also by the vaccines! So, the toxicity of spike protein alone is already an acute element of the problem. Studies have shown that the spike protein alone, not associated with the rest of the viral genome, is sufficient to cause the cardiovascular damage associated with covid19 (pericarditis, myocarditis, etc.) and to induce loss of integrity of the blood-brain barrier, leading to possible inflammation in the brain and its vessels. The spike protein is also expressed on endothelial cells; it can activate blood platelets and activate coagulation, which leads to thrombosis (by releasing platelet factor 4 or PF4). This toxicity of the spike protein alone was already known for SARS-Cov-1, more than ten years ago! In conclusion, two very important properties of the spike protein stand out: - The pathogenic effects of SARS-Cov-2 virus are mainly due to the activity of its surface spike protein. - This protein keeps the same affinity for the ACE2 receptor, whether it is associated with the SARS-Cov-2 virus or alone, which makes it capable of triggering, alone, the same inflammatory processes, and this in all organs and tissues where these receptors exist. And it is precisely this same spike protein that gene vaccines (mRNA and DNA) cause to be produced in large (uncontrolled) quantities in the body of the vaccinated!



In classical vaccines, the antigen is injected directly, which is either the whole inactivated virus (Sinovac, Valneva) or the inactivated spike protein (Novavax). The body will then produce antibodies against the virus and the proteins, injected in a defined quantity, are then eliminated. In the new “gene” vaccines, the part of the SARS-Cov-2 RNA that causes human cells to produce the spike protein is injected either directly (Pfizer, Moderna) or via another DNA virus (Sputnik, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson). The second very worrying problem that increases tenfold the toxicity of this Spike/ACE2 interaction is that these ACE2 receptors are present almost everywhere in the body: pharynx, trachea, lungs, blood, heart, vessels, intestines, brain, male genital organs and kidneys, and also in body fluids (mucus, saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, sperm and maternal milk) (Trypsteen W et al., 2020) As a result, the virus is able to create this inflammation in many organs. Moreover, the majority of COVID patients present various other symptoms in addition to respiratory disorders, including neurological, cardiovascular, intestinal and renal dysfunctions (Argenziano MG et al., 2020) (Huang C et al., 2020) (Lin L et al., 2020) (Chu KH et al., 2005) (Mao L et al., 2020) Since the spike protein is present in SARS-CoV2 (and its variants) and in the vaccines producing it, this toxicity therefore applies both to COVID (severe forms but also long COVID) but also potentially to all vaccines that rely on uncontrolled production of spike protein by cells, as opposed to vaccines that are made from deactivated whole virus or based on deactivated spike protein. Indeed, we now know that after injection of such 39


vaccines, this spike protein is found both on the surface of the cells (where the manufacturers had told us it would be found) but also in significant quantities, free and circulating in the blood, reaching various organs including the brain. All these organs, including the brain, express ACE2 receptors. Inflammation can take place anywhere, including in vital organs: heart, brain, liver, kidneys... So? Why do the files of the vaccine companies (Moderna, Pfizer) only give (very incomplete) information on the toxicity of the mRNA? And nothing about the safety of the spike protein!? Perhaps because researchers have shown that the spike protein alone can induce thrombosis. And we are talking about spike alone, without the whole virus, as in the case of mRNA and DNA vaccines producing spike (Nuovo GJ, et al., 2021). It has been shown that some of the spike proteins synthesized by the vaccine target cells are found in free form and circulate in the blood where they can interact with the ACE2 receptors expressed by various cells, including platelets, thus promoting the inflammatory phenomena mentioned (Angeli F et al., 2021) (Zhang S et al., 2020) According to leaked documents from Pfizer, the highest concentrations of lipid nanoparticules of the Vaccine in animal models after 2 days were in the following locations: Injection site:165u/g Liver:24.3 Spleen:23.4 Adrenal glands:18.2 Ovaries:12.3



A very interesting study showed that using a pseudo-virus on whose surface the spike protein of SARS-CoV2 was expressed but lacking viral RNA, inflammation and damage was induced in the arteries and lungs of mice exposed intratracheally (Lei et al., 2021). The same was observed in human epithelial cells (those lining our vessel walls) with attack on mitochondria (the cell's energy-producing compartment). This work clearly shows that the spike protein alone, not associated with the rest of the viral genome, is sufficient to cause the cardiovascular damage associated with COVID-19. The implications for vaccines are obviously of great concern! At least as concerning, in an in vitro study, researchers showed that spike alone induced a loss of integrity of the bloodbrain barrier (which separates the vessels irrigating the brain from the central nervous system) in a model reconstituting this barrier, suggesting the possibility of inflammation in the vessels of the brain and in the brain itself (Buzhdygan et al, 2020). This blood-brain barrier crossing was confirmed in mice and the spike protein was observed on neurons throughout the brain (Rhea EM et al., 2021). This is very disturbing because it is known that vaccine mRNA can reach the brain (Bahl et al., 2017), as also stated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) up to 2% of the plasma concentration (European Medicines Agency, 2021). This mRNA can produce spike protein there, and since ACE2 receptors are very numerous in the brain, we can expect problems of nervousness or degeneration... especially of cells that are not renewed. On the other hand, the spike protein of SARS-CoV2 and the vaccine by mobilizing ACE2 also induces a decrease in seroto41


nin, which aggravates or can cause depressive or even suicidal states (Klempin F et al., 2018) (de Melo LA et al., 2020). Also of note, loss of smell (anosmia) has been described following vaccination in COVID-negative subjects, showing that COVID-identical symptoms can occur and have been triggered solely by the spike protein (Konstantinidis I et al., 2020). In view of this work easily accessible on databases or even Search Engine ... any conscientious researcher or physician should ask about the toxicity of the spike protein in vaccines. The declarations of the AFP or Reuter, of the politicians whatever their function, or of the famous “fact checkers” must be ignored in favor of a real critical research... because the health of most of the humans on this planet is at stake, including children, since we have entered into a mass vaccination “logic.” In fact, many researchers and doctors in the world are aware of and observe the toxicity of these new gene therapies, but they are given little space in the media within the very controlled framework of the COVID doxa and of vaccination as the only solution to the crisis we are going through, as evoked in the video of the Independent Scientific Council of April 29, 2021(see Internet). The Institut Pasteur study, published on June 29, 2021, is titled “Epidemiology of Sars-cov-2 in a partially vaccinated population [...]”. This is a prepublication, not a peer-reviewed study. One of its sources is a study on household contamination. But the Pasteur study is about outdoor contamination. This is a bad start! 42


The second problem is that only people who were tested spontaneously were taken into account. Vaccinated people are less likely to be tested. So how can we know if they are contaminated? This is impossible. Fortunately, other studies have systematically followed all the people in the household. They observed the viral load (one of the causes of contamination). And the result is different: the viral load is higher in vaccinated people. My conclusion: what good is the Vaccine Passport? Another study concludes in favor of vaccination: there is four times less risk of being infected (and not of producing symptomatic forms), if you are vaccinated. Yes, but... the study does not focus on people at risk, nor on elderly people or people with major co morbidities. The participants of the study are the people least at risk (except for children): 84% of the participants are working women (health care workers). However, twice as many men die from covid. Another problem: the study was done for the English variant (alpha). However, it is the delta variant that was in circulation at the time of publication. Too late! The CDC studied the vaccine effectiveness for the delta variant. Its conclusion: there is a 66% risk of catching the covid if you are vaccinated (90% at the beginning of the year). The study also suffers from the same biases and notes this in its report. It is based on active women, on too few cases and too short an observation period to produce serious figures. Finally: 9 infections in the cohort of 4,500 people with a margin of error of 26 to 84%. No comment...

Dr. Ryan Cole, an Idaho physician, reports a 20-fold increase in cancer and autoimmune disease in vaccinated patients. 43

THE COVID SCAM “I have been warning for over a year: these gene therapies called “vaccines” are going to make the number of cancers (and sterility) explode. Indeed, we do not know at which position in the 6 billion nucleotides of our DNA the insertion of the piece of DNA which codes the Spike will be done. This piece of DNA is brought by the chimpanzee adeno-virus for AstraZeneca.This is the big drawback of these gene therapies. Sometimes the insertion will awaken a dormant ontogeny, an inactive gene, which will produce a cancer. Moreover, with the ADEs (infectionfacilitating antibodies) produced by the vaccines, I recommend (like Prof. Peronne, in France) to the vaccinated this winter to be very careful because they are much more likely to have serious infections than the non-vaccinated!” What is striking at present is, on the one hand, the great similarity between the symptoms of the disease and the undesirable effects of the gene vaccines, and on the other hand, the fact that a large number of vaccinated people find themselves ill with covid-19, sometimes in severe forms, even leading to death. I can, at first, conclude that these vaccines are ineffective and dangerous; but I will try to go further by studying the biological mechanisms that can explain the toxicity of gene vaccines. A virus is not self-sustaining; in order to survive, it must hijack the cellular machinery of the cells it infects, to make its proteins and multiply. SARS-Cov-2 can anchor itself to a human cell using its spike surface protein, which binds to its ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme2) receptor on the cell surface. The virus can then enter the cell where it will replicate before invading other cells.



Legitimate concerns about the topic sometimes get through the filter, like this letter from Dr. J. Patrick Whelan of the University of California in a December 2020 letter to the FDA: “As important as it is to stop the spread of the virus quickly by immunizing the population, it would be far worse if hundreds of millions of people suffered lasting, even permanent, damage to their cerebral or cardiac microvascular systems as a result of a short-term failure to appreciate, an unintended effect of the advanced, full-length protein-based vaccines on these other organs. Particular caution will be needed with regard to potential largescale vaccination of children, before there is real data on the safety or efficacy of these vaccines in pediatric trials that are just beginning.” That's just common sense, ethics, and first of all a little literature research since his letter is backed up by publications. What is even more serious is that spike toxicity alone (as in vaccines) has been known for over a decade (Chen IY et al., 2010) with SARS-CoV1! And the spike protein of SARS-CoV-1 is 7678% identical to that of SARS-CoV-2 (Wan Y et al., 2021). Thus, in vivo studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein exacerbates acute lung failure through inflammatory pathways similar to SARS-CoV2 (Kuba K et al., 2005) (Patra T et al., 2020).



Even worse, studies also dating back to MERS-CoV and SARSCoV-1 infection showed that vaccines based on the whole spike protein induced a strong immune inflammatory response in many organs and in particular in the lung and liver (Czub M et al., 2005) (Weingartl H et al., 2004). In these in vivo studies in ferrets, not only did vaccination not prevent infection, but vaccinated animals showed significantly stronger inflammatory responses than control animals and focal necrosis in liver tissue! These and other studies have shown that it is very difficult to vaccinate against coronaviruses (Jaume M et al., 2012. Even Peter Daszak, the director of EcoHealth Alliance who served as a financial conduit between Dr. Fauci's US NIAID in collaboration with Ralph S. Baric (University of North Carolina) and the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, and who most likely led to the uniqueness of this SARS-Cov2, wrote about coronaviruses that "some of them can cause SARS disease in humanized mouse models. They are not treatable with therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and you can't vaccinate against them with a vaccine. Which vaccines spread the spike and what are the consequences? Indeed, it is this great difference that we must understand between vaccines: the so-called "classic" vaccines where the antigen is injected directly, which is either the whole virus deactivated and containing all the proteins of the virus (the Chinese vaccine Sinovac, the French vaccine Valneva), or a protein (Novavax), which is to date the spike. In both cases, the quantity of spike present is limited (and deactivated); this will cause the body to produce antibodies against the virus, but these injected proteins are in defined quantities and will then be eliminated.



Vaccines where mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) or DNA (Sputnik, Astrazeneca, Janssen) is injected, will make the human cells produce the spike protein, which then becomes the antigen indirectly. It should be added that we do not know precisely which cells will do this and that it is not their normal function anyway! A Pfizer study shows that mRNA was detected in most tissues within the first few moments after injection (15 minutes) and the results confirm that the injection site and the liver are the main sites of distribution (EMA, 2021). Low levels of radioactivity were detected in most tissues, with the highest levels in plasma, observed one to four hours after the dose. After 48 hours (with maximum levels observed 8 to 48 hours), this mRNA is found primarily in the liver (up to 21.5%), adrenal glands, spleen (≤ 1.1%), and ovaries (≤ 0.1%). Thus, what looks “beautiful” on paper, to many scientists, also looks totally inconsiderate and potentially very dangerous, apart from even the clearly established toxicity of spike to many other scientists! Even if too many of the latter remain silent. In reality, the production of spike protein by this mRNA is done in an anarchic way and we do not know precisely how long this toxic protein is produced and remains present in the cells of our organs but also in the bloodstream. It seems that it is found after several weeks with the possibility of producing chronic inflammation in many organs. In addition to spike being free and circulating, spike is also expressed on endothelial cells and can activate blood platelets and activate coagulation, which also leads to thrombosis (by releasing platelet factor 4 or PF4) (Hermans C et al, 2021) (Greinacher A et al, 2021). 47


The problem is therefore that vaccines that induce spike protein production have a very strong inflammatory and oxidative potential, and over a period of time that is still difficult to assess, since this is not precisely known from the manufacturers' very incomplete safety studies. Almost the whole of humanity is being clinically tested. We will see! One study showed that the protein was found for at least 15 days after vaccination for Moderna, with a peak between one and five days at 68 ng/L (nanogram = billionth of a gram per liter of plasma) (Ogata AF et al., 2021). More studies are needed of course but this work should have been done and published by the companies themselves, given the known toxicity of this protein, and this did not shock the FDA, the EMA or the WHO! With the second injection (from 21 days) it is a new spike boost that is produced while the antibodies and the organism are working to eliminate this protein. Even if Ogata and his team observe a much shorter presence than for the first dose (a few days), we potentially have an inflammation that can be chronic and spread over several weeks, thus being able to destabilize the inflammatory balance in the blood vessels, the liver, the brain, the kidneys etc. We are therefore talking about the possibility of causing the same symptoms as COVID but also potentially promoting all inflammatory diseases in the medium and long term (cardiovascular, neurological, cancer, autoimmune), particularly in subjects who already have an inflammatory background (e.g. diabetes) or a history of it. “We should carefully monitor the long-term consequences of these vaccines, especially when administered to otherwise healthy individuals” (Suzuki YJ, Gychka SG, 2021).



Vaccines: serious side effects, vaccine deaths and inflammatory pathologies in the longer term. In the short term, we observe a significant mortality largely underestimated by the States and the media, with about 1000 deaths already in France. Many people had foreseen this under-estimation, since pharmaceutical companies were not responsible for the serious sideeffects of the drugs, and the States did the same with the citizens. This explains to a large extent why it is estimated that reports of side effects represent only about 10% of the reality. Among these serious effects, we know in particular that thrombosis is directly due to vaccination, as well as myocarditis and pericarditis, stroke, etc. with high levels of D-dimer (coagulation marker) and CRP (C-reactive protein: marker of inflammation) (Greinacher A et al., 2021) (Diaz GA et al., 2021) (Dionne A et al., 2021) Thrombosis is the abnormal presence of a blood clot that leads to partial or total occlusion of either a vein (venous thrombosis or "phlebitis") or an artery (infarction, stroke). Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium (muscle that, by contracting, allows blood to circulate in the blood vessels and feed the body's organs) leading to the destruction of its cells and thus decreasing its capacity to contract and provide a blood supply. Gradually, the heart is no longer able to pump blood. Inflammation can spread to the entire heart muscle or be limited to one or a few areas. Extensive inflammation throughout the heart can lead to severe heart failure, serious heart rhythm problems and sometimes sudden death. The inflammation at the root of these phenomena most likely occurs, as previously mentioned, when circulating spike proteins react with the ACE2 receptors that are ubiquitous in the body and upset the ACE2/ACE balance (Seneff S and Nigh, 2021) 49


(Ogata AF et al., 2021). And precisely, it is known that in almost all pathological conditions, especially those of the cardiovascular system but also neurodegenerative, there is a decrease in the ACE2/ACE ratio within organs (Bernardi S et al., 2012) (Lavrentyev EN et al., 2009) (Mizuiri S et al., 2008) (Yuan YM et al., 2015) (Kehoe PG et al., 2016). In a post-vaccination study with AstraZeneca vaccine thrombosis was observed in eleven subjects (between 22 and 49 years, mean 36 years) who developed venous thrombosis including neus cerebral, three with pulmonary embolisms. Six of the patients died from these serious side effects, at an age when people almost never die from COVID (Greinacher A et al., 2021). In the face of the deafening silence and denial of politicians, television set doctors with multiple conflicts of interest, it is finally the researchers who express their fears in the face of these serious effects and ask that at least a post-vaccination follow-up be done: “The evaluation should include a complete blood count, D-dimer analysis, fibrinogen, coagulation panel, renal and hepatic functions and electrolytes, as well as a PF4-heparin ELISA test if available” (Long B et al, 2021). In terms of neurotoxicity, severe post-vaccination side effects may likely be related to the circulation of mRNA to the brain but also to the circulation of free spike in the blood that crosses the blood-brain barrier (Buzhdygan et al., 2020) (Rhea EM et al., 2021). In addition to the neurological effects observed (including Bell's palsy) in the early months of vaccination, neurodegenerative diseases will be monitored in the coming years. (See Stéphanie Seneff SARS-Cov2 Vaccines & neurodegenerative disease) 50


Hepatitis too is observed following vaccination potentially involving autoimmune reactions (Bril F et al., 2019) (Rocco A et al., 2021) some of them fatal (Rela M et al., 2021). The authors are almost apologetic in expressing this (here AstraZeneca): “While one patient recovered uneventfully, another succumbed to liver disease... We hope that our report will not deter COVID vaccination campaigns. However, we also hope to raise awareness of its potential side effects and the increased role of pharmacovigilance in guiding treatment.” It is worth noting that preliminary vaccine studies, such as AstraZeneca for example, were done on fairly young subjects and excluded participants with severe and/or uncontrolled cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatic, renal, endocrine/metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, as well as immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women (Voysey M et al., 2021). It is therefore a way to minimize serious side effects and in the end these populations are the first to be massively vaccinated because they are fragile... It is also important to remember the phenomenon called ADE, when one has defective or not competent enough antibodies (they are called facilitators), the immune cells carrying antibodies against the virus recognize it, but instead of destroying it, will “ingest” it and ultimately contribute to its spread. The production of facilitating antibodies has been observed in many viral diseases and/or after vaccination (dengue virus, Zika, Ebola, HIV, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, measles, feline infectious peritonitis, etc).



This has been brilliantly popularized by Dr Fantini and Dr Sabatier (Univ Aix- Marseille) in this article: In summary, there are three categories of antibodies produced following a viral infection or a vaccination: “Antibodies that have no effect on the viral infection (neutral antibodies) Antibodies that block the viral infection (neutralizing antibodies), Antibodies that facilitate viral infection (facilitating antibodies). In the current context, if the antibodies that are acquired by people who are vaccinated with the current vaccines, based on the mRNA and DNA of the original SARS-CoV2 (February 2020), become ineffective in destroying the delta variant or future variants (because these viruses would have evolved too much, mutated), then these variants would multiply even more easily when in contact with these antibodies (then called facilitating antibodies), and the infected people can often make a more severe form.” (A study published in “NATURE” explains how the top protein that Vaccines focus on has mutated; exactly what so-called Scientifics ‘complotists’ were telling! The vaccines remain the same and the Covid-19 virus has mutated. You can inject as many doses as you want nothing will do! Vaccines are useless except for causing deaths and adverse reactions!) The authors of this article have also published their modeling work, which shows that the antibodies facilitating the diffusion of the virus (ADE), have more affinity with the spike protein than the neutralizing antibodies with regard to the delta variant (contrary to what is observed with the original SARS-Cov2 strain of 2020, Wuhan/D614G)!


LIES, LIES and SUPERLIES Hence the authors' conclusion, “We therefore suggest that the neutralization/ADE balance on the Delta variant be evaluated as soon as possible in sera (Antibody detection in sera stays positive for years even after recovery) from vaccinated individuals.” (Yahi Net al., 2021). This could explain the ineffectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (used in Europe) on contamination. As for the evolution of the pathology into severe forms, it is a little early to talk about the efficacy of vaccination, and the official data lacks transparency; we will know later in perhaps 2022. This phenomenon occurs much more frequently with vaccines than with antibodies produced during an infection (Ulrich H et al., 2020) (Lee WS et al., 2020) (Cardozo T et al., 2021). It is also a phenomenon that could explain in part the very large number of vaccinated people who develop COVID and die from it, as do non-vaccinated people (e.g. Israel, UK, Iceland). It is not ideal, or even dangerous, to vaccinate in the middle of an epidemic. Possibility of integration of RNA into DNA All scientists recognize that the long-term risks of this vaccine are unknown. The biggest would be that this mRNA or DNA integrates into our genome and produces spike protein. This kind of phenomenon, in addition to producing spike continuously, can also interfere at the genome level on tumor promoting genes and induce cancers. This is a possible and described phenomenon, performed by reverse transcriptase enzymes (from RNA to DNA).



Now, the role of spike protein in vaccine adverse events is amazingly evident! Studies on MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-1 infection had shown that vaccines based on the whole spike protein induced a strong immune inflammatory response in many organs, especially in the lung and liver. Other studies have shown that it is very difficult to vaccinate against corona viruses. These results did not discourage the designers and manufacturers of vaccines against covid-19, who launched into the “rush” manufacture of these products, never yet used on humans, and then tested them on a large scale on populations. The manufacturers of the current covid-19 vaccines had hypothesized that the spike protein produced would remain primarily at the site of the vaccine injection, in the shoulder muscle. However, a Japanese bio-distribution study has shown that the spike protein enters the bloodstream and circulates there for several days after vaccination, and then accumulates in organs and tissues (brain, liver, ovaries, etc.) So, under the reassuring name of “vaccine”, a dangerous product is injected which will make the body's cells produce a highly toxic protein, having exactly the same inflammatory effects as in covid-19. This production is uncontrolled and it is not known how long this toxic protein is produced and remains present in the bloodstream and in the cells of the organs. It is therefore not surprising that it causes the same symptoms as covid-19, but also potentially all inflammatory diseases in the medium and long term (cardiovascular, neurological, cancer, autoimmune, neurodegenerative), especially in subjects who already have an inflammatory background (diabetes for example) or a history of it. We are currently witnessing an outbreak of covid-19 cases, often serious, and extremely diverse and sometimes unexpected adverse effects (stroke, pericarditis, 54


myocarditis, generalized micro thrombosis, with high levels of D-dimer, skin diseases, zonas, blindness, resurgence of cancers, etc.) The list of these effects is very long! And it is in the countries with the highest vaccination rates (Israel, Singapore, Seychelles) that the numbers of serious cases and deaths are the highest. The worst possibility would be that RNA could become permanently integrated into DNA (at least two enzymes in the human body are capable of doing this) (Zhang, L et al., 2021). There, it would then be an outbreak of cancers that could be observed between one and ten years. Neurological and autoimmune diseases may also result (Seneff S and Nigh, 2021).

A study in Israel focuses on the difference between the vaccinated and the naturally immunized. It therefore recognizes that there are in fact three categories (non-vaccinated, vaccinated, naturally vaccinated). Moreover, it is a retrospective study (therefore more reliable than a prospective one) and it was done on more than one million people! The figure of its conclusion is very precise: there is 13.06 times less risk of catching covid for a naturally vaccinated person than for a vaccinated person (margin of error - acceptable - from 8 to 21 times). This is a courageous team that does not hesitate to contradict BigPharma by taking into account natural immunization. But their boldness has limits, leading them to conclude that people who received a dose after being naturally infected are less likely to get it than those naturally vaccinated. There are no figures or statistics to back this up, just an observation: in fact, we don't know. This “we don't know” doesn't appear in the summary... How strange!



Once upon a time, a study by the Pasteur Institute concluded that ivermectin was effective. On this occasion, the AFP showed with vivacity that it also knows perfectly well how to verify methodological weaknesses. What a pity that it did not also do it for the study on contamination. Ah! the laboratories might not have appreciated it. The statistics of the Pasteur Institute are top secret. We do not have access to the model. They are therefore not reproducible (and therefore not scientific). However, they are only statistics, not trade secrets. Too bad because, according to an expert, his equations are incorrect or incomplete! A good example of how, under the guise of science, by dint of almost true biases, one arrives at a false result. The Pasteur Institute's study is an example of all the studies brought to the forefront by the media propaganda. Social control is based on false figures, but, repeated endlessly, they become almost true...

Note on adjuvants Some of the nanolipids used by Pfizer or Moderna to encapsulate mRNA, have never been used, neither in injection nor orally, and not presented on the ECHA reference site (ALC1059 type nanolipids) whose by-products are as known potential carcinogens (N,N-Dimethyltetradecylamine) (EMA, 2021). There is also the presence of allergenic adjuvants, such as PEG, which can cause up to anaphylactic shock (Shiraishi K et al., 2019) (Kounis NG et al., 2021)



A point of concern, in addition to spike toxicity, is that these nanolipids are also known to cause clotting problems. In fact, Moderna admits this, even if you read the patent on nanolipid encapsulated mRNA vaccine injection, which is the basis of the current vaccine technique: “WO 2017/099823 Al. COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR DELIVERY OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS. 15 June 2017.” “In some embodiments, the adverse effect includes coagulopathy, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), vascular thrombosis, complement activation-related pseudoallergy (CARPA), acute phase response (APR), or a combination thereof.” There are even plans in this patent to add anticoagulants, antiallergic! : “In some embodiments, the agent (molecule that can be added) inhibits platelet activation. In some embodiments, the agent is a platelet aggregation inhibitor. In some embodiments, the platelet aggregation inhibitor is aspirin or clopidrogrel (PLAVIX®). In some embodiments, the platelet aggregation inhibitor is selected from aspirin/pravastatin, cilostazol, prasugrel, aspirin/dipyridamole, ticagrelor, cangrelor, elinogrel, dipyridamole and ticlopidine. In some embodiments, the agent inhibits CD36” (MODERNA, 2017). It is clearly noted that the adverse effects of these nanolipids have much in common with those of COVID, including in their inflammatory mode of action (complement pathway) (BumillerBini V et al., 2021)! For all the reasons explained and supported by the scientific literature, I realize that the severe forms and deaths observed, in 57


particular with mRNA and DNA vaccines, which are called vaccines a bit quickly, even if they produce antibodies directed against the SARS-CoV2 virus, can be explained by biological and biochemical mechanisms. This toxicity, in particular due to the spike protein, has been known for more than ten years. Some of the adjuvants and nanolipids surrounding the mRNA are also of concern and may contribute to the serious side effects observed, including, in particular, thrombosis. We do not have enough experience with these gene technologies, as the inventor himself, Robert Malone, calls them. It would be wiser to recommend conventional vaccines (despite the risks of ADEs) or vaccines with a deactivated spike protein and safer, known adjuvants. This could also encourage many citizens, informed or not, to be vaccinated. We are therefore witnessing a total blind experimentation on a planetary scale and this is unacceptable, because the risk is totally unconsidered, especially in view of the low mortality and lethality of this disease of COVID. The lethality (mortality in people who contract the virus) is on average, worldwide, between 0.5 and 1% against 0.1% for influenza (John Hopkins data, July 2021). Moreover, with the second, third and etc. injection, a new boost of spike protein is produced each time, even though the antibodies and the body are working to eliminate this protein. This is like adding fuel to the fire!



