MIK // KOR kari újság // 2022

Page 57


Onur Isbiter: “I want to stay and work in Hungary.” Onur starts with a calm handshake and a big smile on his face. He is a graduate engineer student of PTE Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. He starts to talk about himself without a question. Where are you from? I am from Turkey, west part of Turkey. Why did you choose Hungary? Why Hungary? Before I came here, my two friends were already studying here. After my high school, I also wanted to study in Europe. So, Europe was the first point. Yeah, my first point was Europe. But as my two friends were already here, they told me a lot about Pécs, about the university and the city as well. I didn’t speak any English (his English is perfect for now), so they told me first I should make an English course here. And this is the reason why I am here. What is your major, and why did you choose it? My major is Civil Engineering. The reason why I choose this major is that my father is a constructor, I would like to have a good carrier with my father. Back in Turkey? Yeah. But after I have seen Europe, after I have seen life standard, I have changed my idea. I would like to work in Europe. Do you plan to stay here? Yes, I want to stay and work in Hungary. Now I am a bachelor student, also I would like to have my master’s degree on the University of Pécs. I am not sure about PhD yet, but if I have an opportunity to work after my master, probably I will choose that. We are turning away a little from professional themes. Onur mentions, that he can

speak Hungarian. So, I must ask about his favorite Hungarian sentences/expressions are. His eyes bright up, and he replies immediately: „Drágám!” „Szívem!”. Now my suspicion is confirmed that he had a Hungarian girlfriend, that is why he needed to study to communicate in our language, because otherwise he couldn’t be keep in touch with her family. Besides that, he is doing kick box professionally, so he also was motivated to study Hungarian because of his training companion. We are talking a bit about how motivational love can be to study a foreign language, but I am still interested in a few things, so I keep on asking him. What do you do if you don’t sport? Pécs is a good and lovely city, but it is not so busy, it is quite little. That is a good thing, as you can focus more on your studies. We do a lot of things with my friends, we like hiking, or just hanging around in the city. Do you take part in any professional programs? He laughs. – Yes, the English program I mentioned before, I also took part in a dancing program, I studied German, Hungarian. And I also do yoga. I think about professional programs that are connected to your major. Yes, we usually visit companies and factories with my professor. I love it. If I have a choice, I always take part in these. Your friends also study here? I have a lot of friends, not only from this faculty, and I also have Hungarian friends.

What is the most memorable thing that you faced here? Respect. I think it is a very nice thing, and Hungarians are really good in it. I am a little doubt about it, but he tells me a story that happened in Hungary. In the first, the electricity was gone in a store where he was doing his shopping. He was the third in the queue. When the cash registers started to work again, the person who was behind him before, automatically left him back to his place in the queue. His other experience happened in a hospital. During boxing he injured, but in this Hungarian hospital everybody was so kind and treated him so professional. Even the doctors and the other patients as well. Onur was touched by this behavior, because as he says, in Turkey the people are more local patriots. Here, in Hungary they don’t care about the type of your skin, or the place you are from. They don’t mind if you don’t speak fluently in Hungarian. Not these are the things that matter. He organizes his time in a good way, he says that he also learned it here. If he needs to study, he is focusing on it a hundred percent. If the school is not so busy, he is dealing with his hobbies more. He is purposeful, but still very cool and informal. It was really good to talk with someone, who has such nice ideas and expressions about Hungarian people. Onur gives a glimpse why is an international student like our city, what he gets from UPFC, and how is it absolutely possible, that someone has such good professional perspective, that he would like to stay and work in Hungary.



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Articles inside


pages 58-60

Onur Isbiter: “I want to stay and work in Hungary.”

page 57

Barbara Szalma: “My diploma can be used anywhere in Europe.“

page 56

Onur Isbiter: „Magyarországon szeretnék elhelyezkedni”

page 55

Barbara Szalma: „A PTE-s diploma világszínvonalúnak számít”

page 54

Elindult a MIK Alumni honlap

page 53

Pécsi építészképzés a wuhani HBUT Arts and Design Schoolban

page 52

Denveri anzix: „Az amerikai diákok jóval tudatosabbak, mint a magyarok”

pages 50-51

Kari infrastruktúra-fejlesztések

pages 42-45

PTE MIK HÖK beszámoló 2022

pages 46-49

Szakmai együttműködés a Terrán és a Pécsi Tudományegyetem között

page 41

Újabb együttműködésekkel erősítette a partneri kapcsolatait a MIK

page 40

Ahol mérnökök fejlesztik a jövő orvostechnikai eszközeit

pages 38-39


pages 35-37

Regdon Marianna, a „Gépész Anyu”

page 34

A tanítás számomra sokszor flowélményt jelent”

pages 22-23

„A jó munkahelyi légkör, a szabad gondolkodás és a változatosság, ami a karon tart”

pages 24-25

Kukai Annamária, aki „a TO-n mindent tud”

pages 31-33

Dékáni Hivatal: fontos fogaskerekek a kari gépezetben

pages 29-30

Az idei Tüke-díjasok a pécsi mérnökképzés szolgálatában

page 19

Kossuth-díjat kapott prof. dr. Zoboki Gábor építész, a PTE MIK tanára

page 18

VR, Cleantech, okos megoldások – sokakat vonzott az idei Pollack Expo

page 17

Újabb ipari együttműködésekkel erősíti a gyakorlati oktatást a PTE Műszaki és Informatikai Kara

page 12

Épületgépész szakon gépészmérnök mesteroklevelet csak a PTE MIK-en lehet szerezni hazánkban

pages 13-14

Egyedüli magyarként állított ki a Wuhan Design Week-en a PTE MIK Építész Intézete

pages 8-9

Mikrokampusz a kampuszon

page 15

MIK PARTNERS’ Az 50 éves pécsi mérnökképzés a múlt értékeire építi a jövőt

pages 6-7

Jövőbe mutató építészeti szemléletével mutatkozott be a Dubai Expon a PTE Műszaki és Informatikai Kara

pages 10-11

Dékáni beköszönő

page 5

A hulladékból előállított tüzelőanyag jobb hasznosítására dolgozott ki módszert a PTE MIK

page 16
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