working towards incorporating temperature segregation requirements into their specifications including Washington, Oklahoma, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia [26].
Table 3: Specification recommendations for LaDOTD [48]. Temperature Differential (TD) from Target Laydown Temp (°F) 0 to 50
50 to 75
Actions •
No action required
Require contractor to reduce TD to below 50°F
Require operation to stop if TD is not reduced
Measure field densities in affected area
Quality assurance cores may be taken from concerned area
Above 75
Require contractor to reduce TD to below 50°F
Require operation to stop if TD is not reduced
Quality assurance cores may be taken from concerned area
Require contractors to remove affected area if density fails What is needed for PA implementation? In this report, the newest PMTP also known as Pave IR technology, Pave IR ScanTM, is considered for implementation in Pennsylvania. This set up is the least invasive, simplest, and most up to date technology. When implementing this technology in a new state, DOTs often began with webinars and construction demonstration projects to teach about the new technology, how it can improve operations, and how to interpret the results [62]. This allows the DOTs and their respective contractors to see the technology in action and have a professional explain and answer any questions. At this point, the DOT can determine if they want to implement the technology in their state. The entire set up costs $30,000 - $35,000 with the bulk of the cost coming from the 36