The new gene vaccines against covid-19 have succeeded in making the cells of the vaccinated people produce the protein responsible for the pathogenic effects of the disease; in other words, the vaccines inoculate the vector of the disease! And, with each new dose injected, the process is restarted! It is therefore obvious that these injections are not vaccines at all! Let us recall the legal definition of a vaccine: “any substance intended to be administered to a human being for the prevention of one or more diseases”. A vaccine is intended to protect against a disease with a high mortality rate, for which there is no effective treatment. But it can only be marketed if it has been proven to be effective and safe. In the case of covid-19, none of these three conditions are met! Let me conclude with these words from Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine: “In the name of the precautionary principle, all anti-covid-19 vaccinations using the spike protein must be stopped immediately.” And from Robert Malone, pioneer of mRNA vaccines: “I declare that the native spike protein is toxic.” A note on variant: Coronavirus A.30 variant ‘efficiently evades’ antibodies induced by Pfizer & AstraZeneca vaccines – lab study! The variant so far detected in Angola and Sweden mostly, is highly resistant to antibodies induced by the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, a new lab study has shown. A team from Germany reviewed the first infection recorded in Tanzania and later detected it in several patients in Angola and Sweden this spring. They compared the mutation to the Beta and Eta variants. According to the study published in the peerreviewed journal Cellular & Molecular Immunology this week,



the A.30 variant showed improved ability to enter most host cells, including kidney, liver, and lung cells. The mutation “enters certain cell lines with increased efficiency and evades antibody-mediated neutralization,” the study found. A.30 has so far not been listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a variant of interest or concern, due to its low prevalence. The Delta variant represents almost all circulating viruses, i.e. more than 99% of the sequenced viruses. The L452R mutation (mainly carried by the Delta variant) was detected in 96% of positive samples. The A30 variant from Great Britain is significantly more dangerous. Immune defenses are weakened by repeated injections of so-called vaccines and the state promises more injections, pills and the like. “The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 is heavily mutated and evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high efficiency” ( It is still time to face the real benefits and risks of this vaccination, especially among young people, who are very little affected by the disease, and that vaccines do not prevent contamination. Let's not lose sight of the fact that vaccination, apart from populations at risk, is aimed at healthy subjects, to whom ethics dictate that they should not run any risk, primum non nocere.

Anthony Fauci, the scientist President Trump's supporters loved to hate, by all accounts exchanged emails last year that would constitute an admission by him that the virus was made in a Chinese lab, that hydroxychloroquine works (In 1910, important medical literature already recommended taking Quinine for un60


known fevers with respiratory effects), and that through his inaction he would be personally responsible for millions of deaths. In reality, the emails in question contain no such thing, the swamp (and media) says. So, if we have to listen to the condescending know-it-all self righteous American Press, Fauci is never wrong. Notwithstanding the fact that Anthony Fauci contradicted himself hundreds of times, the congressman Rand Paul had publicly made the demonstration in public. Anthony Fauci, who has been the head of a federal government infectious disease agency since 1984, became one of the most recognizable scientific faces in the United States last year, when the pandemic began and he found himself speaking in every forum - including, on a few occasions, alongside President Trump. In an episode of “Conversations That Matter,” in America, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told host Alex Newman that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and their allies are using COVID to place humanity under a global totalitarian regime. Kennedy, president and chief legal counsel of Children's Health Defense, is the author of the best-selling book “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”. Kennedy told Newman that Fauci - the “J. Edgar Hoover of Public Health” - has a dark history that must be revealed. Kennedy said: “[Fauci] orchestrated the transformation of HHS [US Department of Health and Human Services] from a public health agency to a pharmaceutical incubator and promoter of the Big Pharma agenda”. “He managed to stay in power for 50 years, I show in my book, not by achieving measurable public health successes - public health has declined dramatically under his regime - but rather 61


by serving the interests of pharmaceutical companies - helping to make this the most pharmaceutically dependent country in the world”

As of June 1, more than 3,000 emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci, dated from January to June 2020, were the subject of stories by BuzzFeed, the Washington Post and CNN. None of these reports were accusatory ("Anthony Fauci's emails reveal the pressure that fell on one man" was the headline on BuzzFeed), but this did not prevent the keywords #FauciLeaks and #FauciGate from being among the most popular on Twitter a few hours later. These documents were obtained by these media under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, which allows, like its equivalent in Canada, to request documents produced by a federal government employee. Anthony Fauci is the director of a federal government agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and is therefore subject to the Act. The 3,000 emails represent his correspondence on the subject of COVID during the first six months of the pandemic. On hydroxychloroquine, for example, he replied on March 25, 2020 to the president of the French scientific council, Jean-François Delfraissy, that he too had no solid clinical data to decide, despite the "strong pressure" to which he was subjected, Donald Trump having praised this "treatment" a few days earlier. On the Chinese lab, one of the emails that have attracted the most attention is not from him, but from Kristian G. Andersen, a virus evolution specialist at the Scripps Research Institute. Responding on Jan. 31, 2020, to a Science journal article on the likely natural evolution of the Covid virus, the biologist 62


acknowledged that the issue is difficult to decide, but that he and his colleagues consider some parts of the genome "to be inconsistent with what we expect from evolution." But he adds that they need to continue their analysis and that their opinion may well change. Fauci offers to discuss this with him over the phone. The result of Andersen's subsequent research appeared six weeks later, in the form of a letter in Nature Medicine, where the authors dismissed the hypothesis of laboratory manipulation. Which in a matter of weeks were proven wrong! The American senators have since received news that it was, indeed, well documented in China that the virus came from the same lab. If Fauci is accused of having ‘known’ that the virus had been manufactured or manipulated in a laboratory - which this e-mail does demonstrate partially, since it only puts forward one hypothesis among many others that were circulating at the time - it is also important to know that part of the allegations is fuelled by the fact that there is a link between the organization at the heart of health research in the United States, the NIH, and the famous Wuhan laboratory. The NIH (a collection of 27 agencies, including NIAID) had been funding a program since 2014, run by the U.S. nonprofit EcoHealth, to collect blood, saliva, and bat fecal samples from around China, looking for traces of a possible new coronavirus (in 2002-2003, the coronavirus responsible for the SARS outbreak came from bats). The key partner in this project was the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the same institute that is now accused of being responsible for the epidemic. As it became clear that the funding for this program would be cut off (the decision would be announced on April 24, 2020), 63


EcoHealth's president, Peter Daszak, made his case in several forums. An email from Peter Daszak to Fauci on April 18 thanked Fauci for reiterating that the available science points to rather a man-made origin of the virus (without proving either way). In the end, the only email that can be seen as contradictory to Fauci's current statements is one from February 5, 2020, where, in response to a citizen's question, he said he did not recommend using a store-bought mask many times on TV (as opposed to medical masks). But he never made any secret of having subsequently changed his mind often. When asked about the email on CNN on June 3, he defended the fact that in February 2020, he had done the best he could with the limited knowledge everyone had at the time.

If there is so little in these emails, then why have they caused such a stir in the U.S. and even in French-language social media? We should always be reminded of the importance of verifying the source of information before sharing it. For example, it was the Gateway Pundit site - described even by Wikipedia as a rightist propagandist site - that published a text accusing Fauci of being responsible for "millions of deaths". It was Fox News polemicist Tucker Carlson who called for a "criminal investigation". And many "Trump-supporting Republican politicians" have, Vox magazine summarizes, "taken advantage of the moment" to accuse Fauci, while launching a fundraising campaign for themselves. While none of pro-Fauci supporters could prove his innocence, the leftist American media 64


dared to protect the bureaucrat Fauci. Reasonable people might disagree about the extent to which Fauci has been honest overall in his various pronouncements, but there can be no reasonable doubt, at this point, that on at least two occasions, Fauci looked a member of Congress directly in the eye, while under oath, and told a deliberate lie.

Vaccine? What Vaccine ? You will discover below the report of Dr. Robert Q. Young who analyzed with great detail and technical means the composition of the 4 pseudo vaccines against covid; that of Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna and Janssen! Beware, hang on because you are about to enter the horror! - Trypanosoma Crusi = is an elongated body of 50 microns, a parasite of which several variants are lethal and constitute one of the many causes of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS. On August 30, a report was published by Dr. Robert O. Young, an American microbiologist and chemist. He and his team have analyzed the composition of these “vaccines” and have discovered that they are in fact conglomerates of nanoparticles, some of whose adjuvants, which were not declared in order to obtain their respective patents, are particularly toxic and lethal; in particular, graphene oxide (already discovered by a Spanish laboratory) as well as an extremely virulent parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, which is one of the main causes of the AIDS virus (which Professors Montagnier and Fourtillan had already concluded in their declarations.)


THE COVID SCAM The term “vaccine” is not at all appropriate for this filthy mixture, but it has been named in this way with the obvious aim of deceiving the vigilance of specialists and above all of the people, the majority of whom associate, in the collective imagery, the name of vaccine with the power to eradicate a disease. Thus we can deduce that the real goal of these pseudo vaccines is to poison the population that will give in to the sirens of vaccination. These manufacturers and their sponsors are therefore liable to genocide against humanity as well as all those who have helped, favored and encouraged these criminals and in particular the governments. It will be necessary to establish the scale of responsibility in a future Nuremberg II, which we hope will take place as soon as possible. In the meantime, everything must be done to stop this massacre, especially with young people who, carefree and often easily manipulated, throw themselves into this trap without thinking, to do “like the others”, to avoid being excluded from social networks, or encouraged by imbecilic parents.

A deadly combination of scientific fraud, institutional coercion, corruption, Big Tech censorship, and government force and media propaganda is bringing the world to its knees. There is no real data showing that covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Right now, hospital data from the UK is shocking the world, providing serious evidence of vaccine failure and vaccine-induced deaths. In the UK, up to 80% of the deaths due to Covid are currently from vaccinated people. Covid deaths across the UK are now 3,000% more common than they



were at the same time a year ago when the population was unvaccinated. For over a year, the efficacy of the vaccines was tirelessly promoted, even though the absolute risk reduction for all Covid vaccines on the market was less than 2%, a meaningless number. To make matters worse, vaccines increase iatrogenic mortality and make more people susceptible to severe respiratory disease, setting up human cells for antibody-dependent improvement. The UK's Yellow Card Scheme, a vaccine injury and medical error surveillance system, shows a clear pattern of vaccine failure. Covid vaccines increase hospitalizations and deaths of people who could have easily continued their lives, healthy and without the VAX. Instead of being forced into risky and complex vaccine experiments, thousands of sick and dying people could have faced potential infection and recovered with natural, lasting immunity. Data from British hospitals show that deaths from covid-19 are 3,000% higher now than at this time last year, and it's not the “unvaccinated” that are dying in greater numbers. The latest data from Public Health England shows just how dangerous the cult and coercion of vaccines is. From February 1, 2021 to September 12, 2021, the unvaccinated accounted for only 28% of Covid deaths while the vaccinated accounted for 72% of deaths!

Public Health Scotland confirms the same pattern of vaccine failure. From August 14, 2020, to September 12, 2020, Scotland recorded only seven deaths from Covid-19. After forcing a large portion of the population to take the Covid vaccines, Scotland 67


recorded 222 Covid-19 deaths a year later during the same period. This spike in Covid-19 deaths is 3,071.4% higher after a mass vaccination campaign. Most shocking of all: 80 percent of these deaths occur among the vaccinated AND the “fully vaccinated” will experience increased illness when re-exposed to new corona virus variants. The presumed 95% vaccine effectiveness is a complete fraud in the real world; it actually increases risk of death! Although the unvaccinated are forced to test more frequently for travel, education, and work, their numbers are still similar to the “fully vaccinated.” The data show that Covid cases are relatively equal among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. From August 21 to September 17, 2021, there were 69,639 positive cases among the unvaccinated population and 79,613 cases among the vaccinated population, with 60,923 of these cases coming from the “fully vaccinated.” Clearly, the vaccine does not prevent Covid and may even be a driving force for new infections among the unvaccinated. Most shockingly, the death rate is not 95 percent lower in the vaccinated group. From August 14 to September 10, 2021, there were 208 deaths from Covid-19 in Scotland. There were 41 deaths among the unvaccinated, 9 deaths among the partially vaccinated, and a shocking 158 deaths among the fully vaccinated. If the 95 percent vaccine effectiveness were true, 95 percent of deaths would occur among the unvaccinated and only 5 percent among the vaccinated. However, up to 80 percent of deaths are among the vaccinated and only 20 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated. Vaccines actually increase the risk of death in the UK by 400%!



Fully vaccinated people develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), according to a comparison of official British government reports. The latest figures from the UK PHE vaccine surveillance report on Covid cases show that twice vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capacity compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at about 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues, 30-50 year olds may have 100% immune system deterioration, no viral defense by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will perhaps have lost their immune system by March of next year. People between the ages of 40 and 69 have already lost 40% of their immune capacity and are progressively losing it by 3.3% to 6.4% per week. Weekly decline in the doubled performance of the vaccinated immune system compared to unvaccinated individuals is anyone’s concern. Anyone over the age of 30 will probably have lost all of their total immune capacity (against viruses and some cancers) within 6 months. People between the ages of 30 and 50 will have lost the majority of their immune capacity by mid-2022 or later. These people will then have Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and will destroy the NHS. Vaccine booster shots must be identical to the vaccines themselves, because it takes forever to do clinical trials and get approval for a different product. So if you get a booster shot, these numbers show that you are setting yourself up for an even faster progressive form of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (after a few months of effectiveness). 69


Cases reported by sample date between week 32 and week 35 2021 em/uploads/attachment_data/file/1016465/Vaccine_surveillance _report_-_week_36.pdf Cases reported by sample date between week 33 and week 36 2021 em/uploads/attachment_data/file/1018416/Vaccine_surveillance _report_-_week_37_v2.pdf Cases reported by collection date between week 34 and week 37 2021 s/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1019992/Vaccine_surveil lance_report_-_week_38.pdf Cases reported by collection date between week 36 and week 39 2021 s/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1023849/Vaccine_surveil lance_report_-_week_40.pdf Pfizer originally claimed 95% efficacy for their vaccine. The numbers shown in those documents indicate that their numbers may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the youngest age groups received the vaccine for the shortest time). But the numbers also show that vaccines do NOT simply lose effectiveness over time until they reach zero effectiveness, they gradually damage the immune system until negative effectiveness is reached. They are currently leaving anyone over the age of 30 worse off than they were before vaccination. 70


Note: The MP assassinated by an Islamist was investigating over-medicalization, the abuses of pharmaceutical companies and he belonged to a committee against the vaccine pass. The masks are starting to fall off! The Wuhan Chinese biological laboratory is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which (fortuitously) owns Pfizer! The one that makes the vaccine against the virus that (by coincidence) started at the Wuhan biological laboratory and was (out of the blue) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes the vaccine! GlaxoSmithKline is (by chance) managed by the financial division of Black Rock, which (inadvertently) manages the finances of the Open Foundation (SOROS Foundation), which (unintentionally) manages the French company AXA! Billionaire Soros (by mistake) owns the German company Winterthur, which (unintentionally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, which (by coincidence) has Vanguard as a shareholder, which (fortuitously) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (by chance) controls the central banks and manages about a third of the world's investment capital. Black Rock is also (unexpectedly) a major shareholder in MICROSOFT, owned by billionaire Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder in Pfizer (which - remember? sells a miracle vaccine) and (by accident) is now the number one sponsor of the WHO! I understand why revolutions are merciless to rulers. They come in response to years of rage and anger caused by odious elites.



Many people wrongly imagine that because it advances everything and its opposite, the government is incompetent. But everything has been done to deliberately confuse the French, the Canadians or the Americans etc., who have been subjected to numerous “paradoxical injunctions”, also called “double constraints”. A notion theorized in the 50's within the ‘Palo Alto’ school by the anthropologist Gregory Bateson, at the origin of mental disorders like schizophrenia. It is a situation in which a person is subjected to two contradictory or incompatible constraints or pressures. If the person is or feels trapped in the situation, especially if he or she is unable to communicate about it, this makes the problem intractable and leads to both mental disorder and suffering. There are countless examples in the management of this pandemic: Confine yourself, but go to work; Don't meet ‘in person’, but support each other; stay at home, but play sports; the mask is useless, but it is nevertheless compulsory; to protect our children, let us accept to mistreat them; To save our elders, let them die of loneliness; To avoid crowds, let's close the small stores; To preserve our health, let's close the gyms; To save our hospitals, let's destroy our economy... In reality, it is a perfectly mastered technique of manipulation and one of the great insidious springs of totalitarianism, which makes the mass of brains weary of so many paradoxes, they break down in order to better submit and dominate them. And we have to admit that this strategy is extremely efficient, since



most people lose all critical thinking and are as if dazed, incapable of the slightest reaction. It is thus an insidious psychological war which is delivered to us, a very unhealthy and highly perverse little game. Just as the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was unveiled to the world in late 2019, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has conveniently deployed a new injectable tagging method to label, identify, and track people based on their “vaccination” status. Funded in large part by billionaire eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates, the transdermal patch technology contains special quantum dots that are inserted subcutaneously into the body. Although invisible to the naked eye, these patches are easily scanned with special equipment. Think of it as an invisible tattoo that a person might inject into, say, the right hand or forehead. When paying for groceries, for example, these tattoos can be scanned and verified as part of the “Vaccine passport” systems that are currently being deployed around the world. Bill Gates announced digital vaccine passports during a March 2020 TED Talk interview, “…eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person” and “so eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.” This sentence on “digital immunity proof” was edited out by the TED Talk producers, but the sentence remained in a full audio version of the interview. Such ‘vaccine passports’ are a key component of the biometric ID2020 project run by the “Digital Identity Alliance”, which was founded by Bill Gates – via Microsoft and GAVI – and the 73

THE COVID SCAM Rockefeller Foundation, which is itself linked to the ‘Known Traveler’ program initiated by the World Economic Forum. The idea of using a pandemic to impose tighter top-down control, modeled after the Chinese ‘social credit’ system, was first described in a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report (the so-called ‘lock step’ scenario). The generalized acceptance of the most absurd rules can only work thanks to the conformism and the herd instinct of most individuals. A very powerful factor, which in most people hinders any form of discernment and personal judgment and which can explain a lot about the passivity of the present situation! What we have been going through collectively these last months, looks like a gigantic social control and submission of the population, like the famous “Milgram Experiment”. Thus, one must blindly obey the most aberrant decisions, in the name of respect for the superior authority, because it is the one who would be the holder of the scientific expertise, the competences and the knowledge, in spite of obvious conflicts of interest. A submission that culminated in the absurd, with the ubiquitous and deeply humiliating necessity to have oneself signed a waiver of exit authorization as it was in France, during the confinement phases. Official derogatory travel certificates, which in reality were not compulsory, as was later admitted by the Council of State! In this way, we have become the guardians of our own prison. What a twisted idea and what a perversion! A brilliant initiative that we owe to the consulting firm ‘McKinsey & Company’, specialized in “Nudging”, that is to say, in incentive marketing techniques, based on social engineering and 74


behavioral economics, in order to induce certain actions in the population by manipulating it in a subconscious way! Never has the role of the media as messenger of the government's word appeared with such clarity. All the missteps of the power at the beginning of the crisis and even afterwards have remained in the background of a smooth presentation of any asperity. Certainly the appearance is saved behind a concert of voices mimicking animated debates. In this saga, the variety of subjects on the front page maintains the illusion of a lively news subject for discussion, a pretense that does not call into question an editorial line that is more than ever submissive. In doing so, the media have set an example for the citizen, giving government options an immunity status and delivering them to the public, given credibility by cenacles of do-gooders. Of course, the analysis of opinion movements is far from easy. Polls remain today the reference measurement tool. But the public expression of ideas takes place on various stages and with predilection on social networks, thanks to which myriads of voices, anonymous or not, can be identified, drawing a variety of currents that do not lend themselves well to a systematization. We underwent in a relative passivity a long confinement and then the so-called barrier-measures of which the generalized wearing of the mask. The debates on the news channels only served the governmental proposals.



However nothing was imposed at first sight. Containment is not free of criticism and lacks scientific basis. The same reservations apply today to the mask. Have we seen any real contradictory debates on the subject, or even any questioning of the measures taken? In any case, no germ that has really tainted the decisions of the authorities! Everyone has fitted into a mold bearing the health label. Faced with the threat, our protection was assured. Who would think of complaining under these conditions?

All sense of measure and relativity of things in life has been lost because, once again, of this fear that has appeared as a contemporary feature of our comfort society. Finally, what dictator in the making would not dream of such a watchword to put a people under his control? The health crisis has thus revealed the flaws of a democracy that is quick to fall into the bafflegab, the submission to orders, the hunting of dissidents, and this in the name of a supreme good that does not require any debate. Science served as an alibi, a priori untouchable and above all suspicion. Beyond the strictly medical conflicts that have been at the heart of the news and whose elucidation is far from being completed, the impact of the crisis on our society must more than ever be the object of attention and analysis, which will track down its sources in order to better guide the future.



The government now has two conflicting tasks that are difficult to accomplish at the same time: convince the non-injected that the injection works so that they get vaccinated and convince the injected that the injection does not work so that they receive the booster shots!


Manipulation In 1933, Hitler created the “Ahnenpass,” a genealogical passport that certified that the holder was Aryan. This passport gave access to museums, public buildings, theaters, studies and work. A people who forget their past are condemned to relive it. George Santayana, American philosopher, in his book "A Life of Reason", 1905

U.S. health officials have reportedly admitted that the Covid-19 death toll is vastly overstated, nearly 20 times higher than it actually is. Inflated, exaggerated, manipulated ... On social networks, many are the Internet users who question the human toll of the epidemic. The death count would be false, especially in the United States, indicate publications widely relayed. A television report in English accompanies these messages,



supposedly lending credibility to these claims. So, the death toll is real or fake?

What are the arguments? The publications indicate that the CDC, the American federal agency in charge of public health protection, admits “that 94% of the deaths attributed to Covid are not, but should have been attributed to other diseases”. In short, deaths would have been largely “made up” to let the general public believe that they were the result of the coronavirus. An analysis for the least misleading of official figures published already long months ago was known. We rarely die from Covid alone. This is not the first time that this 94% figure has been put forward. English-language media outlets looked into it more than six months ago, after Donald Trump relayed it on his (now defunct) Twitter account. To affirm that the epidemic's toll was overestimated, official data published by the CDC are put forward as proof. A “confession” that apparently does not suffer from any dispute: we can read that among the people who died from Covid-19, only 6% had the virus as a cause of death. This demonstration constitutes the heart of the report broadcast by One America News Network (OAN), relayed by Frenchspeaking Internet users. A video that follows the analysis: it concludes that if Covid-19 is not the only cause of death, it is because the victims died of the other causes mentioned. This is a curious reasoning since it is known that many aggravating factors can be observed in patients with the virus or the vaccine. We usually mention the “co-morbidity” factors of the patients, such as obesity, respiratory diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, cancer or multiple sclerosis. These are all elements that 79


will logically appear on a death certificate, but that are not allowed by state agencies or government in the case of Canada and France. For Anthony Fauci, the mortality rate has “undoubtedly” been underestimated without mentioning obviously the most evident: it is not a pandemic. Bob Anderson, head of mortality statistics at the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), explained that it is essential to list these co-morbidities, in particular so that an accurate profile of vulnerable individuals can be developed. Failing to list them would contribute to missing critical information, as it would be impossible to educate or prioritize the most at-risk audiences for vaccination. “We rarely die from Covid-19 without it having caused complications”, this specialist told AFP, pointing out that the virus itself often causes certain diseases. Pneumonia for example, which can be then considered as co morbidity because it will have been able to play a role in the death. In fact, it seems logical to observe that Covid-19 is rarely identified as the sole cause of death. Since the beginning of the epidemic, health professionals have regularly highlighted the over-representation of certain patients among those who develop severe cases. In particular, diabetes has been described as a major co morbidity, along with hypertension or cardiac pathologies. Several months after the first occurrence of these misleading publications on social networks, the claims that the toll would be greatly overestimated with only 6% of "real" deaths related to 80


the virus remain false. The Health Pass or vaccine passport is the opportunity for vaccinated people to spread the Covid-19 while enjoying life, while those who are hostile to the vaccine but not infected can die with their mouths open. At the time of the writing and according to US News and world report, today in the world, 97 countries had ZERO Covid deaths. 59 had less than 10, and only 19 countries out of 250 had more than 100. France had 241 deaths, Africa 282! India which treats like Africa with hydroxychloroquine and other products had 171.

Some doctors don’t bend According to the head of the Department of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg, many deaths caused by the vaccination campaign are probably never reported because autopsies are not performed in most cases. According to Dr. Peter Schirmacher, head of the Department of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, there is an urgent need to perform autopsies much more often on vaccinated persons who died within a period of time that would indicate a prima facie link to the vaccine. Dr. Schirmacher told the Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) that the number of deaths caused by the current vaccination campaign is unknown but probably high: “(...) we pathologists receive no information in the majority of cases where a patient dies as a result of, and presumably because of, the vaccination.”



According to the Augsburger Allegemeine Zeitung, Dr. Schirchmacher is keen to investigate the rare but very serious side effects of vaccines, such as strokes or autoimmune diseases. He deplores the fact that when a vaccine recipient dies, it is usually without any clinical observation. “The doctor called to certify the death will not make the link with the vaccination; he will certify that the cause of death was natural death, after which the patient will be buried. Or he will state that the cause of death is uncertain; at that point, the prosecutor, having found no culpability on the part of a third party, will authorize burial of the body.” Dr. Schirmacher works in the state of Baden-Wuertemberg alongside local prosecutors, police and physicians. He has already performed autopsies on more than 40 people who died within 15 days of vaccination. In his opinion, the vaccine was responsible for the deaths of between 30% and 40% of these people and he concludes that the fatal consequences of the vaccination are underestimated. This interview with the DPA caused quite a stir in Germany and was widely quoted. For the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, his statements are “politically controversial at a time when the vaccination campaign is stalling, the Delta variant is sweeping the country and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are under discussion”.



DO AS I SAY.... The White House is forcing vaccination on millions of federal employees: military, police, and intelligence... except for itself. Yes, you read that correctly. White House staff is not bound by any vaccination requirements or other binding rules. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki acknowledged this in a press conference when asked about this surprising exemption. Clarification: under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the federal government has no authority over health care in the 50 states. For each state, health policy is the responsibility of the Governor. The Governor of Florida, for example, has ruled against mandatory vaccination by law. The Biden administration can only act at the federal level. Yet, all federal employees must be vaccinated but the White House staff? How convenient!

“In order to become the master the politician poses as the servant.” General Charles De Gaulle

The Pasteur Institute in France recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. A single dose could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people. A single dose of Ivermectin is able to eliminate the virus in vitro in 48 hours. However, the governments rushed to ban it on the national territories. The 83


same was true in England and Scandinavian countries. Why prevent doctors from prescribing drugs to patients at the beginning of their illness? Simply because it is not profitable if the operation is intended to control the population with a digital passport under the pretext of public health. Hydroxychloroquine, although authorized on the European and American markets for 70 years, is no longer authorized. Examples abound; the scandal of the ivermectin ban in France! Indian states that have made extensive use of Ivermectin have very low covid19 mortality rates. In India, in the state of Uttar Pradesh which has a population of 240 million people and only 5.8% of its population fully vaccinated compared to 60% in the US, the government has widely promoted the use of Ivermectin to treat Wuhan virus patients... the state leaders have just declared that Uttar Pradesh is now officially Covid free. Only he who refuses to see does not see today... When one learns about all that is happening in the world and the inexpensive treatments such as Ivermectin, this molecule used in more and more countries like India and Japan and which demonstrates its effectiveness, one must be crazy or completely unconscious to accept to inject oneself with any umpteenth dose of a product in experimental phase and of which one hears about the damage caused every day on the short term already. “It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived” said Mark Twain...



Nations, which refused it and adopted Vaccine Passport, have much higher rates. It also shows that the smear campaign of some French media about the results of Ivermectin in India was based on ‘fake news’: allegations about Covid victims burning at the stake, or about the alleged falsity of Indian statistics validated by the WHO. Note that the Indian state government of Uttar Pradesh (population 205 million) formally recommends the use of Ivermectin for prophylaxis and to bring down the mortality rate of covid19. It is a question of forcing the population, if necessary, to submit to digital control for everything and forever! What proof do we have? The big pharmaceutical companies have all, without exception, liens to Governments and most of all, Bill Gates Foundation, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic forum, Soros and his empire and all the billionaires of the GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon).

What we have been experiencing for the past year is a crime against humanity, let there be no doubt. This operation has been planned for years. And if despite all the evidence that we independent journalists and whistleblowers bring every day, there is still a doubt in the minds of some, I want to provide you with another indisputable fact that appears in all letters in a book by Michel Salomon published in 1981. Jacques Attali, 1981, then adviser to François Mitterrand, in a book of interviews by Michel Salomon, said this: “In the future it will be necessary to find a way to reduce the population.” Although some interpretation might change the way Attali was trying to hide his thoughts, it was clear his ideas were to politically oriented at a reduction of the world population.


