‘n Gedig in gekonstrueerde Proto-Nostraties geskryf deur die groot Nostratikus Vladislav Markovich Illich-Svitych:
Language is a ford through the river of time It leads us to the dwelling of those gone ahead But he does not arrive there Who is afraid of deep water Illich-Svitych's spelling:
K̥elHä wet̥ei ʕaK̥un kähla k̥aλai palhʌ-k̥ʌ na wetä śa da ʔa-k̥ʌ ʔeja ʔälä ja-k̥o pele t̥uba wete International Phonetic Alphabet
/KʼelHæ wetʼei ʕaKʼun kæhla/ /kʼat͡ɬai palhVkʼV na wetæ/ /ɕa da ʔakʼV ʔeja ʔælæ/ /jakʼo pele tʼuba wete/
Tongue time-of water-of path/ford gone-of dwelling-to us lead(s) he but there-to come(s) no(t) which-who fear(s) deep water