THE COVID SCAM The chapter in the 1999 book “Dictionnaire du 21e siècle” devoted to ‘the epidemic’ reads in full:

“In the game of nomadism, of people, goods, and species, great epidemics could reappear. For example, the H5N1 virus could prove to be as dangerous as the one that, in the winter of 19181919, affected almost half of humanity and killed forty million people. The measles virus will continue to be devastating. Epidemics will start by destroying protective ecological niches for certain species. In accordance with the law of the market, it will be preferable to treat rich people with a disease than to vaccinate poor people before they get it. The result will be a hecatomb in the South. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and he costs society dearly. We won't be able to test the intelligence of millions and millions of people either, you can imagine! We will find something or we will provoke it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe in it and will ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have foreseen the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of the stupid will be done by itself: they will go by themselves to the slaughterhouse.” The future of life - Jacques Attali.

Many doctors no longer trust forced vaccination among the world’s leading scientists. To name a few: Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize of medicine. Luc Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré86


Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus. Tasuku Honjo, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018. Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist ... Recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Michael Levitt, FRS is a South African-born Jewish biophysicist and a professor of structural biology at Stanford University. He is a co-winner Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013 with Arieh Warshel et Martin Karplus. Didier Raoult is a French physician and microbiologist specializing in infectious diseases. In 1984, Raoult created the Rickettsia Unit at Aix-Marseille University. He also teaches infectious diseases in the Faculty of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University. John P. A. Ioannidis is a Greek-American physician-scientist, writer and Stanford University professor who has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and clinical research. Ioannidis studies scientific research itself, metaresearch primarily in clinical medicine and the social sciences. Robert Malone—a medical doctor and an infectious-disease researcher—recently suggested that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines might actually make COVID-19 infections worse. It indeed represent seminal work in the field of gene transfer, according to Rein Verbeke, a postdoctoral fellow at Ghent University, in Belgium, and the lead author of a 2019 history of 87

THE COVID SCAM mRNA-vaccine development. (Indeed, Malone’s studies are the first two references in Alain Verbeke’s paper, out of 224 in total. University of Calgary). Malone and his co-authors “sparked for the first time the hope that mRNA could have potential as a new drug class,” though we should note that “the achievement of the mRNA vaccines of today is the accomplishment of a lot of collaborative efforts.” When 75 doctors walk out of a hospital because they won’t treat people that haven’t been vaccinated for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate, they don’t give a shit about your health, they only care about the kick backs they get from big pharma. That's why I refuse this vaccine. Because I see the factory to create consensus by censorship, threat and destruction of careers! According to Prof. Didier Raoult, the risk of relapse is greater in patients who have received vaccines than in those who have been ill with Covid. Moreover, he warns of the drifts of medicine currently practiced which, based on numerical data more than on the reality of the field, announces hasty conclusions that tend to move away from the truth. “Natural infections are at least ten times more protective than vaccine infections. This means that relapses are very rare compared to vaccination.” Didier Raoult

Dr. Robert Malone, creator of the mRNA, says the spike protein is dangerous in humans. The maker of the PCR test Kary Mullis, says it was never intended for the Covid test because it produces 88


false positives and negatives!!! Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee, says the secret commercial ingredient in the toxic vaccine is graphene oxide poison. Imagine that, they call it a trade secret in order to hide the toxin in the vaccine!!! Why the hell don't people check this out!!! If we can't believe the manufacturers, the inventors of the mRNA and PCR test, who the hell are we fact checking?!

Professor Raoult jumps into the arena with both feet! He has just published a new shocking book: “Beyond the chloroquine affair”: How the pharmaceutical industry perverts our health systems and puts ours in danger. In it, he denounces the biggest scandal of this Covid crisis: the refusal to treat patients with effective molecules like hydroxychloroquine. In fact, with more than 200 published scientific studies, there is no longer any doubt that hydroxychloroquine slightly reduces the risk of contamination (and in prevention), and clearly reduces the risk of hospitalization and death (in early treatment). This was what Prof. Raoult had foreseen, as early as February 27, 2020, when he announced to the world the probable efficacy of chloroquine, based on the Chinese trials. And yet... you know the rest: Not only will hydroxychloroquine not be selected, on March 11, 2020, by our TV minions “official scientists” in charge of testing anti-Covid remedies (they have favored less promising and much more expensive drugs) but hydroxychloroquine will be banned for general practitioners on March 27, 2020, in the middle of an epidemic, and reserved for critical cases (and the elite, of course) in hospitals. Without this dramatic ‘mistake’, the pandemic would have been felt as a ‘bad flu’ episode, a bit like the Hong Kong flu in 1968. For by generalizing hydroxychloroquine 89


from March 2020, as proposed by Prof. Raoult, we could probably have: half the number of Covid deaths; reduce by at least half the number of hospitalizations and resuscitations; and thus avoid the devastating confinements, without the slightest risk of hospital overcrowding. This is a criminal error, but it is not the only one, far from it. Other major errors in the choice of treatments have aggravated the epidemic. They are less known, but you will see, they are extremely shocking too: First, the massive use of ‘rivotril’ to put people out of their misery in Nursing Home rather than trying to treat the sick. The case of the injectable drug ‘rivotril’ in Senior Home is quite unheard of. At the end of March 2020, a decree authorized the exceptional use of rivotril aimed at plunging into ‘deep sedation’ the seriously ill patients of Covid, to relieve them at the time when their lungs are failing, in respiratory distress. In itself, the use of ‘palliative care’ is not shocking if the objective is to alleviate the suffering of critically ill patients who are too old to be accepted in intensive care. But what is more than disturbing is that ‘rivotril’ does not only ‘relieve’: it also leads to shortening the life of patients by accelerating death! This is not a ‘conspiracy theory’. The drug's package insert spells it out: “Never use Rivotril 1 mg/1 ml, solution for dilution in ampoules if you have severe respiratory failure (severe lung disease).” Was there no other medication available to improve the comfort of severely ill Covid patients? And rather than giving lethal injections, why not try to treat and cure? It should be noted that the “rivotril decree” was issued at the end of March, two days after the decree prohibiting doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine, including in nursing homes!


Manipulation Raoult: “In fact, these were paradoxical injunctions. I am not allowed to prescribe something that could treat people if they were affected (hydroxychloroquine). But I am allowed to take them off, gently as they say. I am still shocked. That they dared to ask us to inject our patients to make them leave more quickly is unbearable. It is a feeling of horror” Yes, it is “horror”: they preferred to “finish off” patients rather than try a drug that had a chance of curing them! And as if that wasn't enough, they didn't even try to give patients in nursing homes a preventive remedy as simple and effective as... vitamin D! Raoult: “Second; it’s criminal! Refusing to recommend vitamin D to the elderly! What happened with vitamin D is at least as bad. As early as March 3, 2020, I urged all my readers to fill up on vitamin D. Because many studies have shown that vitamin D reduces the risk of being infected by respiratory viruses; And because vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, which is valuable in avoiding severe forms and the famous immune storms (which the Academy of Medicine will confirm two months later). The great advantage of vitamin D is that it can be taken in high doses without any short-term danger. There is therefore “nothing to lose”. In the elderly, there is even ‘everything to gain’.”

How many times has big Pharma said their drug was safe only to find out later that it wasn't! They get sued for millions but get away with billions!!! And no one goes to jail for maiming or killing people! How many times has the government lied to us and said it was safe, that is. 91


The Tuskegee Syphilis Study comes to mind or agent orange, or smoking !!!! How many times does Big Pharma and the government have to lie to you before you start to open your eyes! Remember big Pharma does not make money if you are healthy, but rather if you keep taking the drugs for life! Mark my word; you will have to get a lifetime of annual or semiannual vaccination! This toxic vaccine was passed by an emergency act because they said there was nothing to cure Covid, it is an experimental gene therapy with no short or long term studies! We are the study!!! Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both generic drugs that Big Pharma can't make a profit on, but can alleviate symptoms without side effects, but no one in the mainstream media is looking at the effectiveness. Ivermectin is a dewormer and has been used for 4 decades with 4 billion doses without side effects. Now that's a solid record to hold and I'll take that over any toxic vaccine! Another thing, according to the CDC, Covid vaccine is not safe for children under 12 due to insufficient studies. Again, they are okay with pregnant women getting the vaccine! Does this even make sense?! Isn't a fetus in a womb under 12 years old?! Do you see the contradictory lies?! Double shot people should always wear a mask, get tested, distance themselves socially and continue to have revolutionary cases! So I ask you what is the difference between double shot 92


and no vaccine?! If the vaccine is so safe, why can't we sue the manufacturers, why can't they stand behind their vaccine, put their money where their mouth is?! It's because they know it can (and probably) harm! The injected..... Adverse reaction census... Thrombosis; C.V.A. (Cerebral vascular accident); T.I.A. (Transient Ischemic Attack); O.A.P. (Acute Lung Edema)/Pulmonary Embolism/Pneumothorax; Aneurysm Rupture, Aneurysm; Unexplained Aortic Collapse; Hypertension (very high above 20), Hypotension; Infarction; Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Inflammation of the pleura, Pleural effusions, Pericardial effusions; Arrhythmia, Tachycardia, Bradycardia; Coagulation disorders: thrombocytopenia, purpura; Vasculitis, phlebitis; Autoimmune reactions: skin rash, zonas, urticaria, Guillain Barré syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis attacks; hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism; Hypermegalia: abnormal lumps especially in lymph nodes, edema of limbs, edema of lips, tongue, eye area, face etc. Chondrocalcinosis; renal insufficiency, hepatic insufficiency, acute pancreatitis; Allergic reactions, edema of quincke; Neurological reactions: epileptic seizures, acute polyneuropathy... Bell's palsy; Vascular facial pain; Blindness and/or deafness due to thrombosis and then tissue necrosis; Retinal occlusions; Loss of visual acuity, visual discomfort (filaments, flies, spots ... ), retinal detachment; Diabetes; Hyponatremia; Reactivation of cancers in remission, exacerbated body electromagnetism (patients magnetize metallic objects at the point of injection and even at the level of the heart ...); Multiple sclerosis; Radiculitis; Capsulitis; Encephalitis; Meningitis; Peritonitis; Vasculitis; Idiopathic myelitis; Miscarriages, premature deliveries, sterility ... 93


Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia; Tinnitus, hyperacusis, diplopia; Dysphasia; "Brain-fog": loss of memory + confusion + depersonalization, disorientation, apathy etc. ...; Hypoesthesia, tingling, numbness of limbs, spasms, muscle contractures, cramps ...; Tissue necrosis (legs etc ... ), phlegmon; Colic, rectorrhagia; Acute asthmatic bronchitis; Shortness of breath, shivering, vertigo, Meniere's syndrome, nausea, headache, asthenia, dyspnea, sensations of disseminated burns, diarrhea, arthralgia, joint effusion, epistaxis, hematoma, otorrhagia, suicidal ideations, depression, psychological to psychiatric disorders (paranoia ...), anxiety attacks, dementia . Another thing; so if the double vaccinated thinks the vaccine is going to protect them, why are they afraid of the nonvaccinated?! If it is a legitimate vaccine, they shouldn't have to worry about getting vaccinated right? It's crazy to twist it so that the non-vaccinated can spread the virus to the double vaccinated unless they think they can still catch Covid-19, in which case why the hell did they take the vaccine! What happened to the regular flu? Did we suddenly cure it miraculously?! What happened when the doctors told us to let our kids get dirty so they could build up their immunity? Now we have to wrap our kids in bubbles! What happened to being proactive and eating healthy, getting plenty of exercise and sleep! Get some fresh air and sunshine! Take vitamins B,C,D, Zinc etc... ah, well, all that doesn't bring in much pharma money! Florida Governor Ron De Santis in a speech: “You can't have a robust society with real debate if free speech is controlled by half a dozen Silicon Valley oligarchs.”



Covid and American military research The first point to be noted, indisputable and factual, that laymen had not noticed: the American army is very interested in the question of viruses, in the fight against viral epidemics, and in the transmission of viruses from animals to humans. This is the object of a very interesting organization, the DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, created in 1957 to take up the challenge of space conquest. This DARPA launched the PREEMPT (Preventing Emerging Pathologic Threat) program in 2017. PREEMPT is a program that looks suspiciously like a preparation against the 2019 Coronavirus outbreak from China. Here's how the DARPA website presents this program: “PREEMPT builds on recent advances in understanding host genetic interactions and adaptation mechanisms across species, emerging analytical tools to predict what species might carry potential human-pathogens, and novel capabilities to predict geographic “hot spots” where an animal-to-human viral jump is likely.” “Transmission of pathogens from animals to humans, places where this could happen, predicting the evolution of epidemics: these words resonate with a strange topicality in the minds of contemporaries!”

The strange specialties of PREEMPT. One must go to the PREEMPT PROJECT website to understand the exact nature of the work carried out by this mysterious organization attached to the American army. 95


While one of PREEMPT's primary vocations has been to research the Lhasa virus and Ebola virus, one of the organization's main concerns is the development of aerosol vaccines that would prevent the circulation of pathogens among animal species. It is interesting to note an article from February 6, 2020 entitled: “Could self-carrying vaccines stop a Coronavirus pandemic?” Here we find the rather natural obsession with inventing medical devices to fight epidemics in an industrial way. But the wrong minds will suggest that they can also be tools, inversely, intended to disseminate epidemics... In any case, PREEMPT has been concerned since the beginning with the transmission of animal viruses to humans, and with the means to contain the phenomenon. The strange call for contributions in 2018 As part of this research, DARPA issued a call for papers in 2018 that raises many questions today. Here is how it is worded: “DARPA is soliciting innovative proposals for research to develop new tools and models to quantify the likelihood of a virus to jump from an animal host into humans, and to develop and validate new scalable technologies to target potential humancapable viral pathogens in wild reservoirs and/or mosquito vectors to prevent transmission to humans.” Again, this call dated January 19, 2018, 18 months before the quasi-official appearance of Covid-19, is an even more troubling element because it comes from the US military. It contains the ingredients of everything that will make Covid: a virus passing from an animal host to humans, new technologies, wild reservoirs, and, novelty! Mosquito vectors that would prevent 96


transmission to humans! A real science fiction movie... or a real contemporary dystopia! EcoHealth Alliance's alleged response... Information is lacking as to which project DARPA funded under this call for proposals. But, according to Drastic Research, one of the applicants called EcoHealth Alliance proposed a project called Defuse, meaning “defusing”, whose content is chilling. Before examining the substance of ‘Defuse’, it is perhaps necessary to give some details on the nature of the NGO EcoHealth Alliance. First of all, it should be noted that the object of this organization is a synthesis of all the fashionable subjects within the globalized caste: to fight against pandemics and to save both nature and the planet. How to resist so many good feelings? The illintentioned will speak of a real organized subsidy search. The list of Alliance partners is not without interest. It includes several companies such as Johnson & Johnson, manufacturer of the anti-Covid vaccine that financed Joe Biden's campaign, but also the University of Eastern China (in Shanghai) and the very official CDC. In other words, the EcoHealth Alliance is one of those meeting places where companies in need of influence meet with public authorities to spread their good ideas... and, so often, the banknotes that help them spread. But what is most intriguing about the EcoHealth Alliance is the personality of its president, Peter Daszak, whose actions are becoming better known to insiders. He is best known for having been part of the WHO mission to investigate the accidental or non-accidental origin of the epidemic, and has been accused of having pushed the investigation team to conclude that there was no accident. He is also known to have co-authored an article in



The Lancet stating that any questioning of the direct transmission of the virus from animals to humans was conspiracy. This astute mind was not then discovering the Coronavirus, as in 2014 he received funding to work on the emergence of bat virus risks. The program for this study stated: “Project Summary: Understanding the risk of bat Coronavirus emergence Emerging zoonotic CoVs of bat origin pose a significant threat to global health and food security as the cause of SARS in China in 2002, the ongoing MERS outbreak, and a recently emerged swine. Acute Diarrhea Syndrome in China. In a previous R01, we found that bats in southern China harbor an extraordinary diversity of SARSr-CoV, some of which can use human ACE2 to enter cells, infect humanized mouse models causing SARS-like disease, and escape available therapies or vaccines.” It is quite curious that this study announced in 2014, with an announced end date of 2026, received its first budgets in July 2019, i.e., a few weeks before the start of the Wuhan outbreak... Let's keep these things in mind: the study officially began on June 1, 2014, but the first budget is dated July 24, 2019, with a completion date of June 30, 2022... In this case, $660,000 was paid to The Alliance. As we can see, as early as September 1, 2019, the journal Biosafety and Health published an article titled: “Human-animal interactions and potential spread of bat Coronavirus among farmers in southern China” that has some strange overtones. The Covid epidemic started one or two months later. Disturbing, isn't it? 98


What is in the Defuse project? The Defuse project submitted (and rejected) to the DARPA call for papers proposing a comprehensive study of the Coronavirus that will send a chill down the spine of any thriller fan. Indeed, the EcoHealth Alliance project consists in...creating a Coronavirus in a bat cave in Wuhan! As explained in the EcoHealth Alliance's (purported) response to the call for papers, the Alliance has been working on the topic of bat Coronavirus for 14 years, and holds 180 strains of Covid. The response states that the Alliance has a test cave in Yunnan Province, with a “population assemblage that contains all the genetic components of the Covid epidemic...” How much clearer can it get?

Here is the very significant passage: “We have already published clear evidence of transmission of a new Covid in Yunnan Province, China, near a set of caves where we have isolated strains that produce Coronavirus disease in humanized mice without being susceptible to antibody treatment or vaccination. These viruses are an immediate danger to our military and global security because of their circulation and mutation in bats and their mutations in humans.” Recall that this text is from the winter of 2018, eighteen months before the outbreak we are experiencing. Its predictive nature is truly striking, and the fact that EcoHealth Alliance is highlighting its mastery of local “caves” and its possession of Coronavirus strains sows confusion. 99


Of course, the EcoHealth Alliance points out the danger of this Coronavirus for the American armed forces. The search for funding on the part of the army takes precedence here. But how can we not remember that one of the theories about the spread of the virus is that the Military Olympics will be held in Wuhan in October 2019?

Did EcoHealth Alliance manipulate Coronavirus strains? The question remains: did EcoHealth Alliance simply study the Coronavirus strains it had at its disposal after 14 years of studies, or did it carry out some risky manipulations that would have gone wrong, in the hope of making a vaccine? In any case, the following passage from the (putative) response to the call for papers is perplexing: “Comprehensive inventory of bat SARS-COV quasi species in our test caves, Yunnan, China. To feed the data to configure and validate our model, and as a basis for our immune modeling trial (TA2), the DEFUSE study field will target high-risk caves in Yunnan province, where we will conduct our trials, and where we will have previously identified and isolated high-risk Covids.” I leave the reader to make up their own mind about the rest of the text. However, the Alliance clearly acknowledges that it has three test caves near Wuhan, and claims to be able to identify and isolate high-risk Coronaviruses. All of this proves (if the response to the DARPA call for projects is genuine) that, by 2018, at least one U.S. NGO was capable of handling Coronavirus, and had 180 identified strains. 100


One step closer to understanding the story In my opinion, the information disseminated by Drastic Research is very likely and authentic (unless I am mistaken, which I will gladly acknowledge). In this complex file, it is sure and indisputable that the American army is interested in the means to fight against an epidemic that would be the result, natural or artificial, of a contamination of humans by endemic viruses in animal species. From my point of view, it is also very likely that Peter Daszak has strains of Coronavirus near Wuhan, which his team manipulated shortly before the explosion of the epidemic. History will undoubtedly take care of clearing up one after the other the gray areas that remain around this troubled time. Dr. Peter McCullough: We Could Have Stopped 85% of Covid19 deaths with early treatment! “It seems to me early on there was an intentional very comprehensive suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death. And it seemed to be completely organized and intentional in order to create acceptance for and then promote mass vaccination.” We live in a world where the masses are truly delusional. They have been manipulated by media hysteria into believing in an invisible “pandemic” that will kill them if they don't comply. At first, the demand for compliance was something like: “wear these masks; you only have to wear them until there is a vaccine!” Once the vaccine was available, the compliance request changed to “give two shots and we'll be back to normal.” Now, of course,



at the end of 2021, people have to both take endless booster shots and continue to wear masks... all the while keeping a social distance and complying with endless lockdowns and quarantine camps, of course. At this point, anyone following this madness is clinically delusional and suffering from a shared mass psychosis (or what some scientists call ‘mass training’). They prove that they cannot cognitively analyze the world around them in a way that reason and common sense will command. So, most of us, using intelligence shall wait and see. A large portion of the world population has a low IQ that is undeniable. And it shows, considering the large number of people wearing a mask outdoors alone.


The Great Reset Who is eager to implement the great reset? Feminists and socialists elitists see an opportunity for their idyllic idiocies. The feminist movement supported to destroy the traditional family. In a discussion Rockefeller had asked Russo (Aaron Russo February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007) was an American entertainment businessman, film producer and director, and political activist.) what he thinks of feminist emancipation movements. Russo replied that he sees these movements as fighting to give women equal rights with men to work and be paid fairly, as had happened with the right to vote. This response made Rockefeller laugh: “You're an asshole! I'll tell you what it's really about: we, the Rockefeller clan, founded the feminist movements: us! We own all the newspapers and all the television stations - the Rockefeller Foundation.”



Rockefeller had explained to Russo the two main reasons why his family financed the feminist movement: first, before the struggles for women's rights, bankers could only lend money to half the population; second, this movement determines that the education of children begins at an early age through public school, thus making it easier to indoctrinate them, who will be led to consider the State as their first family, thus destroying the model of the traditional family This revelation complements earlier claims by feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem that the CIA funded ‘Ms. Magazine’ as part of the same strategy to destroy traditional family models. And so, developing a policy for a world dominated government.

But why does the Great Reset really need the health passport to be implemented? This question, whose growing importance has been felt for several weeks, and which has become the hinge for explaining public policies, is giving rise to a lot of speculation. People all over the world are protesting against the Covid-Pass. From India to Russia to the US and France, people are now fedup with the proof of a good citizenry with a QR code in hand. Most people can read and understand the concept of freedom. The ‘cabale’ is now actively working on a major push for more control without turning back. And other crisis will occur to shadow the Great Reset. Demonstrators against the Covid Vaccine Pass are usurping their watchword, we are told today. ‘The pass defends true freedom’ Pro-Pass Covidists said. Therefore, resistants would be its de facto enemies.


The Great Reset It will be argued here, on the contrary, that if “The health pass, a new chance for freedom”, “Vaccination for all is freedom for all”, “Behind the health pass, an ethic of freedom”, “Anti-health pass demonstrations are a liberticidal movement”, or “The health pass or compulsory vaccination are liberal policies” are formulas that seem to come out of a famous dystopian novel, because they are of the same type as “war is peace” or “freedom is slavery”, I am not awake. The laws establishing the pass and extending its scope are indeed liberticidal. Moreover, the gap they open can easily become a precipice towards a totalitarian “new normal”, especially if the superficially liberal justifications of many of its promoters are taken seriously.

Vaccine passport: blackmail for re-confinement! The Pass (or the vaccination obligation) would be freedom, because its rejection is the refusal to be vaccinated, a refusal in turn responsible for the inevitable re-confinements and curfews that infringe on freedoms, as well as for the economic ruin and the extinction of social life that follow. If we go down this road, it will be the fault of spoiled children who are accomplices of a liberticidal virus. Apart from the fact that this assumes that anti-passers, in general, would not want to be vaccinated, as if this were the only conceivable motivation for their opposition, the argument depends entirely on an assumption requiring confirmation: vaccines prevent the transmission of the virus. Vaccines are less



and less known to be reliable in this respect. But what if vaccines block or at least significantly slow down infection? The heart of the argument is a false dilemma, as explained here: pass or re-contain. For the great confinement would obviously not be an event that would automatically fall upon us if we refused to conform to the will of the gods! It would be a political choice, that sanitary pass being another one, “neither one nor the other” gathering a multitude of others. A false dilemma, then, since the argument unjustifiably omits to consider the latter! It is a false dilemma that allows the question of policy evaluation to be swept under the carpet, the comparison of their effects being restricted to the first two scenarios (and even then, our defenders of science do not even hurry to present any proof that the first confinements, curfews, compulsory wearing of masks, etc. would have had the effects allegedly sought, as if this were self-evident). A false dilemma whose formulation, on top of that, exempts the government from the responsibility of a choice, the obligation of containment, which only it can make! Germs, not being able to leave us “free”, not being able to think and act, are no more capable of “attacking" us, of locking us up and of being liberticidal, than dogs or pigs, without which they could be put on trial. It is only by excluding a priori the scenario in which one can go to the coffee shop or visit one's cousins in Calgary or Tucson without a passport, which the device can be confusedly, considered liberating. But even if confinement were more liberating 106

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which is not obvious in the long run since, unlike the Pass, no state could impose it for long without undermining the productive base on which its very existence depends through tax revenues - this is of course an insult to the intelligence of anyone with a positive IQ. To claim that we would be freer when new infringements of freedom under the logic of the electronic bracelet could have been even more drastic, or that we have already endured heavier ones, or that they are nothing compared to the sacrifices asked of our ancestors who were obliged to “give their lives in the mud of the trenches” in Verdun and other places, is to mock the world.

Indeed, it is not enough to listen to the speeches of the caste calling for segregation against the non-vaccinated to understand the fundamental intention of this innovation. It is by diving into one of the blogs of the French transnational company Thales that we understand the overall strategy that is being put in place, and the steps that will follow.

You may have wondered, as I did, which bug had brutally bitten Emmanuel Macron on July 12 when he announced the implementation of a restricted health pass from August 2021. It is still too early to have all the answers to the questions that may arise, especially on the exact weight of the pharmaceutical industry in political decisions (one thinks here of the astonishing disappearances of some heads of state hostile to vaccination, which suggest that sometimes quite violent methods of persuasion are used in the industry... History will clarify these cases).



However, tongues are starting to wag in industrial circles, and what we learn is not lacking in interest. Thales at the heart of the health passport in France! It is by going to the Thales company blog that we understand the overall coherence of this first stage of surveillance capitalism, which is called the health pass. Thales intends to offer a global solution for digital identity and explains with a form of naivety how this project will be implemented. Thalès thus writes: “Vaccine passports will play a key role in citizens' ability to access all kinds of services and will act as precursors to the move towards digital identity on cell phones”. The health pass is therefore a “precursor”! The anticipation of a generalized system where identity will no longer be established by an official "autonomous" document like an ID card, but by a digital "wallet" stored on a cloud and an application whose archiving will escape the user. In other words, we need to get used to changing the way we establish our identity. A digital wallet to access public services Thales is not hiding the “central” ambition of the Vaccine passport, which is to become a platform for accessing the various public services available on the Internet. To achieve this, the vaccine passport or health pass is based on a “wallet”, a digital wallet, for which the European Commission has already laid the foundations. 108

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“In any case, the deployment of the digital wallet - initially for the driving license - will function as an access platform and pillars for other vital public services, such as health passes.” It is therefore clear that the health pass is the tip of a technical iceberg that is gradually taking shape, and that will overturn the notion of ‘administrative’ identity. From now on, citizens will be directly managed by a Big Database that will allow them to have access to certain places or services through the control of digital intelligence. When the digital wallet replaces the passport! In the range of services that the “digital ID” will have to render, we find in particular the replacement in due form of the good old current passport. The passport will soon be consigned to the dustbin of prehistory and replaced by an application on a telephone, where all individual data will be centralized. “Last but not least, the European digital identity will allow citizens to use their documents across the continent.” We remember that Europe was founded on the aspiration of a continent without borders and without identity checks. Subtly, we have moved to a Europe with universal controls pushed to a point unknown until now. It is undoubtedly the progress of the Enlightenment that wants this. Some nations won’t accept the Health Passport. The British government announced in September 2021 that it had abandoned plans to introduce a vaccination passport for access to nightclubs and other crowded places in England, deeming it unnecessary 109

THE COVID SCAM due to the success of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign. “I've never liked the idea of telling people they have to show their papers ... to do what is simply a routine activity,” Health Minister Sajid Javid said on the BBC. “We have considered it properly, and while we should keep it in reserve as a potential option, I am delighted to say that we are not going to proceed with our vaccine passport project,” he added.

Digital wallet and digital euro! But it is another feature of the wallet that should be highlighted, as it is related to the digital euro project that we mentioned this week. It is the use of the digital wallet as a means of payment. “It's getting exciting to think that the digital wallet can host both a digital identity and means of payment. This would allow people, for example, to pay a deposit on a new apartment or pay a speeding ticket directly from a smartphone.” So here we go: the health pass should lead to a future offshoot, online payment, for example of taxes or fines. Or rent. Or bank loan payments... In short, if we remember that the digital euro would be in the complete hands of the European Central Bank, the space of freedom that will remain to the consumer to arbitrate his expenses is going to become more and more constrained. By Thales' own admission, the state will know everything about you, including your financial and banking situation. The brave new world of “1984”!


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The door to social credit, China style! It is clear in what state of dependence this system undertakes, without this project being publicly explained to the citizens, to place individuals. A framework is being put in place that will make Chinese-style “social credit” possible: the wallet will contain markers indicating who has not paid their taxes or debts, who has driven too fast, who has paid their alimony late. And if the marker appears, the individual will be barred from accessing certain services, or making certain purchases. Little by little, he will be marginalized, without any possibility to oppose it. This is what the health pass is for. It is not an end in itself. It is a beginning, a precedent, an appetizer. As Trudeau and Biden want it.

The first four stages of a total digital control of western populations. Several new, seemingly independent technologies will converge to create a control system that will profoundly change the daily lives of citizens. Four stages are expected. Stage 1: the health passport, of which the QR code that can be downloaded to a telephone is the digital representation! Every individual is thus able to prove his or her vaccination status. Without this, it is to be feared that the doors of modern life will be closed to him. The subject is sufficiently topical and wellknown not to be discussed here.



Step 2: the universal digital identification system. Companies like ‘Thales’ have been working on this for several years with governments. It will work with the digital health passport to become one. In two words, it is about being able to prove one's identity in a dematerialized way (without an identity card). First with the help of a cell phone and later with the help of a subcutaneous chip (this is already being tested in some African nations). Since paper certificates are easily falsifiable, any person will be able to prove that he or she is vaccinated and that he or she is the person he or she claims to be. A consortium called Alliance ID2020 has been tasked with rapidly rolling out the process. It includes Accenture, Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation, MasterCard, IBM, MIT SafePaths and Bill Gates' GAVI Global Vaccines Alliance. Step 3: the new digital currency on which central banks have been working hard (the Digital Wallet). According to Christine Lagarde, the digital Euro is already ready. In the US, Democrats have made clear that the dollar will become a crypto currency. Based on Blockchain technology, it will make all monetary flows perfectly traceable and controllable. It will be possible to deactivate very easily the account of an individual that the authorities suspect of illegal activities. As we can see, the objective is to create a complete digital identity, mixing health (vaccination), civil and banking data that cannot be forged. Step 4: The Internet passport. This device will be the last step of the digital control system. If the circulation on the web is now free for everybody, it will probably not be anymore since it is 112

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envisaged to create a kind of virtual driving license that will be granted to us subject to a periodic examination of our online activity. Some might see this as a tool to eliminate all dissenting voices from the Internet. It is true that in the hyper-digitized society that is coming, being deprived of the Internet will mean being ostracized from society. But don't worry, because this “Great Reset” that is being prepared with the kind collaboration of Big Pharma, Big Data and Big Tech has no other vocation than to frame our lives in order to make them safer, more convenient, greener, less unequal and more inclusive... Let's remember what Davos Forum founder Klaus Schwab wrote in a book published in early 2016: “The 4th industrial revolution will lead to a merging of our physical, biological and digital identities”. Thanks to the fear opportunistically generated, Covid-19 was then the opportunity to precipitate the process by obtaining the peoples' consent. Also Bill Gates has been a controversial figure these days, and the new documents detailing his foundation’s ties to China ought to raise substantial additional questions. Judicial Watch, in U.S, received a 129 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which include “urgent for Dr. Fauci” email chain that cites ties between the Wuhan lab and EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit that works on infectious diseases and is funded by U.S. taxpayers and the Gates Foundation. The emails also report that the Gates Foundation worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chineseproduced medications to be sold outside China and help “raise China's voice of governance by placing representatives from 113


China on important international counsels as high level commitment from China.” These records also include a January 6, 2020, “Wuhan Pneumonia Update” report that details how Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, was tied to the Wuhan lab and was “funded for work to understand how corona viruses evolve and jump to human populations.” Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a FOIA lawsuit for records of communications, contracts and agreements with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-00696)). The lawsuit specifically seeks records about NIH grants that benefitted the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The agency is only processing 300 pages of records per month, which means it will take a long while for the records to be fully reviewed and released under FOIA. Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is already announcing the arrival of his next pandemic, which appears to involve the intentional release of a smallpox bio-weapon. And on November 25, 2021 the Indian bar association published the world's first vaccine murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India's high court. All this has always been done in the name of the good, for the good of the individuals concerned, such as apartheid and colonization, or for the good of the dominant ones, such as the holocaust, slavery and today, the vaccine passport or health pass. Yesterday the justifications were philosophical, Universalist, and today scientific. Today, bogus studies are being fabricated for this purpose. The confinement was based on a bogus study that predicted 500,000 deaths in France, the sanitary pass based on a prefabricated study on the postulate of non 114

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transmission by the vaccinated. In fact, there is a political project and the power manufactures itself, has itself manufactured the pseudo-scientific arguments it needs with the support of corrupted scientists either financially or intellectually. All tyrants have found zealous collaborators to implement their diabolical plans, relayed by the communication media at their beck and call which pour out propaganda.

These vaccines are not legal vaccines. The word ‘vaccine’ refers only to a synthetic immune stimulation. To detect the virus, only a saliva or urine sample is required. Therefore, any PCR test is irrelevant. Furthermore, any use of the PCR test is contrary to the Nuremberg Codex and constitutes a crime against humanity. The responsible authorities who demanded the vaccination and the Covid-19 test will have to face the sanctions of the Nuremberg Codex. Thousands of honest doctors and genuine scientists warn the unvaccinated to stay away from the vaccinated. These mRNA vaccines are loaded with poisons and alter the natural immune system in such a way that it will overreact when victims are exposed to almost any pathogen, including the flu. They will be attacked by their own immune system, a process known as autoimmune disorder. These attacks are more deadly than any disease.

And anarchy has been transformed into insurgency, when it originally meant autonomy! Thanks to our digital soldiers, truth and honesty are coming out of the woodwork, all around us.



Unfortunately, the sheep continue to believe their government's lies and publicly say that awakened truth seekers are doomsayers and depressing problem hunters. To clarify, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a German microbiologist, warns “they are killing people with these COVID vaccines to reduce the world population.” In an exclusive interview, the world-renowned German-Thai microbiologist warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and deception, as the COVID ‘vaccines’ are intended to cause a global catastrophe and a brutal decimation of the human population. He explains that the PCR test has been misused to create fear in an unscientific manner. But again, according to further research, these tests do the same harm as the Covid vaccines. There is no question that we have not been told the truth about Covid, PCR testing, vaccines, masks, social distancing, confinement and mortality. In fact, the only thing we can be 100% sure of is that governments, public health officials, and the media have lied persistently and relentlessly on virtually every issue over the years. Lying and deception have become the official strategy of the state. Reports have surfaced in recent days that people who chose not to receive the experimental COVID-19 vaccines but were exposed to those who did, have suffered what appear to be toxicities from those fully ‘vaccinated’ individuals. Meanwhile, courts in Austria, Portugal and Holland have ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for the diagnosis of covid-19 and that confinements have no legal basis. There may not yet be sol116

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id evidence to determine whether those injected with the mRNA vaccine have become infectious and whether they can transmit it to those who did not take the vaccine.

Nonetheless, it is quite possible. This is a huge question because of the implications of selfisolation of those injected for their own survival. But, as practical experience has already shown, vaccinated people are a danger to others. No matter who, Covid's fake pandemic targets certain groups of people, mainly affecting the elderly and obese, because the weak will succumb to it anyway, while the fearful and foolish will believe it and line up to get the free vaccine!

Quarantine, geolocation and facial recognition: it's starting! In the fight against the Chinese flu, Australia and France are the forerunners. The example to follow! Never before have its leaders shown such motivation and ingenuity! Although the epidemic seems to be under control, they decided to make the vaccine mandatory for everyone, even for children who are not really concerned. As this was not enough, it was also decided to drastically limit domestic travel and to impose new confinements. It is true that one can never be too careful... In order to ensure that the quarantine rules will be respected by the population, a part of the country is now testing a formidable device in the form of an application that the inhabitants of South Australia will be obliged to download.



The government will then send them text messages at random times, which they will be required to respond to within 15 minutes by taking a photo of their face. In this way, geolocation combined with facial recognition will ensure that any individual is who they say they are and where they are allowed to be. If this fails, the local police will be sent to provide ‘personalized follow-up’ to the offender. As you can see, Australia is not kidding around with the virus. Prime Minister Steven Marshall does not hide his satisfaction and I understand him (!): “We do not tell them how often or when they will receive an SMS. It will be random and they have to respond within 15 minutes... I think every South Australian should be pretty proud that we are the national pilot of the home quarantine application.” 10,000 Australians want compensation for side effects of COVID-19 vaccine. The Australian government could face a bill of over $50 million. More than 10,000 people have registered for loss of income after being hospitalized. Enough to make European leaders always concerned about preserving the health of their fellow citizens, dream... Here it is in Australia, a symbol of freedom. Well, that was before. Are you beginning to understand or do you need a drawing? Horowitz: Australia admits it is banning ivermectin for covid because it interferes with the universal vaccine agenda. Horowitz: “Aussie nurse confirms that hospitalized vaccinated COVID patients are being given Ivermectin, but unvaccinated


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patients are not given treatment, and sentenced to death on a ventilator.”

Among the politically correct Western nations, the slide of some countries towards dangerous dictatorial swamps is now visible. To measure the speed of the disintegration, there is nothing like two snapshots a few days apart. First of all, let's forget about France, whose authorities are now at the same point as Israel, seriously considering canceling the validity of the pass for those who refuse the third small dose. On the one hand, it would be inappropriate to recall that the nasty conspiracy theorists have been talking about exactly this possibility since the very idea of the pass was introduced. On the other hand, can we really call drift what is the logical, natural and inevitable continuation of a system that everything indicates is here to stay, starting with the system of prohibitive fines in case of fraud that is being put in place? Having mentioned this small French point, we now have to look at the overall picture. Astonishment: if globally, it is contrasted (some States choosing a real return to normality like the countries of Northern Europe, the countries of the Third World not having even chosen to enter the sanitary delirium), we observe on the other hand a rather chilling tendency to the forced acceleration towards a pure and hard dictatorship of certain countries which have clearly lost absolutely all reference with the fundamental values of democracy and freedom in particular.



I was referring of course to Canada, which has chosen one of the characteristic elements of dictatorships, namely the closing of the borders, here to people of lesser extraction (understand “not carrying the official vaccination passport”). We can laugh when we think of the idiots who loudly remind us that these borders are not closed to those who have the right ‘ausweis’: a state that grants you everything according to its own criteria can forbid you everything, overnight, according to new criteria! It will only take a few more weeks for the morons to find themselves cheated and forced to laugh. Now,“Unvaccinated” travelers over the age of 12 are no longer able to board a passenger plane or train in Canada, and a negative COVID-19 test is no longer be a substitute for most people. And Justin Trudeau, as most Democrats/Liberals should say “A private jet was the only choice for somebody like me, you know, a hypocritical liberal elitist.” But by far, the drift is even more serious and stronger in Australia. It was known that the various states of this continental federation were in a kind of race to see who could be the strictest and toughest in terms of containment and more or less stupid health rules (more than less, in fact). It was therefore not surprising that it was in this country that containment camps were set up, the usefulness of which is perplexing in the long term: if the Zero Covid strategy, which is perfectly idiotic because it is absolutely impossible to hold it for more than a few weeks, and especially when it comes to trading with the rest of the world, was finally abandoned by New Zealand and, for that matter, everywhere else, Australia seems to want to hold on to it without making it official. Perhaps the island mentality explains this fad, which could be vaguely 120

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understood for an atrocious epidemic with a very high lethality, but not at all in view of the current figures. The fact remains that the following steps are now chilling, starting with the pure and simple obligation to vaccinate the whole population. For a vaccine that is still officially in the therapeutic trial phase - and whose efficacy and safety are still largely up for debate, to put it kindly - this amounts to breaking many of the fundamental rules laid down since... Nuremberg. It is as if the Australian authorities had measured the reactions of the populations concerned in order to go further and further in the cutting up of their society: the less the populations react, the more they let themselves be done, or even dumbly approve what is going on, the more the politicians and the administrations behind them, always greedy for power, help themselves copiously and reduce the liberties of the citizens who have put them there. In practice, Australia now has little to envy China. And if there is a difference between the permanent and total surveillance exercised by Beijing on the Chinese citizen and the same surveillance put in place following this health crisis in Australia, it is only of degree and not of nature. Those who still believe that these measures are as exceptional and temporary as they are targeted are sadly mistaken: we remember the restrictions on Facebook that fell at the beginning of the year and that allowed the local political establishment to impose its own agendas and its own news on the social network, which was transformed into an official relay for correctly sanctioned political opinions. Since then, when by misfortune, users start to slip up, in comments, or in their publications, by showing alternative ideas and using - horror - their freedom of expression to formulate criticisms and objections to the drifts noticed, well... we send the 121


business side of a cannon to calm down the ardors of the impetrants: Now the police are knocking on your door with your printed Facebook posts from 6 months ago “because going to a protest is illegal”! This is Australia, soon in all your dystopian, totalitarian countries...( Note: free speech in times of health hysteria is not necessary, since we tell you! Besides, as doing what you want with your speech is no longer allowed and doing what you want with your body is obviously subject to strict regulations, it is logical and inevitable that we come to accumulate barriers... against porn on the internet, from the implementation of compulsory age verification techniques on some platforms, to a new passport, not vaccinal but digital this one, with a success that we can already imagine solid. We could multiply the examples of manifest, repeated and profound abuses of the fundamental rights that normally form the pillars of modern democracies, but in reality this will only be a statement of bitter failure for them and the demonstration, more disturbing, that the more they gargle with freedom and great principles, the faster they sink into the most detestable dictatorship.

The converging Islamic invasion through immigration with the decline of the West is suicidal. Covering the most vile aspirations, flattering the most archaic impulses, encouraging intellectual laziness, intolerance, hypocrisy, violence, preaching a pathological hatred for women, Islam is neither a wisdom, nor a civilization, nor a way of life, it is a


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plague. The Islamic invasion combined with the feminization of the society and the Covid crap will change the world for good. Recent data shows that everything is collapsing. Food production, trucking, health services, millions of people will get very sick and many will die, the military is collapsing, the political system is collapsing and the financial system will suffer a horrible irreparable crash. In short, perhaps the breakdowns will awaken the masses of people who will eventually discover all the evil that has been hidden from them. We are, at this point, at a point where the “normal people” are going to come to the surface. But when they wake up, what will they understand? Will they wake up and discover that they were wrong about Biden? Will they wake up to the fact that Biden is a traitor who has given up everything to the Chinese Communist Party? That the CCP helped him cheat? Or will they wake up to Biden the globalist working with CCP cronies? There are so many layers that it will take a long time for people to come to some understanding. I think, basically, people will figure out that there will be a financial crash first. Everyone can see that there is hyperinflation everywhere...We're also going to see the real-estate markets, the cost of potatoes, gold and silver, Bitcoin that are not in the U.S. dollar system. Commodity prices are not going to stop going up, just like what happened in Venezuela. This is what our financial system will look like...We are at the end of its life. It's going to be an extremely chaotic and hard time. People need to understand what is really ahead of them. It won't be the end of the world, but the end of the world as we knew it, but in reality, the world as we knew it was pretty oppressive. We will realize that only a few very bad people had managed to turn us into slaves. It is indeed a dramatic time, but in the end, this general collapse to come may have saved us in some ways.



People will wake up to being voluntarily poisoned and murdered, and Deep State actors such as government bureaucrats, pharmaceutical company executives, and doctors who incited all of this, will have to face an outraged grieving public. It's going to get very hard and violent... It’s not all plain sailing for the crooks who perpetrated this crime against humanity. Retaliation shall occur! Silver and Gold will be kings even though the Federal Reserve may disappear altogether. At least a large portion of normal people will become aware of this by the end of the year 2021. We are on the verge of a major turning point in the global economy.

The pope is not “a neutral bystander,” but is actually contributing to the “great reset,” according to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Pope Francis is actively participating in a sinister globalist conspiracy, Archbishop Vigano said in a recent interview with Robert Moynihan. The “Great Reinitialization” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” as conceived by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (Davos), are a plot by the global elite “to drastically reduce the world's population, dismantle the free market and erase all borders.”

The more nations are confined by political correctness; by an important framing of public speech by social pressure, the faster these nations seem to throw themselves into the arms of a more and more muscular and ferocious self-righteous dictatorship. The more the health crisis turns into a crisis of freedom, the more it becomes clear that these ostentatious paragons of democ124

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racy, freedom and all the usual trimmings were ready to enslave their own population, with the consent of a large part of it. One explanation for the rapidity of this fall may be the confidence of the population in these states, which until now had been able to show themselves, if not modest, at least limited in their exactions. All of a sudden, the trust that citizens had placed in their state on the basis of what were, in the end, simple pledges (little intervention in business, a relatively free market, low standards or reasonable pain in the ass) was used to take over anything that might suddenly represent a threat to the state. And it is, unsurprisingly, the citizens who have been religiously taught for generations to trust their administration and who have, in the end, given it everything “in confidence” that now find themselves totally at its mercy, in the worst way. It is also hard not to notice that these countries have carefully disarmed their citizens before putting them in cages. Except for the U.S.A (but the Biden administration is working on it), there is no chance. As for the next step, it is obvious and already underway. Hervé Seligmann, a statistical biologist who worked with Professor Raoult at the IHU in Marseille. There are 7 things to remember from this exceptional interview which will be broadcast tonight at 9 pm on "Ondes de Choc". 1. Vaccinated people are more likely to die if they catch Covid than others. It is a fact, he proves it!



2. The more we go down in age, the more the effect of the vaccination is serious, therefore imagined for our children! 3. The more there are vaccinated, the more there are Covid cases, as it is the case in India, in Israel, in Portugal or in the United States. 4. Not only that, but the more people you have vaccinated in your population, the more infant mortality increases! Among young people, the predictions are very bad, already 25% more deaths among the vaccinated by comparing curves, which Dr. Seligman does better than anyone. 5. Most of the mortality occurs after the first 15 days of the first injection. The third injection is also terrible, if we rely on Israel where, in the middle of August, after the third dose, there were more deaths than in winter. 6. The indirect effects of vaccination on unvaccinated people are really worrying. This is called shading, the contagion of the vaccinated on the non-vaccinated. 7. The lower the age of the vaccinated, the stronger the immunity of young people to the virus, it is easy to understand but paradoxically, the more fragile the young people are by the injection. This is what we call the shock caused by this injection on healthy bodies. Yes, you understood it, what is essential is to say that the nonvaccinated risk being contaminated by the vaccinated! Isn't it an amazing fairy-tale?


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While the pro Vaccine aficionados were blaming the skeptics for delaying the exit of this crisis, the resistance was there to warn every one of the real stakes of this mass vaccination orchestrated to impose a 100% digital monetary system supported by the so crucial Vaccine pass. When the pro-Vaccine people thought they were off the hook with only 2 doses, they were only sinking into their own servitude. Every new dose taken, gives power to these scoundrels who manipulate the population. Faced with this social engineering that has nothing to do with health, vaccination rhymes with ....submission. And resistance with... deliverance!

Professor Perronne on the side effects and post-vaccination deaths: “There are deaths from the vaccine, I already have 7 around me; there are 70 footballers, sportsmen who have died [...] The European database shows that there are more than 20,000 deaths from the vaccine, it is the same in the USA with VAERS.”

Drs. Steven Hotze and Lee Merritt discussed the role of the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine (COVID-19) as a “Trojan horse” for sinister purposes on the Nov. 22 episode of “The Dr. Hotze Report” on Brighteon.TV. Hotze explained what a Trojan horse is: 127


“Remember, in Greek mythology, there was a war between the Greeks and the city of troy? The Greeks couldn't get behind the fortified walls, so they built a huge wooden horse. In the belly of this horse, they put some of their soldiers. They rolled it to the city gate, and then they left.” “The Trojans, thinking they had won the war, went out and pulled that horse into the city. When they went to bed at night, out of the belly of that Trojan horse came the Greek soldiers. They opened the gate, the Greeks came back - and the rest was history. Troy was defeated, and the Greeks won the war.”


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ALTERNATIVES Is there an alternative to the gene therapy that Western governments are trying to introduce by law into gullible populations? There certainly is! Every day there are new methods. Here is the example of Brazil. Brazilian snake venom has a molecule that inhibits the Covid-19 virus, according to researchers from the Institute of Chemistry (IQ) of Unesp (São Paulo State University is a public university run by the state government of São Paulo, Brazil.). They have identified in the venom of the Jararacuçu species a peptide which is a piece of protein - able to stop the reproduction of the Covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2). The discovery happened after laboratory tests, in which they observed that the molecule extracted from the snake's venom inhibited by 75% the virus' ability to multiply in monkey cells. The results obtained in the study generated an article that was 130


published in August in the international scientific journal Molecules. With this, the study presents a promising path in the search for drugs to treat patients contaminated by Covid-19. The challenge in creating a new immunizer is to ensure that it is effective against a given pathology and does not generate adverse reactions. “We found a peptide that is not toxic to cells, but inhibits virus replication. With this, if the compound becomes a medicine in the future, the organism would gain time to act and create the necessary antibodies, since the virus would have its infection speed compromised and would not advance in the organism”, explains Eduardo Maffud Cilli, IQ professor and one of the authors of the work. How does snake venom act? Easily obtainable, the peptide is found in the Jararacuçu and is a molecule that interacts and blocks PLPro, one of the enzymes of Covid-19 responsible for its multiplication in the cells. According to the IQ professor, this mechanism of action is interesting because all SARS-CoV-2 variants have PLPro. Therefore, the tendency is that the molecule maintains its effectiveness against different mutations of the virus. Although several vaccines have been approved recently, the complete immunization of the world population will still take time, which, along with the emergence of new variants, reinforces the importance of the search for effective treatments. The assay is done as follows: monkey cells grown in the laboratory receive the peptide, and after an hour the virus is added to the culture. After two days, the researchers evaluate the results



and, by means of some calculations, find out how much the virus has stopped reproducing. This is possible because the researchers already know in advance how the virus would multiply under normal conditions, that is, if it were in contact only with cells. In a second stage of the study, in which the researchers identified one of the action mechanisms of the snake peptide, the compound was tested specifically against the PLPro enzyme, which was obtained at the Institute of Physics of São Carlos (IFSC) at USP. For the next steps of the study, the specialists will evaluate the efficiency of different dosages of the molecule, as well as if it can perform other functions in the cell, such as protection, avoiding even the virus to invade it. After the end of these tests, the objective is that the research advances to the pre-clinical stage, in which the peptide's efficiency to treat animals infected by the new coronavirus will be studied. “Our results are promising and represent a valuable resource in the exploration of new molecules for drug discovery and development against SARS-CoV-2 infection,” Cilli concludes. Also, the Brazilian President Bolsonaro tells Pfizer that he is not going to encourage or mandate anything as long as it does not take responsibility for the possible side effects of the shots. Looks like the wind is turning …

Some think too … The governor of Florida has announced the implementation of a monoclonal antibody treatment network (regeneron). This device is entirely free of charge for the patient and does not require a



prescription. It would reduce hospitalizations by more than 70%. Ron DeSantis was known to be the target of the American left, which reproached him for having banned the obligation of the mask and the vaccine passport in Florida. Several of them have even called him a criminal. What is not known is that several months ago he created a commission of medical researchers to develop an innovative therapy against Covid-19. The efforts have paid off as the first clinic opened in late august 2021 near West Palm Beach. Treatment is available for people 12 years and older who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been exposed to an infected person and is at high risk for serious illness. The governor announced that the state will expand access to monoclonal antibody treatments by establishing 15 and 20 similar sites that will each be able to perform up to 300 treatments per day. Doctors said receiving monoclonal antibody treatments soon after testing positive for COVID-19 can significantly reduce symptoms and keep patients out of the hospital. Clinical trials have shown that people receiving this “antibody cocktail” have resulted in more than a 70% reduction in hospital admissions.To be followed very closely and especially to be circulated for those who are on the spot because it is unlikely that the mainstream media will relay the information for purely political reasons. If I am asked what the difference is between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, I would say that the former do not know what they have accepted but the latter know what they have refused. 133


Sometimes a low-cost generic drug appears to have a strong ability to fight Covid-19, Israeli researchers reported after seeing drops in inflammation levels in sick patients in an early clinical trial. A research team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem had hypothesized early in the pandemic that fenofibrate, a generic lipid-lowering drug, might help patients with Covid-19. The team found that the drug effectively fought the coronavirus in vitro a year ago, and has conducted data studies since then. The drug was administered to 15 Covid-19 patients at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. All 15 patients, who were on ventilators, were discharged from the hospital during the 10-day trial. “We have seen that it works,” Professor Yaakov Nahmias of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem told the Times of Israel news site. “It is very promising, especially since it is a very cheap generic drug with minimal side effects.” He stressed that further research involving a placebo group is underway. While these are needed to draw definitive conclusions, the professor is optimistic. “We followed the patients very closely, taking samples every other day, and we followed their levels of inflammation - which dropped sharply - as well as their bodies' immune responses,” Prof. Nahmias said. “And both of these give every reason to be optimistic.” Last December, Prof. Nahmias, who heads the Grasse Center for Bioengineering at Hebrew University, had reported that people who took fenofibrate for its lipid-lowering properties had “amazing” results compared to others with coronavirus. The drug, which is sold under several names, is the 73rd most prescribed drug in the United States. It is designed to reduce lipids in the body known as triglycerides, the most common 134


type of fat. The trial was conducted before the Delta variant arrived in Israel, but Professor Nahmias said he was confident that the drug would work on the different mutations of the virus. Although all scientists agree natural immunity enormously more effective than vaccination Covid-19, they stated too that these results should not be interpreted as an incentive to knowingly catch Covid-19. A large study in Israel proves that: People vaccinated in January/February were, in June/July/August, 6-13 TIMES MORE likely to be infected than unvaccinated people who were already infected. This analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people, also showed that: the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 TIMES higher in vaccinated people than in those with natural immunity and the risk of hospitalization 8 TIMES higher. This study is the largest conducted in the world on this critical topic. It was conducted on data from Maccabi Healthcare Services. In India they are eradicating the Covid virus with Ivermectin while in Israel they are maintaining the virus with vaccines that help it to mutate and become even stronger with no hope of escape. And France with Health Minister Veran follows the same policy as Israel!

If we would authorize treatment (Ivermectin, Oxytetracyclin, Hydroxychloroquine/Azythomicyne to name but a few, plus all the natural preventive treatments), rather than letting Big Pharma and the prostitute governments arrange for the doctors, faithful to their oath, who prescribe them to be sanctioned, we would have alternatives.



The vaccine funnel is this: 80% of those vaccinated but cases are increasing? We need more! 100% vaccinated but still as many hospitalizations? We need to re-vaccinate everyone. Still too many deaths!? Vaccinate fetuses, vaccinate animals, vaccinate, vaccinate! Another concrete example in Europe and particularly in France is the reduction of the validity of the anti COVID test from 72 hours to 24 hours. Frankly, this is unreal. Why, one might ask? Because for the test that you do at 8am on Monday, the result will be communicated to you at best on Tuesday and that will be 24 hours, so if we apply to the letter the law wanted by the incompetents, the test will be obsolete. Imagine the same thing but with a test taken on Saturday morning, test requested because you have to take a plane on Sunday. There, your chances of the test being outdated are very high. If you want to travel, it becomes difficult with a test that is only valid for 24 hours and whose result may well be communicated to you too late. This issue has obviously escaped our top decision makers because they are probably flying on private planes or are not checked. This directive from the Ministry of Health is likely to reduce the number of trips abroad that are impossible because of the lack of a valid test at the time of boarding. All of this is akin to the ‘Grand Guignol’. Everything is the same with this government which remains in the doctrine and refuses the reality. Fortunately for Macron and his people, the media are very understanding (same as media for Democrats in the U.S) and do not even try to inform while the opposition, as usual, is silent. The technique of communication of the power is certainly well broken in, but it begins to show its limits. For a few days, the media announce what the government 136


is going to say, they organize many round tables to procrastinate on the next announcements. Then the communicant, in this case Dr Véran, comes to solemnly make his speech, which he conscientiously reads, because he didn't even write it, and he doesn't say anything new, except the change of validity of the test. Then the same media dissertate for days on this magnificent intervention of the speaker, they are more dithyrambic when it is Macron than the others. ‘The calves in the barn’ are in admiration and they religiously explain that this government is doing everything to save them. However, one has more the impression of watching a televangelist addressing his cult than of a responsible politician.

Reiner Fuellmich “Europe is financially bankrupt, so they kill people with vaccines because they can't afford to pay pensions.” Although Fauci was widely criticized in the 1980s for his work on HIV, with a 1988 letter in the Village Voice calling him and his team “murderers”, with his technocratic globalists mentors, his sneaky attitude allowed him to stay in his job for about half a century and became the highest paid bureaucratic employee in U.S. Meanwhile drugs proven effective were put aside by his administration while in Europe ‘The European Union’ has approved ( 99) 5 therapies that will be available in all hospitals in the Member States for the treatment of Covid, the western world is pushing for more mandatory liberticidal rules using that fake crisis.



These therapies have been approved by a decree of the European Council (European Parliament) and will be in force from 1/10, so they will be distributed little by little around 20/10. Vaccines were approved on a “temporary experimental basis”. But since the decree will oblige to prescribe these 5 new drugs, the use of the vaccine will cease. So we understand why all the states said “between September it is necessary that …” Now that ivermectin has been re-approved, there is no need for a vaccine. But don’t hold your breath. Meanwhile, ‘The Pasteur Institute’ recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. One intake could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people. The good news: Ivermectin is now scientifically recognized as an effective drug, in the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19 by researchers. The results of their studies were published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine on July 12, 2021, so it’s recent. All vaccines are no longer justified from 20.10.2021. Analysis of the results of other research published in the American Journal of Therapeutics strongly urges, with supporting evidence, to bridge the guidelines of health agencies and include Ivermectin as a standard of care. Trudeau’s, Biden’s and Macron’s government knew about it …They don’t care, in their liturgy for the glory of progressivism, power is their guidelines. The vaccine passport will be there forever. Be well and don’t hesitate to cheer up people who don’t want to get vaccinated. Those leaders are puppets. They are the result of a century of feminization of the western society. They represent the quintessence of decadence. They are beta males; toys in the hands of the state bureaucracy that is leading the modern world to the abyss. 138

ALTERNATIVES “There has emerged a war on masculinity. Why? Because masculine men are harder to control under tyrannical socialism! The modern beta male, on the other hand, craves socialism. This is why the left has branded masculinity as toxic: it stands as a roadblock to their endgame. The feminist hatred for masculinity is only another tool in the toolbox of communism. Masculinity tends to make a man individualistic. Individualistic men are capitalists, not communists. They are men who cherish individual liberty, and they rely on themselves rather than on government. Self-reliance is a fourletter word for leftists, and masculine men are generally selfreliant. Beta males like Pajama Boy rely on government, and such modern men, devoid of any semblance of masculinity, are ideal for leftist indoctrination.” Salvatore De Gennaro

Among the injected, it's like for the Covid, it also works in waves. The first wave was that of the vulnerable, elderly and frail people who did not want to be treated, but got it anyway. Then came the freaked out, paralyzed by the fear of a nasty virus with a lethality of 0.1%. The third wave is that of the materialistic, for whom romantic consumerism (vacations, restaurants, cinemas...) is the most important thing in life, and the fourth wave is that of the martyrs, those who have been forced and raped, who have been extorted to consent to an experiment with a gun to their head. And then there are also those who stubbornly adhere to the scientific consensus and the ostrich policy, those who always find excuses and explanations that are less and less credible, the fake checkers, debunkers and other ‘zeteticians’, scientific impostors, or all those naïve people who would bite into the poisoned apple



to continue to have nice dreams in the imaginary country, who would take the wolf for the grandmother, so blinded are they! I am fascinated by the credulity of this last category, the king's fools, capable of stupidly believing everything their suzerain tells them, virtuoso of illusion and confusion, maestro of the twirl and the pirouette who says everything and its opposite: limited and then unlimited tests, useless and then compulsory masks, even for non-contaminated children who have become contaminated by enchantment, the “Breast Wave”, without danger and effective, not compulsory, which has become ineffective and almost compulsory, with the risk of important complications. One dose, two doses, three doses, four doses... it doesn't work because the vaccine from the official strain is long obsolete but no matter, we start again. Insanity is to always do the same thing and expect a different result (Einstein). Even mixtures are possible, a real Molotov cocktail with unknown effects, all this practically without clinical trials or so badly conducted, like sorcerers' apprentices. We have lost count of all the lies, inconsistencies, reversals of situation, so it is difficult to understand how people can continue to trust by running to the sting at the slightest media and social pressure, acting as if the health scandals had never existed: Mediator, Distilbene, contaminated blood, PIP breast implants and macro-textured carcinogenic implants, Levothyrox controversy, Growth hormone, Depakine, Chlordecone, Opioid crisis etc., as if the Chernobil cloud had stopped at the border of Europe, that staying hours in the sun was very good for the skin as it was affirmed at one time or that asbestos is not dangerous, nor smoking as the tobacco industry tried to make believe it by paying bogus studies.



These naïve people who are ready to inject themselves with a remedy for which no one is responsible in case of a problem, trust blindly and still believe that the State wants them well. These sleepy people prefer to continue to close their eyes because the reality would be too hard to accept... So, it is more reassuring to remain in denial. We could just as well give them arsenic or rat poison instead, and they wouldn't care if CNN told them it was safe and scientifically proven! There are those who are happy to present a pass for activities they could do without, who don't see the harm in medical segregation, in extremist measures, in masking and poking children who don't need it, who accept all this ignominy, to live a Black Mirror dystopia like we see on Netflix. They submit to this tyranny without flinching for futile pleasures and still don't understand why some continue to defend their freedom. Even if some don't want to admit it, they feel that an injection to be repeated every 6 months because the previous doses don't work is not a “vague breast” but a scam. When the double or triple injected have to start again to keep their rights, we will see if they will go back again and again. It's only a matter of time before the house of cards...

Like all epidemics, Covid-19 has a strong social dimension. The risk of being exposed to the virus and the consequences of the epidemic on living conditions are not the same according to place of residence, housing, employment status, financial situation, gender, ethno-racial origin... Social inequalities are also prevalent in terms of prevention, particularly vaccination. Several drugs are currently in preparation. The first is molnupiravir, developed by the American company Merck. It 141


has already conducted a combined phase 2 and 3 study and the results were published in mid-July 2021. The active substance inserts RNA-like elements into the genome of the virus. If the virus multiplies in an infected cell, the copies produced are then defective, which prevents the pathogen from spreading. Researchers say molnupiravir shows promise in non-hospitalized patients. The United States has already obtained 1.7 million doses. Experts say the drug could be approved by the end of the year. A hope for those who react badly to vaccines and an acceptable alternative for the “anti-vaccine”! The Anglo-Swedish laboratory AstraZeneca published on Friday 20 August 2021 a very promising results concerning its preventive treatment for Covid19, called AZD7442. In the wake of this, the group announced its intention to file, first in the United States, an application for authorization to market this remedy by the end of the year. Preliminary results from a Phase III trial - the final step in the drug development process - indicate that AZD7442 reduces the risk of developing a symptomatic form of Covid-19 by 77%. But why opt for this kind of treatment when vaccines are proving effective? Because Vaccines are not! Also, a team of researchers from the CNRS promises a treatment capable of neutralizing the Corona virus in the body before infecting the lungs. The device, which has only been tested in the laboratory, is still awaiting publication in a scientific journal. The promise is embryonic, but it is not without interest. While the whole world is looking for a way to stop new infections with Covid-19, a team of researchers from the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) has been boasting for a few days about the results of a treatment they have 142


developed. No vaccine this time. Historically, it is only in times of war that Western states have temporarily had the decision-making power they have today. Subjugated by fear, which anesthetizes intelligence, humanity has fallen into an appalling climate of ‘mental and psychological ugliness’ that will mark it durably. ‘Mistrust and coping have become the two breasts of our sick daily life’, perpetuated by the pride of those who have given in to it! The New England Journal of Medicine admits that one in eight pregnant women who are vaccinated have a spontaneous abortion. What could go wrong … Right?

And finally, here is another illustration of the stupidity of our rulers. For a disease that has very few harmful consequences if one is not a carrier of co morbidities, the irrational fear instilled by governments dominates the press and the media. Despite a collapsing economy, a growing pauperization of society and an acceleration of the authoritarianism of European nations, the case of France is exemplary of the lies that are rampant among the bourgeois bureaucratic elite in power. There are already more than 3 million official notifications among thousands of others that were even underreported. These data are for the United States and the United Kingdom only. Worldwide, the numbers of adverse vaccine reactions certainly already exceed millions of cases. In France, Covid: 2% of hospitalizations in 2020 Chance of survival: 99.95 143


Variant 5: Danger of a European mosquito bite. Vaccine being tested mandatory “de facto” despite its side effects.

Politiciens: compulsive liars! This statistic appears in the 2020 Hospital Activity Analysis devoted to Covid-19 (PDF file), a report published by the ‘Agence technique de l'information sur l'hospitalisation’ (ATIH), a public institution created in 2000 under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and specializing in health data and hospital medical statistics. It states, “Covid patients represent 2% of all patients hospitalized during the year 2020, all hospital fields combined.” That's a total of 217,974 inpatients. The proportion of Covid patients rises to 5% in critical care services (which include continuing care, intensive care and resuscitation) and 11% for resuscitation services alone, according to the report. This figure is proof that the severity of the epidemic was exaggerated. Even that the confinements were not necessary. Neither was the mass vaccination of the population or the use of the Vaccine Pass.

Robert Kennedy in Milan states how governments have suppressed basic rights and how the green pass is a tool of totalitarian control. He denounces Pfizer's deception in claiming that the vaccine is 100% effective and fear as a tool of manipulation. He urges people to fight for their freedom and that of future generations.



The vaccine, by suppressing the body's natural DNA repair mechanism - known as NHEJ, or Non-Homologous End Joining - makes people very vulnerable to devastating cancer mutations, even when exposed to very low levels of ionizing radiation, such as sun exposure or mammography. When NHEJ is suppressed by the spike protein, the body can no longer repair its damaged DNA and cells mutate out of control, devastating the entire body and leading to the genetic disintegration of the organism. “Scientific horror: Vaccine spike protein penetrates cell nuclei, suppresses human body's DNA repair engine, will trigger an explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging.” The study documenting all of this was published in the MDPI journal “Viruses” and was conducted by scientists at Stockholm University, Sweden: The study shows that the efficacy of NHEJ collapses in the presence of the leading mRNA vaccine protein covid!




The Swindle of nations Venezuela, the largest oil reserves in the world will probably never be exploited Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, estimated at a minimum of 300 billion barrels of exploitable oil. But it is unable to exploit this resource and its level of production has been constantly declining for several decades, mainly due to an aberrant policy conducted by the regime. Today, tens of billions of dollars are needed to repair and develop the country's oil infrastructure. No one will provide them, not the Western companies, not China, not Russia. Venezuelan oil has every chance of remaining underground for eternity. Why? … Ask the elites! Same is true for anything in life that challenges the narrative of any politician progressist. It is not about people’s needs. They pander to emotions for greed. And that is the simple truth!



Have you noticed that more and more media are talking about serum and not vaccines...? Semantic shift in sight.... Remember The Global Warming which has now morphed into Climate change! Why has this mini health crisis suddenly become a major global pandemic exploited by governments to curtail citizens' civil liberties? Why is there such a rush to create vaccines without knowing the long-term effects? The answer could very easily be read in the Western press in recent years.

The only French vaccine, using the traditional technique of the inactivated virus, the vaccine of the company Valneva from Nantes will not be available in France but will abound in the British market! The technocracy of Brussels got the better of our French company... while Boris Johnson chose to finance the clinical trials. The Macron - European Commission tandem prefers to enrich Pfizer than to support our research! Under Macron, France has become unrecognizable.

Perhaps because, without wanting to say it in broad daylight, the other ‘vaccines’ currently on the market, the experimental mRNA injections from Pfizer, Moderna or the adenovirus injections from Johnson, Atrazeneca, scare the hell out of a majority of people, and particularly women. Sensitive to the numerous hormonal disturbances and other serious side effects that they encounter after being vaccinated against covid, worried about this vaccination when they are 148

The Swindle of nations pregnant and afraid of the almost compulsory vaccination of their children with these gene therapies whose long-term effects are unknown, they silently dream, and the ‘Journal des Femmes’, a French women magazine echoes this, of a safe vaccine, with a proven manufacturing method. And it exists! The Franco-Austrian laboratory Valneva has developed VLA2001, currently the only inactivated virus vaccine against Covid-19, which the ‘Journal des Femmes’ therefore praises. In the hope of seeing it arrive quickly on the French market. I will cross my fingers but the way I see it, it will not happen. 2 billions doses of mRNA have already been purchased with tax payers money. The government will not back down now.

Any thought that does not conform to the ukases of the tyrant of the Élysée is - openly or insidiously - censored, and its author defamed, sanctioned, dismissed. If, according to official sources, you can catch and transmit Covid once vaccinated, what is the use of the health passport? Try to think, anyway! The vaccine passport is not the way to set you free, it is a profound loss of our human rights. It allows states and Big Pharma to inject you ‘ad infinitum’ and to control and limit everything they want. Taking people on a forced march towards total control of individuals by a small self-satisfied elite, under the sanitary pretext of a better world by restricting their civil liberties seems to be becoming the Western norm. 149


I am not vaccinated against Covid-19. I am against tetanus, polio, diphtheria, tuberculosis, Yellow fever. And that should be about it. I'm healthy, not a big jock or sedentary, no comorbidities, near 70. I have no reason to be vaccinated against a virus that is less likely to kill me than a car accident. And I want to say, even if this virus were to kill me...well what? Should we stop living because we are scared of death? And what about your stay on the plane? No fear of it crashing? What about your parachute jump? No fear that it will let go? What about your upcoming boxing match next week? Not afraid of taking a bad hit and staying in it? What about going out on the town on Saturday night? Not afraid to take a blade in the belly? What about your Sunday pint of cider at lunch? Not afraid to choke on it? Should I go on? You can be ill for a long time with Covid! Yes, I can also get diabetes if I give in to the authorized junk food advertising by the same people who want to sting me. I can become obese if I eat the mall foods again, validated by the health agencies. I can have a stroke or cardiac arrest because I poison my lungs with a product that kills en masse but is authorized by the authorities. I can be attacked and even killed in the street by an individual because the authorities who want me well have deemed that he can get out of jail early. Or he can come to my country without showing any papers, without asking for permission.


The Swindle of nations Yet despite all these potential risks, I don't stay locked up in my house. And I have no desire to commit suicide by chronic indigestion of a society that is going to hell. As an individual, this vaccine has no interest for me. So I will not be vaccinated for this reason. Whatever Biden, Trudeau, Macron and all those individuals who, one day, will have to be accountable, including for their attitudes, their sentences, their physical behaviors towards refractory people like me. The wheel of history always turns, and they forget it. Macron, Biden, Trudeau and most other leaders bought off by big money are willing to sacrifice their nations. Scoop from the Italian press: Macron financed by Rothschild and Soros! The information was published by ‘the Populista’ on June 17, 2021. According to the Italian site, “the hacking of Emmanuel Macron's email box has delivered some very interesting information: the 21075 files included in the 71848 hacked emails, which the media in France (slate, liberation, le monde, France culture) claimed contained nothing interesting, have finally delivered all their secrets. In particular, we discover the financing granted to Emmanuel Macron in the form of loans. 8 million from the Crédit Agricole, but also 2,365,910.10 euros from Georges soros; 976,126.87 euros from David Rothschild and 2,145,100 euros from the Goldman-sachs bank. And the Italian site wonders: and at this point it is legitimate to ask in return what they have asked, these financial magnates who certainly do not act by a pure patriotic spirit. And how much their support weighs in the choices of the French president.” So what … !



As a group now, since this is the argument that will be retorted to me, speaking of egoism, of not thinking about others, of protecting others, a small dialogue ready-made that I deliver to you below (found on social networks and which seemed to me relevant) We must be vaccinated to protect others. - What others? - The elderly and people at risk. - But they are already vaccinated, they are already protected. - Yes, but the vaccine does not prevent transmission. - So the vaccine is not effective? - Yes, it prevents severe forms. - But the people who have severe forms are already vaccinated. - Yes, but if everybody is not vaccinated we will never reach the collective immunity. - Why is it so important to reach herd immunity? - To protect fragile people. - But the vulnerable people are already vaccinated. - Yes, but you are selfish! 152

The Swindle of nations

- Why am I selfish? - Because you don't want to be vaccinated and you are putting other people's lives at risk, you can contaminate them! - But I am not sick. - But you can contaminate others anyway! - What others? - The people at risk! - But they are vaccinated!!! - Yes, but if you don't get vaccinated you can't go back to normal life - And why can't we go back to normal life? - Because there is a risk that the epidemic will start again. - OK, but I have a 99.8% chance of survival with this disease! - But you are selfish, you don't think about the others who have severe forms of the disease and are in intensive care! - Yes, but they are vaccinated! - Yes, but as long as there is a risk we cannot live normally! 153


- But what risk are you talking about? - Fragile people - They are vaccinated - Yes, but I'm tired of it, I want to go to restaurants, travel, party! - But this is not a health reason!? - Who cares, you have to be vaccinated, and the vaccine is free! - The free vaccine? NO, it is not free; it is WE who pay for it with OUR taxes! Almost everything is said in this dialogue. Almost! Because there is also this notion of civic-mindedness, of solidarity, which we must return to! The main characteristic of the collaborator is simple; never make waves. The small home, even if miserable, will always be better than the adventure and uncertainty of freedom. The French are masters of servitude. But even if the world thinks they are inveterate grumblers, the French bend their backs as soon as a bad wind appears. The example of Aubusson, in France, is particularly blatant. Although the population of this small village is only 3,000, and preserved from the vicissitude of the big cities such as immigration from Africa, the majority of the people of Aubusson are subjected to the state's coax. Alone, outside, in the countryside, they will continue to wear the mask, without even 154

The Swindle of nations being obliged to do so. The government would ask them to walk around with a feather in their ass, that they would not ask questions! On the contrary, Sweden has no mask. 130 people hospitalized in the whole country. 13 people in the emergencies, less than the scooter accidents. The Swedes are not part of the Globalist agenda!

If I lived in a society surrounded by my people, and only my people, sharing the same values, the same objectives, the same civilizational projects, then the question of solidarity, of the collective, would undoubtedly arise a little more. But France at present is an aggregate of people who have little, and sometimes nothing at all in common. We talk to them about “living together” all day long, but in reality, this living together is only dying side by side. So to those who oppose me this solidarity argument, I send them into the ropes by asking them what solidarity and what people they are talking about, they who were almost offended at a time when it was said that it was urgently necessary to close the borders and not let anything in for a while, without success. I answer them that on the one hand I am not sick. On the other hand, if they are vaccinated, either they have nothing to fear, or they blame the health authorities for their repeated lies and not me. And finally, if they still don't understand, I explain to them that true solidarity would be that our elderly, but also the obese, the people at risk, accept, if they are so afraid of death, to isolate themselves, to exclude themselves from society to let the majority live and breathe. This is true solidarity. 155


To conclude, not only will I not be vaccinated, even by force, as a matter of principle, but I will have no health pass, no test, nothing. I am not an animal to be trained. I am not an “anti-vax” or a demonstrator who will wear a yellow star on his t-shirt. Because I think the principle of vaccination is good. Because I'm sick and tired of each side bringing everything back to the Second World War which I don't really care about except as a history buff. We are in the 21st century. Gaullism, Hitler, the Shoah, it's over; we have to change our software. I do not grant any legitimacy to this government, which is not my government, nor to this president, who is not my president, nor to this Assembly, elected by a minority of citizens.

The situation in the United States and Europe Vaccination programs began late last year in Europe and the United States at varying speeds. While the U.K. and U.S. quickly began vaccinating the elderly and health care workers, the EU campaign has been slower due to late orders, supply constraints, and wrangling over clinical data (primarily with the AstraZeneca vaccine). All of this has hampered progress on some EU deployments. However, these teething problems have largely been resolved and now a large proportion of adults and youth in the US and Europe are fully vaccinated. To date, 69.2% of adults in the EU are now fully vaccinated, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (although the European Commission announced last 156

The Swindle of nations Tuesday that it had reached its goal of vaccinating 70% of the EU's adult population). In the United Kingdom, 79.8% of all people over age 16 are fully vaccinated, and in the United States, 62% of the population over age 12 is fully vaccinated, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaccinating millions of people on short notice and under pressure during a public health crisis is an undeniable achievement, but as vaccination campaigns have progressed, they have slowed in a number of countries, according to figures from Our World in Data. In April, the U.S. reached a peak in its vaccination program, administering about 3 million Covid vaccines per day for several weeks and reaching a record single-day administration of 4.6 million doses of vaccine on April 10, but that rate slowed considerably soon after and did not begin to increase until August.

Slacking off on vaccine measures When coronavirus vaccines were developed, tested and licensed for emergency use in record time, millions of people looked forward to the promised protection and peace of mind they offered. But about nine months into the Western vaccination campaigns, there has been a slowdown in some of them at the state level in the United States and the national level in Europe.



This slowdown, combined with slow adoption in some areas, has experts concerned. Especially since many Covid-19 preventive measures have been relaxed and cases are increasing in the United States and parts of Europe. “The stagnation of vaccine use in our area is of great concern,” Dr. Hans Kluge, regional director for the WHO European Region, said in a press release. “Now that public health and social measures are being relaxed in many countries, public acceptance of vaccination is crucial if we are to avoid greater transmission, more severe disease, increased deaths and an increased risk that new variants of concern will emerge.” He said there have been 64 million confirmed cases and 1.3 million deaths in the region, which includes 53 countries ranging from those in Western Europe to Russia and neighboring countries. Kluge added that 33 countries in the region had reported an increase of more than 10% in their 14-day case incidence rate. “This high transmission is deeply concerning, especially in light of the low uptake of vaccination in priority populations in a number of countries,” Kluge said. “Over the past 6 weeks, vaccination in the region has slowed, influenced by lack of access to vaccines in some countries and lack of vaccine acceptance in others. To date, only 6% of people in low- and middle-income countries in the region have completed a full course of vaccinations.”


The Swindle of nations The degree of conditioning of the masses is such that today I am convinced that if the government announced the end of the obligation to wear a mask in public places, some people would continue to put it on, as they already do when they are alone...

The most liberticidal laws are currently justified by figures. They are supposed to express the health reality. Youtube, Facebook and Twitter take them as gospel. You can discuss everything but the figures of local health authorities. If you don't, you will be censored. Don't forget to congratulate the European Medicines Agency which has just validated the 3rd dose of Pfizer which has doubled its sales and is going to pocket 34 billion in profit notably thanks to the Brussels contracts! Meanwhile the US Red Cross refuses to accept blood from vaccinated people because it no longer contains antibodies. As the American anthropologist Bugnolo pointed out. Are you still sure about the vaccinations? Ready for a 3rd dose!?




MONEY Oh boy... An investigation revealed that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the main funder of the UK's Health and Medical Products Regulatory Agency, and that the Foundation also holds significant shares in Pfizer and BioNTeh. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also ‘coincidentally’ purchased $55 million worth of BioNTeh stock in September 2019, just before the so-called Covid-19 pandemic hit. Incredible, right?

How strange things occur always toward more control! Amazingly, history is repeating itself. The ECB has decided to launch a digital euro project allowing governments to track and control a person's spending, in parallel with the implementation of the health pass. Deciphering Éric Verhaeghe, enarque and author of the book Le Great Reset: mythes et réalités (Éd. Culture & Racines), speaking to Rachel Marsden. 161


“The European Central Bank has decreed that beyond 3,000 euros stored in a bank account, it will impose penalties,” says Éric Verhaeghe, quoting the newspaper ‘Les Echos.’ Do as I say....

Democrats: -Want you to wear a mask outside! -Want your first grader to wear a mask at school! -But attend fancy maskless fundraisers in Napa Valley with their friends, or Obama having his 60th birthday with 500 guests! Which he later said was scaled back. Not afraid Barry of that formidable Virus? (Nor of Oceans submerging his residence from Global warming). That’s what a progressist is about! Like most! Science, they say!

“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.” Bertrand Russell But in addition to these external circumstances, faced with the penetration of cryptos into traditional finance and economy, central banks are also (mostly?) worried about losing their monetary control. Seeing their power diminish is the motivation for monetary institutions to develop their own crypto currencies. This statement doesn't come from a tiny group of crypto-enthusiasts, but from the second largest bank in the United States in terms of deposits 162


and market capitalization. Digital money is a much more efficient payment system than cash, the Bank of America believes. And as such, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could completely replace cash in the distant future. “The adoption of CBDCs is inevitable,” Bank of America's foreign exchange strategists said in a recent report. For several reasons in their opinion, such as the demise of physical currency or the adoption of block chain by the private sector! “Without the introduction of a country-specific digital currency, central banks could see a gradual loss of monetary control to the private sector if the public gradually adopts a global cryptocurrency or another country's CBDC,” notes Bank Of America's FX division (BofA). It is true that public demand for cryptocurrencies is growing. Bitcoin alone has a market capitalization of about $1 trillion. Add to that large-scale projects, such as Facebook's crypto currency named Diem (formerly Libra), and central banks' fears appear legitimate.

Economic disruption “In some cases, the loss of monetary control could lead to inflation well beyond current central bank targets,” the analysts continue. And countries without CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency) could potentially end up losing control of their monetary policy to countries with their own digital currencies. Not to mention that financial activity taking place outside the regulated banking system (the crypto ecosystem in other words) could create risks to financial stability.



Money, money … Covid-19 vaccines are lucrative for laboratories and their shareholders. They have allowed at least nine people to become billionaires, the NGO Oxfam said Thursday. These new fortunes have emerged “thanks to the staggering profits of pharmaceutical groups that have a monopoly on the production of vaccines against Covid,” Oxfam said in a statement issued before a G20 global health summit in Rome on Friday. These figures are based on the ranking of the American magazine Forbes and are published by the “People's Vaccine Alliance”, of which Oxfam is a member, which brings together organizations and personalities calling for free vaccines against Covid throughout the world. The combined wealth of the nine billionaires mentioned, 19.3 billion dollars (15.8 billion euros), “would allow to vaccinate 1.3 times all the low-income countries”, which “received only 0.2% of the vaccines produced in the world, especially because of the large deficit of available doses”, according to Oxfam. Who are these nine new billionaires created by the Covid-19 vaccine business? The ranking of the American magazine Forbes published by the "People's Vaccine Alliance", which gathers organizations and personalities calling for free vaccines against Covid-19, has highlighted nine new rich people who have exceeded one billion in personal wealth thanks to this business. Portraits of these new “personalities” 164


The combined wealth of the nine new billionaires has reached $19.3 billion. Among them is Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, whose fortune is currently estimated at $4.3 billion. This native of Marseille has a degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering from the École Centrale Paris, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard Business School. He joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1995 as Marketing and Sales Director of the French medical diagnostics company BioMérieux, before joining Eli Lilly and Company. He began running Moderna in 2011, and it was in 2020 that his 9% stake in the company, along with the Phase 2 human trials for the Covid-19 vaccine, pushed him past the $1 billion mark in personal wealth. Timothy Springer, an immunologist and co-founder of Moderna, has also entered the billionaire ranks by surpassing $2.2 billion in personal wealth. This professor of biology and molecular pharmacology at Harvard Medical School since 1977, now owns 3.5% of the company's capital. In the course of his research, he discovered molecules associated with lymphocyte function, which led to the development of several antibodybased drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Timothy Springer founded the biotechnology company LeukoSite in 1993, which was sold to Millennium Pharmaceuticals six years later for $635 million. He was one of Moderna's first investors in 2010, contributing about $5 million. Today, its initial investment is nearly $870 million. Noubar Afeyan is an Armenian-American entrepreneur, inventor and philanthropist, and co-founder of the biotechnology company Moderna. His fortune is estimated to be $1.9 billion to 165


date. He is the author of numerous scientific papers in biochemical engineering and has patented over 100 inventions. Between 2000 and 2016, he was a senior lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of Management and has been teaching at Harvard Business School since 2020. Since 1987, Noubar Afeyan has founded or co-founded more than 50 life science and technology startups. He is also the founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a venture capital firm that has reportedly "fostered the development of more than 100 science-based companies, with a total value of $30 billion, more than 500 patents, and over 50 drugs in clinical development." In 2009, Afeyan first invested in Moderna and now owns more than 2 million shares. Robert Langer is the fourth major pillar of Moderna. Born in 1948 in New York State, he is a true legend in the biotech industry. In the course of his career, which began after studying at the prestigious MIT, he has received 220 major awards for his work and discoveries, filing over 1,000 patents worldwide and some 1,400 scientific publications. In 2010, he was also one of the first investors in Moderna. A (new) profitable choice for this man of science, who has also collaborated in the development of other treatments, notably against cancer! His current fortune is estimated at 1.6 billion dollars. Juan Lopez Belmonte, current head of the pharmaceutical company ROVI, can also thank Moderna. The Madrid-based company has signed an agreement to take over the packaging of Moderna's vaccines. This is a golden deal that has left him with an estimated fortune of $1.8 billion. The company is 60% owned by Mr. Belmonte and his two sons. In addition to ROVI, he is also president of other companies in the same sector, some of which are subsidiaries of ROVI, such as Alentia Biotech SLU. 166


For his part, Uğur Şahin is the CEO of BioNTech, which is worth about $4 billion. Of Turkish origin, he works on the identification and characterization of target molecules for various types of cancers, and has been teaching oncology since 2006 at a medical clinic at Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz. He founded his first company Ganymed Pharmaceuticals with his wife Özlem Türeci in 2001, which developed an antibody used against esophageal and stomach cancer, and sold it for $1.4 billion in 2016. Meanwhile, it was in 2008 that he and his wife founded the biotech company BioNTech, in which he now owns 18%. Uğur Şahin built on the earlier research of Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko to design the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, the first such vaccine to be licensed in the United States. He reportedly designed this vaccine in the space of a weekend in January 2020... China is not left behind! Another major company that has fared well during the Covid-19 crisis is CanSino Biologics, founded in 2009 in Tianjin, China. The company has managed to commercialize a vaccine, similar in function to AstraZeneca's, that is marketed in China, Pakistan, Mexico, Chile and Hungary. Its co-founder and head of the scientific department since 2009 is Zhu Tao. He was in charge of the (successful) research and development of a vaccine against the coronavirus. With a degree in biological sciences and technology from Tsinghua University and a doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, this 46-year-old scientist has previously worked to find a vaccine for the Ebola virus. His personal fortune is estimated at $1.3 billion.



In addition to Mr. Tao, the company was co-founded by two other men, including Qiu Dongxu. For more than a decade, he has served as executive director and vice president, and is in charge of strategy and development for CanSino. After obtaining a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Western Ontario in Canada, he worked in several pharmaceutical companies before founding his own. Today, he is worth more than $1.2 billion. The third and final person behind CanSino is a woman: Mao Huinhoa. She has a master's degree and a PhD in chemical engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. D. in chemical engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which she completed with an MBA in 2010 after co-founding her company. Today, she also holds the position of Vice President and Head of International Affairs. In turn, she has reached the symbolic mark of one billion dollars in personal wealth.

States and other countries are now free to engage in checking your financial status, also. Soon digitized, Big Brother wants to know your whereabouts. Some banking institutions are warning their customers. In vain because it’s too late! The Missouri Bank example : “While The Missouri Bank does not normally engage on topics relating to politics, we feel there is an URGENT matter pending in Congress that needs your attention. Because we care about you, your finances, and your account(s) with TMB, we want you to know the facts, especially when it re168


lates to concerning developments around public policy that expose your financial privacy. The Biden administration has proposed requiring all community banks and other financial institutions to report to the IRS on all deposits and withdrawals through business and personal accounts regardless of tax liability. This indiscriminate, comprehensive bank account reporting to the IRS can soon be enacted in Congress and will create an unacceptable invasion of privacy for our customers. So, how does this affect you? If passed, the proposal would require financial institutions, like ours, to report the inflows (deposits) and outflows (withdrawals) of $600 or more, on personal and business accounts to the IRS regardless of customers’ consent.” The evidence is there in plain sight; The swamp is hard at work to make ‘1984’ your living condition. Hospitals love money! In the US, one doctor admits that once he intubated patients, 99% of those patients died. It was never about health or was about Big Pharma and hospitals looking to make a profit. This doctor calls it “politics.” If a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient, they get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient is placed on a ventilator, the hospital gets $39,000, three times as much. While HCQ is better known, it has fewer side effects, and costs about $20 per outpatient dose, Remdesivir is a therapeutic treatment that costs $2340/patient and is proven to cause liver damage. Because Remdesivir is administered intravenously, it 169


requires expensive hospital care (the hospital receives an additional $13,000 from Medicare). There are many reports of hospitals placing non-covid patients on covid floors... increasing exposure and the hospital's chances of cashing in more. This is why some hospitals refuse family entry. It's not a “safety” protocol. They don't want patient advocates!

Everyone has understood that our society must now change its paradigm. And yet, it is true that a passive majority still submits, it is docile and greedy to the idea of continuing to make the most of this situation as long as possible. To accept to submit to this experimental vaccination is simply to choose to participate in a social disaster organized economically and humanely, something never known in history, and the most serious thing is also to support it! When one composes with tyranny, well, one tries to pass between the drops and one always ends up being caught up. Because today, no one can say that they don't know how this pandemic was orchestrated, that they don't know the deadly effects of these injections or that they don't know that there is a globalist plan behind it. Yes, the real information is out there and despite the forced censorship, it is circulating and everyone has access to this alternative information.



Profit for the Labs

On September 26, 2021, Pfizer CEO and President Albert Bourla predicted that life will return to normal within a year, but annual vaccinations against COVID will likely be required. Bourla's vision for a “return to normal life” would position Pfizer and Moderna to make billions in profits by distributing endless booster doses. How much the manufacturers stand to gain depends on the scale of the rollout. “In a year, I think we can get back to normal,” Bourla said in an interview on ABC's ‘This Week’. Bourla said he doesn't think that means the variants will no longer exist, or that we “should be able to live our lives without being vaccinated.” The “most likely scenario,” Bourla said, is annual vaccination with vaccines that last at least a year, “but we don't really know, we have to wait and see the data.” Bourla's prediction echoes that of Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, who, when asked last week about his estimate of a return to normal life, told the Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung that the COVID pandemic could be over in a year. On Sept. 1 2021, Moderna asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the use of a third booster dose of its COVID vaccine. Johnson & Johnson still needs to submit its booster shot data to the FDA for approval, although the company has said it does not expect to profit from its vaccine during the pandemic. According to the Associated Press (AP), the average analyst forecast for Moderna's 2022 revenue jumped 35% after President Biden introduced his stimulus package in mid-August. Most of the vaccines in the U.S. so far have come from Pfizer and BioNTech. Morningstar analyst Karen Andersen expects the boosters alone to bring in about $26 billion in global sales next 171


year for Pfizer - which shares profits with BioNTech - and about $14 billion for Moderna if they are approved for nearly all Americans. Pfizer executives said they expect their adjusted pretax vaccine profit margin to be in the “low 20s” as a percentage of sales. That would translate into an estimated $26 billion in profit next year from the boosters alone, according to Anderon's sales forecast. This year alone, Pfizer expects its COVID vaccine to generate $33.5 billion in revenue with vaccine supply agreements worth more than $60 billion in sales, just in 2021 and 2022. The agreements include the supply of the first two doses of their vaccines as well as billions of dollars in potential boosters for rich countries. The latest data shows that the government is now responsible for one-third of all income in the US. All the stimulus spending has a cost of $6 trillion for the American taxpayers. That’s 8 times more than FDR's New Deal after the Great Depression! But the signs of even more alarming danger are luring: The bubble will burst, it will be much worse than the Great Depression! Pfizer's COVID vaccine is expected to account for 42% of the company's total sales and will bring in more than five times the $5.8 billion earned last year by the world's most lucrative vaccine - Pfizer's Prevnar13 - a vaccine against pneumococcal disease. That bodes well for future vaccine development, said Erik Gordon, professor of business at the University of Michigan. Vaccines are normally not nearly as cost-effective as treatments, Gordon said. But the success of the COVID shots could attract more drugmakers and venture capitalists to the field. For Pfizer and Moderna, the recalls could be more profitable than the original doses because they won't come with the research and development costs the companies incurred to bring the vaccines to market initially, AP reported . WBB Securities 172


CEO Steve Brozak said the booster shots will represent "almost pure profit" compared with the original doses. It's possible for Pfizer to generate similar - or higher - revenue levels in the future, as experts predict COVID is here to stay. The FDA last week approved a third dose of Pfizer's vaccine for certain people - those 65 and older and also those "whose frequent institutional or occupational exposure" to the virus puts them at high risk for serious complications of the disease caused by the virus, the agency said. On Sept. 17, the FDA's Vaccine and Related Biologics Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), a panel of scientists that advises the FDA on vaccine approvals, unanimously recommended emergency use authorization for a booster dose of Pfizer's vaccine for people 65 and older and those with compromised immune systems - but voted 16-2 against recommending boosters for the general population, citing a lack of long-term data. The committee said the risks did not outweigh the benefits for these individuals. The decision was seen as a major rebuke of the Biden administration, STAT reported. And it followed closely on the heels of the resignations of Marion Gruber and Phil Krause, two top FDA vaccine regulators who announced their resignations days after Biden's initial recall announcement. On Sept. 24, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ignored the advice of the agency's vaccine advisory committee, clearing the way for health care workers, teachers, grocery store employees, long-term residents, long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, prisons and anyone else considered "high-risk" to receive a third Pfizer shot. Meanwhile, from In 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay a record $2.3 billion fine to settle claims that it paid doctors com173


missions to force vaccinations on children. In 2012, Pfizer was also convicted of bribing government officials. Critics criticized the decision as “unwarranted and unethical” and a “consolation prize” for Pfizer, which wanted to allow all members of the general population over the age of 16 to receive the injection. The CDC's Walensky also approved booster shots for Americans older than 65 and adults with underlying health conditions at least six months after their first round of injections, according to the advisory committee. “It's concerning to me that anyone under the age of 30 is getting a third dose without any clear evidence that it will benefit them, and with more than theoretical evidence that it could be harmful to them,” said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Offit also expressed concern that by canceling ACIP, Walensky may have hurt efforts to persuade more unvaccinated adults to get the COVID vaccine. “It's not hard to scare people who have already received two doses into getting another one,” Offit said. “I'm sure you can get them to get 10 more doses.”

On September 22, Langemann Medien published on its YouTube channel an interview - viewed so far almost 500,000 times - with a young mathematician and computer scientist who may be remembered as the German Math scientist. Let’s call him ‘Math scientist’ (for obvious reasons, he wishes to remain anonymous). Assisted by political analyst Thomas Röper (,, Math scientist has been sifting through millions of 174


documents for six months using specialized software. This has made it possible to uncover the modus operandi of the pilots of the so-called ‘anticovid’ maneuver, to demonstrate that it is a very tightly woven network with a precise mission: To force by all means the world population to submit to the dictate of private interests under the pretext of public health. These networks are now perfectly identified thanks to the two analysts. The Langemann Medien video presents the first document (169 pages) of a series to be published in a book in about two months, the current presentation in the form of Excel tables and graphs not being easy to consult by non-specialists. The analysis is divided as follows: - The 20 to 30 key figures that quietly pursue their work in the shadow of notorious figures such as Gates or Schwab; - The international financial flows and their amount (colossal); The NGOs (whose role in particular in financing is fundamental), the universities and key companies through which the funds transit. These flows have been quantified by ‘Math scientist’ and Röper. The attention of analysts has been drawn - to give just one example - to a small, insignificant suburban house in the United States, used as a “post office box” by several NGOs with tens of millions of dollars. The modus operandi for the takeover of Western governments and institutions! All the documents consulted are in the public domain and the software used, although expensive and therefore usually purchased by governments or secret services, is also available for purchase by the average person. Thus, neither Thomas Röper nor ‘Math scientist’ can be accused of espionage, indiscretion or illegality. 175


Hearsay or insider reports have been rigorously ruled out. The data is all original and has not been altered. Is it any wonder that no Western newspaper, broadcast or online publication that benefits from Gates' financial largesse - the BBC, Le Monde and co - has been willing to undertake research like that of ‘Math scientist’ and Röper? ‘Math scientist’ and Röper, who did not know each other until six months ago, note with evidence that the so-called anti-covid maneuver has been in the works since at least 2017, at which point there are suddenly flows of funds following well-defined paths and contacts within the identified networks are increasing and tightening. Similarly, the majority of the NGOs involved in the scheme were founded in 2017. The project, in its current manifestation, seems to have germinated in 2016, One aspect to be emphasized: at no time do Röper and ‘Math scientist’ speculate on the origins of the virus or on the more or less occult objectives of these networks. They confine themselves to their own field of expertise and to the factual, considering that the same hysterical campaign could have been unleashed about any other disease, e.g. “Spanish Flu 2.0”, with the same consequences. An example of the power of these networks: on August 3, 2021, an open letter to President Biden was published, giving orders to the latter, in particular, to convene a ‘Global Vaccination Summit’ with the objective of injecting 70% of the world's population before September 2022. On September 22, six weeks later, without convening Congress or consulting the electorate (even though the taxpayer is paying 176


for it), Biden complied and announced an EU-US partnership for a ‘global immunization offensive’. The signatories of the open letter are listed as representing various NGOs, but all have major conflicts of interest in the private sector, for example Scott Gottlieb, a member of the Pfizer Board of Directors. At the center of the web studied by ‘Math scientist’ and Röper is Professor Larson's husband, Baron Peter Piot, a native of Belgium who was appointed director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2010. He has been a Senior Fellow of the Gates Foundation since 2009 and presents himself as a disinterested academic. Although Heidi Larson, one of the key figures identified, wife of baron Peter Piot, had already founded the vaccine confidence project in 2010, along with glaxosmithkline, Johnson & Johnson, the European commission, etc. now facebook, chatham house, who, the Robert-koch institute and Christian drosten's charity hospital are partners, among others. Dr Larson, professor of anthropology and ‘risk and decision science’ (sic) at the London school of hygiene and tropical medicine, specializes in ‘managing rumors (sic) and risks from clinical trials to market launch, and instilling confidence in populations’ (sic). In reality, the London school of hygiene and tropical medicine has received 143 ‘donations’ from bill gates over the past 20 years for a total amount of at least $185 million, to which must be added the $170 million received from the welcome trust. Peter Piot is also advisor to the European Commission on Covid19, personal advisor to its president Ursula Von Der Leyen on Covid-19, member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, member of CEPI, member of the Novartis Board, and member of the French Academy of Medicine.



To understand the structure of the network, start by reading the report Netzwerkanalyse Corona Komplex, which represents the first part of the work of ‘Math scientist’ and Röper. They are doing a public service. We can only hope that the public will take a close interest in them since our survival depends on it. And all these pharmaceutical companies make huge profits by force of connivance, nepotism and lies. Ready to bankrupt the states, they do not hesitate, for the sake of gain, to foment secret agreements with the agreement of power-hungry politicians to share the loot. Why is everything accelerating? Simply because as in any plan there are dates to respect, the refusal of the vaccination by millions of people bugs them; their hatred is more and more virulent.

Jean-Dominique Michel during the demonstration against the Vaccine pass in Switzerland: “Imagine, when people will open their eyes and see that the authorities lied to them from A to Z, that the doctors refused to cure, that the lock downs were not worth doing them and that it destroyed everything except the virus. […] Our authorities have become criminal! The population was subjected to propaganda and brainwashing for a year!”

In an official document that you can find on the website of the American FDA, Pfizer laboratory admits in the simplest way possible on page 11 that it will be necessary to carry out 5 stud178


ies, one of which will last 5 years, in order to measure the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis in children aged 5 to 12 years. They clearly admit that the number of participants in the current program is insufficient. Your children are in danger; they are participating in a wild clinical trial that is extremely dangerous given the large number of adverse effects already recorded. It is written in black and white, the laboratory itself does not know what it is doing, yet you have charlatans on TV shows who are pushing with all their might for the vaccination of 5 - 12 year olds. These same cathodic charlatans who claimed that adverse effects due to vaccination never appear more than 2 months after the injection, while Pfizer asks for 5 years of studies to see more clearly! In Joe Biden's country, liberals and many conservative journalist commentators are pro-vaccine. The parents who are going to let this happen are unworthy, they are completely unconscious, and they will not be able to assume the dramatic consequences of their stupidity. This risk concerns all minors under the age of 18, but also adults, because a very large number of them already suffer from post-vaccination heart attacks. Of course, even if this document was put online many weeks ago, no American or French media is talking about it; it is a total blackout, a complete censorship. It is inconceivable for the doxa to publish or broadcast an article that goes against the so-called guaranteed safety of vaccines and yet since the beginning of this sad affair, a large number of vaccines have been banned to large parts of the population. Those who wonder about the health madness that has taken hold of all the world's governments, should ask themselves who 179


benefits from it. They will not have to look very long: it is obvious that, by reaping huge profits, it is the big pharmaceutical laboratories that are under suspicion. The figures provided by the People's Vaccine Alliance - an organization that promotes a better distribution of vaccines around the world - are indisputable. Pfizer, Moderna and BioNTechplus, since the beginning of the epidemic, have pocketed 1,000 dollars per second, 65,000 dollars per minute or 93.5 million dollars per day, by using the entire world population to test a “vaccine”. For free! But for the inhabitants of the planet, who have become guinea pigs, it will be paid for! Because of the colossal debts that their governments will have accumulated to fight against an epidemic and that will have to be paid back, one way or another. Without a doubt, through additional taxes!

“I have never seen that in the history of medicine. Now the epidemic is at the level of any usual respiratory virus, I don't see why we are doing all this drama, it is enough to isolate the cases and to treat them, one does not put a population under a bell, one does not push the children to the suicide by masking them, and the suicides of child, it is never seen in the history of the medicine!” Professor Christian Peronne




Do as I say In an interview with the press, the Head of the EU calls for the abolition of the Nuremberg Code. In a world where there would be any intelligence left, the declaration of Ursula Van Der Leyen's to repeal the Nuremberg Code would be enough to cause panic. And to stop the injections altogether! It is already almost a confession. They know they risk a lot!


Do as I say

4520% more “likely” to die from the vaccine, than to be protected by it! Source WCNC Charlotte News Channel There is one sentence that may perhaps be confusing, we have a 99% equal “chance” of getting Covid with or without the vaccine.

“Masculine republics gives way to Feminine democracies and Feminine democracies gives way to tyranny.” Aristotle An American study has just come out; it has shown that natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity. Ah? It’s not a conspiracy anymore? “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.” Albert Camus

Celebrities at the 2021 Met Gala were ripped for not wearing masks during the swanky ‘party’ while the ‘help’ was forced to cover up: ‘COVID rules are for serfs, not celebrities’!

People who are really informed are starting to know a lot about this so-called virus. The truth is coming out. The evidence has taken the stairs, but it has come to the point. The truth continues to emerge:



- The viral load of the vaccinated and the risks of contamination are as strong whether one is vaccinated or not! - The infected vaccinated people have higher viral loads than the non-vaccinated people because of the ADE, the anti-bodies facilitating the production of the vaccines - So the health pass is useless - Vaccine immunity is impossible to achieve! - The majority of the serious cases in reins are vaccinated people - etc. In India doctors have always given ivermectin and they have not stopped treating. They have not been forbidden to treat. The media is lying about what is happening in India.

In France, we learn a lot and it is a call to order to the attention of the national public forces among others by ‘Me Virginie De Araujo-Recchia’. A Paris Lawyer! “Good reading to all members of our national public forces, the purpose of this reading is to expose to you all the violations of the law committed by our leaders since the beginning of this crisis. Indeed, our rule of law has been seriously and strongly degraded for more than a year and a half. Fundamental rights and freedoms are being undermined in the name of a state of health emergency, which in reality has nothing to do with health. Since the publication of the emergency law1, ordinances, decrees and extension laws have been applied without any power being able to question the unconstitutional nature of the measures taken. In this sense, the separation of powers no long184

Do as I say er exists: since all decisions are taken in the Council of Defense, since the Parliament can no longer exercise its control over the activity of the government, as provided for in Article 24 of the Constitution, and the presidential majority blindly follows the instructions, that the Constitutional Council fails to censure all the texts that seriously undermine the constitutional and conventional blocks. This was again the case on August 5, without providing answers to a good number of legal arguments that were nevertheless submitted to the Constitutional Council. And that administrative justice no longer acts as a bulwark. According to article 16 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789, any society in which the guarantee of rights is not assured, nor the separation of powers determined, has no constitution. Indeed, the executive power, its presidential majority and the orders and media accomplices have violated the rights of the people: - Violation of the individual freedom, violation of the freedom to come and go and violation of the principle of safeguarding the dignity of the human person against any form of enslavement and degradation by prohibiting from leaving the home by measures of forced confinement all citizens without distinction and without justification of medical order, these citizens could not in any case be declared arbitrarily guilty of undermining the security and public order In this sense, the executive branch violates with impunity the Habeas Corpus contained in article 66 of the Constitution and in numerous international conventions. According to Article 66, no one may be arbitrarily detained and the judicial authority is the guardian of individual freedom. Article 9 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 recalls this as follows: “All men are presumed innocent until proven guilty”, but if it is deemed necessary to arrest them, any harshness that is not nec185


essary to ensure their safety must be severely punished by law. In the same way, article 5 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 reminds us that the law only has the right to prohibit actions that are harmful to society. The rest cannot be prohibited. I must denounce loud and clear this injustice done to the French when we know that the criteria of proportionality and usefulness of these measures are not fulfilled since more than twenty-five scientific studies come to demonstrate that the measures of prohibition of exit of the residence are harmful for the health, the society and for the economy of the country. Violation of the general principle of the right to lead a normal family life by the prohibition to visit a relative in EPHAD (Retirment houses), the restriction of the possibility to attend funerals and to prohibit any possibility of family reunion! Violation of the freedom of enterprise and infringement of the fundamental interests of the Nation, thus putting small and medium-sized enterprises in serious danger! The shopkeepers, the independents, the whole sector of the culture, the restoration, the sector of the clothing, the sector of the aesthetics, the sector of the tourism, the sector of the event industry and many others still which will be soon in liquidation. Violation of the right to demonstrate and to assemble: violence against demonstrators or outright ban on demonstrations. Violation of the right to education! Forced into distance learning, pupils and students are dropping out of school and many are in depression. Violation of the freedom of worship by refusing to hold masses in the churches of France and other places of worship at the beginning of the crisis!” France, one of the first countries in the world to introduce “vaccine passports” for the Wuhan corona virus (Covid-19) is


Do as I say already requiring a third injection to keep people's identification information up to date. French citizens who do not get the Fauci vaccine would now be excluded from certain parts of society. This includes people who have taken the first two mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines but not the third, fourth and many other vaccinations will be introduced in the future. The new rule currently applies to French people over 65, who are told their passports will be “deactivated” if they refuse to comply once they are eligible. “The vaccination passport is mandatory for access to most entertainment and recreational venues” government reports explain.

In Italy, Alessandro Meluzzi: “The elite pretended to be vaccinated “I swear on my daughter's head, at the risk of being considered crazy,” he says, “that a large part of those who were vaccinated, from a certain sphere, made fake vaccines.” “I'm sure of it, they offered it to me too”, he insists. In short, according to Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, all the members of the Italian “elite”, or almost all of them, have obtained false health passes, by practicing fake vaccinations.

The question also arose in France, naturally. But many other nations! Pelosi and her hairdo! Gavin Newsom and his partying without masks! Trudeau and friends dancing and chanting close 187

THE COVID SCAM to children with no masks and on and on …. Basically: leftism, money, BigPharma and the globalist oligarchy, that all these suspicions are pure conspiracy, they said. “The explanation of the absence of a needle during the sting of the cosmopolitan doctor Cymès is hilarious. Imagine that the technicians who filmed the scene had all used poor quality cameras! The needle was moving too fast and that's why we can't see it, even if we freeze it and zoom in on the end of the syringe. Fortunately, a second video was released shortly after the first one, where the needle is clearly visible this time. It's amazing what people can do to manipulate images nowadays... ” France-Info. Australia! The explanation concerning the Australian Prime Minister is also worth a look: unbelievable, but the nurse was so fast that the cameramen, poor beginners who had never held a video camera in their lives, did not have time to film the scene! The nurse had to replay the scene with the same syringe, but with the cap back on the needle! Hence this surreal scene broadcasted on TVs all over the world where we see the Australian MP being pricked with an empty syringe, the needle covered... Do they take us for idiots? Noooo! They only play pedagogue to the hilt. And as the nice people are only big bunches of megastupids ready to swallow anything, the “elite” don't take any more gloves: the bigger it is, the more it passes... A situation that reminds us of the “clandestine dinners” where the elite of the Republic in France used to gather! In the midst of this confinement, a certain Pierre-Jean Chalençon: owner of the Palais Vivienne, organized sumptuous meals for the members of “the High” - while the lowly people rotted in his rooms and studios. Here is the eloquent testimony of Bruno, one of the waiters of these agapes for aristos of the macronist regime: Detailed com188

Do as I say ments from Wikipedia: “In March and April 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic, after the broadcast on M6 (TV) of a report on clandestine dinners held in private places in Paris the site ‘Arrêt sur images’ reveals the existence of a privatisable dining space, Leroy's Business Club, managed by chef Christophe Leroy located near Avenue George-V, as well as the organization of private dinners at the Vivienne Palace, owned by Pierre-Jean Chalençon. On March 14, the chef published a photograph on Instagram with Chalençon, who invited VIP people to participate in “an exceptional moment at the Palais Vivienne on April 1 for a dinner party, starting at 5:45 p.m. around a caviar and champagne menu.” Wearing a mask is forbidden. Interviewed on hidden camera during the report, he said he had ‘dined this week in two or three clandestine restaurants, with a number of ministers’. Wikipedia continues: “The judicial police indicate that they have been seized by the prosecutor of the Republic of Paris for endangering the lives of others and concealed work. On April 9, 2021, Pierre-Jean Chalençon and Christophe Leroy were taken into custody at the headquarters of the Paris Judicial Police in connection with this case.” Needless to say, that's where things ended up: Chalençon assured us that it was just an April fool's joke, period: We are not going to worry these gentlemen of the France d' En-Haut for so little... The restrictive measures, each one more delirious than the last, are following one another at a very worrying pace. To understand this, a detour to the World Economic Forum in Davos is necessary, where the world's major financiers and decisionmakers have repeatedly proclaimed that the objective is to make the current crisis a ‘formidable’ opportunity to operate a Great Reset. 189


All this is widely verifiable online and very well documented in a few books or study reports signed by those who are the actors. But make no mistake; this “Great Reset” is nothing more than a painful overhaul of modern economies that are largely overindebted and on the verge of downgrading. For the past fifteen years, the growth displayed by the major countries has been totally artificial, based as it is on monetary creation (money printing, if you prefer), which is completely insane because it is uncorrelated with real production. The result will be the impoverishment of the middle and upper classes, as well as an increase in extreme poverty. For the time being, this process has been slowed down by the even greater issuance of “fake” money. But this is a step backwards. The ruling classes have perfectly understood that such a situation is likely to provoke bloody riots and other violence that cannot be controlled by the forces of order. When you have nothing left to lose... This is why they consider that they have no other choice than to anticipate and take control of the population very quickly in order to contain the consequences of a structural collapse of our societies. It goes without saying that the measures taken over the last two years are not about health. They are in fact social engineering aimed at ensuring the transition to a post-consumerist authoritarian society (remember the words of Klaus Schwab, director of the Davos Forum: “In ten years you will own nothing and you will be happy about it”). In 10 years, Klaus born in 1938 will perhaps see the dandelion grow by its roots. It is true that from this perspective we will be happier even in the most complete destitution. It is a question of anticipating and containing the anger of the people through an abusive use of digital and biological identity (inspired by the Chinese model) in a context of fear and financial 190

Do as I say dependence. Everything else, in my opinion, is a succession of false debates.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) was founded by Klaus Schwab in 1971 and since 1992 Schwab has been training his puppets through the Young Global Leaders program. Angela Merkel and Bill Gates were among the first to graduate. Many of today's leaders and politicians have also graduated from this program, including: Macron, Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Ursula von der Leyen, Sebastian Kurz (Austrian Prime Minister) and the German Health Minister. Their goals are the destruction of regional economies to force dependence on global supply chains, the shifting of wealth from the poorest to the richest, the reduction of population through genocide, and the control of the remaining population under a one-world government controlled by the UN and the WEF. However, some people assert that we are waking up and taking action and that we will win this war. The daughter of Klaus Schwab, also militates for the privatization of life! Like Ghislaine Maxwell who wanted to save the oceans, the daughter of Klaus Schwab, militates for the privatization of life before the 2030 agenda of the UN and the establishment of the New World Order which will propose the privatization of everything that allows us to live. This Business Case project will be the enslavement of humans, who are currently struggling to curb vaccine genocide. Daughter of World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab, Nicole Schwab co-founded ‘The Gender Equality Project’ in 2009, which encourages companies to foster diversity. 191


After studying at Harvard and Cambridge, she was, from 2004 to 2006, the head of the Forum of Young Global Leaders, a group of promising young people under the age of 40 who were brought together under the auspices of the WEF. With a scientific background, she is also a member of the board of directors of the Chanel Foundation, which works to improve the status of women and is an advocate of female quotas in companies. Nicole Schwab comes from the transhumanist lineage and intends to change the world. Those who believe in vaccination to regain their health will be caught in the lie of ecology to privatize life on earth. Our elite think they are God, while they serve the devil. More and more voices are being raised to show the extent of state disinformation. In Austria things are also moving. Television has recently had some great moments. Sebastian Bohrn Mena, a pro-state activist of Chilean origin and pro-vaccine, had his position challenged by Gerald Grosz of the Austrian nationalist right (BZÖ). He exposes his point of view and questions Merkel (Germany), Kurz (Austria) and the presenters of the mainstream media: “It seems to me that if I had taken Bach flowers or homeopathic globules, I would be better protected than with your so-called game changer.” “But you don't accept the 'no' of half the citizens. And quite transparently, you are already indirectly threatening with a fall lockdown. Yes, there may be a lockdown in the fall, I don't want that, but you say it's the fault of the unvaccinated. It is already in the works. You are a profound representative of that. This is the 192

Do as I say freedom you speak of, but it has nothing to do with my freedom! I've been vaccinated, okay? I heard about it all the time in this studio for three weeks. I did an early performance! And you know what? It was obviously a mistake! Because it was explained to me that the vaccine protects, that I won't infect anyone. And we realize more and more that the vaccinated infects others. Kurz, Merkel said it, even you as the top representative of the ‘vaccinators’ in Austria, vaccinator against the tick (parasitic arachnid), vaccinator against the corona virus; if I am vaccinated, if I do not have a more serious development. And we find out that more and more vaccinated people have a more severe course. You, like them, told me, lulling us into a sense of security, that if I'm vaccinated I won't go to the hospital. And we see that more and more vaccinated people are hospitalized. When I look at the figures from Israel today, 61% of the people infected the same day are double vaccinated. I was told that if I received two vaccines, I would be completely immune. And now I realize that I can get sick, which I can be seriously ill, that I can transmit the virus, that I can be intubated and that I can die. So it seems to me that if I had taken homeopathic medicine, I would be better protected than with your so-called game changer. Now I come to what I said 18 months ago, which has not yet been realized: let's strengthen the health system, let's prepare for such pandemics, it won't be the last one, and let's look for medicines with the same money that we are throwing down the gullet of Pfizer and Co, which is currently driving up the prices, for a vaccine that obviously does not promise what Kurz, Merkel, you and all have said. Israel is now showing us an almost fully vaccinated population, in the middle of the 4th wave, and they sit there and say: so the non-vaccines are to blame. You know, you can look for the unvaccinated in Israel 193


with a magnifying glass, and they are in the middle of the socalled 4th wave. That means that their vaccination is not a game changer, but it is the biggest 'fake news' launcher that has been offered to man in the 21st century.”

Do always as I say! Dr. Fauci: “hell, no, I was not vaccinated.” The Deep State's top Covid-19 vaccine peddler, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has bragged to his NIH colleagues that he has not and will not take the Covid vaccine, said a former NIH employee who claims Fauci personally fired him in June for ‘violating or contemplating violating nondisclosure agreements’ related to vaccination protocols. Brian Stowers was wrongfully - unjustifiably - fired because he never signed nondisclosure documents on the institute's Covid19 policies. And the reason he never signed those documents is because he had worked for the NIH Division of AIDS, which was largely excluded from Covid-19 plan of his response meetings and vaccine development. For ease of reading, RRN will refer to the source as Brian Stowers. RRN checked Stowers' educational and employment history, and he found no reason to believe that he had a vendetta against Fauci or would engage in deception; his credentials appeared to be impeccable. As a level 2 lab technician, his primary job at NIH was to run blood through a centrifuge and reporting 194

Do as I say the results to his supervisors. Nothing glamorous! Although he had no exposure to Covid-19 data, he had been exposed to the hubris and overbearing presence of Dr. Anthony Fauci. “At least once a week, Fauci made the rounds of the departments. He liked to stick his nose in everyone's business, belittling and ridiculing people for no good reason. Anyway, on February 15, 2021, about two months after the FDA cleared Pfizer's vaccine for emergency use; Fauci walks around our department and tells us that we should encourage our friends and family to get vaccinated as soon as possible. But he tells us lab workers - there were about 9 in the lab at the time - to delay vaccination until, as he put it, 'we see what happens,' Stowers said.” “A long, uncomfortable silence followed Fauci's statement”, added the source. According to him, a lab worker asked Fauci why the vaccine was safe for friends and family but not for NIH employees. “Fauci's face turned red. He was clearly irritated by the question. He began to berate us, telling us that we were not qualified to question his judgment. If we didn't follow his advice, we would be endangering the health of our friends and family, Fauci told us. He was on a tirade for about five minutes and swearing like a sailor,” said Stowers, Then Stowers respectfully asked Fauci if he had been vaccinated.


THE COVID SCAM “What kind of question is that? It's none of your business, but no, no, I haven't been vaccinated. And I don't plan to be, at least not for a long time, if at all... If I take the vaccine and get sick, then what? I'm too important here to take that risk. So are you, which is why I'm telling you to wait. But you can be replaced; I am irreplaceable. The administration needs me to lead this response,” Fauci was quoted as saying. Four months later, unexpectedly, Stowers received a termination letter stating that he had violated the Institute's confidentiality clause. The notice bore Fauci's handwritten signature. “I knew that fighting would be futile. I received a six-month severance package and thought that would be enough to hold me over until I found a new job, and I did,” said Stowers. In conclusion, Stowers stated that Fauci never wore a mask inside NIH facilities, only when, in Fauci's words, “strangers, trespassers, and Media” were nearby. That’s how things work in the elite garden. Fauci doesn’t care about the consequences of his action. Like all puppets playing into the hands of their elite masters he is following the agenda. On CNN Fauci is asked why people who have already had Covid are being required to get the jab, even though they are likely to have more immunity than vaccinated people. His response: “That’s a really good point…I don’t really have a firm answer for you on that” That’s how you recognize a puppet!


Do as I say “In 2017, Johns Hopkins published “The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028”, a report about a communications drill for a vaccine that “accidentally” caused spongiform encephalopathy aka ‘Mad Cow’ prion disease.” How bizarre …. ! A third shot! (And then, fourth, fifth, etc. until you die…) I admit I was surprised; I thought they would hesitate; I was wrong again: I underestimated their level of idiocy! Of course, this is only for people over 65! And I am even more astonished! Why? Because I've been digging into their documents to try to understand their motivations and arguments; what do I see? What do I see about the safety of the booster dose for people over 65? Have I read it correctly? The safety was evaluated in 12 people over 65 years old over two months! Since the efficacy of these vaccines has not been proven [as evidenced by the need to inject a 3rd ‘booster’ dose], being sure of the safety is an absolute must! Pfizer has nothing else to offer! I conclude: if a government authorizes the ‘booster’ dose on this ridiculous scientific basis, all the adverse effects recorded could be reproached to them with the complaint “endangering the health of others without any prior precautions”! Totalitarianism happens only because of this extraordinary banality of evil when people refuse to question where the trains go …! The enslavement of man will go through the enslavement to digital. In Klaus Schwab's Agenda 2030, the author does not hide the fact that the countdown has begun. The U.S. Drug Administration refuses to give the green light to the generalization of the third ‘vaccine’ injection because of the



risks of cardiac complications. The FDA refuses but CDC continues … pretty good for enforcing ‘globalism’!

The really important freedoms are those that allow an individual to express his or her wish for society to go one way rather than another, and to challenge prevailing ideas. This does not mean that others will accept these changes, of course, but that it is possible to express them without incurring sanctions or censorship. It is only at this price that a society can evolve and adapt to a changing environment; those that are too rigid or prohibit questioning are doomed sooner or later, as were the Mayan civilizations, the USSR and many others. On the other hand, the freedoms that consist in choosing the color of one's socks, the brand of one's clothes, one's vacation spot, or even a partner of either sex, are certainly useful, but have no real influence on the evolution of society. It is however these latter that are constantly put forward to demonstrate that society is democratic, when it is not at all. Invariably, those in power always try to protect themselves from developments that could cast them into obscurity, by limiting as much as possible the freedom of the people to decide their own fate. This can be done in various ways, the simplest being the prohibition of criticism of the rulers or the ruling party, which implies permanent control of individuals and a very large police force dedicated to this task, this is what is called totalitarianism. The more subtle means of coercion employ the techniques of advertising, the diffusion of images or clips directly targeting the emotions, associating the desired behaviors with good and those that the powers that be wish to eliminate with evil. This is how the resentment of the people is directed against so-called ene198

Do as I say mies who in reality play the role of scapegoats. The current targets are sovereignists, identitarians, and in general all those who care about the unity of their nation. For the rulers, time and time again, simply employ the darkest hours, evoked by those who did not know them! There comes a time when all these methods no longer work, because the situation is so degraded that people no longer want to be indoctrinated and abandon the propaganda that is poured out daily.

They sabotage the economy and spend royally to strangle the citizens fiscally and later save them with the universal income. With the state digital currency, it will be the tool of totalitarian control by excellence. Create the problem and bring the solution. But why do they want to control the world population so badly? Perhaps with the aim of establishing a world government!? In Canada, while a vaccine pass does not guarantee the carrier's viral immunity, the clown Trudeau government has decided to implement a complete closure of the border to unvaccinated people: after November 30, air passengers who have not received two recognized doses will not be able to travel to a Canadian airport. They will also be unable to travel by boat. The next obvious step is to send the unvaccinated to dedicated camps in order to subdue these “strong heads” who, after a short passage through a necessary and healthy re-education, will finally consent in an enlightened and voluntary way to be injected with the two saving doses. 199

THE COVID SCAM Remember that this is all about “following science”, isn't it! Along with Australia, which has happily chosen the toughest containment strategy on the planet after China, including even a little total surveillance based on facial recognition and massive spying that many dictatorial states in the world could not deny, Israel and Canada are not the only countries whose drift towards totalitarian nonsense has gone far beyond what would have been qualified as purely fascist only two years ago. Even Switzerland, which is usually calm, is giving in to the worst liberticidal tendencies: not only is the pass applied there, but there seems to be no strategy (or desire?) to get out of this regime, even though some cantons do not register any Covid patients in intensive care... In Lithuania, it is the same: the presence of a pass means pure and simple segregation, which, in a country that has directly experienced the Soviet yoke, clearly leaves one breathless. Obviously, with the right incentives, all-out propaganda and stigmatization of deviants and other non-conformists, it is possible to get any people to do anything... Fortunately, the situation is completely different in France, where the refractory Gaels don't let themselves be made to do anything. Of course, no one raises their voice about the tax levies that have become automated and real gasworks for companies. It's normal, move along, there's nothing to say. Of course, we see military personnel everywhere every day under the pretext of vigilance, which is normal in a country at peace. Move along. Of course, the vaccination obligation will not concern the policemen who, by the way, travel for free in TGV (Train Grande Vitesse) prob200

Do as I say ably to guarantee that they will continue to work without hesitation for the authorities. Move along, nothing to say. It is true that social (and socialist) pressure is increasingly strong to impose vaccination on everyone, with a new dose of a “safe and effective” product every six months, but no, freedoms are not sliced thin. Move along, nothing to declare! By the way, look, the Senate amendment to a law on compulsory vaccination, aiming at heavily penalizing the refractory ones as from January 2022, was promptly withdrawn after it created a stir among some politicians and some French people still vaguely concerned about their liberties. The attention thus diverted, the rest of the law could be pushed without the media, looking at the usual nonsense, not caring about it. So everything is fine! And then, after having evoked the saturation of the intensive care units, then having counted the admissions in these services, to then count the hospital admissions, then simply the carrier patients, then just the positive cases, then the incidence rate and then simply the number of doses in the population, one awaits with interest the next indicator that will serve to create the indispensable media panic guaranteeing that the next steps of the pass will be correctly implemented. For the time being, we will be content to see a bunch of nonelected non-experts of the “Scientific” Council postpone the eventual abandonment of the segregationist system on more and more fuzzy grounds, under the applause of some French snails too happy to believe in their freedom to present an ausweis at every exit.




Useful Crisis “For the next pandemic, we have a gigantic factory in India....” Bill Gates

Former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm in Canada denounces the fact that the ultimate goal of the agenda is the total control of the population and the establishment of a dictatorial world government. “Beware: freedom is being taken away and everything will eventually be controlled!” he said.

The most vaccinated place on earth is Gibraltar, its population is fully vaccinated, it also just witnessed a 2,500% increase in Covid cases, are you awake yet or are you going to stay asleep? 203


As long as there are people who are “manipulated and manipulable” enough to believe that digital technology and contactless payment are signs of progress and modernism... We will lose our freedom... Let's multiply cash payments, checks... let's turn off our computers, our cell phones, Netflix... video games... Make no mistake: this health crisis is a godsend for the followers of digital surveillance capitalism, who want to facilitate social control by giving each individual a digital identity. By putting our health data on a QR-code, we break the medical secrecy at the same time as we open the way to a total centralization of our data, soon to be financial banking! Pandora's Box of a generalized tracing which has nothing to do with our secular conception of Freedom... we can still make the choice to be a free people!

Gain of Function! We heard of the mechanic of greedy science through a televised battle of words between Senator Jordan and Anthony Fauci. The public realized something fishy with Fauci’s explanations. Why is understanding Gain of Function important? While we should learn that SARS-CoV-2 is Man Made and paid for by U.S taxpayers, France, Canada, England, Germany, etc., we must know the gravity of what is in the store for human kind. Let’s see how it all started! Dr Zhengli and Baric are the ones of the synthetic virus building experts. Professor Ralph Baric is from the University of 204

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North-Carolina, and the greatest coronavirus expert in the world. Together, the two scientists constructed a hybrid virus, the famous chimera. A group of Chinese researchers inserts a protein taken from bats into the SARS virus extracted from rats and a super virus that could strike man emerges. In 2017, the Wuhan team published the sequences of 11 new SARS-type coronaviruses again identified in South China, Yunnan province. Recombining some of these viruses, in another project cofinanced by the American government, the researchers construct 8 different chimeras. Two of them are able to infect human cells. Yet again, the proof that bat coronaviruses are ready to jump without needing to pass from another animal is concluded. In 1999, U.S Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) funds research amplifying the infectious character of Coronaviruses. In May 2000, Ralph Baric successfully uses reverse genetics (cDNA) –Complementary DNA is reverse transcription- to rescue an infectious clone of SARS-CoV Urbani. In April 2002, Cristopher M Curtis, Boyd Young and Ralph Baric file a patent for recombinant (chimeric) DNA means of producing “an infectious, replication defective, coronavirus.” Funded by NIH Grant GM63228. Same year, Dr Shi Zhengli and colleagues increase infectivity by combining an HIV pseudovirus with SARS-CoV-1. In 2003, Dr Ralph Baric and UNC Chapel Hill receives a NIH grant AI23946-08 officially classified as affiliated with NIAID. Baric works on synthetically altering Coronaviridae. In 2006, Researchers combine HCV, HIV-1, SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. 205


In 2007, NSF grant IIS-0513650 (Italy, France and Indiana University) study addresses ‘First Critical Step’ to control a pandemic –Shut down International Travel. Given this knowledge why did Dr Fauci tell Trump a Travel Ban was unnecessary? In 2011, Scientists express Concerns about GoF after Labs in Wisconsin and Netherlands mutated already lethal H5N1Asian Avian Influenza Virus (Bird Flu) increasing infectivity. In 2013, a Middle East Respiratory Virus (MERS) outbreak with 30-40% fatality in Saudi Arabia (2014) and South Korea (2015)! Rhesus macaques show early treatment with interferon and ribavin critical to treatment success. Baric and Chinese scientists isolate 3 coronaviruses from bats with HKU4 spike protein –unable to infect human cells. In 2014, CDC accidentally exposes workers to Anthrax; ships deadly flu virus. NIH finds 50 years old forgotten vials of smallpox. Obama Administration halts Gain-of-Function Research. Then in 2015, Dr Zhengli et al “reengineered HKU4 spike aiming to build its capacity to infect human cells.” To this end, we introduced to single out mutations … mutations in these motifs in coronavirus spikes have demonstrated dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells.” Baric and Zhengli announce they can make a more dangerous, virulent and infectious virus.


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In 2018, Zhengli presents research at Shanghai Jao Tong University on 14 of November, entitled “Studies on Bat Coronavirus and its cross-species infection.” This presentation has since been deleted from the University website. In 2019, Summer deletion of Wuhan Institute of Virology Corona Virus data bank. December 31 Wuhan Municipal Health commission report discussing COVID-19 pneumonia was deleted.

“The chances of dying if you are under 70 and have contracted this virus is 0,05% to 0,07%.” Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on the Laura Ingraham Show! Bhakdi, who warned of an impending “catastrophe” in an interview on Fox News that went viral! He calls for criminal prosecution of those responsible and an immediate halt to this global vaccination experiment. Among other concerns, massive and deadly blood clotting and adverse immune reactions are expected to destroy the human body from within. What damage do mRNA vaccines do to the human body? The damage caused to the human body by mRNA vaccines is explained in terms and analogies for better understanding. Designed and sponsored by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Soros, Schwab and others, that crisis is a god’s send for the New World Order. They have tried many times before, to say the least! What Pfizer just said about their own vaccine is absolutely frightening! “Vaccine study participants become superspreaders of something, they don't say what it is, but it triggers secondary adverse events in people who have never had the vac207


cine when they are exposed to people who have had the vaccine.” Bhakdi resume. In effect, participants in the vaccination program become great propagators of something, which they don't say what it is, but which triggers secondary adverse events in people who have never had the vaccine when exposed to people who have had the vaccine. For eugenics, this is the perfect method to reduce the population by 90% and eradicate humanity. Not to mention the immense inhuman suffering they are exposed to.

Italy ‘mon amour’ …! The media of shame hide this information or try to minimize or disguise it. In Italy, where it is claimed that the vaccination campaign is a success, the Draghi government does not know how to push the citizens to get vaccinated... Everywhere the same mistrust, everywhere the same recalcitrant’s! And while the non-vaccinated are made to look like a minority of idiots or conspiracy theorists, the massive demonstrations that are taking place in the country against vaccination and the health pass, are gaining more and more momentum and show that the minority are the vaccinated. The vaccine passport is used as a means of pressure to make life impossible for the anti-vaxers. The filthy Draghi even demands it so that people can use the transport, go to the restaurant or access the company where they work, showing that not only the vaccination campaign is a failure but above all that the govern-


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ment and the media lie about the figures of the vaccinated, as they lie about the figures of the contaminated. The red line seems to have been crossed because our transalpine neighbors have decided to demonstrate every day and even to blockade the country. The Italians have understood that they are faced with a choice: save their social life or save their life. And among rational people, this choice is quickly made because the number of thrombosis explodes and many suffer side effects that range from paralysis to stroke, myalgia, arthralgia, premature births or menstrual dysfunction. Vaccine-related lethality is greater than Covid-related mortality. Very serious sequelae, including death, disability and life-threatening conditions, more than doubled between May 27 and July 1, 2021 for the Pfizer vaccine alone. The Italians are like us, they have understood that the objective of their criminal government is not to fight a supposed virus but rather what obsesses the political class of the NATO countries: overpopulation. And they have no desire to go to the slaughterhouse of their own free will.

In Java (political center of Indonesia), people are relentlessly in the streets to depose the president, “dear” Joko Widodo, for corruption, and that they will not give in as long as he remains in power. The health passport has been completely rejected there and they want the borders to be reopened. In Brazil, the court suspends the requirement of a vaccination passport in the city of Rio. In the decision, Judge Paulo Rangel states that the passport is a “sanitary dictatorship” and then makes an analogy with slavery. “If in the past there was the branding with iron and fire of slaves and cattle, today it is the vaccination book that sepa-



rates society. Time passes, but the abusive, illegal and backward practices are the same.” How surprising !

In Poland, the Constitutional Court, the country's highest legal authority, ruled that some of the European treaties are incompatible with the Polish Constitution, thus affirming the primacy of Polish law over European law. Sweden, Denmark and Finland suspend the Moderna vaccine for those under 30. In Sweden, this decision is motivated by a risk of heart inflammation in young people. However, the Swedish health authority underlines that this side effect is ‘very rare’. Finland suspended the use of Moderna's COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine in men under the age of 30 on October 2021. It is based on preliminary data, suggesting that it may be linked to a slight increased risk of heart inflammation in this population. And meanwhile in France...The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) unanimously declared on October 7 ‘inadmissible’ the application against the Vaccine passport, filed by a law professor, Guillaume Zambrano, and the 18,000 ‘standard applications’ that accompanied it. The applications are inadmissible because of “the nonexhaustion of domestic remedies and the abusive nature of this approach aimed at causing a bottleneck, congestion, flooding of the services of the ECHR.” The ECHR specifies that the laws at issue do not provide for any general obligation to be vaccinated and mentions 3 possibilities: 210

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- The result of a virological screening examination, - Proof of vaccination status or - A certificate of recovery from an infection. On August 25, the ECHR also rejected the request of 672 firemen against the vaccination obligation in France.

Once the health hysteria has subsided, the climate hysteria will be able to resume, at an unprecedented level. Google is already working on it, the media too: the little music of the “environmental pass” is slowly being put in place. Rejoice: the next dictatorship, in addition to being sanitary, will be resolutely green, and you will have voted for it. It's simple: just “follow the science” and everything will be fine, right? However, as the weeks and months go by since the beginning of the pandemic, it becomes difficult to see who is “following the science”, and not to see who chooses instead to follow a political agenda that is more and more liberticidal, authoritarian or even downright dictatorial. Thus, the “Vaccine pass”, “Sanitary pass”, etc. declined in different versions with names each more imaginative than the other, continues its extension in the most industrialized countries, even though its justification has completely evaporated as it was proven that the vaccines, whose injection these passes intend to demonstrate, did not allow in any way to stop the contaminations. The reality is implacable. Vaccinated people transmit the virus just as much as unvaccinated people, who are therefore, in an equivalent epidemic situation, put at risk by the use of this pass: 211


the latter are indeed tested regularly, whereas the wriggling pass holders are not and can therefore generously distribute their miasmas without anyone stopping them. It is this same reality that leads to the mediocre efficiency (two months) of vaccines which, despite a first shot and a booster, now require a third injection to the point of invalidating after six months, as in Israel, the passes of millions of individuals who have had only two injections. We can feel a solid subscription coming on, with, after 10 passes, attractive discounts on intravenous anti-coagulants (whose sales are doing well, thank you). Moreover, these vaccines, probably too safe and too effective, are progressively and very discreetly withdrawn from some countries (Iceland, Ontario, Sweden, Finland, Denmark ...). A passing fad, no doubt! And despite this reality, the pass craze continues, stronger and stronger, further and further away.

Little by little, the sanitary assessments disappear, as well as any debate on the factual information on the more and more debatable efficiency of all the measures deployed until now against the corona virus. Little by little, the excuses that were used to track down the populations, to close the borders, to prevent them from circulating or working as they please, and the debates on these excuses disappear as well. The only thing we talk about, vaguely, is the new, less and less gentle coercion that is being put in place “for your own good”. All this can only end well, of course. 212

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Mea Culpa In Canada, the Judge Adam Germain, the judge who sentenced Pastor Artur Pawlowski for refusing to close his church during the lockdown, has just published his decision from yesterday in writing. In the decision, he sentenced the Christian pastor to a bizarre form of censorship. It's actually worse than censorship, its forced speech: every time Pastor Artur speaks in public about the pandemic, government blockades, or forced vaccines, he must then immediately repudiate his own views and express the official government opinion. Whenever the pastor speaks, in his church or elsewhere in public, he is legally obligated to say the following words, “I am also aware that the opinions I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be those of the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts support social distancing, masking and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program, except for a valid religious or medical reason, you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been statistically proven to save lives and reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.” (As written by Justice Adam Germain). Basically, as the Chinese did under Mao (and still do today), as in the good old days of communism when people had to recant and do their mea culpa in public, the judge forces the defendant to read something that is the opposite of his own words and opinions. This is Canada. This is Alberta.



Resistance from Russia? Meanwhile in Russia; Vladimir Putin: “In Russia, the situation with the corona virus is stabilizing; the restrictions imposed in connection with the pandemic can be gradually lifted. In general, the epidemiological situation in the country is gradually stabilizing. This morning I listened to the reports: we already have the number of cured people higher than the number of sick people. The number of infected people is decreasing, it is less than 20 per thousand. This makes it possible to carefully remove the restrictions imposed.” Currently in most regions of the Russian Federation there are already very few restrictions since last summer, compared to Western countries: All services and businesses are working (bars and restaurants must in many regions close at 23 hours ... in theory. In practice, many only close at dawn...). The only limitations are the (also very theoretical) obligation to wear a mask in transport and stores, and the 50% occupancy limit in cinemas, museums etc. In addition, most of the population does not follow the stupid instructions: the mask is rarely worn, or under the chin. As for the “social distances”... The significance of Vladimir Putin's statement is in fact very political: it shows the globalist clan in Russia, led by the mayor of Moscow who wants to strengthen measures to align with Western countries that their game is over. In August, it was already Vladimir Putin who ordered the mayor of Moscow to lift the quarantine (The mayor had received a phone call in the middle of a meeting to prepare the announcement of the continuation of the quarantine and had already started sending SMS messages to inform the population. According to a witness, the mayor said 214

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nothing for 2 to 3 minutes and at the end of the communication declared that the quarantine was lifted). Last week, the president ordered the mayor of Moscow to stop the “distance” education program that he had introduced in October for a large number of students. Today, President Putin is declaring, on a national level, that things have gone on long enough. If there is certainly an electoral justification for this decision, by the fall in popularity of the mayor of Moscow to 80% of dissatisfied which translates into the fall in popularity of Putin with a huge 40% of dissatisfied, it seems clear, while the Western countries compete in paranoia to know who will lock up their population the most harshly and for the longest time, that Vladimir Putin is putting Russia outside the globalist plan. One should also recall the new measures that Russia has written into its Constitution (for example, marriage = Man plus Woman exclusively, the reaffirmation of faith in God, the predominance of Russian laws over international laws, etc.) which clearly show the path chosen, the antipodes of the globalist project of society. The electoral hold-up carried out by Biden and his accomplices in the United States will rapidly drag Western Europe into a forced globalization. Macron pledged his allegiance to Biden during their first telephone conversation. Russia will then assert itself as a sovereign oasis in a crazy world. It is to avoid this that the globalists are forcing the attempts of uprising fomented by the “5th column"” led by Navalny and some oligarchs. But, as Konstantin Sergeyevich said here: “Russia has the human, financial and military means to make its way regardless of the reactions of the globalists.” In the same article, Konstantin Sergeevich wrote: “If we do not react quickly, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the worst is already planned”. Vladimir 215


Putin's statement on the end of the covid madness shows that there is a reaction, which should be followed by others in the coming weeks or months.

The mask of the failure of the international financial system is on. The small elite that is using the man-made crisis for a jump into to unknown through political suicide has been reinforced by the global financial crisis of 2008, where we have seen systemic weaknesses bring rich countries to the brink of bankruptcy. They are determined to go towards this new world order which is nothing but to hide the ruin of that system. The collapses of the interwar and Bretton Woods’s monetary regimes with FIAT money have been understood as evidence that international monetary regimes fail when sudden economic shocks destabilize governments and parties. Governments are afraid of the collapse of the first world and the loss of their own perks if the system crashes. So, they will go to any way to protect their assets. Even if it means impoverishing their citizens with “the great rest”! Wikipedia: “Too big to fail” (TBTF) is a theory in banking and finance that asserts that certain corporations, particularly financial institutions, are so large and so interconnected that their failure would be disastrous to the greater economic system, and that they therefore must be supported by governments when they face potential failure. The colloquial term "too big to fail" was popularized by U.S. Congressman Stewart McKinney in a 1984 Congressional hearing, discussing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's intervention with Continental Illinois. The term


Useful Crisis

had previously been used occasionally in the press, and similar thinking had motivated earlier bank bailouts.


My humble opinion!

The late comedian George Carlin offered his unfunny take on the globalists in his: How the Elite Control the World: “They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.... They want obedient workers; people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to accept pretty much all of these increasingly crappy jobs with the lowest wages, longest hours, reduced benefits, no more overtime, and the pension that disappears as soon as you go to collect it.” By now, everyone should understand that governments are the main problem of the people, they are their main enemy! In a democracy, governments are elected by the people to serve the people, which, meanwhile, turn out to be far from the case.


My humble opinion!

Top-down power usually begins to fail in the most spectacular way, as we can see almost daily. What is amazing about these inter-elite parties is the masking of the small staff. What can justify this muzzling of the lower staff except as a symbol of humiliation and social domination? The motivation for our bottom-up consensual power increases. The only unlimited resource we have on the planet is the human brain. Of all the vaccines I've had in my life...whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, smallpox, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis. I've never seen so much washy-ness about a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and maintain a social distance even when fully vaccinated. I've never heard of a vaccine that would make it so that I could still contract or spread the virus even when fully vaccinated, I've never been bribed by institutions to take the vaccine to win a car and/or cash prizes. I have never been judged if I did not take it. I have never been discriminated against for travel or other regular services. The vaccines I listed above have never told me or made me feel like a bad person for not taking them! I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between a family member and/or close friend. I have never seen it used for political gain. I have never seen a mix and match concern where it was mentioned that it was ok to do it one day and then overnight not to do it.... I have never seen a vaccine threaten livelihood, work, 219


school, etc. I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12 year old to replace parental consent. Finally, after all the vaccines I've listed above, I've never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society like this. Sometimes, one must understand the legitimacy of any government action. It is worrisome that we have a population unable to think for itself. It is more perturbing to realize the low IQ of a large portion of the world. This is a powerful vaccine. It does all of those things I mentioned and yet it doesn't do what every other vaccine I've ever received previously was designed to do (and succeeded, I might add) which is to... fight the Covid.

The Director of Research of the CNRS in France launches the alarm: “Vaccination is more dangerous than the disease”, he said ... in an interview with ‘France Soir’. In other words, vaccination is a vehicle for another plan. How is it possible that I am not surprised? In six months, we have gone from the vax ending the pandemic to –you can still get the covid even when vaccinated to – you can pass Covid onto others even completely vaccinated to – you can still die of Covid even fully vaccinated to the – unvaccinated are killing the vaccinated ! Propagandists on TV have no shame. Those minions are playing their roles as puppets of their Grand Masters; Big Pharma, Big Medias and Big powerful men for the Great Reset.


My humble opinion!

Meanwhile, in England, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), a government agency based in the United Kingdom, has released new data showing that “fully vaccinated” English adults under age 60 are now dying twice as fast as their unvaccinated counterparts. On his Sub stack, Alex Berenson posted a graph showing the difference between the two groups. While deaths of unvaccinated people are decreasing over time, deaths of fully vaccinated people are increasing: The original ONS data set makes this clear to anyone willing to look at it honestly - because we all know the mainstream media will never report on it. “I checked the underlying data set myself and this graph is correct,” Berenson writes. “Vaccinated people under the age of 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And the total number of deaths in Britain is much higher than normal.” “I don't know how to explain this other than vaccine-induced mortality,” he added. Step by step reason and facts come out: In a real pandemic, sick people are treated and cared for; healthy people are not hunted down or oppressed! “The chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency said that Covid was possibly no more dangerous than flu.”( “Covid may no longer be the most 'significant' threat to health”, Dr Jenny Harries says. We have caused distress, destroyed lives, finished off old people, ruined the economy for a disease no more dangerous than the flu? So freedoms have gone up in smoke and digital identity has been launched by chance? Just a delusional puff? 221


UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres denounces the use of covid as a pretext to curtail fundamental freedoms and silence independent media! What a surprise! Anyone with a bit of intelligence could have said that over a year ago. The moronic attitude of a passive population is enough to take humanity toward slavery.

Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd. Bertrand Russell Vaccine opponents remain! Experts say there is no single reason for the slowdown in vaccinations, as vaccine supply is not currently an issue in the United States or Europe! While young people may not feel a pressing need to be vaccinated, others are still refusing vaccines because of concerns about the long-term safety of rapidly developed vaccines. This is despite health agencies and experts supporting Covid-19 vaccines as ‘incredibly effective.’ As vaccination progresses, those who refuse the vaccine are likely to become more visible, one epidemiologist told CNBC. “My sense is that this is a combination of all the evidence - given that acceptance of the vaccine has improved everywhere compared to opinion poll expectations in the early days (remember some of the dire predictions from the U.S. and France), we may now be left with the residual ‘refusers’ who, because of their age 222

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group and beliefs, may be among the hardcore objectors,” Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London, told CNBC. There is a wide divergence in the rates of acceptance and hesitation of the coronavirus vaccine in the United States and Europe. Vaccine uptake has traditionally been high in the United Kingdom and Spain, a factor that has facilitated Covid vaccination programs, while France has experienced much more widespread vaccine hesitancy. Vaccination rates differ considerably across Europe today, with Eastern and Southern European countries, Russia, and its neighbors all lagging behind their Western European counterparts. Vaccine hesitancy remains highest in Russia and the U.S., according to the latest vaccine tracking survey from Morning Consult, which conducts more than 75,000 weekly interviews in 15 countries on the Covid vaccine rollout. The latest data, based on surveys conducted between Aug. 17 and Aug. 23 (and with 45,604 interviews conducted in America) showed that Russia and the United States still have the highest rates of opposition to the vaccine among all countries surveyed. Some 31% of Russians said they were unwilling to get the Covid-19 vaccine (and an additional 16% were unsure if they would receive it) and 18% of Americans surveyed did not want to get the vaccine, with an additional 10% unsure. Meanwhile, millions of people in other countries do not have a choice about whether to receive a Covid-19 vaccine. Although 40.3% of the world's population has received at least one dose of 223


a Covid-19 vaccine, only 1.8% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose, according to Our World in Data.

Lessons from the past are useless. And the people “end up finding a shameful relief in the peace of despotism.” Because we are afraid to die, we spend our lives dying of fear. How can the unvaccinated possibly pose a threat to the vaccinated? How does that work? What is the risk exactly? Biden didn’t tell us, nor Trudeau or Macron. They don’t know. No one does. In fact, there is no answer. It’s at this point that you realize that none of this talking about public health is really about public health. The game of these pseudo-elites is lost, so I am optimistic, but that doesn't mean we should do nothing and just wait. We just need to avoid fear and violence. Prepare for the winter of 20222023 which I foresee as very difficult. I have written all this so that you understand that even if it was necessary to risk ten million deaths to avoid this transhumanist era, it would be worth risking them. I am personally neither really anti-mask nor pro-mask, I am only against mandatory masking for the reasons I will now explain. The ‘pro-maskers’ and more precisely those who are for the obligation to wear a mask greatly underestimate the fact that masking is a prelude to vaccination, which is itself a prelude to digital identification and then to the human tracing that will nat224

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urally follow, before leading us in a very short time to the transhumanist era, introduced by the real-time analysis of all our gestures, acts, movements and encounters by programs. But this perspective is in my eyes much more serious than any atomic bomb or world war. Let me explain. First, it is easy to understand that the cessation of the wearing of the mask could be conditioned to the control of the vaccination, so I will not dwell on that. Secondly, a restaurant owner is not going to ask you to show him your vaccination card to enter his restaurant, etc.: you will simply pass by objects (terminals) that will identify you and let you enter freely in a public place if your vaccination card is up to date. The real danger will come from the fact that it will not be accepted that you cannot carry on you the object that identifies you, whether it is your papers or a connectable object (mobile, smart card...). It will also not be accepted that if you are wearing one, this object is not yours, i.e. that you have ‘borrowed’ it from someone else. It will therefore have to be intimately linked to your body, either by the recognition of a biometric signature, or by wearing a chip under your skin or a microchip inside your body. This second method is much more reliable and practical than the first. Moreover, it will easily replace your entire wallet and purse, stored on a Cloud. Cash will have disappeared, wherever 5G is available to make exchanges much more convenient and controllable. As you will have understood, the control of vaccination is the biggest ally of the big bankers. It will take one to a few years, not more, and then the virus will disappear, because everything will be folded.



Thanks to the technology that will surround us in the form of 5G waves and connected objects, we will be identified 24 hours a day by simple triangulation and we will also be located with a precision that is, let's say, 100 to 1000 times greater than that of the GPS in your cell phone: enough to allow a program to identify exactly what you are doing and with whom. Everyone will be led to be suspicious of everyone else and to try to find decoys as soon as their behavior needs to be out of the ordinary. The right not to be traced will be a luxury reserved for a sufficiently rich elite. There would be a book to do on this, a kind of book of horrors. Far more horrific than Orwell’s 1984. Films like ‘Black Mirror’ have tried to depict some of the scary situations that await us in this era. The reality is likely to be much worse when we already see, in awe, the emergence of bioethics laws that would allow the creation of half-human, half-animal monsters. After all, nothing could be more logical in a transhumanist future - the future built by the multi-secular educational thought that we would be biological machines. Coming back to tracking, beware of incompetent amalgams: the cell phone monitored by the CIA is an instrument of total freedom compared to what awaits us. Of course, there will be laws prohibiting certain uses of information concerning our gestures, our actions, our movements and encounters, but these laws will not prevent the programs from functioning. I let you guess the perspectives, which would be too long to develop. The most serious thing in all this is that the human being will lose his soul.


My humble opinion!

In a word, the human will be finished. However, I have already indicated that we are no longer heading towards this mess and that we must interpret the current appalling political and media propaganda, worthy of a western North Korea that would like to take its entire population towards this era (often described as a new world order), as a state of panic of an old future that is disappearing from our perspectives. Remember that there are no plots, only an old future that resists by drawing us towards it. Understand that there are no elites acting in favor of the messenger and who would be endowed with a free will. These ‘elites’, poor me, only serve as relays for the energies of the transhuman future that we have created ourselves in the past.

Digital Euro Project. With the digital euro project, people will be easy to control. What is the objective of this measure? One may ask … The objective is to break the independence of people, to put them in a position where they can no longer escape state control. It is a totalitarian project that is underway. The health pass is the first step in this system. Make no mistake about it… This is no longer an administration, it is a REGIME…


THE COVID SCAM “He was one of those men who have nothing vibrant or elastic, who are composed of inert molecules, who resonate at the shock of any idea, at the contact of any feeling, who have icy angers, dull hatreds, emotionless outbursts, who catch fire without heating up, whose caloric capacity is nil, and who often seem to be made of wood; they flare up at one end and are cold at the other. The main line, the diagonal line of this man's character, was tenacity. He was proud to be tenacious, and compared himself to Napoleon. This is just an optical illusion. There are many people who are fooled by it and who, at a certain distance, take tenacity for willpower, and a candle for a star. So when this man had once adjusted what he called his will to something absurd, he went headlong and through the entire thicket to the end of the absurd thing. Stubbornness without intelligence is stupidity welded to the end of stupidity and serving as an extension. This goes far. In general, when a private or public catastrophe has fallen upon us, if we examine, from the rubble that lies on the ground, how it was built, we almost always find that it was blindly constructed by a mediocre and obstinate man who had faith in himself and who admired himself. There are many of these stubborn little fatalities in the world who believe themselves to be providences.” Victor Hugo, 1834.

“Covid deaths” & mortality The survival rate of “Covid” is greater than 99%. There was NO unusual excess mortality. The number of “Covid deaths” is artificially inflated. The vast majority of Covid deaths have serious comorbidities. The average age of “Covid death” is higher than the average life expectancy. Covid mortality accurately reflects 228

My humble opinion!

the natural mortality curve. The massive increase is the result in “illegal” DNR orders! Lockouts Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease. Lockdowns kill people. Hospitals have never been abnormally overcrowded. Pcr testing PCR tests were not designed to diagnose disease. PCR tests have always been inaccurate and unreliable. Ct (cycle threshold) values for PCR tests are too high. PCR tests accepted by the World Health Organization have produced false positives. The scientific basis of Covid tests is questionable. Truth and honesty are coming out of the woodwork, all around us. Unfortunately, the sheep continue to believe their government's lies and publicly say that enlightened truth seekers are doomsayers and depressing problem hunters. To clarify, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a German microbiologist, warns “they are killing people with these COVID vaccines” to reduce the world population. In an exclusive interview, the world-renowned German-Thai microbiologist warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and deception, as the COVID ‘vaccines’ are intended to cause a global catastrophe and a brutal decimation of the human population. He explains that the PCR test has been misused to create fear in an unscientific manner. But again, according to further research, these tests do the same harm as the Covid vaccines. There is no question that we have not been told the truth about Covid, PCR testing, vaccines, masks, social distancing, confinement and mortality. 229


In fact, the only thing we can be 100% sure of is that governments, public health officials, and the media have lied persistently and relentlessly on virtually every issue over the past year and a half. Lying and deception have become the official strategy of many states. Reports have surfaced in recent days that people who chose not to receive the experimental COVID-19 vaccines but were exposed to those who did, have suffered what appear to be toxicities from those fully ‘vaccinated’ individuals. Primarily affecting women who reported menstrual difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriage and reduced breast milk. These vaccines are not legal vaccines. The word ‘vaccine’ refers only to a synthetic immune stimulation. To detect the virus, all you need is a saliva or urine sample. Therefore, any PCR test is irrelevant. Furthermore, any use of the PCR test is contrary to the Nuremberg Codex and constitutes a crime against humanity.

Asymptomatic infection The majority of Covid infections are “asymptomatic”. There is very little evidence to support the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmission”. Ventilators Ventilation is NOT a treatment for respiratory viruses. Ventilators have killed people. Masks


My humble opinion!

Masks do not work. Masks are bad for your health. Masks are bad for the planet. Vaccines Covid “vaccines” are totally unheard of. Vaccines do not confer immunity and do not prevent transmission. The vaccines have been precipitated and have unknown long-term effects. Vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal immunity from harm. Deception and foreknowledge The EU was preparing “vaccine passports” at least a YEAR before the pandemic began. A “training exercise” predicted the pandemic only weeks before it began. Since the beginning of 2020, the flu has “disappeared”. The financial elite made a fortune during the pandemic.

Vaccine was never brought in for the Covid. Covid was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, it all makes sense. Please ask yourself, “Why is the USA requiring vaccination for all with an outdated vax, when many have already been infected, recovered, developed natural immunity?” Stop. Think. Why the censorship? Why the mandates? Why the constant propaganda push? As with the previous confinement and curfew measures, they once again baffled any mind with basic logic: a pass for the trains, but not the subway, a pass for the restaurant, but not the cafeteria, a pass for the fire department, but not the police, a pass for the theater, but not the National Assembly... A slew of measures so incoherent that the health motives assigned to them by the government, catechized by elements of language and anxiety-provoking commercials, quickly appeared suspect. 231


In reality, these vexatious measures constitute an emotional blackmail limiting the possibilities of leisure and obtruding the social life. Depriving entire sections of the population of fundamental freedoms, these sometimes humiliating measures are felt by many as a form of social downgrading. Moreover, some mayors use all the possibilities left by the law to exercise a stronger coercion, by making access to a village festival or an open-air flea market conditional on the presentation of a health pass, whereas the wearing of a mask is already compulsory and the incidence rate (number of people tested positive over the last 7 days out of 100,000 inhabitants in France) is sometimes lower than 50. Why is the majority blind and does not realize that we are witnessing the establishment of a system of obedience? It couldn't be clearer. The Covid-19 is there for the vaccine. The vaccine is there for the passport. The passport is there for the control. Since its introduction, the Vaccine passport has been an instrument of social pressure, to encourage hesitant and resistant people to be vaccinated. The impossibility of establishing an obligation to vaccinate for a vaccine in the test phase (conditional MA issued for the Moderna vaccine, which remains in clinical trials until October 2022, and for the Pfizer vaccine until May 2023, because long-term data on their efficacy and safety are not available) has led the authorities to imagine blackmail leading to a breach of the social contract that is unthinkable in a peaceful democracy, whose citizens are educated and responsible. The US and most advanced countries in the world are well on their way to combining the worst traits of George Orwell’s 1984 with those of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World!


My humble opinion!

The Vaccine Passport (health pass) is the first social credit experiment in the democratic world! China is extending its social credit system internationally and in France it is Thales that is at the heart of the Vaccine passport. Without officially revealing it, France is following the Chinese model. The health pass is only the beginning allowing the implementation of the social credit in France. It is by going to the blog of the company Thalès that we understand the overall coherence of this first stage of surveillance capitalism called the health pass. Thalès intends to offer a global solution for digital identity, and shows us with a kind of naivety how this project will be implemented. But why does the Great Reset really need the Vaccine passport to be implemented? This question, whose growing importance has been felt for several weeks, and which has become the hinge for explaining public policies, has given rise to much speculation. The Vaccine passport is not an end in itself. It is a beginning, a precedent, an appetizer... The Vaccine passport is therefore a “precursor”! The anticipation of a generalized system where identity will no longer be established by an “autonomous” official document like an ID card, but by a digital “wallet” stored on a cloud and an application whose archiving will escape the user. In other words, we have to get used to changing the way we establish our identity. Little by little, it will be marginalized, with no possibility of opposing it... In France, for example, we are used to the “permis à points” for driving. Run a red light, you will lose four points (if you are caught). Be good for more than 233


six months, or pay for a training course, and you will get points back. The use of the Vaccine passport is becoming more widespread around the world. This is the first step in a project of globalist state control. Big business loves big government. They are hand in hand. And big for big, the big issue with natural immunity is that nobody gets rich. Large world companies are naturally neo-leftists and monopolistic. They want to govern the world and they are attracted to globalists who are not shy of stating that totalitarianism is in the making. Israel is showing the way; the head of the fight against the coronavirus calls for the obligation of a fourth dose of vaccine if the Israelis want to keep their Vaccine passport every 6 months. A fifth dose is coming! Dr. Robert Malone: “The truth that no one wants to hear is that our young children are going to die in droves...There are going to be deaths galore! And it starts as early as 3 years old!” Israel allows vaccination for children aged 5 to 11. Authorities had started vaccinating teens between 12 and 17, but decided to lower to 5 years. After the United States, Israel gave the green light, Sunday, November 14, to the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 with doses of the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer-BioNtech to face the pandemic. Subsidized scientists (most are!) go with the flow eager to build a reputation and/or make money! These scientists dream like their Nazi predecessors of being able to do everything. They have passed the law on genetic manipulation and chimeras (throughs ignorance and cowardice of legislators). The human 234

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body is a reservoir of organs. The human being is not important. China sells organs of Uyghur Muslims to the Gulf States. Everything is possible. It conducts experiments of all kinds. Science can kill, experiment, make sub-humans tomorrow, and try to make super-humans. They want it with all their might. And transgenders are only the beginning of this promotion of human transformation at any cost, in any direction. Western humanity must be dehumanized. What the laboratories transformation!






Tomorrow the biggest business will be the business of selftransformation. It started modestly with cosmetic surgery and it extends today in transsexuality. By the way, and it is almost forbidden to say it, a person who changes sex in appearance does not change sex on the genetic and hormonal level. It becomes a patient for life undergoing permanent and painful hormonal treatments to remain what it is not genetically. The sex chromosome exists with XX for women and XY for men. This person, a victim of propaganda, is a lifelong client of hormonal products. Good for business! Children are now victims of this same propaganda and organized harassment to doubt their sexuality. They become clients of violent surgery and lifelong treatment. Many are accompanied by psychiatric care. They drift to suicide. It doesn't matter. Business is business. And these populations are sterile, unfit for reproduction mainly in the western world. This means the era of compulsory gene therapy It is the inversion of the most elementary values. The healthy have no right to live in peace. He is a threat. He must be treated 235


for his well being in order to fight against potential diseases by therapies that are supposed to protect him. We put our finger in a fatal spiral, that of fear management. It justifies a prevention of diseases where the transformation of the human would be one of the conditions of its survival. And no one has the right to escape this grip. It aims at therapeutic dependence for life. Exponential business and increasing biological dependence, like opioids. We are already witnessing the weakening of natural immune defenses. Logically, we must destroy them to increase the vulnerability of populations to mass therapies. We are there today. They are going to get rich by progressively destroying populations. What China gains in this crazy adventure one might ask? China has already won the ‘economic weakening’ of all Western nations. They have sacrificed pharaonic sums in this disease. It has also won the collapse of democracies. The Vaccine passport is social control in motion. It has gained even more by fracturing our societies in depth: breaking the principles of equality and solidarity, inhumanity of treatments including the refusal of care. It has given rise to sadistic, perfidious and humiliating attitudes. Let us think of the harassment of civil servants to submit to the vaccination obligation in spite of all the values written in numerous international agreements. These agreements drew lessons from the misguidedness of Nazism. China also triumphs by imposing its values, its social organization through the infantilizing authoritarianism of certain Western states. It also imposes its distant customs: greetings, not shaking hands or kissing, which is repugnant to Orientals. This is the creeping sinicization of our daily behavior. It finally triumphs by threatening the human health of Western populations. Genetic therapies are uncertain, already deadly and we know nothing about the future. I am worried like many independent scientists 236

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that one day when the western world is no more we should accept our servitude. Besides, how is it that China has adopted a traditional Pasteurian vaccine, but not in the West? This is why we can no longer submit. There is nothing healthy about the Vaccine passport. It is a political instrument that reveals the deep motivations of our leaders. Can we let democracy be weakened by using false medical pretexts?

Live all you can; it's a mistake not to. It doesn't so much matter what you do in particular, so long as you have your life. If you haven't had that what have you had? Henry James

What has happened is unprecedented in every respect. The first lessons are worrying and tell us that nothing can be taken for granted when it comes to freedom. The western world is lost. It will have been enough for a final crisis for the globalization of the world to emerge. Decline and decadence have never been as visible as since the beginning of the 21st century. In France, in Aubusson in the Limousin, a small village whose citizens believed for a long time that the State would protect them, the population is now transformed in less than a quarter of a century. Half of the citizens appear to be of non-European origin. Halal everywhere and Turkish coffee mixed with sub-Saharan Africa are now visible to all. An ambiguous silence by the people of Aubusson shows their reckless votes under the presidency of Mitterrand... The denial now is representative of this small community. The decline and the submission to the government are always fatal. The French de237


serve their disappearance. Canadians will never have had the chance to be important to the world. Their diversity makes them incapable of having a homogeneous culture. Their disappearance is also programmed under the influence of conquering Islam. The United States pretends to still be a great nation but its time is up. Trump was only a parenthesis in the decline and submission to bureaucracy and neo-Marxism. The influence of Islam is slowly emerging. Since Clinton, Bush and Obama, the United States is now a nation ready to submit to the New World Order of Davos and others. Before you succumb once again to the blackmail of the shoot, I will have to make you understand.... the magic of ‘covidism!’ When your precious Vaccine passport, thanks to which you hope to regain your freedom, to find again the small joys of “the life before” transformed into a monetary pass… When the power of 100% digital technology locks you into a society of total control, where all your everyday activities are governed by access rights conditioned by the validity of your pass and its countless future injections... Then you shall think! Soon even your money will no longer belong to you because its access can be forbidden with the disconcerting ease of a mouse click. Mass vaccination was never intended to heal the population but to shackle it in a dictatorship assisted by digital power. Resist, I implore you. The future of humanity is at stake. Of course, I will continue to write pamphlets and essays, but I must admit that we are at the beginning of the end. We will be slaves to the state swamp for a very long time. We wanted it! We elected them!


My humble opinion!

It was in 1956 that the German Jewish philosopher Günther Anders wrote this prescient reflection: “In order to stifle any revolt in advance, one must above all not go about it in a violent manner. Archaic methods like those of Hitler are clearly outdated. It is enough to create a collective conditioning so powerful that the very idea of revolt will no longer even occur to people. The ideal would be to format individuals from birth by limiting their innate biological aptitudes... Then, we would continue the conditioning by drastically reducing the level & quality of education, to reduce it to a form of professional insertion. An uneducated individual has only a limited horizon of thought and the more his thought is limited to material, mediocre concerns, the less he can revolt. It is necessary to make sure that access to knowledge becomes more and more difficult and elitist..... that the gap between the people and science widens, that the information intended for the general public is anesthetized of any content with subversive character. Especially not philosophy! Here again, we must use persuasion and not direct violence: we will massively broadcast, via television, mind-numbing entertainment, always flattering the emotional, the instinctive. We will occupy the minds with what is futile and playful. It is good to prevent the mind from questioning, thinking and reflecting with incessant chatter and music. Sexuality will be put in the first place of human interests. As a social anesthetic, there is nothing better. In general, one will make sure to banish the seriousness of the existence, to turn in derision all that has a high value, to maintain a constant apology of the lightness; so that the euphoria of publicity, of consumption become the standard of the human happiness and the model of freedom. 239


The conditioning will thus produce such an integration of itself, that the only fear (which it will be necessary to maintain) will be that of being excluded from the system and thus of not being able to reach the material conditions necessary to happiness. Mass man, thus produced, must be treated as what he is: a product, a calf, and he must be monitored as a herd must be. Everything that allows putting to sleep his lucidity, his critical spirit, is socially good, everything that would risk awakening it must be fought, ridiculed, suffocated... Any doctrine questioning the system must first be designated as subversive and terrorist and those who support it must then be treated as such.” Günther Anders -The Obsolescence of Man- 1956

Be brave. Find the right balance. These are essential Stoic virtues, but in their seriousness they pale in comparison to what the Stoics revered most: Doing what is right. There is no Stoic virtue more important than justice, for it influences all the others. Marcus Aurelius himself said that justice is “the source of all other virtues.” Throughout history, Stoics have pushed and advocated for justice, often at great risk to themselves and with great courage, in order to accomplish great things and defend the people and ideas they loved.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.